The yet unnamed mascot for the “Christian Fox Center for Kids Who Can’t Do Pull-ups Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too” (post name suggestions to comments)
Lindsey S and some other 8am’ers have been working on Chris Fox’s Pull-Up program and decided to make it an official gym club out of it. All you need is to be working your pull-ups before/after class (whenever, really) and BOOM! you’re in like sin! Rumor has it a shirt is in the works.
Scheduling News and Notes
Below are a few scheduling reminders for upcoming events in March and April. Please mark your calendars.
- Sunday, March 31st (Easter): We will be operating a normal schedule
- Saturday, April 6th: We will only be holding 8 and 9am classes since we’ll be hosting the final CrossFit invitational Open competition from 11am on. Several gyms will be sending their best to compete in 13.5 at CFSBK. All are welcome to spectate!
- Friday, April 12th, Saturday, April 13th and Sunday, April 14th: Friday night Open Gym and weekend classes will be cancelled as we host world renown strength coach Mark Rippetoe and staff for the Starting Strength Seminar.
Veggie CSA Registration is Now Open!
How much?
The share costs $670 if you pay by check, and $20 more if you pay via PayPal.
Can I buy a half share?
I’m not sure I know how to cook all those vegetables!
I’d love to meet the farmer.
I have more questions!
13.3 Lessons Learned CrossFit 204
What Is Someone Like Me Doing In The Open? Notes From The Box
Free Your Heel, Free Your Mind Mobility WOD
Put some jorts on that fox!
Traveling and did a drop in at crossfit Byron Bay (Australia). Aside from being out of shape and jet lagged and unused to the subtropical heat they whacked me with a Fran. Then dead lifts.
Fran: 4:45 at 30kg but did the pull-ups with a decent band. Dead lift built up to a 95% 1rm at 95kg. Ok with that considering my non sleep regime this past month+
Pull-up club represent! If you want join it, it's after 8am class and you should hit me up. In addition to sending you Lindsay's motivational inspirations, I will text you the night before and guilt you into hauling your ass to 8am class.
*Lindsay's motivational illustrations
Good morning, world!
Also a member of Fox's Pull Up Academy. I have trying to keep on a schedule before or after the 6am class.
I know it is an obvious name for the mascot but how about Kipper? Kip for short.
6am with McDowell
Backed out of back squats because of a sharp pain under my right kneecap. Didn't bother me in the WOD though. Partnered with Rob at #75 barbell and got 1:20, 1:18, 1:18, 1:18. Never been very happy with my rowing sprints…
I know he/she isn't a skunk but pepe le pull.
I am so jealous of people who have time to stay after class for pullup club! I've been practicing them once a week at home, but that's so not enough.
Another vote for naming him/her Kip.
Bench press, 118×3. I think I'm going to go for 125 for a single next week (I assume we're doing singles). WOD, kind of all over the place with my weights. It's NFT, for those of you who are coming tomorrow.
amazing fox drawing!
i need to for real for real start the fox regimen, but since i started strength we we have chin-up days and now i need to later the fox A/B days in also i've recently learned that the doorways in my apartment are oversized and have very narrow doorway ledging so the home gym is an on-going construction process (i.e. i'm going to probably but a longer bar from amazon so i might have one to auction off here!)
strength class #4 last night:
squat 120# 3×5
bench 70# 3×5
deadlift 145# 1×5
week 2 & the heaviness begins. definitely had dead leg feeling when deadlifting after squatting. spirits remain high.
Wow. I totally didn't make the connection that the mascot was a FOX. I just kept looking at it thinking, "What is Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog doing on the blog?" Somebody's stuck in the early 90's.
HBBSQ @ 110# x 2 x 8. WOD Rxed, best time 1:42, worst time 1:54. Took too much rest in between the row and the push press but I was trying to get all 10 in a row and 75# is heavy for me.
Wonderful CFSBK community, two questions:
1. I'm going to Vegas next week (April 6-11) for a work trip. Any recs for boxes to drop in on? I'm not familiar with Sin City at all because I haven't been before, but I'm staying on the Strip, so anything accessible and around there…
2. My tri muscle won't. stop. twitching. Seriously. It started yesterday morning and hasn't stopped – I was hoping to wake up this morning without it, but it forges on. I didn't tweak or pull anything and don't have any pain…just this persistent weirdness. Online amateurs say magnesium and zinc might help – I've also been trying to smoosh it out a bit with a ball. Any other thoughts from the muy inteligente coaches, doctors, nurses on the blog?
Much appreciated!!
CSA types: I think I might want to split a veg share with someone. In the past what's held me back has been that you have to come get it every single week, but I think I could make every other week work. Anybody?
stellavision of the gmail variety
you guys see that 13.5 is gonna have froning vs khalipa AND camille leblanc bazinet vs sam briggs?? awesome
I'm excited to see Sam Briggs demolish Froning and Khalipa.
+1 for Kip
Nothing is convenient except gambling and drinking when you're on the Strip in Las Vegas. You're not going to be able to get to any of the boxes on foot. So I'd just recommend reading reviews and picking one.
I would like to officially submit my application to the "Christian Fox Center for Kids Who Can't Do Pull-ups Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too." Can we start a club post-6:30 pms? Or at OG's???
YAY! I'm so excited that people are excited for pull-ups! I'm excited for pull-ups and I can't even do 1 yet…YET! It will happen though, thanks to the Christian Fox Center for Kids Who Can't Do Pull-Ups Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too! (I'm like a walking infomercial for this…) Mad props to Daniel who DID A PULLUP MID BENCH PRESS SETS! *clapclapclap*
Also +1 for Kip ๐
Bench Presses with Serene today 3×8 @80# The first 4 are so easy. Then you realize, oh wait I have to lift this not one more time but 4 more times…oof! WOD at 55# and 20#db
and OF COURSE your application has been enthusiastically accepted Shaye!
Please to enjoy this link…I did. (50 bacons are WAY better than 7 bagels…just sayin')
2000 Calories
@courtney @joel
I'll be impressed if you make it to a box. I haven't been in a while, but I have found that when you find yourself walking in from Drai's, at about 10 in the morning, it's tough to get motivated.
There is a box in Vegas, Dan said he ran the 5k there and the 5k home in the heat. If you really want to do this – go for it……………………………………………..
OR, you can do what I did and make sure you know where the gym in your hotel is and get up at 7am to be badass and make up WODS. ๐
6am w/McDowell and Jess
90lbs back squats
Didn't keep my numbers for the WOD, which I couldn't even finish ๐
I'm a mess this week.
I also want to do pull ups!
It's true ! I'm living proof: Pull Up Club works ๐ Get on it !
@Courtney: Be Asta not Dan. Dan is crazy.
Check out Crossfit Las Vegas. I got the mid-day Friday class after arriving earlier that morning. The cab ride was about 15-20 bucks and we got a ride back to the hotel by a local. Otherwise, we were going to share a cab with a few other folks headed back to the strip.
@Courtney – I get those twitches every once in a while. It can be anywhere arm, leg etc. I have not found a way to stop them. I just find it interesting that some nerve is firing off, somewhere. It doesnt hurt so Ive never been concerned. As you noted Potassium is rumored to help quell them.
Bring your climbing shoes with you to Vegas, and get yourself out to Red Rocks Park. Its not too far out of town but awesome and some of the best outside climbing at this time of year.
I'm in the pullup club! I need motivation! Haven't been hitting the gym consistently enough to get regular exposure, trying to pull myself up on my doorframe at home…hoping to hit CF Santa Fe tomororw morning, anyone been?
Thanks, all, for suggestions! As far as I can tell, CF Las Vegas and CF Max Effort look good, but I might end up following Asta's lead and doing hotel gym workouts.
Running…oof. It IS 70 right now, which sounds lovely, but hotter than that, running to a box…no. Props, Dan.
JR, odds of me making it to a box, or at least working out, are high – I'm going for work, not play. Boo.
And k2h2 – It's SO WEIRD. It won't stop. Oof.
And re: climbing – I WISH. I'm going to be working all day, every day, and doubt I'll have a break to get out to Red Rocks. It's bugging me that I won't be able to pull it off.
Noon class with Jeremy and McD
45×5, 95×4, 115×3, 130×2
Decided to stick at this weight (same as last week) since legs are still sore from 13.3 and I'd rather make all my reps than fail. Left shoulder still funky and I can feel it under the bar when I'm re-racking the weight.
WOD: subbed 16kg KB swings (face level) for push press, since OH is not happening without pain right now
times: 1:21, 1:09, 1:10, 1:08. I was slow on the first set cuz I didn't realize how quick 200m would be and I just needed to sprint the whole time.
stayed an hour after class to practice a bit of yoga, and use various LAX balls on my shoulder girdle, hip, and lower leg areas. so worth the time!
@Courtney… hydrate like mad and use the force to will your arm twitch away.
@Courtney-I once had a twitch in my pec for like 2 weeks…it was ridiculous.
Snatch- Work on Technique and speed. REALLY try to get that bar path sweeping back from the get go. Easily said, but not done.
205#x1x5 or so
Snatch Pulls
Pause HBBS@300x2x6
Legs are actually feeling less sore after squatting THANK GOD.
Moxie Kipsalot?
Kip Pullerton?
Kipperton O'Foxly?
shaye — i'm in for the evening pull ups!
Name for the fox: Ryan Gosling. What!?!? I am lame and do my PU stuff at OG or at home using the bar in my bathroom, only door it fits on. Is there an extension version of this club? Splinter Cell?
@Courtney – use the gym at the hotel and try to play even a teeny bit. I have a bunch of things I can share with you, hit me up the usual way and I'll give 'em up.
You should be okay. Apply a little heat to the area and focus on your posture. A little Thoracic extension on the double LAX balls and/or Foam roller would be a good idea. That on top of some light soft tissue work around your lat, delt and tricep itself.
It will probably clear up soon, shouldn't be alarmed. Let me know if it persists beyond a day or two
My legs feel awful from Sunday still. Bringing 4 large suitcases down 2 flights of stairs was a comical display. Have done two A/R sessions in my apartment today. Some SMR and squatting have helped a lot.
I would like to be an honorary member of the Christian Fox Center for Pullups and All That Other Stuff. As dues, this evening I contributed EMOTM pullups/chinups (2 pullups x2, 1 pullup, 2 chinups x3).
I really should start coming to the gym earlier in the morning to practice my kip swing, as that is the one thing I can't do at home (my building's gym has a pullup bar, but my toes touch the ground when I hang from the bar). I can do strict pullups with bent knees, but kips, not so much.
A note about sucking it up in the Open- For the last two years ive been disappointed in my performances in the Open. Each WOD I think im going to perform better than I actually do, and leave feeling slightly frustrated. Last year I did crazy metcon work, but fell short on being strong enough. This year im way stronger, but metabolically not as fit. The great part about doing the open is that it lets you know where you are, and most importantly, its a great EGO check. Its all well and good to go crush a WOD at the gym and beat everyone in the 430pm CFSBK group class and go home feeling like your the man. BUT when you place 1009th in an open WOD you get to be reminded on how much there is to work on and how you are just not as good as you thought you were. Heres to sucking it up…and forging on.
Front Squats: 45×5, 95X5, 135×5, 185×5, 185×5, 185×5
Bench: 45×5, 80×5, 120×5, 160×5, 160×5, 160×4
Wod:15~ @ 95#
Did front squats, now that my Back squat is back up to 300# I take way too long to do it in regular class. They are still moving comfortably. Just a slight wobble on the last few reps. Missed OG on Sunday so I squeezed in a bench. Failed on the last rep of the last set, BOOO. Gonna go with since I did the push press WOD right before that's the reason. Either way it's about time we hit the fractionals. Actually liked the push press/row workout. Did about 1:30-145 per round at 95# because the last set would have sucked and I knew I was benching after.
I also agree with David F, the fox needs some jorts.
Thanks, DO! Going to try to work it out…
HBPS: Work sets at 240, good speed
WOD w Kevin McD and James
splits: 131, 129, 133, 130
AR class w/Fox
A great night at the gym, LOVED the WOD couplet: good pace and mix of something I'm pretty good at (push press) with something I'm pretty bad at (rowing). Then home to study Starting Strength.
Need to practice my muscle up mechanics some more.
12 noon w/ McDowell & Jeremy
In the midst of two passover dinners (think Thanksgiving two nights in a row) so I'm glad I made it today after a week vacation in LA. No crossfit, just swimming and a bit of yoga trying to rest/cure my sore back.
But today I was able to LBBSQT 140, which is my previous PR.
WOD – very slow on round one, but with more effort on the erg and sprinting harder, and pressing unbroken I carved 17 seconds off my time from slowest to fastest – 1:38 to 1:21 (using 55#).
Would love to do the pullups if and when I have the time – I need to figure that one out.
repost from last week since I finally brought the armaid in.
btw I know a lot of ppl have been having arm issues.
I bought this thing a couple weeks ago:
I havent had any major arm/wrist issues lately so if its ok with MGMT I can leave it at the gym for people to try starting sometime this weekend. I left it near the Theracanes.
You should watch these videos before use for instructions (pretty simple but still:
If you guys end up liking let me know. The guy cut me a nice deal on them (which you guys could also get) and I told him I'd share if it works. No commission for me.
Kstar starts talking about the armaid at 3:10 btw.