In 7 Minutes:
Row 1000/850m
Then in the remaining time perform as many rounds as possible of:
10 Burpees
15 Kettlebell Swings
Male weights: 24k, 20k, 16k
Female weights: 16k, 12k, 8k
Range of motion standard for the Kettlebell swing is such that the entire bell should clear your head with your knees and hips at full extension. Burpees are chest to deck followed by a jump with full hip extension.
If you can’t complete this today, perform this workout as soon as possible. Ask a coach if you’re able to substitute one of the following week’s WODS for this if you need to, or come to Open Gym on Friday or Sunday.
Post Row time and rounds/reps completed to comments.
compare to 12.31.12
Reverse Tabata L-Sit x10 Rounds
The Price Is Right, CrossFit Edition!
We’ve taken 9 random items from the gym for you to size up. Post to comments how much you think each item costs. Person who is closest without going over wins.
A pair of “home made” parrallettes
A 20lb Dynamax Medicine Ball
A 10lb Dynamax Medicine Ball
A Pair of 45lb Blue Rogue Competition Bumpers
A Pair of 45lb Kraiberg Economy Bumpers
A 45lb “Burgener and Rippetoe” Barbell
A standard Rogue Bench
An Abmat
A Pair of Rogue Competition straps and wooden rings
CrossFit Greenpoint Does The Harlem Shake
A Logical Argument Against The Tracey Anderson Method
Sam Dancer Does a 405×22 Back Squat
Parrallettes about $19
Dynamax 20lb about $110
Dynamax 10lb about $85
Competition bumper around $230
Kraiberg bumpers i think about $235
Barbell is $295
Bench i think $175
Abmat about $30
Rings and Straps $70
I wanted to order this stuff for a long time its on my wish list!
Shoot! I didn't even look at when I finished the row, but I got 2 rounds + 6 burpees, which is 4 more burpees than I got on January 1.
I was craving a piece of chocolate layer cake through the entire challenge, and I just had it for breakfast. (I didn't want to eat it until after the capacity test!) With heavy cream poured on top. JESUS, MARY, AND OPRAH, that was worth the wait.
I did the CapTest at work yesterday, which is always weird. No music, an old nypd detective running on a treadmill next to me, Fox News blaring…
Got 2 rds and 13 KB swings, which is up from 2 and 8 swings the 1st time. Probably had 3 rounds in me, but had an equipment problem and had to haul the KB across the room to swing after put a yoga mat down on a slippery floor and almost ate shit immediately after coming of the erg.
Went out way too hard, pulling 1:45 for the first few hundred meters, but due to this last month was able to will myself back into the groove and then still have some gas remaining. I bet I'd have been +3 rds with some good planning- I didn't write enough notes about my 1st attempt so wasn't sure howto gameplan it.
Was really impressed with everyone's Fran effort yesterday, lots of fun to coach. If I can get this research proposal I'm (not) writing right now done I'm going to try and do it at noon. Oh Fran, my love.
Is it ok if I do the capacity test this weekend at another gym? We are going to be out of town and I won't be able to make it to the gym tonight. I can post my #s by Saturday evening tho?
6am CRASH-B rowing: 2 x 2000m with 5min rest: 7:07.3, 7:10.9. Could have gone faster/harder, but this isn't the race. Focused on form for the second piece. Stroke rate was a bit lower (23-25) than what I'm targeting for Sunday. Post row mobility work.
6am with David and Jess. Did the capacity test — 1 round plus 10 burpees plus 12 kettlebell swings. That's 12 more kettlebell swings than January 1!
Really liked the speed step jump rope work during the warm up.
Capacity Test – 3 rounds + 3 KB – up 8 burpees and 3 KB from last time. Pushed a little harder on the row and used the KBS for my "rest" period a little better than last time. The first time we did this I felt a little too good coming off the row, but I tried to go through the KBS as quickly as I could and ended up burning myself out.
I was a little surprised by how much I improved. Thought I moved about as quickly as I could the first time. I didn't really do the challenge, but I've been pretty consistent over the past 6 weeks. Either way, happy with the improvement.
8am with Fox
Not sure what happened with the capacity test. Cut my rowing time by almost a minute, but only got 8 more kettlebell swings. I think maybe I did the burppies in slow motion ๐
Anyway, it was great to cover technique for each exercise again.
Now off to the beach, see you again next Tuesday!
Correction: I might be delusional and not have improved my row at all.
ref yesterdays post about taco eating contest – I am so in. Eating 10-15 tacos for a regular meal is not unusual for me. And I eat the whole thing, I don't strip one of the tortillas off.
Greetings from the UAE. Just finished the cap test. 3 rounds + 1 burpee, which is a 1 round, 5 kb & 1 burpee better than 6 weeks ago. Since I have nothing but time, and alcohol is pretty hard/expensive to come by here, it's not terribly surprising.
Also, PR deadlift at 245# on Tuesday. Rock on.
Probably helps that I've bought some of this stuff before, and I was just looking at buying some more 45# plates for the office yesterday… trying from memory is still tough:
$15 – A pair of "home made" parrallettes
$100 – A 20lb Dynamax Medicine Ball
$90 – A 10lb Dynamax Medicine Ball
$210 – A Pair of 45lb Blue Rogue Competition Bumpers
$125 – A Pair of 45lb Kraiberg Economy Bumpers
$495 – A 45lb "Burgener and Rippetoe" Barbell
$250 – A standard Rogue Bench
$40 – An Abmat
$65 – A Pair of Rogue Competition straps and wooden rings
A pair of "home made" parrallettes – 15$
A 20lb Dynamax Medicine Ball – $80
$90 – A 10lb Dynamax Medicine Ball – $60
A Pair of 45lb Blue Rogue Competition Bumpers – $200
A Pair of 45lb Kraiberg Economy Bumpers – $130
A 45lb "Burgener and Rippetoe" Barbell – $325
A standard Rogue Bench – $150
An Abmat – $30
A Pair of Rogue Competition straps and wooden rings – $70?
Looks like the Lyceum could be in trouble.
You'll have to be quiet while you shop for sundries, as pantomimes rehearse!
A pair of "home made" parrallettes
A 20lb Dynamax Medicine Ball
A 10lb Dynamax Medicine Ball
A Pair of 45lb Blue Rogue Competition Bumpers
A Pair of 45lb Kraiberg Economy Bumpers 79.99
A 45lb "Burgener and Rippetoe" Barbell 124.99
A standard Rogue Bench 79.99
An Abmat 18.99
A Pair of Rogue Competition straps and wooden rings 45.99
Asta – Yes. And way to be proactive!
4" Deficit Deadlift
6" Block Pulls
Would have liked to go heavier on the block pulls but my hips/lower back wasn't feeling it
Back Extensions
AB Wheel Rollouts
9×10 from knees
thanks Fox!
One dollar.
Paralette = $8
20lb Med Ball = $110
10lb Med Ball = $70
Rogue 45# bumpers = $310
Kraiberg 45# Bumpers = $290
Barbell = $300
Bench = $160
AbMat = $17
Rings = $75
@Ben W: excellent Price is Right strategy.
And wtf, does crossfit greentpoint have more fun than cfsbk? I'm a little jealous.
A 20lb Dynamax Medicine Ball $115
A 10lb Dynamax Medicine Ball $99
A 45lb "Burgener and Rippetoe" Barbell $290
A standard Rogue Bench $170
An Abmat $34
A Pair of Rogue Competition straps and wooden rings $220
BDubs #FTW
BW this isnt price is right.
I'm very sleepy today
I did some Squat snatches at 66% and Power Cleans at 75%
A pair of "home made" parrallettes ~$20
A 20lb Dynamax Medicine Ball $110
A 10lb Dynamax Medicine Ball $85
A Pair of 45lb Blue Rogue Competition Bumpers $229
A Pair of 45lb Kraiberg Economy Bumpers $130
A 45lb "Burgener and Rippetoe" Barbell $285
A standard Rogue Bench $175
An Abmat $32
A Pair of Rogue Competition straps and wooden rings $139.00
1. snatch: work up to 85%x2x3 (200#)
2. clean and jerk: work up to 85%x1x3 (245#)
3 front squat: work up to 85%x2x3 sets (280#)
*First exposure to heavy doubles. Very challenging but I hit them all, which was very nice. These seem like great confidence under the bar builders.
WOD- 2 rounds plus 10 burpees. Felt absolutely fried for this. With Fran yesterday and the oly lifting before, my tank was pretty empty.
Wow, this killed me. Perhaps Fran and the heavy deadlifts from Monday were still making their presence felt.
I did this with a 20kg bell, and finished 2 swings short of two rounds. I finished my row in about 3:45 or so and my legs just felt like hell. Anyway, felt great afterwards.
what a fun class @ 6:30 tonight. good group of peeps ๐
Capacity Test: 2 rounds plus 8 burpees, 16KG
I'm very tired.
I also really love crush week.
MGMT – I left my glasses in the the pencil holder near the weights in front of the whiteboard. Whoops. I'm an idiot . I will get them tomorrow during OG if someone wouldn't mind leaving them at the front desk fo me ๐
wins what?
Definitely felt better than I remember feeling last time with the capacity test! This time – 2 rounds plus burpees plus 2kb swings – 10 more reps than the first time.
Wins the amazing confidence in their ability to guess gym equipment retail values!!! ๐
1 dollar Bob….
LFPB test…
2 rounds + 10 burpees + 9 KB swings
(up from 2 rounds + 5 burpees pre-challenge)
happy with the improvement here. I think a lot of it had to do with the relaxed, "sloppy" burpee technique that apparently I've been missing out on in all these high rep burpee WODs!
came off the erg at 3:30 this time, as opposed to 3:00 last time. definitely worked out better not going for broke on the row, as I was able to keep moving consistently thru the rest of the work til the end. took one breather with hands on my knees for about :08 that I probably could've just powered thru. happy with the results, esp. after being sick this week.
3 rounds even at 24 kg. Didn't do first time around so, well…. Super inspired to see Ben W do his 2k row @ 6:55. Ef yeah!
capacity test: 3 rounds even, up from 2 rounds + 8 burpees
felt strong through the row, came off somewhere around 3 minutes (i think) and then just tried to keep moving.
awesome work BW on your 2K and good luck to all the CRASH BEASTS this weekend!
Did this at home this morning, not well-warmed-up and recovering from ANOTHER cold, but still improved over last time by 3 burpees and 5 KB swings. Row was 5" better due to smarter pacing.
One thing I think I've (re) learned during this challenge is how to be uncomfortable in a workout and just stick it out. I hope to continue to practice that going forward.
Capacity test this morning.
Got 2 more burpees than last time.
Having been PRing all week plus a weekend of physical activity I'm happy with that.
Did the capacity test Fri morning with the 6am crew. Finished 3rds+10Burpees+4KBS, up from 3rds+2Burpees on 12/31. Pretty pleased with that, though some of the improvement is surely a result of the rower being right next to where I started burpees. The first time we did it, there was probably a 20-foot run to my burpee station.