Nancy shows us what trajectory she’s on. Great work!
There is No Active Recovery Tonight! Sorry folks!
The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Ends Today!
OR DOES IT. You’ve spent the last few weeks cultivating new habits and while some of them may have waned a bit, compare your current behaviors to that of December of 2012. Are you better, worse or the same than the end of last year? Long term change is all about trajectory and consistency, if you make a 180 degree turn and “splurge for a while” before getting “back on the wagon” it’s going to be MUCH harder to reclaim what you’ve been working on. My advice? Take what’s been working for you and hold on tight, the longer you can commit to these changes the easier they eventually become. You’ve only been at it for 6 weeks, think about what 6 months would produce. You might tweak the parameters, modify the point system (or ditch it) or even set up new ones for yourself to take it to the next level. Think about what you found successful and engaging about the challenge and continue forward!
Final steps:
1. Perform the Capacity Test to get your post challenge results. This will be the WOD on Thursday so you’ll have an opportunity then or Friday to perform it. If you can’t make it either of those days let us know and we’ll try to accomodate.
2. Fill out the Post Challenge Form with your “after” pictures and responses. These are due one week from today on the 19th.
3. Attend the Potluck/awards ceremony! We’re pushing it to FRIDAY, March 1st in order to get everyone’s entries in and go through them all. Mark your calendars.. more details to follow!
“If you’re training people, you’ve got one oar in the water if you are not talking to them about nutrition.” – Greg Glassman
CrossFit Nutrition Guide
Paleo Diet Testimonials Robb Wolf
Cooking with the Chans
Can we also do the capacity test on Wednesday instead? Thursday is valentines day and I have dinner plans, thus taking a rest day.
Amy: Ok
Also, re: yesterday's question.. I used to own this San Antonio Spurs hat that was perfect, just perfect. One night it was stolen from me at equinox. I bet whoever has that hat now is getting all the ladies.
I bet your hat is with my perfect Ted Baker black wool coat that someone lifted from me at Gutter in W'Burg (AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN LEAVE ME ANOTHER COAT TO WEAR HOME!).
Clearly those two items would go together.
6am CRASH-B rowing: 4 x 1000m with 5min rest: 3:21.5, 3:23.8, 3:26.9, 3:27.0. Lots of pre-row hip mobility work. Loving my lax ball. Couch stretch == ouch stretch. Rows felt good, much better than the same workout last week, though the hip tightness affected the last 2 pieces.
Apologies for this question, because I'm sure it has been asked a million times before, but how snugly should lifting shoes fit? Just got some in the mail and wondering if I should send them back, or if a size up will be too big. My big toe is right up against the edge. So, not exactly smooshed, but no breathing room, either. Do you just break them in like that, or is it more like running shoes, where you're supposed to have some room?
6 am with McDowell and Jess. Very happy that McDowell let me do a sixth deadlift, which I did at 200#. Really excited about that! DNF Annie – still battling double unders. Just more motivation to keep practicing!
JJ – sounds like a good fit. They shouldn't hurt at all, but should fit snug, unlike running shoes. Congrats on the purchase!
Related – I have a pair of Adipower size 10.5 that I'm looking to sell. Brand new, but too narrow for my fat feet. email me christian(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn if interested.
Also, Nancy…!!!
I love that old Matt and Cherie Chan video series. Partly because I love Costco. I hope Matt (if not Miko) wins this years Games.
JJ –
I think it depends on how much the particular brand is going to stretch with use. My Risto's are very thick and made of something very inflexible – they don't feel like sneakers, but more like brand-new bowling shoes made out of some unbending Kryptonite. Anyway, my toe was against the front (as you describe) when I bought them, and they never stretched there – so I've had ingrown toenail problems and tenderness for you know, about two years. Of course I wear mine perhaps more than your average Crossfitter, but if I could do it again, I'd go up a size.
If the shoes you bought are more sneaker-like in the toe box (that is, more flexible), on the other hand, you might be OK. It seems to me most of the newer models are of the more flexible variety.
Hope that helps.
Hey Everyone,
I'm going to be in New Orleans this week: can anyone recommend a good box there? It's going to be crush week for my liver, and it would be nice to find a gym to take a break from that.
@AT: CrossFit NOLA
@JJ: What brand did you get? Like Michele said, they don't break in a ton, but they should fit snug. I've only got expereince with my Addidas that I bought 6 years ago which I got about 1/2 size too big and fit great. I bought the Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes which were too small and my toenail was digging into them but those stretched out. I just had to wear them for about a week in group classes. So.. I guess it depends
@Nancy: Great job!!!! And thanks for letting us post your pic! I saw it on instagram and asked her if I could use it for the blog. she said about 25 of her friends called her that day and asked her "What are you doing?!"
Holy crap, Nancy. You look great!! I hope you feel and have been performing better as well.
Go Nancy!
What time will the March 3rd potluck start? Wondering if it'll be kid-friendly hours or if I should arrange a babysitter. 🙂
nancy!! i want to know everything from the food you ate to how many times a week you worked out. you look amazing.
6AM with McDowell and Jess.
DL 65×5, 95×3, 105×3, 120×1, 135×1, 140 fail, 140×1
Zero doubleunders, but I find singles so easy now, I KNOW I have a doubleunder in me (if I would only practice more sigh*)
Sit ups were easy. Love them sit ups.
Thanks Fox, Michele, and David, that is helpful. The brand is Again Faster, and I do think they will give just a bit when I break them in. Also, for anyone else thinking of getting Again Faster shoes, the website says to order a half size larger than what you normally wear, but I found that even that wasn't enough. I had to go a full size larger, and clearly I'm still considering going up even more. (In retrospect, I should have just tried someone else's on first)
Post from last night's 7:30 p class.
One of my favorite CF classes ever. I pulled 180 off the ground, which is a 20# PR, and feel like I could've even possibly hit 185.
Annie in 8:02, which isn't that legit of a score because I finally, FINALLY, hit multiple DUs in a workout and so was just kind of messing around with a totally random number of attempts in between sit-ups. I tried to adhere to the DU attempt # but they were all over the place, so. I realized yesterday that I need to stop stopping in astonishment whenever I hit a lonely DU and tried to actually string them together, and it miraculously worked – hit a string of 7 double, single singles and I have the welts to prove it. It finally clicked.
@stella, I snagged your rope and it was magical. Bless you.
Rebecca, way to go at 200# that rocks!
Courtney, you too, 180 is incredible.
Nancy, you look amazing. Congrats.
I PR'd on the deadlift, thanks to a very patient Melissa, but then failed – know I have a lot of room to grow, but keep psyching myself out. That is gonna end. Will get there next time. Excited about my capacity test this week. Challenge has been so great – excited to see results.
While I was coaching last night I looked over at Nancy while she was deadlifting and went "Man, she's looking really fit." Always a bit hard to tell whether that perception is in your head when you see people at the gym frequently so the before/after split is a gradually occuring phenomenon.
Well, pictoral evidence certainly confirms. Way to kick ass Nancy, keep on keeping on!
JJ, in concurrence with the other coaches, Oly shoes should be tight/snug, but not painful or restrictive. With running shoes you need that space for your feet to move, your toes to splay, and depending on distance to deal with swelling. With lifting shoes you don't want any of that happening.
Shoe fit is tough- I am constantly trying on other people's shoes and trying to get benchmarks for sizing, but like anything mass produced there is even sometimes inconsistency from pair to pair. I've taken to ordering 3 pair at a time, my presumed size and one half size up and down, and then sending the 2 "rejects" back. But I'm a nerd that way.
1. NO A/R tonight@ Foxy Boxy is sick
2. I goofed and March 3rd is the same days as the CFT. Pushed back to Friday the 1st
CFT as in crossfit total?
disregard that, I've been informed it's the strength cycle CFT. was hoping that it would be a gym wide one
Nancy. Holy Hell. Well done.
Thanks, Em! Rebecca – rock star.
Oh, and Nancy. GOT IT, GIRL. Look at you – I hope you're feeling as fabulous as you look, because you're looking amazing! Kudos on your hard work and discipline!
Thks to everyone for there replies and a big thks to all the crossfit coaches I could not do it without there motivations @ Ariel I go 4x a week soon going to start going 5x and I stopped eating rice, pasta and bread it was very hard to stop eating those things but eventually you just don't want it anymore I still fall off once in a while but I try to stay focus . Thk u all again!!!
FP #13
215 got very stuck for what seemed like a long time. And then it started moving and locked out. Then I started to blackout and bailed the bar. Fun times
70 Dips for time:
Snatch- 88%x1x4-207#
CandJ 88%x1x3-244# 90%x1x2-255#
Front squats- 275#x2x3
Strict ring dips-10×3
I can't believe the IOC is cutting wrestling from the Olympic program. Un-effing-believable.
@Nick, I was heartsick when I read that. Awful.
Good time tonight; Captain MeLo in command. For DL, last week was my 1st exposure this cycle (lot of travel and whatnot), so nothing fancy, but my work sets (1-1-1-1-1) were 275, 285, 295, 305, and 315. Noplace near my PR, but things moved great, especially vs. 2/5/13, which was kind of lame. Since I am pretty knock-kneed, I tried turning my toes out a bit (Rippetoe likes that…) and I think that helped.
Annie Rx'd in 7:21, a PR. Last Annie I could find in my records was in May of last year (a derpy 8:45). Doubles are improving, but I still would love to do this whole sucker unbroken. Not to be. Round of 30 was slop-tastic, in little ungainly groups of 5 or 7. Rest of it was far better.
6×3 pullups, EMOTM. Fun.
Nancy you are a rock star!!
Nick you are right how on earth can they cut one of the found games for the Olympics??
Jogging today for the workout because of a surprise schedule.
My lifting shoes are pretty tight but I really like them that way they help me get back on my heels and that is always an issue for me.
I know, I feel like Wrestling, is a quintessential olympic sport. In its wake, they're thinking of including
Wake Boarding????
Sport Climbing??
Roller Sports????
Baseball and softball?
*number of ?'s refer to my level of incredulousness
According to IOC documents obtained by the AP, wrestling ranked "low" in several of the technical criteria, including popularity with the public at the London Games — just below 5 on a scale of 10. Wrestling sold 113,851 tickets in London out of 116,854 available.
Wrestling also ranked "low" in global TV audience with a maximum of 58.5 million viewers and an average of 23 million, the documents show. Internet hits and press coverage were also ranked as low.
NBC, which televises the Olympics in the U.S., declined comment.
The IOC also noted that FILA — the international wrestling federation — has no athletes on its decision-making bodies, no women's commission, no ethics rules for technical officials and no medical official on its executive board.
630 class with Melo – yesterday's workout
DL: (135×5, 185×4, 225×3) 275×1, 295×1, 305×1
Annie: 7:57 i think – first 2 rds of DU unbroken, then I was spazzing out a bit.
I don't know Nancy, but she's killing it!!!!
Wrestling Vs. Wakeboarding (from Wikipedia)
Wrestling was the first competition to be added to the Olympic Games that was not a footrace. It was added in 700 B.C….Wrestling was regarded as the best expression of strength out of all of the competitions and was represented in Greek mythology by Heracles.
Wakeboarding, which was originally called skurfing, arose in the late 1980s after the advent of skiboarding (now snowboarding).
If NBC barely covers a sport during the Olympics, how is it supposed to get ratings?
Didn't they just cut baseball and softball? That didn't work out so now they're gonna bring them back and zap WRESTLING? Consider me incredulous as well.
PM Strength "Pain and Gain":
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 245x5x3
Bench 45×5 95×5 135×3 155×2 177.5x5x3
Deadlift 135×5 185×4 225×3 265×2 295×5
Hollow rocks 20×3
Heavy day on platform 2. I thought those deadlifts were going to kill me. They almost did. What do they say about what doesn't kill you? Surprised to keep moving these squats, but all 3 sets felt great today. How come nobody else from T-R strength posts to the blog?
MGMT — I just tried to do my end-of-challenge submission (are you surprised that the anal-retentive girl is doing it RIGHT NOW?) and ran into a problem. The form will not allow you to submit any answers of "killed it" — if you pick that for any category, it says "This field is required. Please enter a value." as if you had left it blank. I tried switching to another answer and switching back, but that didn't work.
Help please?