Fitness: 3×5
Perform your fourth exposure to Front Squats. Bar speed should remain quick and your positions should be perfect.
Performance: 80%x2x6
Rest 60-90 secs between reps.
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e4/6 compare to 3.14.13
Tabata Mash Up
Alternating Tabata rounds for reps of:
KB Swing
Box Jump
*Score is lowest rep round for each movement
In one of the most exciting moments of the Open so far, Willie gets 135 overhead!
Introducing BNCHMRK
As CrossFitters, tracking and reflecting on our performance is part of our daily routine — we write our scores on the whiteboard after class and (some of us) post them in the comments on the blog. This is important, awesome stuff and deserves a more permanent and more easily accessible home. Over the past few months, I’ve been working with a couple of friends to build something for this very purpose. BNCHMRK is a web app for tracking your performance on all of the benchmark workouts — the major lifts, runs, rows, girls, heroes, and we even have the CF Games open workouts.

-Dan Betz
What’s your method of tracking your workout metrics and accomplishments?
6 Tips for People who Stand All Day Eric Cressey
Amazon Deal of the Day is 50% off on New Balance minimus…I love these shoes.
hey everyone
i'm going to be down in south florida next week (FLL) and plan to drop in a couple of times, especially to hit 13.4 (after i brutalize myself this sat. with 13.3) Besides searching online for CF in that area, does anyone have a suggestion for a good box ?
I log my workouts in a Google doc (a fusion table) which I've set up to automatically graph my progress in several lifts and rows. I love graphs. I update my data from my phone on the walk to the train. It's not perfect, but I haven't had time to do anything more complicated.
I'm going to give bnchmrk (who needs vowels?) a try.
Congrats Betz on the launch of BNCHMRK! I've already inputted some scores. I'm bummed you're leaving, but I wish you and the family well, and hope you visit us often!
If you're in the Miami area I recommend CrossFit Threshold. It's been awhile since I was there (3 years probably), but one of the owners is a triplet and his brother used to train at CFSBK! (crazy…!) They are nice folks so perhaps you'd enjoy it. I don't have a lot of comments on their coaching since we did an epic chipper when I was there and none of the moments were very technical.
Thanks for posting this, MGMT! I hope some of you find BNCHMRK useful – we've been adding all of the open workouts, so you can give it a try after you take on workout 13.3<?a>.
Kim – I think you just wrote our new tagline! We also have plans to add graphs so stay tuned.
I swear one of these days I am going to prove Fox gets commission on shoe sales. he always knows the deals….
Great article in the Times Magazine about the all-terrain human.
8am with Fox & Friends. Front squat 145x5x3, felt fine and I think my form was ok. I followed the advice to be consistent on the WOD a little too closely and undershot, ended up going harder on the last round… anyway, kept consistent at 11x20kg kb swing, 6 24" box jumps. Last round was 12 & 8.
Also, thanks for posting the shoe deal notice! Just bought a pair.
ive been using an app called Mywod since the new year.
Easy to use, pulls from our RSS feed, and easily searchable.
Also includes all the benchamrk wods and a lot of other common ones.
btw I know a lot of ppl have been having arm issues.
I bought this thing a couple week ago:
I havent had any major arm/wrist issues lately so if its ok with MGMT I can leave it at the gym for people to try starting sometime this weekend. (Maybe near the theracanes)?/
You should watch these videos before use for instructions (pretty simple but still:
If you guys end up liking let me know. The guy cut me a nice deal on them (which you guys could also get) and I told him I'd share if it works. No commission for me.
I tried using BNCHMARK.. but it keeps telling me the date format is wrong no matter what I'm typing in.. Perhaps i'm being an idiot
I use a plain old notebook. Which I realize means that when I want to look up a benchmark, I have to rely on my brain to remind me of when I last did that benchmark. I have a pretty good memory, so this has been fine, but I'll have to give BNCHMRK a try.
Great, more sneakers, just what I needed.
Am I the only one who seems to just fit into the Inov8 195s due to narrow long feet/toes? No NB, Minimus, Chucks, et al. Is there a support group for this issue? I feel very left out.
Anyway, 7am again this morning with my favourite KH starring Lady Fox. Eating and sleeping are an issue with me right now am wearing out right quick, which sucks, but still made myself use Le Pood for Tabata Mashup – recovering from the ankle injury meant 20" box for step up/down. Front Squats are a problem with the ankle and anything heavier that 63# at this point is no bueno. Meh. At least I was able to go heavier than last time which means healing is happening.
@E thanks for making it rain for me this morning, you're the best.
@Noah I am currently hugging my GS cookies close and am on the second tube of thin mints. Lemme know how much I owe. You rule.
Just a feeler: anyone interested in a Muscle Up Workshop tomorrow evening at 8PM after open gym? Figured with 13.3 coming out some people would want to get that skill sorted.
That said, from my experience last year, most people did not even get to the muscle up portion of the workout, so don't think this is compulsory in any way.
Email me at noah AT crossfitsouthbrooklyn DOT com if you're interested. I will probably be around OG tomorrow playing around with them either way.
6am with Jess. 93x3x5 on the front squat and 142 on the WOD. Attempted jumping off the box for the first time during a few rounds.
Good luck, Betz! Enjoy NJ! I currently use a notebook to log workouts, but I'm looking to transition to something more easily searchable — will definitely give bnchmrk a try.
Will be going in tomorrow for today's workout. But I'm seriously concerned about the box jumps, they scare the bejesus outta me!
Any suggestions? I'd go to open gym to practice, but since it's all in my head, I don't think I'd make much progress on my own.
Mrav – you're no idiot. Can you email feedback at BNCHMRK dot me? I'll get it sorted out for you.
Michelle – do them with a short box (we have eight 12" boxes) and do them slowly. As you start to feel more comfortable with them you can slowly increase box height by adding a 25# bumper plate (black ones) to the box. The 25# bumps are about 2" high so once you feel ok with the 12" box and a few plates you can give the 16" a shot. Sound OK? For the WOD, if they totally freak you out then simply perform step ups.
i fucking love that picture of willie.
Noah, I'd be down for the MU workshop.
Oh wait JUST KIDDING ABSOLUTELY NOT because this is the meanest WOD ever for shorties and I'm going to consider it a victory just to get through 150 f*ckin' Rx'd wall balls in 12 minutes, if I can even pull that off.
Never mind that I can barely jump high enough to get onto the rings, let alone actually do a muscle-up.
Needless to say, I am not looking forward to 13.3. Slow and steady is my mantra for this one.
Back from 4 days of snowboarding in Colorado. (sort of) Ironically there was more snow here. I'm pretty sure I posted the same thing two years ago when I went to Tahoe. I think I need to go to Vermont more….
Back in the gym last night after an unplanned 12 day deload (I planned for 6 days). Eased back in with…
Squat: 225x3x3
My standard, get some reps in after a layoff so as not to be debilitated by soreness workout. I'll ramp up the volume and intensity Friday and get back onto the my Israeli Pyramid program Monday.
Bench: 195×4, 200×4, 200×4, 200×3
Feeling it out here to make sure my starting point this cycle makes sense and it does: didn't get to take enough rest before the last set so I stopped instead of risking failure…
Thanks Fox. I've been jumping on the kiddie boxes since I started, but six months later it's just embarrassing. The one time I put a 25# bump in, the guy next to me tripped on the first jump and that was that, I freaked out and had to take it off. I'll give it another try and keep my fingers crossed.
Front squats: 215x2x8. Felt good for the first 6 sets. The last 2 sets had some stickiness on the second rep. Interesting that my front squat and high bar (back) pause squat weights are synchronized this cycle.
Looking forward to 13.3. Last year on 12.4 I got through the wall-balls without problem, took longer than expected on the double-unders (notes say they suck after the wall-balls) and then stared at the rings for 90 seconds. But I conveniently took Noah's muscle-up workshop this past weekend. Bring it.
Dan, I think I figured out the problem: I am indeed an idiot. I think I was entering backslashes between the year/month/date rather than dashes and that caused the problem. It seems to be working now great!
I have been using myWOD for about a year now and love it. Records all my info and even breaks down my calculation %.
I'm away now for two weeks in Miami but that won't stop me from crossfitting, heard its snowing today there ๐ I just started the burpee challenge today on the beach that was energizing ๐ day 1 – 25 burpees, 50 squats, 25 push-ups. Now need to make my way over to a box and to give a shot at 13.3 wod. I hope I can make it through all the wallballs. Might need someone to call the Waaaaaaaambulance. I'm so going to regret this!
I still can't figure out how to use the RSS feed for the myWOD app. Can anyone explain it to me?
During 12.4, I did 133 wall balls in 12 minutes. I gave the workout maximal effort (because I really wanted to get to the muscle ups). The first 40-50 with only a single rest. Then the wheels came off, and I ended up doing sets of 4-6 with as little rest as possible, which was a lot of rest. At the end I was a broken, shattered husk of a man, hardly able to walk home. 133 reps in 12 minutes is 11 reps per minute.
A few weeks later we did 200 wall balls with a partner. My partner and I alternated sets of 10. I did all of my sets unbroken and at maximum intensity. At the end I was tired, but I never hurt too badly (certainly nowhere near how bad I felt during 12.4), and I probably could have held pace for another handful of rounds. We finished in about 9 minutes. 100 reps in 9 minutes is 11 reps per minute. Exactly the same pace as when I tried to go as hard as I could and suffered a lot more.
On Saturday I am going to do sets of 10 with 100% rest intervals between them, and thereโs nothing anyone can do to stop me.
Noah I'd be down for a refresher having not attempted one in months. Although recent performance doesn't leave me much hope for getting there…
Did squats followed by the open workout:
45×5, 135×3, 185x2x6 – felt kind of heavy today
Open workout:
204 total reps Wall balls finished at 9:41
Better than last year so… good.
I've been easing back into my normal routine after being sick for a week. Front squats @90# 3×5 felt very organized and bar speed was good. Fox talked me into doing the WOD at 20kg and I did box jumps at 20". Stayed consistent through all the rounds. It feels good to be back.
13.3 with Michael tonight–thanks Jess for finding space for us.
225 — finished Karen in 9:21. Missed a few singles at the end of my doubles that kept me from getting to the rings. This. Was. Brutal.
FSQ w/Noah
205x2x6 pretty much on the minute. Fun to take class especially when Da Hache Tres is alongside.
WOD also w/Noah
24" and 32kg
Took er easy and Sstuck to 5 and 8 respectively. Good stimulus.
I've missed coaching (squats) on Wednesdays so the change this cycle due to the Open has been welcome by Himself.