2013 CFSBK Open Team
Our numbers are growing and Team CFSBK now has 62 competitors registered for the 2013 CrossFit Open. We’d like to welcome everyone aboard and thank them for representing the old skull and bones. This season will without a doubt be our most memorable to date. If you’re on the fence about joining, read the information below to see if it’s right for you. All are welcome to join. Post any additional questions to comments.
See the current team roster
If you’re signed up for the Open, please upload a picture of yourself so your teammates know who you are. Surely you’ve got one picture that can top the picture of Pukie.
What is the CrossFit Open?
The Open is the first phase of the competitive CrossFit season. This is a worldwide competition in which one workout is posted every week for 5 weeks (March 6 to April 3) to find some of the fittest folks out there. The workouts are intentionally designed to be a little more inclusive than even the average CrossFit workout to maximise participation. That being said, you’ll need some basic competency in the most common exercises. To see what last year’s workouts looked like, click here. Folks will have an opportunity to complete the workout every Saturday as well as some Open Gym hours at the gym. At the end you’ll see how you rank against the gym, your region and the world. Last year nearly 70,000 people from 73 countries participated in the Open, this year proves to be even bigger.
Herschel understands the importance of Rest Days
Happy birthday to David T and Charlie!
Blizzard Advisory
Open Gym will take place as scheduled this evening!
Stay tuned to the blog for any other schedule changes this weekend. Stay safe, everyone!
This weekend
There is No Teaser, Comp Class or Active Recovery while David attends an Olympic weightlifting seminar in Long Island City.
You’re snowed in! Pick one movie, one board game and one more activity to pass the time..
Movie: Groundhog Day
Game: Settlers of Catan
Activity: I'd have lots of groceries so I could cook
Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy (cause it is both awesome and long)
Game: Monopoly
Activity: Cooking, eating and drinking.
6am w/Nick & McDowell
PP 33×3, 43×3, 47×3, 53×3, 57×1. Got scared of the weight. Suffering from what appears to be post-traumatic stress disorder after last weeks thrusters. I can still hear myself asking at the last minute 'what are thrusters again?.
The rest of the workout was a kettlebell blur.
Movie: Fight Club
Game: Pandemic
Activity: Playing in the snow!
I squatted 200 pounds! FINALLY!!!!!! I've been chasing after that goal for months. I'm glad I decided to try again after failing the first attempt instead of trying 195. This is the first time I've really fought with the bar and won — I tend to give up too easily and this time I battled it out. So stoked!
I modified tomorrow's WOD so heavily that I'm not spoiling it to say I got 78 slam balls and 34 calories on the row.
Movie: That depends. If my husband has homework to do, then Clueless. If we're watching together, then we'd probably pick something long that's been in the Netflix queue for a while, like Becket.
Game: If trapped with lots of people, then Celebrity. If just hubby and me, he's usually willing to lose to me at Scrabble.*
Activity: Not going to answer that!
*I'm not as good as you probably think I am, as Ryan and Julie can attest.
woo!! good job stella!
i am very impressed.
Movie: The Shining
Game: Settlers of Catan
Activity: Playing in the snow with my pup
Movie: What About Bob
Game: Pitch (if card games count? you probably only know it if you grew up in Upstate New York or Maryland)
Activity: Listening to records
Movie: John Hughes marathon
Game: Anything but what I played during the Hurricane with my Supple Leopards
Activity: Napping! Drinking! Scandalous behaviour! Snow shoeing around Brooklyn! No way can I choose one.
*Yes you are @Stella! And good job you strong beast you!
Advice re Crossfit games for strength cyclers?
I really enjoyed the games last year, and I don't even mind that my conditioning is complete crap right now, but the Total is the Sunday the weekend the game starts.
i would sign up for the games, but looking at 2012 is discouraging. we arent allowed to scale anything, right? embarrassingly enough i would only have been able to do two of the five workouts. and one of those is because i'm sure i wouldnt be able to get through 150 wall balls fast enough to get to the rest of the wod, which i wouldn't be able to do.
Joel. I was in a similar boat last year, the first burpee WOD was a few days before my total. I just took it easy. I reckon the first event will be something all inclusive again, so you can always sandbag that one and get to the others when the total is done.
Crash B Hell Week WOD #4 last night: "Trough" 250 meters, 500, 1000, 1500, 1000, 500 and 250 with 1:1 rest in between. Times: :53.5, 1:46.3, 3:33.0, 5:25.7, 3:33.3, 1:43.1, :48.2.
Alll pieces were supposed to be at full 2K race pace. I just missed on the 1,500 as it was 0.5 second over per 500. But good progress from last week's trough and I finished strong. I will miss my erg if the gym closes.
Alone with my wife:
Movie: Casablanca
Game: Boggle (large board)
Activity: anything sexual
Group of friends:
Movie: Pulp Fiction
Game: Cards Against Humanity
Activity: Cooking/eating/general merriment
Movie: Maybe I'll start watching Breaking Bad
Game: Cards Against Humanity
Activity: Making a fire in my fireplace/football practice?
6 am with Nick and McDowell. Did 82# 3×5 on the push press. Felt much better than last week's 80#. H2H KB swings were a challenge — did a round with 20kg, but I'm not sure any of my H2H swings actually counted.
assuming i'm snowed in with a cozy group of friends:
movie: my cousin vinny
game: true american "It's actually 90% drinking and then it's got a loose Candy Land-like structure to it." (http://trueamericanrules.com/)
activity: watching the slow cooker cook things while sipping hot cocoa (snow day outside of the bounds of the challenge)
Movie: Fast & The Furious.. all 5 of them.
Game: Settlers or Zombie Game or Cards Against Humanity
Activity: I'd probably clean the house and then cook everything we have before succumbing to doing some sort of mini-workout.
congrats Stella!! i hope it came with an equally amazing vocal accompaniment!
movie: a league of their own
game: cards against humanity (w friends); a book of sudoku puzzles if solo
activity: drinking (w friends); well….probably drinking if solo too.
movie tomorrow will be her majesty's secret service.
board game: monopoly, I buy everything and swing for the fences
activiy: sounds like everybody had the same idea. woot woot!
my post went somewhere to die apparently
assuming i'm with a cozy group of friends:
movie: my cousin vinny
game true american "It's actually 90% drinking and then it's got a loose Candy Land-like structure to it."
activity: watching the slow cooker cook while drinking hot chocolate
Movie: Big Trouble in Little China
Game: Chess
Other: Cooking and eating
Really hope we stay open tonight, reaaaaally need to get my strength in. In fact, I'm sipping some Yogi Tea and the little tab on the teabag says: "Live in your strength." This is NY, we can handle some snow, stay open.
I have a big lunch meeting in a couple minutes and we were told the office would provide lunch and I against my better judgement decided to not bring my own today. They ordered from a vegan restaurant. Guess I'll go get wet after the meeting. End of story, just wanted to bitch.
I can't choose one of anything.
Movies: You've Got Mail or Saved!
Games (assuming I'm with friends): Apples to Apples or Taboo
Activities (assuming I’m by myself): So many options, but most likely… Crack my new bottle of Eagle Rare. Watch a little West Wing. Read. (Currently reading Independent People, which takes place in rural Iceland. Feels like a good book for a snowy day.)
Fantasy Snow Day Line-Up
Movie: The Shining
Board Game: Backgammon
Activity: Cooking
MOVIE: Boondock Saints (because there is a REALLY good drinking game that goes with it, and if you're stuck in the house, you need a drinking game. And also… Norman Reedus).
GAMES: see above. And also Naked Twister.
ACTIVITY: um… see above again. Also drinking.
Got paired up with Stella for the back squat. Hit a new PR 1rep with 230 pounds. Officially putting it to 2 wheels land.
I've sat at 220 for some time now and happy I moved off this plateau.
Hit 92/92/89 for the DU& 24" box jump
Snow day movie game etc.
Since the family is involved
Movie not sure about.
Game: cards most likely could play settlers of Catan,
Activity snowboarding.
If not and trapped in my apt… I have piles of games so whatever works. Cooking, maybe Lotr or star wars.
Activity, cooking or draw.
What is Settlers of Catan? Is sounds nerdy and I'd like to play it with someone
KH, Haley, Asta… should we schedule a time to play?
Last night I fell asleep on the floor while doing A/R. It was some next level recovery shit
Movie: Anchorman or Half Baked.. or watching a whole bunch of Futurama
Game: scattegories.
Activity: Writing or Napping
Stella! So ossum!
Premise of the question is flawed. I am never "snowed in." SKI! Children of winter never grow old.
But to be a good sport:
Dr. Zhivago – it's 197 minutes. Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. All the bases are covered – l'amour, violence, good times. Just sayin'.
And from here on in, it's an amalgam of Jenga, and DMAK's and Shaye's posts.
David, Settlers would be my answer as well. Simple explanation:
It's like monopoly if it didn't suck. Like monopoly it is a dice game where you build in order to reap. In monopoly you get money, in Settlers you get resources which allow you to build settlements, roads, and cities. They are worth points.
Unlike monopoly, it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete a game of classic Catan (there have been expansions). Also, players usually cannot get so far ahead that the game becomes boring for everybody because players can conspire to bring that person back to the pack, and other rules bring players who are leading back to the pack.
This video is a pretty good explanation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuk23A27osg
Woody Allen marathon
Please sign me up for the CFSBK Settlers tourney.
@Todd: Pitch is awesome. I think maybe it is a New England thing?
I want in on settlers of catan game night!
Movie: Gladiator
Game: ROYAL RUMBLE (the drinking game I made up in college that involves WWF wrestling, mustaches, mullets, and copious amounts of Jameson and beerz)
Activity: I second DMak (not with his wife of course!)
Movie: Hard to choose. Either a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof & Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf marathon or a It's Always Sunny & Louis CK show marathon.
Game: Cranium with a Knob Creek deficit.
Activity: Baking lush (nonpaleo) Americana Junkstuff such as twinkies and Hostess cupcakes to feed to my (nonpaleo) roommates.
Movie: Parks and Rec marathon
Game: a killer puzzle. that has to count.
Activity: …none of your business… and cooking.
Movie: something I've never seen
Board Game:Monopoly, I have the Murakami edition that I've never played. Anyone understand Japanese?
Activity: "Facing" everything in my fridge, pantry, spice rack.
Is open gym still a possibility?
C'moooooooon, OG! (as long as it's safe, of course).
Dream snow day:
Movie: double feature of two quality, contemporary funny-gal flicks: Mean Girls & Clueless.
Game: Spit, with a partner: Cards Against Humanity with a crew.
Activity: Cooking killer chili and sipping hot chocolate while it's simmering away on the stove.
What I've actually done on this particular snow day:
Show: double feature of this week's episodes of The Bachelor
Game: online version of Oregon Trail.
Activity: submit an online nomination for my roommate for The Bachelor.
C'mon, OG! (as long as it's safe, of course).
Ideal snow day:
Movie: Double feature of two quality, contemporary funny-gal films: Mean Girls and Clueless.
Game: Cards Against Humanity (with a crew); Spit (with a partner).
Activity: Making killer chili and sipping hot chocolate while it simmers away on the stove.
My activities thus far on this particular snow day:
Show: Double feature of this week's episodes of The Bachelor
Game: Oregon Trail online – boom.
Activity: Nominating my roommate for The Bachelor, unbeknownst to her.
((please say yes to open gym))
ok I am assuming OG is on. I will be sadface if i show up and it is not.
Dang Nemo – the 40 min. trek from Bed Stuy is a bit much for Open Gym so I walked the 3 blocks to the Y where I found out they had a nice little erg waiting for me only for them to shut down for snow. Denied!!
I would go for the Godfathers cause the documentary was on yesterday.
I have an A-Team Board game yet to be played.
Cook or put receipts in Neat Scanner – lame but so cathartic.
But sadly I have to study so back to it. Hope tomorrow allows for rowing locally if not getting to CSBK.
Also D-Pak that was a classic.
My snow day:
going to paint in my studio
Rebecca has a good idea with Cards Against Humanity though!
posting my last two days of rowing:
on Wednesday, tried to squeeze in 4x1k/5' but only had time for 3x1k/4':
3:29.0, 3:29.5, 3:29.9
on Thursday I did 3x2k/5': 7:19.5, 1.19.8, 7:28.1
The last piece was gruesome. My back and legs are definitely feeling it after four contiguous days of hard rowing. Taking a rest day today, going to do some restorative yoga at home.
FP # 10
Deficit DL off a 4" box
Snatch Grip DL
Thanks for making open gym happen. Felt great to knead my shoulders, pick up on some muscle up work that needed to be addressed, and get some rope climbs in, finally.
Movie: Dodgeball, Zoolander double-header
Game: Bridge
Activity: Dance party and hot bath
(steady flow of red wine throughout)
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Based off of 360#
* Set 1 – 70% (225)
* Set 2 – 80% (290)
* Set 3 – 90% (325)
* Set 4 – 95% (345) FAILED!
Repeat – 95% (345)
* Set 5 – 100(-)% (355#) FAILED
Rest as needed
– Not sure if i should continue basing my Front Squat number off of 360#? A weight I hit by chance that wasn't pretty… OR base them off of 350#? Which is the number I hit the same day just before 360# with good form and speed..
Five sets of:
Hang Snatch + Snatch
Rest as needed
Build over the five sets to a heavy set. You should be dropping the weight from the top of the hang snatch, and resetting for the snatch.
(45x Complex – 95x 2 – 115 – 135 – 155)
175x 1.1
185x 1.1
195x 1.1
205x 1.X.X*
205x X.X
* The most frustrating part about this attempt is that I should have made them.. the second attempt at 205# I knew I didn't have it, "shit just felt cray cray". But the first one felt on point.. DANG!!
Take 15-20 minutes to build to a heavy Clean & Jerk
Let feel dictate the load for your lifting today – if you feel fast and your mechanics are good, keep building. If not, stay lighter and work on speed and mechanics.
(135x 2 – 185x 2 – 215)
235 – 255 – 270 – FAILED 290*
* Ego got in the way on this one..
– Once I start to get into heavy work weight, I don't like to add more the 15# to the bar.. but knowing that Jake L just knocked me out of my spot on the leaderboard, I thought at first why not go for 288# but then what is 2 more pounds right?
– Thats what I get for being a ash-hole
CrossFit Games Open 11.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
1 Squat Clean @165lbs
1 Shoulder to Overhead @165lbs
This was scored as two movements – the squat clean, and the shoulder to overhead. If you fail a shoulder to overhead, you can power clean the weight back up and jerk it – you don’t need to perform another squat clean.
Total Reps
Break down
SC: 21
S2O: 21
– Although this was a better score then last time, I am not happy with the results..
– Jumped right into the fire with out really any prep or warm up sets, I need to respect the weight a bit more.. I'm better then that or at least I know better then that
– Couldn't find a rhythm, couldn't get my hands right, never dialed in my technique.. I was all over the place..