Work up to a heavy single.
Work up to a heavy triple
These weights will help infer your starting loads for the next cycle. go heavy but don’t fail.
Post loads to comments.
Double-Under Therapy
We’ll spend some time working on double under development and efficiency. Afterwards take ten minutes to either set a new unbroken PR, or simply practice the skill.
Kevin Rooney (right) boxing in an office fundraiser that raised over 60k for a variety of charities. Kevin won the fight in a round and a half. Thanks to Sarah M for the pic!
Attn: CSA members and food lovers… come meet the farmers!!
One of the most important benefits of belonging to a CSA is the opportunity to know your farmer – in person! On Saturday, April 20, Jerry Peele and Christine Harrington from Herondale Farms (providers of our meat, poultry and egg CSAs) will visit CFSBK. Come say hi!
From 8:30-1, they’ll be in the house to answer questions, sell bacon, sausage, hot dogs and eggs, show off a sample 15-lb meat share, and sign folks up on the spot for all of their CSA options. They can even accept your share payments.
Just like last time, they’ll also be selling raffle tickets for a 15-lb share, and at noon they’ll choose a lucky winner to take that meaty goodness home.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at)
CrossFit Games Update
3D Printing and the future of stuff
Worked up to 315 which felt lightish but good for the day. PR of 95 unbroken double unders
Really enjoyed deadlifting last night in place of bsq, was able to work up to 170×3 and kind of surprised myself since I hadn't DL'd since the last time they were part of the cycle! Gotta keep up with that.
Also enjoyed a little jump rope action after lifts. ALMOST 1 triple under… in time.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Hips have been feeling tight this week, especially the left one. And the combination of allergies and a minor cold have left me a little low on energy. Worked up to 305 on the back squat. Felt heavy and form was a bit ugly. See above whining about hips and energy levels. Max unbroken DU's of 47. Not a PR, but better than other recent DU exposures.
Nice pic! how did the fight go? was red a counter-puncher?
6am w/Josh & McDowell
105 for my heavy triple –felt heavy, okish. My form is always a struggle it seems.
Doubleunder time sucked…I actually went to a doubleunder seminar (w/Rebecca) and was probably the only one not to have worked up to one. 'Nuff said.
hit a massive PR of 31 DUs this morning. over double what my prev PR was
Hit 200 on the squat, which is +15lbs from the last time we did heavy triples. I'm very pleased. It seems my double unders are getting worse, though. I appreciated having the time to practice them.
Side note: I'm 98% finished building my own 3d printer at home. If anyone needs a new toilet brush, let me know.
Squat last night. Worked up to 350 for a single which felt heavier than it aught to. Looking forward to the coming exposures.
6am with Josh and McD. 275 for 3. Still far from where I need/want to be, but a lot closer than I was when I came back to the box in January. DUs felt pretty good. Got a bunch of sets around 50 and then one at 65ish. A ways from my PR, but they feel good.
The fight was a blast. Thanks to Rebecca and Sarah M. for coming. My plan was to let him punch himself out a little bit early on because I knew I was in better shape (plug for CF met-cons). That worked pretty well, though I got caught up in the moment a little earlier than I'd planned. Training went out of the window a little bit and we were both throwing haymakers with little regard for defense. Kind of par for the course for a first fight. Ultimately they called it after the fourth standing 8 count. A little quick on the stoppage, but it was for charity.
If you're interested, here are clips of the fight. The first round of my fight starts halfway through the first link. The second round is on the second one.
"Round 3 of Dean /Round 1 of Rooney-Boxing charity" on YouTube
"Round 2_Rooney and Courtney_Boxing charity event" on YouTube
Kevin! I felt for that guy. You sure he wasn't a defense attorney?
Hit the 7am class with Josh and McDowell
worked up to a heavy single that tied my PR. 230 I miscounted the rep before and only did 225 and time was running out so I only put on to 230. I think I could have hit 235 if I had not done the "extra" at 225.
Double-Unders getting better and better. went 61 unbroken a PR. after that first set it went south to 54 48 and 45. Switched to a wire rope and put another 43 up there. I think if I used a wire version from the start it would make a huge difference.
Excellent work, Kevin! "I got caught up in the moment a little earlier than I'd planned. Training went out of the window a little bit and we were both throwing haymakers with little regard for defense. Kind of par for the course for a first fight"
That's always the truth for the first fight, but to be honest, watching you, you kept your composure MUCH better than most for a first round. He knew he was in trouble in the first round, after he ate some right hands.
Nice right hand. I wouldn't want to be on the business end of that.
BTW if anyone is jogging the 270m from the GYM to 4th avenue, near the top of the block there is still a reverberating echo from how loud Lady Fox and Coach Melo screamed last night when Noahapologies,and myself gave them a reminder of why it's important to pay attention to your surroundings.
12 pm with McDowell and Josh. Squatted 175#, which is 30 more than I've ever tried. I have obviously been a bit too conservative in adding weight to my squats. Then got 47 double unders, which is I think nearly twice my previous max (though they were sloppy as hell — lots of piking). And then before I walked out the door I managed to string together two, and then three kipping pullups for the first time ever (also very sloppy). So that's 3 PRs in one day. Yay.
I'm trying to sign up for the Spartan Race on June 1 and the site is requiring a password to sign up for our heat, which isn't sold out. Melissa doesn't know the password or remember making one. Spartan hasn't responded to my email, but does anyone who's already signed up know the password? My email is katharinereece(at)!
I'm just desperate to run through mud and fire.
Starting Strength Seminar debrief:
So in case anyone cares I'll kill the suspense first and tell you that I did not pass the platform exam.
I went back and forth on whether to sell my spot as it's pretty expensive for a non-profit guy like me but in the end attended. Before I got my current job I had been searching for a long time and had pretty much given up. I spent a couple months studying for a personal trainer cert and was about to test when my current gig came along. I've been teaching martial arts for years, taught outdoor skills, meditation, sports, etc and have worked with a few friends in terms of getting their proverbial exercise shit together including training my 71 year old dad in the gym for several months. That being said I the idea of switching up my whole professional steez and being a trainer full time messed up my head. Right as I was accepting the idea and exiting a minor identity crisis a great job opportunity- directly in line with my education and experience really came out of no where.
I give this backdrop to explain some of the impetus for participating in the seminar. While I knew it would be valuable in terms of my own training I think a not small part of me was still attached to the concept of Noah the trainer (no, not Noah A., a hypothetical version of me). And here was the supposed master of barbell coaching, my new(ish) exercise passion coming to my home gym.
The seminar was long and grueling. Not so much that we trained a ton but they are simply long days and breaking up lecture with heavy lifting doesn't exactly energize you over the long haul. There was a lot of information however there isn't a ton you can't learn by studying Starting Strength and Practical Programming, IF you really study them and take notes. Still, it is different having an instructor walking you through the material.
On the practical side, understanding exactly why the progressions are laid out the way they are (again, in the books, but always illuminating live) was very instructive. The corrections and insight from coaches on our personal work was very valuable. To be sure, if you want to perfect your technique this is a great opportunity. They pointed out all kinds of shit going on with my lifts that I wasn't aware of. Also, hands on applying the methods from Starting Strength in the context brings them alive and really helped me to burn the concepts in.
The bad side is that Rip and at least one of his staff members come off as egotistical. He has a crew of yes-men that come in tow cueing you to laugh at his jokes and sharing a cynical, "everyone else sucks but us" group think that is oppressive. They constantly encouraged us to ask questions but had no issue at all cutting us off or making people feel stupid if they didn't like their questions. At one point Rip made a blatantly racist joke and for 5 minutes I couldn't hear what he was saying as the internal monologue of righteous indignation versus financial concern fought for whether I'd walk out. I stayed.
If you're considering taking one of these seminars, consider a couple things first. Do you want to get certified as a coach? If so then start coaching now. Even if it's informally, start paying very close attention to your partner's lifts, look for deviations, offer guidance if appropriate. Read the method and activley try to apply it, not just to your technique but others'. Are you going only to better develop your own technique? If so a handful of private sessions with one of our coach's might be a more focused, more economical approach. Fox, Jess, Jeremy and David are all SS coaches. They aren't Rip but then again, you'll get one on one attention from them.
To prepare, definitely, definitely read the books, have lifted a good amount (having a strength cycle under my belt helped tremendously), and come with a thick skin.
I don't know who all passed but I can say with 100% certainty that CFSBK represented hard at the seminar. There were a lot of folks there who were trainers and fitness professionals who just really had poor mechanics and/or poor sense of body awareness. When we went around the room and watched each person's lifts I was damn proud to be associated with the coaches and athletes from our gym as they really shined.
Now of course I really wanna get out of back-off week and start using all the technique I spent the weekend sharpening!
@Noah Barth +1.
6am with Josh & McDowell:
LBBSQT: my PR on the 3×5 was 145 a couple of weeks ago so I thought that I'd make it up to 175. But when I hit 165 and barely pulled up from the third rep, I stopped. My concentration was on keeping my knees from caving, and keeping my back from rounding. But that's the most I've ever lifted up onto my back.
DU's: With my new cable jumper I've been able to easily DU in a 3/4 pattern i.e.: DU-single-single-DU-single-single…just like a waltz. Every effort to decrease to 2/4 time tripped me up. I was able to string three (3) together – so I walked away with a PR on that!
Nice report, Noah!
Did some troubleshooting on my LBBS today: 240×5, 240×3, 240×3
PR'd my double-unders at 50.
Time to eat.
Last night. Strength Cycle. Volume day.
Squat: 250×5, 280×5, 300×5, 280×5, 250×5
Not bad. I like pyramids a lot.
Deadlift: 345×5
The first three were fast, but I lost my back on 5th rep. Probably should have drop the bar.