Fitness: Heavy 5
Work up to a heavy set of 5. This should be about 5-15lbs heavier than last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 (1 week)
Fitness: 75%x5x2
(75% of last week’s working weight)
Performance: 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Post loads to comments.
DL e6/6, Press Deload
For Time:
Run 400m
Then, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Kettlebell Swing
Push Up
then, Run 400m
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to Coaches Jeremy and Margie On Their Engagement!
CFSBK is very proud to be hosting the 3rd LGBT NYC CF WOD!
- Sunday, June 9th, 3-4pm
- Followed by post-WOD socializing at Die Koelner Bierhalle
- To RSVP, please go to the Facebook event page. If you don’t have Facebook, you can also RSVP by posting a comment to this page!
- This is also the weekend of Brooklyn Pride, so be sure to check out the other festivities, including the Brooklyn Pride LGBT 5K Run
In honor of LGBT Pride month, the WOD will be:
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
6 Squat Cleans 135/95
28 Double Unders
6 Shoulder To Overheads 135/95
9 Burpees
The weight can be scaled to anything that is appropropriate for you and we will provide a double under modification if your doubles are a work in progress.
Who should come to the LGBT WOD?
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer crossfitters. You do not have to be a member of CFSBK — all are welcome!
- Allies – people who may not be LGBTQ, but want to have fun with friends (and working out at 3pm means you can stay out later on Saturday night!)
- People with an appreciation (or high tolerance) for Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Madonna, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and 80s-90s pop jams
Why Do We Drive On The Right?
Congrats Margie and Jeremy!! I can vision the cake topper already…
Congrats Margie and Jeremy – awesome news! Rock it!
Congrats Jeremy and Margie!
7am w/Nick & McDowell
Wasn't planning in coming in, but then I saw deadlift a and rushed out of my apt. to make it to class in time…leaving my keys behind.
125 deadlift
41 press @ 75%
WOD: 9:53
Holy crap! Congrats Margie and Jeremy!
Congrats to Margie and Jeremy! Very exciting.
Also- I will be at the STONEWALL work out – could not figure out how to RSVP on Facebook. Sorry if I missed something super obvious (per usual).
Strength! Congrats to Jeremy and Margie!
Deadlifts at 8am. Not my hour…
Congrats, J and Margasaurus!
Woohoo Jeremy and Margie! I vote for a drunken powerlifting meet at the wedding reception. (Okay, not really.)
Deadlifts 170×5, 190×3, 215×7. Very happy with this rep out — it's telling me that although the weather is terrible, I'm thinking that Murph, not the heat/humidity, is what caused the hot mess of my bench press rep out on Friday.
Press 32×5, 42×5 (supposed to be 40, but too lazy to do math), 48×5.
WOD 10:47, which I know is slow but I did all the pushups strict, so I'm okay with that. Thanks JJ for asking me "are you going to use a 20kg or 24kg KB?" beforehand. Because I was TOTALLY going to use a 16 and I couldn't NOT do 20 after that. 🙂
Jeremy liked it, and he put a ring on it. Congrats, you two.
Congrats to Jeremy and Margie!!
Congrats Jeremy and Margie!! Awesome news!
Congrats Jeremy & Margie, may Brodin bless your union!
Congratulations Jeremy & Margie! Excited for you both.
Congrats Jeremy and Margie!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Deadlifts: 285×5, 325×3, 360×4. Still feeling a little sore from this weekend and I don't like pushing the deadlift rep-outs. Press: 75×5, 95×5, 115×5. Light weight. Felt good to focus on form. Metcon w/ 32kg kettlebell: 8:10. Calves are a bit tight today.
Saturday's Spartan Race was brutal and awesome. Much of the terrain was so steep, narrow and rocky that we were reduced to walking. The obstacles varied from easy (6' wall), to challenging (~10' angled wall slick with mud) to downright grueling (~100m crawl through mud underneath barbed wire). Great fun to do this as a team and loved hanging out with familiar faces and getting to know some new ones. Next time I'd recommend going for an earlier starting time: the heat at 11am-1pm cooked me something awful.
Hurray Jeremy and Margie! Congrats and and much love to you.
HUZZAH! The best news Jeremy and Margie! I'm looking forward to your meat gift registry! xo
This gym is the best. Thank you for supporting the LGBT community. This means a lot!
Jeremy and Margie – seriously how strong is that family going to be!! @corbett best reply!
First Spartan race accomplished this weekend. Proud to have finished but a serious bench marking how much farther I have to go in metcon fitness. A huge thanks to especially coach Josh as well as Jess B, D. Fung and Mirko – I don't think I would have gotten up thy mountain the 4th 5th and ESP. 6th time without you encouragement.
Back to my good buddy strength cycle for a bit. Perfect way to start the day on the platform. Starting #135 squat, 45 press and 145 dead lift – looking forward to seeking that jump up!
Congrats Jeremy & Margie!!! Awesome news!
I'm back at work in my continued dazed and confused state since the Spartan Race with my bruises carefully cloaked in somewhat unseasonable clothing. I think at this point I would still prefer laying down to standing or sitting-upright.
Although my future Spartan career is questionable, I had some wonderful muddy good times with everyone on Saturday. Special thanks to my teammates Matt, Tom & Lady Fox for helping me over tall things, can't wait to see our pic of the four of us jumping over the fire holding hands (not really, but in spirit we were holding hands). I raise a 1/2 inch glass of chocolate zico to you all!
Congratulations Margie & Jeremy! Wishing you a lifetime of grassfed meat and chocolate.
Congrats again Jeremy and Margie! So awesome seeing how happy you guys were last night! Also last night: 3 rounds of Kelly with Kmo. OOF. That wod hurt my feelings.
7am with McDowell and Nick. Deads: 190×3. Couldn't hit the last two without losing my back. I'm fine with this, this is definitely my ceiling. Looking forward to Wendler for next cycle.
Deload press: 48x5x2
WOD: 11:28 with 20kg and knee push ups. Special thanks to Stella and Rebecca who were very prepared to stop their workout in the middle of the first run and help me back to the gym when I slipped and rolled my ankle on the turn, and McDowell for coming out to make sure I was OK. (Don't worry, I am fine. Slippery sidewalks can't hold me down.)
Deadlifts at 6am w/Nick and McDowell
This is 6 weeks of training.
Maybe next round I can make a play for the leaderboard
Press, I'm feeling weak but i'll muddle through:
165x5x3 (deload)
woohoo congrats! Jeremy and Margie.
Congrats To Margie and Jeremy.
Wonder if there will be enough strong people at the wedding to make sure the Hora goes on without a hitch… 😉
Actually I want to see 4 people lifting J who is holding Margie up by himself (while she is seated in a chair)
!!!Congrats Jeremy and Margie!!!
Congrats J and M. I would have told you in person yesterday had I known.
The K Star seminar was great. I got a lot out of it, he's the man.
Stayed around for open gym and finished up my Deadlift and Press Wendler cycles:
DL: 135×5, 185×5, 225×3. 240×5, 275×3. 305×8. Slow and steady.
Press: 45X8, 95X5, 125X5, 145X3, 165×5 (PR).
Long sweaty day.
7am with McDowell and Nick:
Deadlift: 1 x 5 @ 250 lbs.
Press: 2 x 5 @ 95 lbs.
1st time doing a heavy deadlift in a couple months. Felt heavy. Apparently I was straightening my legs first then my back.
with a 32 kg kettlebell I got 8:42, including 5 "penalty" swings that NIck gave me for not setting the kettlebell down nicely…
wh-wh-wh-whoa there!!!!!!
Hot DAYUM! congratulations!!!! Must have been a pretty good trip to Spain!!!!!
me lo paso muy bien, or what!! Nice!!
Very happy to see! great news!
Ah! Great news!! Congratulations Margie & Jeremy : )
yeah congrats Margie and Jeremy!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you two!
Congrats Jeremy and Margie!
Huge congrats to Jeremy and Margie!!!! If I looked at the blog before class I would have known to have said it in person.
Hot sweaty mess at the noon class.
Hit 235 for 6 I think I had 2 more in me but needed some for the Wod.
Press 70 3×5
8:43 with 24
Got thrown off a couple of times as I lost focus. No ripped a few as well.
Hot mess.
Psyched to hear agent orange on the PA. It was like I was back in high school busting kick flips.
Ahhhh congrats, Jeremy and Margie!!!!!
Big, beastly congrats to Margie & Jeremy!
About F'in time! I remember being very forward and asking Margie at some point before she left if they were planning on getting hitched. She blushed and was like "Whoa, slow down there!" Congrats to you both, you enhance each other's awesomeness!
That should be the new strength program slogan: "Enhancing Awesome, below paralel"
Congrats Margie and Jeremy!
Another brief apartment plug: looking for a roommate! $1400 for master bedroom/bathroom in parlor floor of brownstone at 6th and Union in Park Slope. Hardwood floors, working fireplace, exposed brick, private shady green lovely patio! Only a few blocks to CFSBK… Hit me up! lvs3h(at)
Whooo! Congrats Jeremy and Margie!!!
Power clean+Clean+Jerk
Clean Pull+Clean+3second pause front squat+jerk
175x5x2, 180×5
WOD 10:03w/32kg
YAY HOORAY!! Congrats Margie and Jeremy!
Deadlifts: 225×5, 255×3, 275×5
Rehab Presses: 65 x10 x3
Accessory WOD @20kb. Forgot to look at my time!
Congrats Jeremy and Margie! Great picture!
6:30 with David and Melissa
Press at 50# 2×5 felt good
Deadlift first exposure did 135×5. Had a bunch of time did 145 quit after 2 didn't like the feeling
Wod 10:02 with 16kg
It wasn't as bad as I'd expected. I loved getting no repped. Dream come true.
Aw, yay, Margie and Jeremy! Good job.
530pm. It was hot. Margie is super rad and makes me happy whenever I see her. That is all.
6:30 with DO and Melo
135×5 185×3 225×5 255×3 285×5
Couldn't pull 1 at 285 last week so I reset to the same weight. Happy to be back on track this week.
Deload press, uneventful.
WOD in 7:59 with 24kg KB. All unbroken. This was a fun one. No place to hide!