21-15-9 Reps For Time of:
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push-Up
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 12.14.11 and 8.8.11
7 properly locked bikes on the Bike Rack
If you ride your bike to the gym, please make sure you’re locking up your bike correctly. Drape the front wheel over the top cross beam and lock your tire and frame to the rack, like this:
Please don’t lock your bike parallel to the rail so that no one else can lock their bikes up. Bad Karma! Also- the rack is locked to the gym and in the OFF chance you happen to forget your lock, the front desk can provide you with a temporary U-Lock.
CRASH B This weekend
Our intrepid ERGonauts head to Boston today for the CRASH B Sprints this weekend. It’s no secret that these guys and gals have been spending a lot of time on the rowing machines lately getting ready for this event under the guidance of Coach Nick. We wish them the best of luck as they put their training to the test!
The World Indoor Rowing Championships contesting a 2,000m race. Although C.R.A.S.H.-B. as an organization maintains an untraditional irreverence to all things that are not fun, nonetheless this ergometer has become serious business, threatening to replace fun with pain, unless you can equate the two.
Team CrossFit South Brooklyn
Marco Addezio, Julie Barnard, Joe Blankush, Alex Cox, Gina Gatto, Dan Halioua, Jason Horowitz, Ryan Joyce, Colette Komm, Marian Lai, Melissa Lloyd, Monte MacDiarmid, Peter Mattis, Katie Mears, Cloyde Mills, Adele Myers, Stephanie Paddock, Christian Reiss, Dan Reshef, Charmel Rogers, Jen Stopka, Ben Whitney
Hydration Aja Barto
Ido Portal on Paleo Diet, CrossFit, Gymnastics, Motivation, Movement & More RawBrahs
Did Diane at open gym yesterday – 5:02 @
165# deadlift (my 1rep max is 305 so a bit over 50%)
35# db presses (just under 20% bw – I should have gone with 40)
Capacity test didn't go so hot. I think I'm more of a nighttime workout person.
Row in 4:22 (slower by about 5-6sec then last time) and 1.5 rounds; buzzer went off as I was about to pick up the bell, so 2 more burpees then last time. Really wanted two rounds but couldn't get it going on the erg.
Oh well – win some, lose some!
Crash-B'ers: You all have my utmost respect. You've been through an awesome training program, one that gives me the shakes just thinking about it. You're already champs as far as I'm concerned. Well done. Good luck in the race!
Squat: 315×2, 335×1 and 345×1
345 was such a mess and too maximal an effort I called it there. (was suppose to go up to 355)
Bench: 205×1, 215×1, 225×1, 225×1, 228×1, 215×1, 215×1
Meh. Barely got 228 up.
Capacity Test: Got two full rounds of burpees and KB swings which was 15 KB swings better than January. I took about 14 seconds off my row. Doing the test with Dave and Greg hit my competitive streak and definitely pushed me more than when I did it alone last month.
I hit a nice milestone last night doing back squats at open gym : I've added 100lbs to my 5×3 weight 🙂
10/17/2012: 205x5x3
2/15/2013: 305x5x3
good luck crash b-ers!
david, can we climb ropes again soon? 🙂
Nice Saturday morning.
Con: I was 5 minutes late for class. I need to start getting to class 10 minutes early. I suck.
Pro: Julie noticed the weight I've lost and commented. That was encouraging. I enjoyed the LFPB challenge
Diane: 6:34. 135# Deadlifts; 30lbs DB each hand press
Comment: We're continuing to work on Melo's knowledge of science fiction, 80s TV, and classic rock. We're seeing good progress week to week. I knew she had turned a corner when I asked about her about the capacity test and she said "I'm the one who did Kessel bells in the less than twelve parsecs".
Hey, lost glasses alert. Found a pair of tortoise shell glasses above the mirror in the changing room closer to the ergs. They are at the main desk. Nerds unite.
Diane – 6:24, very scaled. Fun class, but a pointed reminder that I really have a lot work to do. An optimist would call it unrealized potential. A realist would call it 'no bueno.' 185#, 35# DB's. For my DL's, Fox opined that I need to open up my hips at the top a bit more, so that's something to focus upon. My DB presses were scary bad – this needs a lot of work – they really were not going straight up in many cases, and I had to switch to a push press about halfway through. Thanks to Fox and McDowell for the help and tips.
6×3 pullups EMOTM.
Good luck to the Crash B'ers… from my anecdotal view of it, y'all put in a lot of hard work.
I did "Diane" with my Wonder Twin (Stella) yesterday morning. 5:56 with DLs @ 125# and 20# DBs. Finished :05 faster than Stella – but with 10# less on my bar.
Congrats B Dubs! Your description of how you felt after your row reaffirmed the fact that I am very, very glad to have not signed up. I am so excited for all the peeps going up to Boston this weekend. Go get 'em, guys!
Break some legs, Crash B'ers! I wish I could be there!
David's A/R class really turned what started out as a shitty day around for me – thanks, D.O.
Active Recovery: I second Michele – great class, DO.
Diane @115# with 17.5# DB PP: 5:34
Then, quick Bierkraft paleo special and about 2 hours of football practice. I'm beat.
AR/noon class
Diane – 185# DL and 30# DB PP: 5:20
congrats alan! thats awesome..
Diane – 6:55 rxd. Hspu really fell apart in the last round. Big PR though. At least 2 minutes, maybe more