12 minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
While Open Workout 13.3 is a repeat of 12.4, there is one major difference: the special tiebreak.
Just like 13.1, athletes with the same number of reps will enter a special tiebreak to determine rank. When the athlete is through with each set of one movement, the judge must mark the elapsed time.
For example, when an athlete has completed the 150 wall balls, time should be marked. When the athlete has completed 90 double-unders, time should be marked. And when and if an athlete completes the 30 muscle-ups, time should be marked.
This is very important for athletes, judges and Affiliate Managers to take note.
Read more about the workout description, video submission standards, and movement standards on the Open Workouts page.
Today’s workout…Wall balls!
Scheduling Reminder–No Active Recovery Class today!
Volunteer Request for CF Level 1 Certified
Mayhem in the Meadowlands 2013 is looking for Volunteers!
The WODs are almost set, equipment is being secured, the special guests are ready, Katie Hogan is prepared to keep us all in line with a smile, and Slippery When Wet is prepared to entertain us. Hopefully you are all getting ready to bring your best on the turf at MetLife Stadium on 4/21/13.
We can use some help. A competition of this size needs a ton of judges. They’re looking for Level 1 Trainers that can volunteer as judges on 4/21. In return we will feed them, give them a shirt and provide two free spectator tickets per judge.
We look forward to seeing you on the turf at MetLife Stadium on 4/21.
Your Mayhem Team
If interested, send an email to steve(at)mayheminthemeadowlands.com
How do you mentally prepare for a hard workout? Do you talk to yourself before, during and/or after the workout?
No Bullsh*it the Voices in Your Head Elite FTS
And you thought 13.2 sucked… Crossfit SP, Brazil
that video is extraordinary. thanks for sharing it.
Did 13.3 at OG last night. Thanks to MeLo for getting us set up!
Score was 220 reps, so got thru the 150 WB's and 70 DU's in the 12 min time allotment.
Holy quads. I was kicking myself on the third rep because I had wanted to put a small piece of extra black mat under my right foot to compensate for my leg difference. I've done this before with some high rep squat/wb workouts and it really helps to equalize the work between my legs and keep me from locking back into my knees. Forgot. oh well!
Plan was to do 10 sets of 15 reps on the WB. That deteriorated after about 2 sets I think… then I was doing like 5, 7, or 3 at a time. Small chunks to get me through. I know if I go for too much and redline that I just lose my sh*t mentally and take too much rest, so the goal was to chip away and just keep breathing and shaking out my legs and make it thru WB's by the 10min mark.
Got off the wall at 9:48, threw off weightlifting shoes and headed into doubles. Got 30 unbroken to start, then made myself rest so again I wouldn't lose it on my breath/heart. Had a couple trip ups, shook it off, and then think I got to 55? Finished out one last set with like 15 or 20 sec left to get to 70.
Whole anterior side of my body felt completely locked up during the doubles. Thighs are QUITE sore this morning!
LOST! One black "rage fitness" speed rope.
If you went to the 11am saturday class and walked off with the wrong rope, please let it for me at the front desk. Thanks!
13.3 was a beast. Got to 240 and one attempt at a MU, which was my goal, so pretty happy with this.
Wore my OLY shoes and broke the WBs into sets of 15, then 10, then 5 at the end.
13.3 at Virtuosity: I did my first two sets of 25, then broke it up into sets of 15 and 10. Those last 50 were killer. Thanks to Brandon for cheering me on and keeping me on my game.
The doubles went slow – I wish I had been more consistent – broke those up in sets of ten, maybe one set of 20.
Finished up the doubles at 10:37, rested for a second, and hit the rings at about 11:00. Did two singles, a double, and then a final muscle-up that landed wonky and I almost didn't get, but eventually got to the top just as the time was up.
Total score: 245. I'm happy with this – last year, I got to the muscle-ups and failed four or five times. My goal for this was to get at least one muscle up, and not to fail at all.
All in all, fun to hit this again. I'd love to try it another time in six months or so to see if I can get those doubles together.
Awesome work to all who came out from Team SBK: Brandon kicked ass at a difficult movement, Jess made it all the way to the muscle-ups and nearly got up there, and it was great to look up in the middle of the wallballs at Teresa, my heatmate, blazing through it. Looking forward to next week.
242 reps on 13.3, which is the exact same score I got last year. Somewhat disappointed in myself, since I think my overall conditioning is better than this time last year. I knew in last year's Open that this was the only workout I'd really be able to distinguish myself on, and did lots of prep and gameplanning for it. Today felt much less crisp.
Got done with wallballs at about the 10 minute mark, way, way, way, too slow. Despite being a crappy, short wallballer I convinced myself that I'd start with 15 rep sets. 2 of those and I switched to 10s, a few more of those and it was 5's the rest of the way- bad planning. Last year I remember feeling like the WBs flew, and they felt very tight, mechanical, and balanced. This year they were sloppy and felt tough from about 50 on.
Luckily good double unders and sorted muscleups let me race a bit at the end and get over the rings a few times. If I could have shaved 1 minute off the WBs I think I could have gotten into the high single digits in MUs, alas.
Still a fun workout, basically throws you deep into a dark hole and asks you to claw your way back out with time running down.
That video is amazing.
Holy quads, Batman. Thanks to Noah's advice, I paced myself intelligently on the WB, with sets of 10 pretty much the whole time. I have no idea what the time was when I got to the DUs – maybe 10:00. McDowell's advice to just bounce in place before even picking up the rope was brilliant. And whereas I cramped up last year, today I was fine. Ended up getting 240 reps at 11:38 – way better than last year. I don't have muscle-ups, so I just panted and groaned till the clock hit 12:00. And then I panted and groaned some more.
After the fun I spent a good 10 minutes on the erg, and then 10 minutes lying down with my feet propped up, to get the shit out (that's the scientific term) – that's always done me right. I highly recommend it to all you kids out there.
Fox pointed out that I hadn't selected my team on the Games website. D'oh… Turns out I can't change that now. Bummed.
Underachieved on this one. Tried to set off on 15s and then, 10s, and then…Wall Ball chewed me up good. A bunch of no-reps on height. Took until about 11 minutes (I have to check my tiebreak score) to complete them and then suffered through a few double unders. Far worse than last year. I was confident that I'd get to the rings with a minute or two left.
Can Denzel play my thighs in the movie "Quads on Fire".
i am psyched to have gotten through the wall balls and then 18 double unders! my foot started cramping with about thirty wall balls to go so im THRILLED to have been able to keep going.
and now, my legs are okay but my back is fucking killing. my mid-to-upper back. does that mean im doing the wall balls wrong? oops.
I got something like 106 or 107. I'll check at OG tomorrow so I can submit my score. These were really bad and my shoulders were totally fried at the end. My OG warm ups are going to be wall balls and kettlebell swings for awhile I think. I definitely need to focus on keeping my elbows in on wall balls because I lose a lot of the power out of my squat and don't keep my chest up enough right now. Thanks to Fox for bearing with me.
Joel 108
I accidentally left our green strap with all the other straps in the basket at the gym. Could someone please set it aside for us at the front desk?
It's green with all the "holds" built in.
Thanks you!!!!
Ariel- don't worry, you didn't break anything, its natural for your t-spine to be a bit smoked after doing all those WBs. I know I've been walking around (stifflegged) rolling my shoulders and trying to pinch my scaps back like crazy.
Great video is right.
That was a brutal way to spend part of a Saturday. 153 reps. I did 7 sets of 10 to start and that was probably too many. Then there was an 8 and a 7, a bunch of 5s and whatever it took to get it done. I think the Marcos way of going to 5s earlier and being strict with the 10 second rest rule would have been a better way to go for me. I flamed out and the last 30 WBs were pure torture. I had about 50 seconds for DUs in my stiff O lifting shoes and frozen quads and could only manage 3 singles. 11 reps better than last year so I'll take it, though I think I could've gamed it a little better.
I never want to do that one again. Fun to partner up with Crash B compadre Alex C and race with Dan R for a while. Recovery whiskey.
Hey Doug, Josh M had a forgotten rope.
Oof. 136. My assumption that pacing is what killed me on 13.1 and 13.2 turned out to be incorrect, I just don't have the endurance I used to. Started with 10s and couldn't even keep that up for more than a few sets (lots of sloppy throws hitting low or not at all resulting in no-reps made it much harder). Turned into a grind pretty quickly and I just started dropping after misses to walk a few steps. Oh well, 136 wall balls is a pretty good workout!
Dips (rep out)
Last year I think I got like 10 dus but I can't find the record anywhere. Looked in last years registered athlete page and didnt see any numbers for me. Maybe I didn't enter.
Anyhow happy with this though I should've finished doubles if form was better.
Game plan was
20 wall balls then
10 x 13
I usually has after 30 wall balls out the gate so I figured 20 + 10 seconds rest would be great til round 5. It actually sucked after round 1 of 13. By round 3 I was breaking it into 5,5,3 with about 3-5 seconds of rest. By the end I broke down more but stayed close to 10 seconds rest between the 13s. Happy about that.
Got of wall balls at 954
Got 20+ dus right away jut then needed time to catch my breath. Screwed up the first two sets after catching my breath and got 30 more to end the wod.
Interesting been experimenting with diet for awhile
IF/leangains type eating and some carb back loading. Realizing that the really low carb diet was affecting performance. Here I thought that I was getting winded because my lack of endurance after really just getting back in the gym after 3 mos. but eating carbs seems to really have an affect on what I consider my "wind" endurance..not just muscular endurance. Interesting
It's been ages since I've posted and while I keep a notebook I've been super inconsistent on the blog. When planning for this wod, I couldn't remember what I did last year and really thought that I didn't post about it. However, I tracked back and was happily surprised that I posted my game plan and results! It not only motivated to post today (in case this workout comes up again next year) but it also gave me a solid game plan for today.
Finished with 240 reps. Same as last year but much faster.
-Started wallballs with a set of 15, then did sets of 10 until 135 when I finished with another set of 15. These felt really good. I dropped the ball after each set and counted myself down with a 7-10 sec rest. Finished Karen in 7:33. Not bad for a shorty. This was the same exact game plan as last year except I had strict rest periods and I did my last 15 this time unbroken. (last year did 8,7)
-Quads did not want to let me jump and tripped up on my first few doubles. Then got a big set of 30-35, then a couple sets of 20, then a last set to finish up. Finished doubles in 9:39. (about 30secs faster than last year at this point)
-got 4 legit muscle-up attempts and came the closest I've ever gotten. was able to get my left arm to turn over and tried desperately to crank my right arm but it just wasn't there. Soon, soon. One of the big differences for me as I attempted was that I gave myself a strict rule that I wouldn't waste time swinging on the rings. Just one kip forward, back then pull! So. Close.
Great times with our 4 man team at CFV. Nice job to them and all of you beasts taking it on in-house. Can't wait to see what 13.4 is. Unless it thrusters. 😉
Oh, and to answer the question of the day, YES I definitely talk to myself when getting ready for a heavy lift or when a challenging/frightening/competitive wod is coming up. I didn't use to do this but I find that over the years, it's helped to calm me down and get me focused. Today, I talked to myself a lot. Mainly counting under my breath and telling myself that I can keep moving. I kinda like it.
Took the 1PM class after partying it up with Corbett, Joy, Mishik, and Asta until the wee hours of the morning.
Judged/encouraged Dan H3 who was consistent as hell on his wallball. I think he had 3 missed reps the whole time. Well done bro!
Thanks to everyone for cheering me on; Marcos was there to encourage me, which was awesome and redeeming as he recalled how this destroyed me the last time.
Was great to pair up against Ben W for most of the workout, I remember being neck-and-neck with him but fell behind after a TONS of missed reps though (~20), and eventually dropped from sets of 10 to sets of 5. At that point retreated into my mind and stopped processing anything going on around me.
Frustrated I couldn't manage all the doubled unbroken, but finished them all with ~30 seconds remaining to make two muscle up attempts. Happy about that.
Cooled down with some rowing, foam rolling, enough food to feed three people, and then worked on some weaknesses when getting home.
OHS – ultra wide grip to prep for snatching.
Hand Stand Negatives
1 rep on the minute for 5 minutes
Tabata Knees to Elbow
Grip failure in the last round.
Throat's a bit sore throat from all the "singing" during karaoke, but otherwise feel really good after today's workout.
HUGE props to Nick Peterson — all that rowing on the erg has made me considerable better on wallball.