Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from your last exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week) or 70%x3x3
Post loads to comments.
Squat e6/12
The Odd Mile
Run 1 mile (3 laps) with an odd object external load carried anyhow. Choices include sandbags. medballs, slam balls, bumpers, weight vests, etc..
Post time and implement to comments.
Judges test the pull-up bar at the 2009 North East Regional Qualifier
Athletes on the 2013 Pull-Up Bar Rig
- There is no Active Recovery Today since David is in Boston for the 2013 Regionals
LGBT WOD Announced!
The LGBT workout has been announced:
6 Squat Cleans 135/95
28 Double Unders
6 Shoulder To Overheads 135/95
9 Burpees
As always, the weight and double under scale can be rx’d. To learn more about Stonewall, click here.
LGBT NYC CF is a growing network of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Crossfitters in NYC. We come together to workout and to promote greater visibility of LGBT people in the Crossfit community.
- Sunday, June 9th, 3-4pm
- Followed by post-WOD socializing at Die Koelner Bierhalle
- To RSVP, please go to the Facebook event page If you don’t have facebook, you can also RSVP by posting a comment to event page!
The CrossFit North East Regional Page
michele ma belle says
is there AR today ? says
Mig– there is no AR today.
Just got to catch up on the blog from yesterday. Mel– that was amazing. And hilarious…
Open Gym Friday:
Bench (intensity day): 215x2x3
Press (wendler 3-day): 135×6
Clean: 165x3x3
Got to hang with Margie… Good times and good workout. says
Love the rep scheme for the LGBT WOD. says
Ah, OK, now I understand that rep scheme…but it's kinda mean to make people put the bar down between the squat cleans and the shoulder to overheads!
~JT says
Thank you David for hosting the LGBT WOD. Thank you for your support to the community. It means a lot. says
For the last three days, I've been leaving comments here, not noticing they were going up under Noor's name. Sorry about that. (I think Crystal caught me on the squat numbers on Wednesday).
John Hack-= says
Last night's open gym was my own private murph day. I used the green band for pullups & finished in 58:17. I can't believe how hard the 2nd mile run was. Ridiculous. Have fun next week. says
Regionals has so far been a huge serving of awesomeness, along with a side of anxiousness. These are all some impressive humans but even at this level the disparity from best to worst is obvious. I keep thinking of Kelly calling them meat robots.
Holy shit Murph next week…
Todd says
12 class with McDowell and Josh
Front Squats 45×5 95×4 135×3 185×3 205x3x3
Odd mile in 9:38 w/ 77# sandbag. Man that was tough. Interesting to have to think about so many things at once (move your legs and feet properly/safely, keep your spine upright to support the load, adjust your arms/hands so as not to get sore, keep moving) while basically just running. Cool exercise in focus. says
Squats partnered with Everett (many thanks for watching!):
262.5 x3 x5
This is a PR for reps across. for me and represents the third quantifiable strength gain this cycle: I squatted 255 for 10 and 260 for 9 as repout improvements and then this as an improvement over my previous sets across mark.
Lifting has been rough for me for the past few weeks. My injured left shoulder leaves me feeling not 100% in many movements; my diet has not been optimal; I fell off the booze wagon; sleep is still a problem; and so on. So getting some gains in squatting has been a huge relief.
Also, doing 'just' sets across feels way less stressful than the third set repouts I've been doing for a while. says
Recovery Squats 205x3x3. Played around with pointing my toes out more than normal.
Odd mile with 77# sandbag @ 10:30.
Also, got my first muscle-up today! says
Congratulations Doug! says
120# 3×5 – finally getting strength back post-boot.
Wasn't ready for the odd mile run yet, so Melissa gave me an alternative that was awesome!
2k row, stopping every 200m to carry the Jerry Cans back and forth the length of the gym.