Work up to a heavy single
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e 5/6
For Max Reps:
Tabata Row (for calories)
Rest 1:00
Tabata Dumbbell Thrusters
Rest 1:00
Tabata Pull-Ups
Post reps per movement and Rx to comments.
Great work to everyone who competed in yesterday’s Hail To The Queen event in Long Island City. We had a strong showing and every one of our ladies represented the gym will with excellent technique and intensity. Big shout out to Coach Melo who made top 10 in this event. To see the full results, click here.
Registration For The 2013 CrossFit Open
Registration is now live. Whether you are the Fittest on Earth or it’s your first time competing in CrossFit, welcome to the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open!
The Open will put competitors through five workouts over five weeks, starting March 6 and ending April 7.
The first workout will be released at 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, March 6. To be in the running for Regional or Masters Competition, you must register, complete the first workout, and submit your score by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday, March 10.
If you registered for the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Open, CrossFit for Hope, or the Online Judges Course, DO NOT create a new account. Use last year’s username and password, and you’ll be led through the Open registration process. This way last year’s results will be linked to this year’s. You’ll be able to compare times, lifts, and benchmarks. Send any questions to
It’s on! Get registered and ramp up the training. Fewer than five weeks remain until the first workout is announced.
How to Register:
How to Register as an Athlete
Sign up today and register for team CrossFit South Brooklyn!!! We’re currently 40 Strong!
Dave Tate Speaks at CFHQ
9am with coach Fox. Partnered with Peter and worked up to an ugly 135 on the hang power snatch. I need much work here. The wod was equally frustrating since I can't do thrusters properly. Glad I dialed back the weight to 35 instead of 45 like originally planned. Completed 58 thrusters, 61 pull-ups, 53 calories on the erg. Tough one. Does anyone else have a sinking feeling that were going to see Fran in the upcoming crush week?
Last night I had this wonderful plan to come in for snatch practice this morning, then skip the WOD (hey, we H2Q chicas did three of them yesterday!). Ha, ha, ha. I feel like a little old lady this morning and I'm definitely going to spend some time with my foam roller today!
Coach Melo was amazing! The final WOD that she was in was brutal — I called it "The Bachelorette" because all the other WODS were girls and in this one, someone was eliminated in each round, reality TV-style. She did heavy OHS, box jumps, heavy KB swings, ring dips, and over-the-bar burpees and put up one hell of a fight to take 4th place overall. Damn, girl!
The comp has put some fire in my belly to master kipping pullups so I can do things the Rx way next year!
9am with Fox. Worked up to 135 on the hang squat snatch. Hit 1 rep which felt good, missed quite a few out in front. Will I ever be comfortable with the olympic lifts?
Metcon (pull-ups/row/thrusters @ 35#): 61, 66, 34. Pull-ups and row felt good. Had zero energy by the time I got to the thrusters. I find DB thrusters significantly harder than barbell thrusters.
I hadn't been in for a very long time, so it was good to hit two fun classes in a row.
Saturday, got my squat up to 185x5x3, and it felt good, moved out of the hole better than I expected. And for the burpee challenge. 84. I would like to try some set number EMOTM for 7 minutes, and see what happens. Start at say a dozen, which would be the same thing (84). I was easily way above a doz. in the first minute. All in the name of science.
Arturo and Fox today for snatching (very hard/technical to me, and I am unlearning the use of my arms). Fox backed me off from 95 to 85 and the move was very much improved. And the Tabata format is great. For thrusters, I think I should just trust my grip, get into some stillness, and not put the DB's down each time. I lost a lot of momentum retrieving them. I also thought I would do a better job handling 30# than I did. @Peter, you are right about DB's versus a bar. Pullups were 2 or 1 strict, on Dr. Fox's advice. Still just learning this one. 63 cals, 41 thrusters, 14 strict.
AM Strength with guest star Santiago.
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×1 235×5,3/f 185×5
Bench 45×5 95×4 135×3 165×2 175x5x3
Clean 45xdrills 135×3 160x3x3
So I missed on my squats today. Got stuck coming up on the 4th rep of the 2nd set and had to bail it (right in to Jeremy's hands, didn't know he was spotting it, oops!) They felt heavy from the get-go, and I think I'm going to have to re-do my AM schedule so I can get breakfast in before class.
Was almost surprised to hit all my bench reps after that, first time i've ever gone 3×5 over bodyweight successfully.
Cleans went up fine, caught one a little ugly but the pulls felt fine.
Cashed out with 3×20 hollow rocks, always need something to balance out after pulling from the floor, keeps my back happier for the next couple days.
12 o'clock with Melissa and Arturo.
I checked the website when I woke up and decided I would go out and get a latte and a pastry and enjoy my Sunday. Instead I came to class and got my ass kicked.
This was my first snatch class. I had to work on my footing a lot but overall didn't feel that bad. I don't know how much I actually shrug and going any heavier I'm sure I would need to do a lot more work on technique. 52#
Tabata row: 43 calories and I wasn't totally destroyed, but already wasn't feeling great.
Tabata db thrusters w/ 20#s- 38. I was awful about picking these back up each time. I lost it really early on. My arms were fine getting them up but my legs were dead. I went from 9 to 6 to 5 and then it was a challenge to get 4×3 and 3×2.
Tabata ring rows: If I was alone I would have just stopped working at this moment. I started off making these difficult and quickly stood up more and just tried to keep moving. I thought I got 60, Todd said he counted 59.
Good work out!!!! It showed me how weak I got training myself.
Out on Long Island for CF Garden City's in-house throwdown yesterday, where I was chief scorer.
Today we took on the second workout from yesterday's event.
3 RFT:
15 wall balls (20lb to 10ft)
15 box jumps (24", Games standard)
15 CTB pull-ups
First real attempt at CTB pull-ups in a workout, and had moderate success. I'd say 35 were chest to bar, another 5 had the height but no contact, and 5 were regular old chin over bar, including three at the end where my hands were in pieces. Oh yeah, that happened. Never torn as badly as I did during this WOD. Finished in 11:42. Would've been 20th of 29 yesterday.
Followed that with 3xTabata row, with five minutes rest. This wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Rowed 788, 805, then 806 meters total. All intervals between 97 and 103 meters, all that 101m+ intervals in rounds two and three.
Post Open Gym WOD Session
16 Walking Lunges with 2 16kg KBs Front Racked
10 Ring Rows
10 Ring Push-Ups
Saturday's Back Squats
(45×5, 135×5, 155×5)
175×5, 200×3, 225x1x5
Been really trying to work my bracing strategy as I've been having trouble with it for the last 2 months or so. I tried having my feet a little straighter than usual ala the KStar seminar and it actually seemed to work.
Comp Class WOD
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
30 Calorie Row
20 Wall Ball Shots 20#/10'
10 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
2 Rounds + 30 Cals, 13 Wall Balls
OOF, this was not an exceptional performance. Especially on the erg