Fitness:Low Bar Back Squat 3×5
Continue your linear progression by adding 5lbs to your previous exposure weight
Performance: High Bar Pause Squat 80%x2x8
Rest about a minute, no more than 2 minutes between sets.
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BSQ e5/6 compare to 3.18.13
4 Rounds, each for time of:
Row 250m/200m
10 Push Presses 115/75
Rest about double your work time between rounds. Go hard.
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What it takes to be #1 in the World
Samantha Briggs: 323 Total Reps (Thats 53 Reps into the 2nd Round!)
Write 13.4 and 13.5
There are only two workouts left in the 2013 CrossFit Open. Based on the workouts and movements we’ve seen, program what you think the next two workouts will be. Below are the exercises and time domains we’ve already been exposed to:
Snatches (progressive)
Push Press (light)
Deadlifts (light)
Box Jumps
Wall Ball
Double Unders
Time Domains
17 Minutes
10 Minutes
12 Minutes
The Twinkee Diet CNN
Train Like an Animal Podcast with Glen Pendlay
There hasn't been a single movement workout yet. Maybe 7min AMRAP heavy Clean and Jerk? And maybe the dreaded Fran Ladder to close things out.
Apparently I won't be able to attend the rippetoe seminar. My loss can be your gain. If interested email me at (cloydemills @
I really, really hope they won't do the Fran ladder for a third year in a row! I mean, maybe I'd get a C2B pullup for the first time, but…that's probably about it.
HBBSQ 135x2x8. This felt AWFUL. I did 13.3 on Friday, not Saturday, and I'm still feeling the aftereffects. Yuck!
WOD: I did this at Rx weight but ended up unintentionally scaling by doing quite a few push jerks instead of push presses. Nick called me out on it. The weight was probably too much for me to do only push presses, but I'm not sorry I tried it. My usual MO is to err on the side of too much caution, so I'd like to try more things Rx even if sometimes that's a mistake.
Legs are still fried from Saturday…will make up back squat tomorrow AM.
One of the next open WODs could perhaps be a Girls combo of Grace/Cindy…
20 min time limit for 30 C&J @ 135#, then 5pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats in the remaining time. That would be awful, but fun to watch the pros motor through.
I did a little research and assembled all of the movements that were included in the last three Opens. I eliminated the ones that already appeared this year and we are left with the following.
Toes to Bar
Pull Ups
Overhead Squats
Push Ups
Handstand Push Ups
Of these only Pull Ups and Cleans appeared in all three. Push Ups and Handstand Push Ups each only appeared once before. Obviously this means nothing but it might be a good gauge to predict the next two workouts.
My guess for the next two are:
13.4 – 3 Rounds of Thrusters and Toes to Bar
13.5 – 7 Minute Pull Up AMRAP
6am with Nick and McDowell. High bar pause squats: 230x2x8. Lots of slow reps. Nick called me out for not pausing a full 2 seconds on some reps. I informed him time moves faster at the bottom of the squat. Metcon at 115#: 1:14, 1:10, 1:08, 1:08. Yeah, this workout played to my strengths.
I love the nerdy research. I think they still do the Fran ladder, and so I think we'll get the T2B and Cleans in another workout.
Peter: Is that a theory of squat relativity?
I think both remaining WODs will be AMRAPs. I also think they won't have a movement like pullups or HSPUs by itself, because otherwise there will be a LOT of people with zero reps. Beyond that, I refuse to speculate…every time I do, I'm wrong 😛
OMG. My legs haven't felt like this since my marathoning days. Even with a lot of activity the rest of the weekend, I can still barely go down stairs, lol. I'm afraid if I squat tonight, I won't be able to get back up! lol
My quads are useless. My legs buckle when I walk. Hats off to anyone who squats today.
Briggs is a beast.
Has to be pull-ups
And lol at fox on a mission to destroy or quads.
8am with McDowell
LBBSQ 3×5 @110. Felt good, but I also didn't do 13.3… 😀
Did the WOD with 55# and by the 4th round that was heavy! I can see how you went for the push jerk Stella! Props on doing it RX. Best time 1:15, worst time 2:00…I was really tired by that last round!
Also, our awesome 8am pull-up club did "B" day…with the company of our new mascot! Check out PullUp Fox (he needs a name, Reginald got vetoed)
BTW you don't have to be in 8am pull-up club to be in pull-up club! Just let someone know you're working on your pull-ups before/after class (whenever, really) and BOOM! you're in like sin! I think we're gonna make shirts if anyone is interested.
lindsayksilva (at) gmail (dot) com
7am with McDowell & Nick.
Squatting today was challenging. I did 2 sets at 225 after warmups (had been doing Fitness at 280) and felt crushed.
Then did the nice 4 rds on the erg. I'll say this. It hurt like hell when i squatted today, but i feel much better now after squatting and rowing. Seriously, much better.
Last night:
C+J complex, worked to 165
Squats, worked to a moderate 235x5x3
Quick couplet: 3RFT 20 sit-ups, 20 push-ups
Thanks to Laurel for the split jerk form guidance. I'm really looking forward to having the techniques dialed in and being able to go for weight. Excited to do today's work (tomorrow).
The open:
I was gonna do it but now I have to work a lot of Saturdays so that was my excuse. Now watching and talking to everyone about how much it wrecks them I don't really see the point. For me that is. I rather be able to keep up my training than be assed out for days at a time. Meh. For the record I saw Christain Riess do this one Friday AND Sunday. Jesus.
Still feeling a little shaky from 13.3 and the weekend in general where I ate and drank too much and then forgot to submit my score for 13.3.
Came in to squat, 225 felt heavier than it should have, but by the end my legs felt right for the first time since Saturday.
That is to say- if you are an evening class goer and thinking about skipping because you feel fried it might be just what you need.
Noah B- I think this is the first workout that really busted people up this Games season, and with proper prep and recovery work shouldn't keep anyone out for more than a day. You can stay on a nice, safe, progression ad infinitum, but there's some times when you gotta lay your training on the line. My hat is off to everyone who's been battling these past 3 weeks.
Noah B —
Despite being pretty beat to hell by 13.3 (and to some extent by 13.2), I'm glad I let peer pressure take me to the Open this year.
I'm still glad I didn't do it last year, as I really was not ready to Rx a good many of the movements. This year, I was on the fence, thinking that I'd still rather be able to scale what I needed to in order to keep moving and get a good workout.
I have been really pleasantly surprised at how much Rx'ed work I've been able to do thus far. I'm not sure that I would have done all of it left to my own devices. I might have thought 75 was too heavy for shoulder to overhead and gone with 65. I almost certainly would have decided to count double-under attempts. I also might have allowed myself some knee burpees in week 1. Not being allowed to do any of these things forced me to find out whether I could do them rather than just assuming ahead of time that I couldn't.
YMMV of course — as I mentioned above, I have a tendency to be too conservative and the Open has been really good for forcing me to rethink that. Also, although I've been hurting for sure, it hasn't been bad enough to stop me from coming into the box on Sundays and Mondays.
Squatted after a long morning teaching clients and classes. Wasn't sure how I'd feel after 13.3…Worked paused doubles up to 275×2. Hadn't been following the progression and wanted to feel it out. Glad I squatted, my legs feel much better for having done it. The one MAIN thing I got out of the CFE seminar/certification (aside from running technique/drills) was that squatting heavy after an endurance event sped up recovery and return to normal function. It's proved to be true each time I've tested it out on myself or a client or a class.
13.4 – T2B + Push Ups + Cleans.
13.5 – Thruster/Pull Up ladder.
Each AMRAPs since that's the format of every Open WOD thus far.
Pause squats:
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 210×2, 215x2x5 – failed on the first rep of the 6th set. Right quad was cramping throughout.
Acc WOD @ 95# (115 just felt heavy and wonky on the shoulder)
1:27, 1:30, 1:27, 1:28 (although the 2nd set was probably a few seconds faster as my erg reset and I just rowed until it turned back on)
I pussed out on 'real' lifting today and opted for the following:
-10 goblet squats, 12kg.
-20 h2h kettlebell swings, 12kg
-20 walking lunges, 35# plate overhead
-10 push press, 25
-plank hold, :45, 1:00, 1:30
I'm hella sore from 13.3 and this honestly is all that I could muster. I made sure that all of my clients foam rolled today just so that I could get some extra quad love in.
Would love to see a clean and jerk ladder. Don't wanna see thrusters though they'll be there, as will pullups…
Couldn't make it in today, did a workout at home:
HSPU Negative: 1 rep on the minute for 5 minutes
5 rounds of Strict Cindy: 4:03
Low bar back squats: 5×45, 5×135, 5×185, 3×205, 3×225, 10×245
Front squats: 5×135, 3×185, 3×205, 5×225
Speed back squats: 5x[10×135, 90s rest]
Speed front squats: 5x[10×115, 90s rest]
OHS: 10×45, 10×75, 10×95, 10×115
Tabata Pullups: 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,7
Notes: legs (especially quads) feel solid, hips feel equally fatigued without biasing either side. Mild tingling feeling in right arm when OHS at 115 after rep 6.
Squat: 225×5, 265×5, 280×5, 305×3, 265c5
OK, but still not crisp enough. Quads hurt which means I was coming forward too much.
Bench: 203x3x5 (5 triples) and 150×10
Solid overall. Still working on planting legs.
Best part was hanging out with Margie although our chatting totally slowed me down.
Fun 7:30 p class in which I got to work with Res, whose squat form is impeccable (which is even more awesome since she told me she only started in February) and partner with Teresa, who is not only super strong, but super encouraging.
I was happy that 120# work weight, a 5# jump from last week, not only didn't feel awful but actually felt pretty smooth. I was thinking that it'd be heinous after 13.3 and yesterday's WOD, but surprisingly not. Noah and Fox are right – heavy squats after a nasty workout might actually do a body good. Imagine that!
The WOD…oof. I was happy that I was able to Rx 75# during 13.2, so gave that a shot today – hated dropping down to 65# after 2 sets but I was barely grinding above my head and could hardly clean the bar back up at the tail end of the second set. Teresa blasted though all 4 sets of ten without even pausing. Sweet!
My forearms feel like cinderblocks and I can barely hold a pen, hence the crappy push presses. T. rex arms. Maybe that's because I went next door to BKB after 13.3 to get my head right because it was the worst, most discouraging WOD I've ever done. I am dumb.
Squat: 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 145x3x5 and felt strong throughout. Guess all the skiing is paying off.
WOD: Wow was this was fun. 75lb 1:32/1:40