12 minutes to practice the Clean and Jerk Complex of:
First Pull to Knees + Hang Clean + Split Jerk
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e6/6 compare to 3.23.13
Open WOD 13.5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
100/65 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.
To read the full workout description and standards, click here. Don’t forget to submit your scores before 8pm today.
Coach Josh (122 Reps) and Paul D from CFV (140 reps)
- Thank you so much to everyone who came out to either volunteer, compete or spectate yesterday. The final workout was a huge success and team CFSBK represented extremely well.
- There is no Comp Class today
- Check out CFSBK on CrossFit Holistic’s blog! These guys have a CrossFit affiliate in Sweden and are in the states for a few weeks to learn more about CrossFit in the states. Awesome! (Anyone read Swedish?…)
Police Commissioner’s Brownsville Basketball League
The Proper Way To Eat A Pig NYT
#Timehacker: How Do You Keep Your Email Inbox Under Control? Greatist
This is the translation from Google Translate:
Yesterday we met David Osorio, CrossFit South Brooklyn's incredibly likeable and inspirational founder. David started the CFSB for just over 5 years ago in a park in Brooklyn with only a few members. The gym has since gradually grown to currently have over 400 members and is considered one of New York's Best CrossFit Gym. It is easy to understand as soon as you step into the gym, especially after the long talk we had with David and his coaches.
The box has a large open area for group workouts that can accommodate up to 30 members / passport. Around the walls accumulate 12 rowers, climbing ropes, pull up bars, and of course a lot of weights. But the most impressive was the elaborate reception and training experience. A familiar and welcoming feeling from start to finish. The box houses the eleven coaches with varied athletic background that continuously trained through the box.
Their numbers are increasing in a battle line and each new member gets to go through a familiarization program in six sessions to quickly learn the basics and what applies in the gym. Such a large membership and number of passes naturally requires a well thought out approach and a smart logistics. The joint team launch was the center of the box and open gym times were rare.
The gym has no need for its own promotional or marketing activities. "We are already backed up by a multi-million campaign in the form of Reebok's commitment to CrossFit" says David.
CFSB also had the honor to host the live broadcast of the announcement of 13.2 Woden where Annie Thorisdottir ran against Lindsey Valenzuela for a crazy crowd.
On Saturday gathered New York's best placed athletes in the CrossFit Open to jointly run through 13.5 Woden. Learn to be a good move!
25 reps for 13.5 Rx! I went into this thinking that I'd do the 15 thrusters, and any C2B chinups after that would be gravy. As it turns out, considerably more gravy than I expected ๐
103# on C&J, same as the last time we did it, only it felt harder and less organized this time! Yet another point lending credence to my theory that I do better on Oly lifts when I'm fatigued.
67 reps Rxd for 13.5. Didn't push myself enough for this one but happy to have gotten it in after missing the last two when I was sick
Worked up to 195 on the complex. Pretty far from a max but was just working form today since I haven't made many Sundays this cycle
A friend of mine who lives and works in Manhattan is interested in joining crossfit gym. He says lower Manhattan would be ideal for him, although I think he lives in the alphabet-city area. I know there are a lot of reviews online, but I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone had recommendations? Thanks in advance!
55 reps, rx
Anyone interested in sharing (every other month) the 10 lbs of chicken option from the meat CSA? Email me if you are! Gmail – mcentee.kate
65 reps for 13.5. Pretty happy overall with this as I stuck to my plan and got what I thought I could. I could have rested less but that's not a strength of mine ๐
Congrats to all the Black Sea who put it on the line and did some things they thought they couldn't. The Open is about different things to different people. For some, it's just the first step to the Games. For others, it's a measuring stick to see where you stack up against your peers. And for others still, it's a chance to go into an uncomfortable place and attempt some things that you (or others) might not think you are capable of. It's the last group that gives me the most joy to coach and watch. Lots of highlights this weekend watching some folks get a C2B pull up that they never thought they had.
Looking forward to Crush Week!
65 reps on 13.5. The C2B pull-ups made this feel quite a bit different than Fran. Easier in some sense since the C2B pull-ups required breaks which meant I didn't get as gassed as regular Fran. I did manage to string together decent sets of butterfly C2Bs and not knock my teeth out.
Worked up to 195 on the clean and jerk complex. Cleans have been feeling really good since I discovered I've been over-pulling and just need to concentrate on getting under the bar. The hang (squat) clean at 195 felt solid. Didn't even feel heavy, just ran out of time to go heavier. The jerk, on the other hand, was completely wonky.
I'm to have missed out on yesterday's 13.5 display of awesome, but congrats to all who crushed it this weekend!
Created my own weird mixed-bag WOD in the hotel fitness center (which is by far the nicest I've ever seen). 1 m run w/ 10 strict push-ups – run 1 minute, 10 pushups with rest for remainder of minute, then back on – repeat. Lunges with 20# dbs, some T2B practice, and 5 sets of alternating incline sit-ups and front leg lifts, 10 reps each. Couple of 1-minute planks as cashout.
No boxes open in Vegas on Sundays. Bummer.
I'm sorry* to have missed out yesterday. I am in marketing and write for a living…oy.
13.5 out on Long Island.
Managed 48 reps–only my second go at CTB pull-ups, and these were the limiting factor. My pull-ups have come a long way since starting CF, but I was doing lots of doubles that sopped up seconds. Thrusters were easy by comparison, but still tough.
Yesterday was inspiring–well done to all who represented SBK!
Made it in to the gym at the 11th hour for 13.5. Got stuck in traffic and was worried I wouldn't make it. Was Very happy to have Allen, Melo, Brandon, JMD and Carissa do it with me.
15 Thrusters
15 Pull-Ups
8,5,2 Thrusters
6,4,4 Pull-Ups
3 Thrusters
63 Reps
Wanted to clear the second set of Thrusters and thought I'd be able to go to a "dark place" and make that happen. My entire body was feeling really sore and beat up from Sundays maxes and super heavy shrugs and OH work so I was a little nervous doing into this. Last night I did about 2 hours of A/R (while watching TV) and then I did plenty of warming up before this. I actually feel a lot better now.
Very happy with the Open this year. Great WODS (except 13.3) >;(
Bad day. At 9AM class, after C&J, just before I did 13.5, I was trying to learn how to do a kipping chin-up and I jumped up, my left hand slipped off the bar, and I was hanging for a second from my right hand, and something wrenched inside my forearm/elbow. It's been really painful all day – I'm barely able to lift my arm, or hold it up, much less pick anything else. Anybody have any ideas what it is?
I'm pissed at the idea I'll have to miss crush week and in general go for a period without working out. I can't think of an exercise where I don't need at least a semi-functional forearm.
LBBS: 45*5 135*5 225*3 275*1 315*5 315*5 315*5
Bench: 45*5 95*5 125*5 165*5 165*5 165*5
My back was feeling funky all day. Stretched before gym and foam rolled when I got there. Still felt funky on the squats. Weight was heavy but still OK. In truth I should have went light, but my ego wanted to get back above 3 wheels. Now I'll have to take a few days off, smdh. Bench went OK. Since my 5rm is 175# I'm sure failure is close. Skipped everything else cause of my back. Dead lifts would have been a horrible idea. Off to dinner.
55 rx'ed, that 4 mins went by so slowly. Nice working at OG tonight. I got to judge Christian and MeLo and they both killed it.
Catching up on posting from OG Friday and then 11am class today!
Friday OG:
LBBS last exposure: 135x5x3. Warming up didn't feel so hot, but once I got through the first set of these, things felt more organized and I think there was pretty good speed on all of it. This is BW for me, so there's something about that that feels pretty cool.
Then… Did 100 DU's NFT, just in as few rounds as possible (4 or 5)
Then… got my first CTB pull-up. And did about 12 total to practice switch-grip kipping on each side.
Then… tested my 400M sprint. Got 1:28 (three seconds slower than my best).
Sunday 11AM:
C&J with Leslie and Steph P
Drills @ 33#. Then 63×1, 83×1, 93×1, 103×1, 103×1. This felt great and I think 113 is very possible, just didn't want to push it today before 13.5. Did the complex with a full squat clean. I think since I get so frickin' low in my squat that it actually works against me… my back starts to curve down a bit and my elbows drop, making it really hard to get all the way back up to standing. Good place to play and focus! Love me some C&J… I actually think it's my favorite lift.
13.5! Score = 29 reps
15 thrusters unbroken and then was feeling a bit let down by my pull-ups. Maybe all the grip work on the cleans? Who knows. I consistently found 3 strung together kipping on Fri, but just didn't have quite the strong pull I needed. I think I had about 5 no reps. Kept trying to get two in a row and just needed to bang out singles. I think doing this on a day when I didn't have 5 drinks the day before and was a bit better rested I could've gotten well into the second round.
Is it weird that I'm sort of excited to do Fran RX'ed now… finally?
Did some hill sprints this morning so came into OG to finally get 13.5 done. 49 reps. Those C2B pullups went away pretty quick so I was reduced to doubles and singles by the end of the round. Feel pretty good about my pace otherwise.
Finished up with some light snatch/balance complexes.
75×1,1,1 95×1,1,1,1,1 105×1 115xF,1 125×1,F
Can someone help me understand the rankings for the CFSBK Crossfit Games custom leaderboard? I don't follow how people who submitted 0 reps for several workouts ended up higher on the leaderboard than me. Is it based on your gym-wide ranking for each workout rather than your total reps for the entire Games?
Correct, in CrossFit your total score is based on how you ranked in each workout.
If the competition was based on the total reps certain workouts would become more important than others. Rankings would be slanted towards people who did well in double under work outs, for example.
That's cool about the Swedish blog, I'm swedish!
I can tell you they wrote a VERY nice review on their visit to CFSBK anyway ๐