Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2-5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Attempt a New 1RM
Potential attempts: 90%x1, 95%x1, 100%x1, 100%+x1, ???x1
Rest 2 minutes between the first 2 attempts, 3-5 as needed for the rest. Cut out the 95% set if you’re feeling great.
Post loads to comments.
BSQ e6/6
3 Rounds for max reps of:
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 Box Jumps
1:00 Rest
Post points per movement and Rx to comments
Classes are on as Normally Scheduled
Woo hoo! Come on down to the gym and get your squat on. Please leave your snow boots up by the front of the gym to avoid a bunch of snow being tracked into the main training floor.
There is No Active Recovery today
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
2012 CrossFit Games – Medball-Handstand Push-up: Women, Heat 3
Think snow is bad? At least it’s not RAINING SPIDERS
Did this workout yesterday at noon with McD & J Fox.
345lb x 1
365lb x 1
385lb x 1 *FAIL*
I felt good on 365 but just got no bounce out of the hole on 385. This would have tied my PR from the end of strength cycle, so I'm happy I came close. Scored 243 DUs / 74 slam balls on the WOD. I modified because I only had my lifting shoes and snow boots (we got a blizzard on). Cooled down with about 5 min of jump rope mixed in with calf marching.
Felt like crap all week, so I ended up with a week off. Great to workout finally last night:
Squat: worked up to singles at 305, 335, 345
335 was way solid. Had to work to keep my chest up at 345, but it wasn't a grind, so I was pleased.
Bench: 12 doubles at 195. Did most of these on a two minute clock. Last couple of sets were rough.
6 Chins
Attempted some stupid WOD that was not well thought-out. Did one round, should have adjusted, but was not feeling it. I need to settle on these beforehand and stop improvising.
Tri-roll-backs: 20# DB's: 8,8,8,7,7,7,4,4,4
Have some work to do here.
Curls: 25x10x4
Tried some more chins here. NOT. Arms were toast.
WOD- Shovel snow for 1 hour.
rest for 20 minutes
Shovel snow for another 30 minutes.
Most spiritually restorative exercising in a while. Over an hour outdoors reminds how much I want to escape the east coast and MOVE BACK WEST.
So, if anyone was wondering about the bike tracks before the 8am class – 'twas I. I rode down at 7am in a haze forgetting there was no class until 8. D'oh
Got 315, failed at 325 and called it on the LBBS – 320 was a PR from two weeks ago and I wasn't feeling 100% today. Feel like I pretty much own 315 though since it went up pretty well all things considered.
WOD DU/BJ 86/16, 76/17, 80/18
the february edition of keep calm and eat paleo is up – special focus, beef short ribs and bone-in pork butt.
That raining spiders shit just ain't even funny.
New post with recipes for the February meat share is up at thedailypaleo dot tumblr dot com. Blog ate my post with a direct link. Sorry.
I 100% agree with Fox. I would be outta there so damn fast.
My WOD yesterday…
AMRAP in 24 hours:
blow your nose
sip a hot beverage
rounds… I'd guess about 173
Worked out Monday, practiced yoga on Tue and Wed, sickness took over Thursday. think I'm on the up and up, but definitely not the day to try for a new 1RM on my squat. Hoping I can come in tmw for a bit of work and be back at least 95% by Monday for final exposures this week!
Holy hell I do not even mind spiders that much but that freaked me out!!
Just went to the Bed Stuy YMCA to avoid walking in snow and do the rowing 10×500 sprints with 1 min. rest – Nick was right it is hell.
I realized I had not really been to another gym (outside of hotel gyms that you know are lame) since starting at CFSBK. Damn I am feeling lucky right now. The erg sits right in front of the door and had about 4 people just stand and stare — yes this is what it looks like when people have to work real hard. And I forgot how baffling the machines are – I just want a bar and a rack to put it on please sir with your tiny legs and large biceps. Rant over and I am mainly kidding it is a good back up and 3 blocks away — But it also makes you appreciate what you have.
Took 10am class today–first time in on a weekend in over a year I think. Back Squat: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1), 205, 225, 230F. I have 230, just took it down too slowly. I have a tendency to ride down a new weight slooowwwwlly just to see how it feels. Not helpful.
Thanks McDowell for the great idea to skip my previous 1RM (220) and go straight for a PR. And thanks Josh for cautioning me not to try 235. And thanks to you both for spotting on the 230.
2 PRs in one week, nice way to turn 40!
WOD w/ Shaye: DU/BJ 49/23, 59/24, 55/22. I think.
Squats: 240x5x3
Can I just say again that Josh is an awesome coach? Thanks dude, for the great tips.
WOD: 42/18/45/15/50/15 = 137/48 @24" box.
Three sets, not for time, of:
Bar Muscle-Up x 3 – 3 – 4
L-Sit x :35 (Tuck) – :15/:10 (Tuck/Lsit) – :30/:5 (Tuck/Lsit)
Rope Climb x 2 – 2 – 2
Double-Unders x 50 – 50(UB) – 50(UB)
Four rounds for time of:
225 lb Deadlift x 10 reps
Toes to Bar x 15 reps
Break down
DL: All sets unbroken
T2B: UB – UB – 11.4 – 8.7
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Three rounds of:
20 Alternating Pistols (10 each leg)
20 Ring Dips
Break down
PTL: Slooow and steady
RD: 2 sets – 3 sets – 3 sets
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Two rounds for time of:
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
Break down
PLU: Both unbroken
PHU: 15.9.6 –
– Chest/Shoulder/Triceps were still plenty sore from TUESDAYS WOD!
i have some questions on post workout nutrition if anyone has a few minutes. my (surely unusual and unique) goal is to lean out and get stronger. after a regular cfsbk wod, do you think it's better to have just protein, just carbs, or protein and carbs? does the answer change depending on whether we're in the middle of a six week strength cycle, hell week, or back off week?
i personally feel generally better (and therefore find it more sustainable) if i DONT cut out too many carbs, so even if that might be better for weight loss it isn't better for my general well being. so if i do need to eat a sweet potato or apple or something, is post workout the best time for it?
and then im even reading conflicting things about PWO protein. some people say whole foods are the best but some people say protein powders are better because it's broken down further and becomes absorbed quickly. along those lines, if anyone is a protein powder fan, can you please suggest a brand because there are like eighty million of them all claiming to be the best?
thanks for any help and guidance!