Fitness: Work up to your first heavy set of 5 for this cycle’s linear progression.
It should feel heavy but the bar speed should remain pretty consistent for all 5 reps at this point.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
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As Many Rounds As Possible In 12 Minutes of:
20 Box Jumps
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Lunges
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From the Vault: Deb P gives Coach Laurel the buisness
How much money is there on Earth? VSauce
Laurel, love the ponytail and miss you!
What the hell is going on with the music? #namelesssynthetichorror
9am with Mr and Mrs Fox. Deadlift: 240×5, 270×5, 310×5. The middle set was supposed to be 275: #wendlerfail. Metcon with a 24" box and 24kg kettlebell: 5 rounds + 5 box jumps. Combination of the box jumps and lunges did a number on my hips.
9am with the Foxes
110lbs deadlift, did two heavy sets since I lost form the first time on the fifth lift (thanks Joy for noticing). I feel like I have to work on my breathing, got a little light headed at the end.
WOD 4 rounds (-10 lunges). Started out with 20kg kettle bell, but had to scale down to 16kg half way. This workout seemed to last forever!
Deadlift (with Reiss, who pulled a full 100# more than me)
AMRAP 12' (with Cliff and Reiss)
20 Lunges
15 Box Jumps 24"
20 KB Swings 24kg
4 Rounds + 20/5
Went with 15 BJ after the first round since I realized the extra 5 would cause a lot of waiting on my partner's parts…It was an easy decision for me 😉
@D-Turn: if you mean what was playing this morning from 9 until about 11 then that would have been Das Racist. They're a Brooklyn based alternative hip hop band who unfortunately are now defunct. Great stuff. You can find more of them in the links below if you're interested.
Here's a link to a great tune called "Relax"
Hope you enjoy!
11AM with Josh and Melo
5/3/1 Deadlifts with Adam and Everett (sp?) 135×5 185×5 225×5 245×5
I had originally underestimated deadlift for the cycle but then bumped it up a bit since we aren't repping out. Still nice and easy.
WOD with Ryan and Everett, 24" and 24kg, almost 4 rounds, only managed to cram in a few of the 4th round of kb. Kept the swings unbroken throughout. Glad this was cut back to 12 minutes as my back wouldn't have been happy with any more.
11am with Josh and MeLo.
DLs with Samir and Cliff.
[135×5, 195×4, 225×3, 275×2] 305×5
Warm up sets were a bit wonky as I was working with two Wendler-ers. Excited to see how this DL cycle goes.
WOD with Todd and Everett. 10 box jumps short of four rounds.
Boom Bam!
@ management, we need a 45 minute amrap soon!
It was a Fox' Happy Hour today! 10am, good times. I was… not feeling great due to excessive stuff and things from yesterday, but overall kind of did alright with the pood, 20" box, forgot we were to do lunges and did squats first round. You know.. a typical JB Sunday.
Hey MGMT I really liked the 10 minutes of two cleans on the minute thingie from Thursday. I think we did this before with DL's ages ago. Nice to see if back.
PS: @Crystal SHUT UP xox
45 minutes is kind of long, but definitely second a 30 minute WOD!
DLs with Cliff and Ryan.
195×5, 225×5, 255×5 (first Wendler-5 day)
WOD @24' box and 20kg bell: 3 rounds + a few box jumps. I should have scaled to 15 because I made Adam wait too much while doing all 20. Idiotic. My back was fried in any case.
I loved today's workout. Thanks to zuke and nick for not making me go it alone and DO for convincing me to do the right thing. (Go heavier, of course).
Adult cat finder, that is just funny.