Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from your last exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1 (1 week) or 70%x3x3
Post loads to comments.
Squat e5/12
For Time:
20 Thrusters 115/75
20 KB Swings 53/35
20 Burpees
20 Calories Rowed
270m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Chiropractic and ART Body Work
Got some issues with your tissues? Sore shoulder? Funky Hip? Come see Dr. Jason Fidler on Saturday and Friday nights at CFSBK to get an assesment and some body work done on yourself. To learn more about these services and Dr. Fidler’s background, click here
Snooze Button Time Traveler Sets Coordinates For 5 Minutes Into The Future
I'm now working with insurance companies as well. Let me know if you'd like me to check your benefits.
Recovery Squat
Felt really good and light.
WOD Rx'd
I broke the thrusters at 17 to give my grip a short break (shouldn't have, didn't need to) and was slow on the burpees. Fun WOD. I really enjoy short chippers like this.
Skipped Wednesday's squats to give my back a rest, did them today: 235×7 rep out with at least one left. Thanks Fox and DO for the advice on form…
Still worried about my back, I went light on the WOD but it was fine: 65lb thrusters and 20kg kb swings. Did everything unbroken, now wish I had gone 75 and 24.
Did this one after open gym last night after some snatching and benching. Really liked it. 5:45.
Didn't get to comment on yesterday's murph-planning bandwagon – this will be my first time doing Murph in about two years. I was out of town watching regionals last year, so I missed out. I'm going to try it in the vest for the first time. Probably as 20 rounds of Cindy.
Then I'm going to grill (and eat) as much meat as humanly possible.
11AM class with Josh and McDowell
Recovery squats with Carlos
45×5 95×4 135×3 185×3 220x3x3
WOD with Noah B, RX'ed…wow that was harder than I expected. My left shoulder was doing something weird at the top of the warmup thrusters at 95, then it happened again at rep 19 during the workout so I bailed the bar and left it at that. Swings and row felt easy, burpees and run were slow. 6:51. My teeth hurt.
10am with McDowell and Josh.
Recovery squats with Matt and Anton.
[45×5, 135×4, 185×3] 210x3x3. Last set felt the best, when I committed to my breath and knee position.
Shared a bar with Matt for the WOD. Thrusters at 105, broken 14/6; 24kg KB. Finished in 6:18. Runs are still feeling sluggish, but it could be because I tried to push it hard on the row. 105 was the perfect scale for two sets–115 would definitely have taken three.
Squats 250x5x3
WOD 6:03 Rx'd
First squats in two weeks so I just picked a mediumish weight and did sets across.
Paused in the thrusters twice but never bailed, swings and burpees easy peasy, rowing took forever as usual.
SPECIAL REQUEST: a workshop (possible multi-part, dunno) rowing mechanics workshop w/ Coach Nick. I got short legs and all but I feel like I could some how be doing better with it all the same.
oh i'd sign up for a workshop with coach nick! i try SO HARD when i'm rowing because i hate it SO MUCH that i cant wait to get off, but i'm pretty sure i'm doing it SO WRONG.
really fun back squattin with JB this morning. barely squeaking up one or two pounds each class at this point but at least the needle's still moving.
12pm class
Squat: 200×5, 225×3, 250×7
WOD: 6:49 with 95# thrusters. Thrusters were unbroken, but the last five were hard so it felt like a good weight. I hate thrusters. Fun WOD with Chris, thanks for the encouragement!
Hey – if I can't make it to Murph day, can I just do it one day this week instead of the normal program? I'm gonna make to find a way to scale the pull-ups, but think I can otherwise get through it.
I third the rowing class. I'm never convinced I'm doing it right and would love the chance to focus on form. I think I like rowing, which definitely makes me think i'm doing it wrong!
+1 for rowing clinic!
Squat repout: 257.5 – 10 reps. I got the hang of the breathing on this one, I think.
Accessory WOD @125lb front squats (went unbroken, so I probably could have gone another 10 pounds more) 20 kg bell. Finished in 7:20 or so. Burpees were SLOW.
Rowing clinic? Yes please!!!! Though I probably need at least 117 personal rowing clinics to be able to row in even a semi-respectable fashion.
Glad I made it to class before AR this morning. Trying to get back into the swing of this cycle after having been away. I like recovery squats. Thanks Stopka and Stella for motivation during the work out. I was feeling low energy today.
6:36 – 65# thrusters unbroken – this was the hardest movement for me. 16kg KB swings unbroken – felt light compared to thrusters. 20 burpees unbroken. Erg pulls were slow and weak. Able to book it at the end of the run, which felt great outside.
Good luck to everyone lifting in the total tomorrow!
Squats with Samir- dude was an animal on his rep out.
255- 3×3, felt ok, not great.
WOD- 4:34 RX – legs were like jello on that run. Had a tension headache in the back of my head post wod- always a great way to start off a Saturday. Love that sheeeeeet!
YES – i'm all about a rowing workshop!! I have super short legs also, and feel I just row and row but don't get anywhere! DO, tips about form today at the end of the WOD were super helpful but i know it can ise alot of work. Count me in!!
Picked up a couch today to find out that it doesn't fit in our apartment. If anyone is interested please email me or call at 610-698-9315. Its a black 3 piece sectional that measures 113 inch x 113 inch. Good condition no stains rips or smells. We spent $300 getting it here from Philly, and would just like to recoup the expenses if possible. If anyone is interested tonight we still have the truck for delivery.
9am with Ariel, aka Worst Math Wondertwins, and did a 3×3 skipping the "fun" part afterwards and headed home.
ATTENTION: If anyone wants my Spartan spot please hit me up at Doctors orders, not allowed. Fucking stupid anemia has raised its asshole head again. Yeah I'm mad. First one gets it, I can't remember what I paid but will find the e-receipt.
@Ryan F: Weren't you lifting 257.5 like me?
I'd like to sincerely apologize for anyone who witnessed my last rep on my bench press repout this morning. It redefined ugly, I was almost full sideways by the time it locked out.
That said I was stoked to hit 7 at 230, and the recovery squats felt good and the WOD was a blast- I love love chippers.
Bree- your post cracked me up "I like rowing so I must be doing something wrong." Priceless.
125x3x5 woohoo!
I also really liked today's WOD.