Hip Power Clean
Front Squat
Split Jerk
Work up to a medium but perfect set of the above complex.
Post loads to comments.
20 Minutes, NFR of:
21 Calories On the Erg
15 Hollow Rocks
9/5 Handstand Push-Ups or 5 Pike Handstand Push-Ups
+ Count how many strokes it takes you to finish 21 Calories. See if you can accoplish the work in fewer pulls each round. Keep your stroke rating between 18 and 24
+ Do the Hollow Rocks Unbroken for every set
+ There is no Kipping in HSPU work today and a max of 1 abmat to scale ROM on the mature version. If you need more than 1 abmat to complete a rep, work on the piked version to get stronger.
Joe B pulling a 6:57.0 2K Under the guidance of Coach Nick
Congratulations to Jacinto B for placing 2nd in the Masters Competition at CrossFit Shorline!
Potluck next week!
On Friday, March 1st at 7:30-9:30pm (there will be No Open Gym) we’ll be hosting our second community potluck and LFPB Challenge awards ceremony. If you participated in the challenge this is a great opportunity to close it out with all the other folks who joined in over the last 6 weeks. We’ll be presenting awards to everyone who went above and beyond with their commitment and consistency and there will be a short presentation about what to do now that the challenge is over and some ideas to help you keep the momentum moving in the right direction. This event is open to everyone, regardless of participation.
Who: The entire CFSBK community is invited
Date: 03/01/23
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Kid Friendly? Yes! We’ll have the bouncy castle back
CrossFit: Save The Tens
Wow, my cleans didn't suck today! Not that this will ever be my best lift, but it felt less like the goat it usually is. I love how all the coaches just go ahead and pair up the Wonder Twins without needing to ask us what weights we're trying to hit anymore.
Fun accessory work. 29, 28, 28, 27 pulls on the erg.
9am with celebrity Crossfit competitor Chris Fox. Worked up to 190lb on the complex. Felt decent pop on the hip clean – more than I usually get from a regular old hand clean. Maybe the partial deadlift helped reinforce something. Split jerks also felt pretty good overall except for the last one that was a little ugly. I was happ to get the first 9 HSPU unbroken, but the remaining 3 sets were broken to shit and I had to scale to 1 abmat during the 3rd round. Took 19, 18, 18, 18 strokes on the rowing piece.
AM Strength:
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 255×1 270×5,4 225×5
Press 45×5 75×4 95×3 115×1 120×4,4
Clean 45xdrills 135×3 170x3x3
T2B 3×10
Bummer, thought I had that 270x5x3 this time but failed even earlier than on Thursday. AM sessions have always been harder for me. Same story on the press, first set the last rep got away from me and I thought I had 5 for the next one but no dice. Cleans all went up…clean this time, no failed pulls, so I got that goin' for me. Shit sure gets real at the end of a cycle.
FP #20
Adductor slowly getting better
Back Raise
AB Wheel Rollout
6×1 from feet
4×10 knees
11am Group class with Arturo and Melo!
Worked up to 198 on the complex and stayed there for a few reps.
Got 3 rounds in on the AW. 21 pulls each time and 9 strict hspu per round.
only you can prevent ten-icide.
love it.
save the tens was great, and went down a rabbit hole of videos.
i was just thinking that im really excited for the new strength cycle to start wednesday.
but then i realized that back off week has actually been awesome. it's been a great way to dial in form and work on different things that we usually dont concentrate on, and even though maybe we maybe dont lift quite as much, i still felt like i was getting stronger, what with all the pausing and what not.
and then i remembered crush week, which kind of sucked but also really kind of mostly rocked.
and in conclusion: i guess i like all the weeks at cfsbk. so that's pretty cool.
Sharing in Ariel's CFSBK lovin'…
Excuse my cheesiness in advance – I'm still in a happy haze of post-race endorphins.
I've been slacking off on running for the last couple of months for a host of reasons – coming off of training for the NYC Marathon-that-wasn't, starting a new job, it's been insanely freezing, blah blah blah: all of these are excuses. Really, CF has replaced running for me because I like CF so damn much. I had signed up for a 1/2 that I ran today, for which I was sorely undertrained. I went into it thinking that I'd take it easy and just do the best that I could, and that it would be an interesting little physiological experiment to see if CF-ing 3x a week without really running at all could prepare someone for a 1/2 marathon.
Call it asinine or call it crazy that I ran today – definitely more the former, though partially the latter – but not only did I finish with a PR, I didn't hit a wall, experience terrible pain, or even feel that fatigued throughout the whole race.
I entirely credit the strength that I've developed as a result of doing CF with helping me to finish the race. Also, during races, I get really corny and think about how fortunate I am to be able to put one foot in front of the other, and I was also thinking about how lucky I am to be a part of the awesome and totally kickass CFSBK community.
It's time for me to remove the ice from my knees, end my gushing and pass out, but for real, CFSBK – much love.
Save the Tens is pretty great. There could be an add on campaign called Technique Plates: Good Solo, Bad in Crowds about how those plasticky devils get insecure and stressed out when they are with other, bigger bumps and crack under the pressure.
Front Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×5, 165×5, 165×5
Bench: 45×5, 75×5, 115×5, 140×5, 140×5, 140×5
Dead Lift: 135×5, 225×5, 275×5
Dips: 3×5
Same as Friday everything felt ungodly heavy when it shouldn't. We'll see how long it takes me to get back in the groove. Thanks to Jenna, Sarah and laurel.