Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from last weeks Squats! If your bar speed is starting to creep to a hault or you miss any reps ask a coach to watch your set or advise on possibly resetting your numbers.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
Add 5-10 lbs to your Training Max, based on how many reps you got on the rep outs.
For instance if you hit 14+ on the 5 week, 10+ on the 3 week, and 7+ on the 1 week you might make a 10 lb jump. Smaller if less.
Post loads to comments.
Squat e5/12
15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time Of:
Dumbbell Burpee Hang Power Clean Burpees
20 AbMat Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Calaveras
Photo by Jen S
CFSBK Calaveras go 4 and 1
On a windy Mondaynight, the CrossFit South Brooklyn Calaveras improved their league record to 4-1. They continued their three-game win streak by beating “The F-Train Flyers” with a score of 5-3. Jumpstarted by clutch hitting, the Calaveras took extra bases when they could and turned those extra bases into runs with key hits from Chris Fox, Ben Whitney, and Noble Nolan. A mammoth home run from Scott Jackson gave SBK the insurance it needed late in the game.On defense, SBK flashed the leather. DH3 made a diving catch and threw out two runners attempting to take extra bases. The infield, captained by McDowell, was solid. Jen Stopka got her first action of the season pinch-hitting for Inka Hodes. Asked after the game why the team was experiencing success early on Coach Mohrhauser replied: “It’s simple. We bring it in, eat tacos, and practice.” SBK plays again next Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:15pm. All are welcome to come spectate.
Check Out the Bioethics Journal Danae works on!
The International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) is a biannual scholarly journal that provides a new forum within bioethics for feminist thought and debate. IJFAB aims to demonstrate clearly the necessity and distinctive contributions of feminist scholarship to bioethics.
In April IJFAB officially launched the IJFAB Blog. This new venue will provide an important space for conversation and commentary on issues in bioethics, women’s health, and global justice.
Angela’s New Hand, Take Six Practice CrossFit
Nichols & May classic “Mother and Son” skit
The Story Of Frozen Foods
Why Does The Earth Have Deserts?
Anyone interested in Dining room table and 4 chairs? Looking to sell this:
6am with McDowell. Squats: 200×5, 230×5, 260×10. Hip flexor is slowly getting better, but still an irritant, so I stuck with the same weights as the last wendler cycle. Hit the same number on the rep out, but felt I had 1 or 2 more in the tank. Didn't feel the need to push it today.
Metcon with 45# DBs: 8:35. DB burpee hang power cleans devolved into DB burpee bicep curls near the end.
Very interesting article about eye active recovery a few days back. Indeed I often apply a similar concept while working at a computer. the thinking goes that many more people actually wear "eye orthotics" in metropolitan areas because seeing long distances is thwarted by buildings. thus weakening the muscles in our eyes to focus on things far away and eventually causing many people to wear glasses.
looking at a computer screen for much of the day contributes to this. So by taking a few seconds every couple of minutes to focus on a far corner of the room or something else off in the distance, we can prevent the degeneration of the intrinsic muscles in our eyes that help to focus on things far away.
Has anyone else come across any scientific articles supporting this?
Morning lifting session
Front squats:
45×10, 135×5, 175×5, 205×5, 230×12
45×10, 65×10, 95×10
Front squats are up 1 rep and 5 lbs from last week.
Squat – 195×5 225×5 257.5×12
Had a rep or two left in the tank
Metcon – 6:47 at 45# cleans got a little tough in the latter rounds but I actually thought it was going to be worse than it was, which might be a first.
Noon class with McDowell.
BSQ 120x3x5
ermagerd… after I got over the 115 hump last week, I am now cruising… 120 felt good.. didn't really get stuck and I'm right on track to make my goal of 130 for this cycle. Hitting a "pr" every week which feels awesome and consistency really is key.
wod in 9:20, knee burpees, #20 dbs
cruised through the first 15 reps of db and 20 reps of situps.. but right around rep 6 out of the 12 dbs.. holy crap… major wall. my arms hurt.
6am withMcDowell. LBBSQT with the two Robs. I ended up 2.5 lbs more than I had planned but it went ok. Hit a milestone by solidly squatting BW for a 3×5.
WOD. I felt a bit slow on the cleans trying to keep the push-ups clean and as perfect as possible (in prep for Murph).
Also: If anyone is looking for a fun event tonight in support if a worthy local cause (ending homelessness) the fundraiser and silent auction is tonight at the Green building union and bond (there will be drinks). The auction includes some nice items, art work, trip to Rome, autographed Nets stuff. Email me if you need further details rgreenspan (at) me (dot) com.
Noon class with McDangFunny
Felt the best that a rep out has felt yet. 2 more than last 5 week (275). Legs were springy and speed was good. Racked since I was losing bar position a bit and got tired. Thanks, Michael R, for counting.
WOD (Abs and Arms!)
8:21 with 45#
Crushed a Bandeja Paisa platter afterwards. So good. Anxious about not getting my lifts in this weekend. Off to Regionals to judge tomorrow!
noon class was such a blast! lifting is easier when there's a Peanut Gallery around.
And McDowell did some exemplary demo-ing of the dumbell hang clean burpee squat snatch jumping jack pullup scissor jump. Beautiful stuff.
6am with McDowell – squat with two Robs. On the fitness program: I ended up squatting a bit more (2.5 lbs) than I had planned, but was super thrilled because I reached a milestone of a sort. I decisively squatted over my BW. (previously I had reached my morning-BW, but still hadn't hit the evening, post-dinner weight). I was real slow on one of the last reps, but then nailed the very last one.
WOD was rough – 11:51. But I tried to make every pushup as clean and perfect as possible (in preparation for the Mem Day Murph).
As a side note: if anyone is looking for something fun tonight, the gala event/fundraiser for Brooklyn Community Housing & Services is being held a few blocks from CFSBK at the Green Building. The event supports a local group with a big mission (ending homelessness in Brooklyn) and there's a silent auction (trip to Rome, Nets stuff, art work) and drinks and John Wesley Harding. if you need more information you can go to the website at or
or just email me at rgreenspan (at) me (dot) com.
Let it be known that the Banana Thief WILL BE CAUGHT!!! (You know who you are!)
220 (felt really good
231 (felt even better)
242F (Felt really heavy)
242 (F-k ya)
Clean and Jerk
275 (Serious pain in my shoulder/Lat area. I plan on loading up on Advil for Sunday)
315 3×3
Squat repout @260 lbs – 9 reps.
I think I had the 10th but my back was getting sore and tired as I was waiting too long between reps to catch my breath. When I went down for the 10th, I just collapsed at the bottom and couldn' t stand back up. Anyway.
Noor= Samir?
125x5x3. I realized the squat itself was easy enough. It is my self doubt that is the problem. I'm ready for 130 on Saturday!
Wod 15# db 8:45 sit ups were the hardest. It felt like I was coming up in two parts to finish it. Need to work core strength.
Then 3x around the gym and really didn't want to stop. I love exercise. I gotta problem.
Jake, there's always bananas in the banana stand!
6:30 Squats:
45×5 135×5 185×5 215×5 240×10
Matched my rep out number for the first 5 week, cool.
WOD with Mike:
35# in 9:12, kept a decent pace, just ran out of steam on the last 2 sets of situps, lots of slooooow reps. Man those dumbbells felt heavy coming off the floor towards the end.
Dear Coaches: I'm really sorry I made a big fuss about the music this evening during the 6:30 class. Maybe we just need to find a nice compromise Pandora station that plays both AC/DC and Rhianna? 😉
Tiny class for a 7:30. McDowell, Noah, and Arturo running the show.
Wendler 5-week redux.
[45×5, 115×4] 175×5, 205×5, 235×15
Five more reps than first time around; I think my legs must have been shot from soccer practice the first time around. Added 10 pounds to my training max.
WOD in 12:22 at 40lbs. A bit too heavy to keep moving the way I think I was supposed to. Nevertheless happy to have tried 40% of my BW. DB HPC might be my least favorite movement.
830 w McD
Lbbsq. 170×5. 195×5. 222×11
Wod 11:31 at 35#
45×5, 95×5, 125×3)
185×15 for my repout!
-I know I had at least 2 more in me but I just got winded. This is by far the best that my squats have felt. EVER. It was the most magical feeling and it gives me the hope of a 275 squat.
9:05 with 25#db's.