Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your third 3×5 Squat for the cycle. Do the math and see where you’ll end up at the end of the cycle based on the jumps you make. If you’re brand spaking new you might tolerate a 10lb jump for the first few exposures then shift to 5lb jumps. Leave room to grow you little strength flower.
Performance: 5/3/1 (3 week)
Post loads to comments.
Squat e3/12
3 Rounds of:
In 1:00 complete 15 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
In 1:00 complete 15 Burpees
In 1:00 complete 30 Double Unders
Scale so that you finish the work in each round by about the :45 mark. Perform a penalty 500m Row if you don’t complete all the work for any set within 1:00.
Uzef and The Supple Leopard Book
Meat CSA Pick-Up Today!
Please do NOT take your bag without speaking to Michele and checking your name off the master list. Last pickup, someone arrived before 6 and took the wrong bag. Don’t be that person!
Supple Leopard Books In
A while back we asked folks if they’d like to reserve advance copies of Kelly Starrett’s first book, “Becoming A Supple Leopard” which were selling at half of their current retail price. If you preordered you should have already received an email recently saying that your book is in house. Please pick up a copy at the Front Desk so we can get you your book. There are also extra copies that we’ll be selling to folks who didn’t get in on the pre-order but would like one anyway. The book is $30 through us ($60 retail) and can be paid by card or cash. (If you pre-orderd, you have not paid yet).
Check out Kenji’s Upcoming Event
You may know that my background is in advertising but am currently working in social entrepreneurship as founder of Passport Project. The purpose of Passport Project is to inspire young people, starting with Americans, to get passports, travel, and participate in global culture.
Where & When
How To Sign up
Epic Break Dancing Battle
Great Gymnastics Stunt
Human Powered Ferris Wheel
Huge Rope Swing
Another good workout last night. Texas Method Intensity day:
Squat: 335×3
Best ID squat set this cycle. Solid and tight throughout. I should have taken a 4th rep for a PR but just simply forgot. Very happy with the set– really a lot better than 330, 325, 315 and even 305. Hitting my stride now.
Deadlift: 355×5
Also good and better than previous two workouts. I was so concerned about keeping my back that I forgot about "bar drags along shins," but bar path seemed OK.
I'm not sure which made me more dizzy– the ferris wheel or the huge rope swing. Gah!
Squat – 200×3, 230×3, 260×10 Pushed it a little more than last week where I got 10 as well at 245 but felt like I had 3-4 more reps in me at least. This week it was more like 1 good one.
Metcon – felt good throughout. DUs were all unbroken and I was finished with everything but the last set of burpees by the 30" mark
Make Up Post from Yesterday:
BSQ 110×5, 110×5, 115×5 – YES I realize "linear progression" means "the same weight across" but due to a clerical error, I accidentally did 115. Not complaining, will be doing it on Saturday for my linear.
WOD: I am half guessing at these numbers. Was kind of a blur.
1st Round: 15 db cleans, 13 burpees, 12 double unders
2nd Round: 15 db cleans, 11 burpees, 11 double unders
3rd Round: 15 db cleans, 12 burpees, 10 double unders
p.s. @MGMT I left a pair of moto boots and a black/white pair of headphones (skull candy I think?) in the coat room yesterday. If you would kindly keep those safe for me, I will pick them up tomrrow when I come in for evening class. Because it wouldn't be a week at Crossfit without Shaye leaving her crap at the gym.
mgmt- does the gym own fat calipers?
Thanks for the adorable Felix pic on yesterday's post. Thanks also for the nice comments. Not to be outdone by her big brother, Ramona Louise was born last night. I know some folks have been keeping tabs. Everyone is happy and healthy!
Yo Josi and Yoshi, well done! Congratulations.
CONGRATULATIONS, Family Stone! Maybe all she needed was to know her big brother made front page on the blog. 🙂
JJ, i have some i can loan you.
Dumb Wendler question: If you make both squat exposures in the week, is your second set 70% of the heaviest set you did previously, 70% of your Wendler max, or 70% of your 1RM?
Oh Yoshi! So happy to hear about bebe Ramona!! Congratulations to all of you, Felix will be the best big brother. Glad that I ran into you two last week for hugs! Sending more now. xo
Stone family Baby PR!!!! Congratulations!!!
Stella, 70% of your true 1RM
Fidler might have calibpers but the gym doesnt have a good pair
Congrats, Team Stone!
JJ – Yes. A few of us (Jess, Arturo, myself) are practiced in taking measurements if you want to set that up. Know though, that calculated bodyfat percentage based on calipers is within a (possibly wide) range at best. The total number can be useful to track, however.
Stella – 70% of 1RM. Should be light and un-belted.
Congrats!!! 🙂
hmmm i'd like to measure my BF too, just to get an idea of what it is. i have one of those dumb scales that thinks it can measure things like that and it's just been telling me i'm at an obesity level of body fat, and i'm pretty sure has only gone up in the last year which is entertaining to watch on there because it's impossible.
For $75 you can get body fat tested at bk college
This comments system really doesn't like me lately, so trying again with less links. for $75 you can get BF tested at bk college in a bod pod if you google "bk college body fat" and go to first link
Hooray for the Stones, and welcome, Ramona!! (And what a lovely name!)
Partnered with my favorite Cher last night – BSQ @ 45×5, 85×5, 105×3, 110×3, and 115x5x3. No jump from last week because I started a little heavier than I probably should've and this weight seems to be an odd sticking point for me. Hoping to jump up on Saturday or next week. Thx to mah gurls Shaye and Jen for chit-chatting me through the last set.
You just KNOW a stunt vid is going to be good when you see a high-powered bow and arrow featured within the first 6 seconds.
Thanks, all. Yeah, just need a basic baseline for reference, so it doesn't need to be perfect. If someone would not mind loaning me theirs for a day or two (Foxes, Michele?) I would be very appreciative! Will be at the gym tonight and Friday night, could bring them back on Sunday night.
YAY STONE FAMILY! So excited for you guys.
I want to be calipered. Can I pay in beer?
Noon class
Thanks to Cliff who hit 11 and made me want to overshoot my original goal of 8. Had more in there too.
WOD at 45#
Thanks to Christian who inspired me to go with the 45s. Would have done 35-40 if not.
First 2 rounds unbroken and fast. 3rd rounds went 10/5, 10/5, 17/13 since I knew it was ending ;P
Looking forward to guest coaching tonight!
Ramona Stone is destined for greatness. Bravo and congrats.
love the epic b-boy/b-girl battle.
That gymnastics stunt is incredible.
Snatch: 90%x1x5 (225#)
Took me 7 attempts. Missed on #3 and #6
Front squats: 305 3×3
6:30 with Fox and McDowell
LBBS exposure #3
I thought I was the most dedicated CFSBK blog poster but looks like I didn't record exposure 1 or 2. I guessed that 5 pounds up from what I did on Saturday was…..
Fox thanks for noticing my grip/wrists. I was thinking feet, toes and knees, wrists snuck up on me.
db 17.5 15/14/13 ?
burpees 14/13/11 ?
double unders – I do not have the ability to think this movement and count. Im thinking i may have got half of them done? 15-20
I can't wait for the du clinic!
115x3x5 – Woohoo!
But I'm just going to erase that WOD from my memory. Terrible.
Congrats to the family Stone!
LBBS 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 195×3 (because I can't count), 205×3, 215×10
WOD went ubroken on all db cleans @ 40# and all double unders. burpees suck the life out of me. I went 12, 9, 9
Squat repout @252.5 lbs – 9 reps. Last one was DIRTY.
WOD was hard, wow.
Fun day at the gym today!
That is all.
Loved this WOD. That is all…
6:30 with McD and Fox
Squats 45×5 95×4 135×3 190×3 220×3 245×8
Last one came up a bit slow so I racked it. Was feeling fatigued from the start today, and Fox noted that I was going too deep on my warm up sets… I think I need to change it up so I'm not doing the OHS warmup on back squat days maybe.
The WOD was sneaky. Went with the 45% bw suggestion and used 40# dbs. I was flying through all 3 movements for the first two rounds, finishing at about :30 for all of them, then I hit a wall. In the final round, I managed all 15 db hang cleans in around :40, then had to finish my last burpee just after :45 and a few doubles just after :45. Really fun.
730 class w. McD/Fox
lbbsq: 175×3, 200×3, 225×9 – felt pretty good was happy with 9 on the repout – My upper back has been rounding on lbbsq and need to fix that but the weight is moving great
WOD at 40# -I'm 165 right now, so I scaled it up a little rounds were: 15/12/30, 14/12/30, 12/13/30 – I was kind of dogging the burpees
snatch: 40 x 5
hang snatch: 40 x 5
got back into loaded carries since its nice out: waiters walk 25#db x130m each, farmers carry 60#dbs x 130m