- Due to a repair treatment we’re doing on the wrestling mat, we won’t have it available tomorrow for classes and won’t be holding A/R at 11.
Scheduling Reminder
Below are a few scheduling reminders for upcoming events in March and April. Please mark your calendars.
- Sunday, March 31st (Easter): We will be operating a normal schedule
- Saturday, April 6th: We will only be holding 8 and 9am classes since we’ll be hosting the final CrossFit invitational Open competition from 11am on. Several gyms will be sending their best to compete in 13.5 at CFSBK. All are welcome to spectate!
- Friday, April 12th, Saturday, April 13th and Sunday, April 14th: Friday night Open Gym and weekend classes will be cancelled as we host world renown strength coach Mark Rippetoe and staff for the Starting Strength Seminar.
Interested in a Veggie CSA Share?
Earlier this week we posted that Andy from Sol Flower Farm would be at the gym this Saturday to answer questions about the program and meet folks. Unfortunatly Andy can no longer make it. If you’re interested, check out the Veggie information at the CSA Share Page.
Claim Your Clothes!
Our L&F bin has runneth over. Please check out the following pictures of abandoned clothes, these clothes, this stuff, glove and hats, speciality shoes and of course… waterbottles. Please claim these asap. We’ll be donating them on Friday of next week.
Check out this beautiful video of Chad Vaughn Snatching 285lbs
13.4 Strategy and Tips Outlaw
Strategy and Gaming for 13.4 MobilityWOD
6am w/Nick & McDowell
85 lbs front squats, 5+ from last week.
Mobility issues continue, form felt sloppy.
WOD 4:55
OK Kb swing, sucked at running, quick sit-up.
PS: I forgot my purple Brita water bottle. Can someone please set it aside, I'll pick it up as soon as I can.
To the owner of that Canada hat: I will definitely take it if you don't claim it.
Also, I'm planning on doing 13.4 tonight at open gym. Anyone want to join me?
Also – holy crap, Annie's out of the games: http://games.crossfit.com/article/thorisdottir-sidelined-back-injury
@Matt Katz – NO on the Canada hat! I called shotgun on that forever ago so I am fully denying you access to it. I need it. Operative word is *need* here.
I want to say thank you again for all the CFSBK support – March has been nothing but disasters followed by disasters and from Girl Scout cookies to the hugs punches and kind words I share something a friend sent me: Friendship is not about who you've known the longest – its about who walked into your life and said "I'm here for you" and proved it. SBK is the prime example of this. xo
6am. As I was the only one tackling 13.4 this morning I had a private session with McDowell.
Made my way through 8 clean&jerk reps of the set of 15 for a total score of 68. Adopted the outlaw tip of dropping the bar on every clean&jerk rep. I think this was the right move as my grip was never the limiting factor. Maintained a fairly even pace throughout the workout. Hit 36 reps just under 3:30 and then completed another 32 reps in the second half of the workout. While I was never completed gassed, I was huffing and puffing: lungs were my limiter.
I'm happy with this result as I was aiming for 65 reps. If I were to do it again (which I'm not), I would take a few more seconds of rest before each T2B set and do them unbroken. And it might have been worthwhile to step on the gas pedal a bit more for the last set of clean&jerks and do them touch-and-go style.
damn the canada hat wouldve been a good addition to my collection!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Hit the front squats at 97x3x5. These felt pretty good. WOD in 5:00 with a 16kg KB and sit-ups.
I'll take the Brooklyn hat if unclaimed.
I wonder if they'll let Annie compete at the games anyway.
"CrossFit Inc. reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to invite past
winners, guest athletes, Teams or others, to participate in any stage of
competition. This decision may be made to preserve the traditions and spirit of
The CrossFit Games or for any other reason at the sole discretion of CrossFit Inc."
That's a shame about Annie, guess there will be some new blood on the podium this year. I think we should get a CFGames betting pool going come Finals time.
Sadly, since I forgot to register my score last week Rich Froning still has a chance. Bet that sucker is super relieved.
Visiting family in NC and went to CrossFit Asheville today. When i said i worked out at CrossFit South Brooklyn, the guy at the desk said, "hey, that's where they announced 13.2 with Annie, right?" We're on the map.
Todd, I bet they would let her, but according to her, she can't even do an air squat right now, so…poor thing.
I don't know how strong of an all-around athlete Sam Briggs is, but I'm stoked to watch her compete. If she crushes the other WODs like she did 13.3, she'll totally dominate.
For all interested in nutrition, i.e, building muscle and burning fat, im in the midst of reading a very interesting book called, "Carb Back Loading". Its very scientifically grounded and derived from concrete research. Rather than going off the notion that paleolithic people were supposedly healthy, i think this could be worth a read. I also doubt paleolithic man was doing Heavy squats 5×5 sets across…
I have the PDF for anyone who is interested in reading it…ill email it you.
RE: Carb Backloading, I have been doing it for the past few months, but with primarily Paleo backloads (sweet potatoes, bananas, berries, coconut water, rice once in a while). Results were great while on strength cycle, but now that I'm "WOD-ing" again I'm finding the need to carb up an hour or two before longer sessions or I burn out pretty quickly. Not sure if thats just from a lack of conditioning though, I guess I'll see what happens in the next month or two.
Plenty of time for Annie. All it says is shes out of the Open. If shes in good shape by July I'd bet in Noah's pool that she's in.
Jake been reading a lot about carb backloading and experimenting with it a bit myself the past 2 weeks. Coming from a IF really low carb eating plan–I felt the energy instantly on both lifting and conditioning workouts. Havent really "seen" the results but I also didnt do that 10 day under 30g reset/start. If I decide to do it–Ill really dive in around a strength cycle like Todd.
Ive been doing the non paleo backload approach and binging on all kinds of goodies–so in that sense its been kinda fun.
I was talking to coach Shane offline a bit about it. I think he's been doing it with some good results.
Does the pdf have suggested schedules? I cant find any good information (despite the plethora of info out there) on how i should backload around rest days. i.e. if I rest Friday do I not backload Thursday after a heavy workout? the backload is for the next days workout, right?
Either way Id love to see a copy of the book. shawnsadjatumwadee at Gmail
Todd I was talking to someone about it and at CFSBK we lift on most days. Does the CBL help with lifting?
For the longest time I thought I just had a lack of conditioning but after playing with CBL the past 2 weeks–ive realized it was also a lack of fuel. Everything over 4 minutes (including running) has felt so much better with more carbs in my system.
That book sounds great. Would love to read it. Dougjones771(at)gmail
I want to own a gym just so I can look through the lost and found pile every week.
Brooklyn hat is mine
Scheduling note
We did some work on the wrestling/logo mat and it won't be ready by tomorrow. Some of the binding agents still need to dry and not be walked on. Sooo.. No A/R 🙁
No AR for the next three weeks?! I HAS A SAD.
A sad 37 on the open wod. 135 over head was a bit heavy for me.
3 Weeks?
135x8x2, 15
Barbell Row
Hadn't been to the gym in almost a week. Man, I've missed being at the clubhouse.
Started with 10min of DU practice and hit a PR — 22 unbroken. Also hit two sets at 19. I've been trying to get to at least 25 unbroken consistently, so it seems like I'm making progress.
Made up Thursday's FSQ and WOD with Chris A. tonight. Thanks to Chris for being so flexible when there was a 100+# weight difference on our FSQ.
FSQ: 107.5x5x3
Felt great but was way low (as usual)
WOD — 20kg KB and 50 sit-ups: 4:18
Finally, some T2B practice. Why do I feel so uncoordinated when I do these?
I am only halfway through the book and have not specifically gotten to detailed schedules yet (I just emailed you the pdf btw), but yes, you def slam the carbs after a thursday workout even if you are going to rest friday. The carb back load serves a dual purpose from what ive gathered thus far. 1)Immediatley feed muscles after a workout 2)load up glycogen for the next day. but glycogen when stored does not turn into fat, so having stored up glycogen is not going to be detrimental, even if you dont nec use it all the next day.
that being said i am not done yet, so i am not 100% sure of all the details.
OG Tonite
240# Snatch PR (Felt better than almost everything I have done in life up to date)
Back squats: 215x6x2, 215×12
Yeah I think the GLUT4 translocation post-workout is the biggest reason for the benefit of the carb backloading. Thus I only backload after workouts, and only when at least some heavy lifting (or sprinting) was involved. I've read a lot of posting about carbing up for the next day's workout, and I've even heard Kiefer talk about it on podcasts, but I think that works best when you are working out in the AM and can't backload after a PM workout, so I haven't played around with it at all. I have been staying pretty low carb on my off days, perhaps to the detriment of my performance.
Also some front-squats and snatch practice at OG:
FSQ 45×5 95×4 135×3 165×2 190x5x3
Burgener Warm-Up
Snatch / Snatch Balance Complex 75×1,1,1 85×1,F,1,1 95×1,1,1 105×1,1,1
Plenty of fails and bails last week on that same complex, only going up to 95. Getting much more consistent. I think building it up from scratch again like this is going to be super helpful. Getting comfortable at the bottom is key for me.
DO — I thought there wasn't any AR next week because of the Invitational, and the week after because of the Rip seminar. If I am wrong, I'm delighted!
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 235×1, 300×5, 300×5, 300×5
Bench: 45×5, 80×5, 120×5, 162.5×5, 162.5×5, 162.5×5
Dead Lift: 135×5, 185×3, 245×1, 305×5
Run: 1 mile ~9:30
Although heavy weights moved well on the squats. Surprisingly my last set on the bench was the best one. Did have a decent amount of left shoulder pain on the 2nd set but that's been the normal when the weights get "heavy" for years now. Used double over hang hook grip on the deadlifts, ouch. Run was ok, not quite prefontaine but we finished the mile.