Here is a shot of me skiing in Utah at Snowbird (a very steep/challenging resort not too far from Park City). Thank you guys for your help and encouragement – glad I can provide a shot of how much fun I was having on the hill as a bit of validation regarding your help and your hard work. – Tom
Happy eating to everyone attending Mike and Janelle’s Rest Day Dinner tonight!
Hail To The Queen Tomorrow
Best of luck to our women warriors competing in CrossFit Queens’ “Hail To The Queen” competition tomorrow. Team SBK will take on 3 brutal WODS over the course of the day in either the Rx’d or Scaled division. We’ve got a great mix of veteran CrossFitters and first time competitors tomorrow. Knock em dead!
Team SBK:
Coach Lady Fox
Coach Melo
Ellie M.
Marian L.
Stella Z.
Teresa B.
Stephanie P.
Jessica B.
Bekka P.
Janelle R.
Jen S.
Lauren B
Krishnan Wants You To Adopt Tracey
Hi folks, I’m trying to find a home for my 2 year old foster dog Tracey. She’s extremely sweet, loves to play ball, go for runs, and has a penchant for green apples, carrots and ice cubes. She’s learning her commands quickly (sit, stay, don’t hump humans), is great with most other dogs (but not cats, she wants to eat those), powers down with expedience and enjoys long naps in her crate. If you’re interested in meeting her or have some questions let me know and send me an email at krishnan.vasudevan(AT)
To see a picture of Tracey, click here.
CFSBK Movie Club
The CFSBKMC will be going to see “Ganster Squad” at the Park Slope Pavilion this Saturday, February 2nd. All are welcome to attend this event. If you’d like to come and are not already on the mailing list, please contact andrew.migdail(AT) to get in the loop. Hooray movies!
To the Ladies competing tomorrow, what is your strategy for each workout? And how many times have you competed in CrossFit events?
Meet The Champs NYT
Remember To Sign Up For The World Wide CrossFit Open With Team SBK!
holy crap tracey is cute.
i know, i'm white knuckling it over here.
I think my heaven would be showing up at the gym to see Banksy, Benson, Tracey, Hersh, Milo and Stella for a group dog hug.
80s Friday at 6 am with Nick and McDowell. 80# 3×5 on the push press — McDowell adjusted my grip which was a help. Partnered with Asha for the WOD. Don't know our time, but I was pleased that at one point I was able to string 6 DUs together. Much better than previous DU attempts during a WOD, so feeling good about that!
Tracey is super cute. Hope she finds a forever home soon.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Partnered with Betz for the back squats: 45×5, 135×5, 225×3, 255×5, 270×3, 305×1. Misread the whiteboard and initially only did 3 reps at 255. Called out by Dan and Nick to finish the other 2 reps after racking the weight. Didn't precisely hit the prescribed percentages. Legs felt strong for the 305 rep, though I had a bit of midsection softness coming up.
Metcon: 94 reps. That number compares very nicely to the last time we did this workout when I got something in the mid 70's. A bit irritated that Dan beat me by 2 reps.
Awwww…I WISH I had the time to be a good dog-mom. Tracey is super cute!
Strategy for tomorrow: I did Evil Fran on Tuesday, so I know now not to try to do the first round of thrusters unbroken, unless my speed is REALLY good. I got 20 thrusters and had to do burpees and then clean up the damn bar just to do ONE stupid thruster! And then in the second and third rounds, suddenly I was fatigued enough that the thrusters were coming in 4s and 5s. I think maybe if I break a little earlier the first time, it will pay off in the latter rounds.
Annabel: Go like hell on the situps, because even single unders cause me to trip over the rope sometimes, so that'll be my rest.
Dyanne: going to shoot for 8 or so hand-release pushups/round.
7am with "Dr Myers" today, as Nick put it. Dr. gave me a good pointer on my push press rack position. Backed way off on these though to focus on Crash-B's rowing. Did 100# 3×5. Fun to just think about form.
CRASHBs row: "Trough" 500m, 1:45 rest, 1000m, 3:30 rest, 1500m, 5:15 rest, 1000m, 3:30 rest, 500m. Well I totally fell into this trough. My split-times for each piece averaged: 1:45.8, 145.6, 149.7, 157.3, 141.2. I wasn't mentally prepared for how hard this was today. Personal lesson learned: don't forget that doing your best is terrifying.
There's nothing quite like 6am classes with coach Nick. The Smiths got me fired up for some heavy squats something fierce, so I went with Saturday's programming. Work sets were: 270lb x 5, 310lb x 3, 345lb x 1. I got a little forward on a couple of reps at 270, but the rest were pretty solid. I can't imagine ever missing a rep when Kajagoogoo is playing.
Scored 96 on the WOD, which is -6 from the last time I did it, but +2 on Peter, so I'll take it. Had I known this was the workout, I might not have done a crap ton of pushups last night.
Uh, anyone else notice the naked bro from Australia in the video??!!
Last night w/ Jeremy, first workout after being laid out for two days with a stomach bug/fever.
Squat 270x5x3
Press 130x5x3
Deadlift 270×5
To me the above reads squat 270 pounds for 5 reps, 3 sets. Anyone care to explain to me/us why one would prefer to read it 3 reps, 5 sets? I mean I see the logic in reading it aloud: "5 sets of 3 reps," but you always have to put a rep number in there and so in the absence of sets it goes right next to the weight, so why scramble the order in the event of multiple sets?
Weight is starting to get pretty heavy. Used a belt for the first time ever and it helped big time in getting through those presses.
Oh I so want to bring my dog tommy in one day to meet everyone!!
Noon with Fox. Squats with Charlie – 3×5 at 105#. That's the same weight I did last week, but Fox called me out on moving too fast and not getting enough depth, so tried to focus more on form. Plus 105 still feels pretty heavy.
Metcon also with Charlie (who was amazing!). 83 reps. Ouch.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow!!
Noah B – I re-read your question a few times and don't quite understand what you're asking. The way you've noted your work sets seems right to me though, knowing what you guys do "over there". Maybe you could have added a "x1" to the DL set?
If there were no weights noted it would read:
Squat 3×5
Press 3×5
Deadlift 1×5
Noon w/ Fox.
Back has been sore all week since Deadlifts (had to skip the Front Squats on Wednesday) and the soreness continued today. Should have probably done push press instead but appreciate Fox's continued help on modifying my form to adjust to the shoulder & back issues. Went down 5lbs from last week to 175x5x3 but felt like I needed to.
The "Surprise WOD" was horrible in an awesome way. As usual, I didn't pace myself and had 40 reps done by the 2:30 mark and then "uglied" my way through the last 4:30 and ended with 87. Good luck to everyone tomorrow.
eg. squats: 225x5x3
eg. squats: 3×5 @ 225
Note that when there is only one set, you can leave it out if you prefer and write
eg. deadlift: 315×5
I have no idea why it is done this way, but it seems to be the way it is done.
Back Extensions
AB Wheel Rollouts (knees)
Tracey is super cute and I would gobble her up in a heartbeat…if we didn't already have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Oh and Asta, Tucker and Molly are offended. Though the group hug would easily turn into a wrestling match is they were included.
My strategy for tomorrow:
Evil Fran: I'd love to start with three fast burpees then first round of thrusters unbroken within the first minute…though I'm not sure if I can do it. Seems silly to say but from there I'll just chip away and try to get as much work done within each minute as fast as possible. π
Annabel: doubles should be fast, situps for me are never fast but I'm going to try to be steady. Will try to do each round of snatches in no more than 2 sets.
Dyanne: steady paced deadlifts then will try to hit 7 hspu's each round.
Oh, and I 'compete' in at least 4 events each year. I love it. There is so much energy, enthusiasm and electricity on competition days that is just so damn addictive.
I prefer my Tucker and Molly dog hugs at outdoor bars. π Unless Tucker has gas. Then I am hesitant.
More double-under WODs please!! I was so stoked about my successes last night (although Fox pointed out my feet were not in the correct position – I promise I'll get it eventually!), I can't wait to do more! Nothing like a forced 150 attempts to push you into it. Lol.
wasn't sure if I'd train today but I got a second wind later in the day. hit OG.
On tap for today:
1) 10 minutes to establish 1RM push press
-hit 135 with good speed. jumped to 145 and gave up on the first attempt too soon. Second attempt felt better but didn't finish it.
2) 1 attempt at max Unbroken Muscle-ups
3) 1 attempt at max Unbroken Double-unders
-hit a PR at 108, first try. ran out of gas.
4) 10 minutes to establish a 1RM Bench Press
-hit 140 which is a 5# PR.
Very excited for the H2Q tomorrow!
Reset all reps
Came in thinking I might go for something heavy on the snatch depending on how my shoulder felt.
Power snatched my way up to 198
220×1 (Felt solid) its on…
232×1 (Felt really on…PR attempt time)
242 FAIL. Felt super strong on the pull, got under it plenty, but caught it forward
242 FAIL. If any attempt was going to go, it was this. Caught it for a split second, but came forward on the toes and missed.
242 FAIL. I should have stopped at the second attempt, I almost cracked my head open on this one. Ugly.
Power Clean and Jerk
Snatch pulls
265# 3×3
7 Minutes AMRAP Burpees- 95. -3 from last years Open. Im pretty happy with this considering ive put on close to 15 pounds since then.
Warmed-up to:
I was worried about the triples @ 205 but they went OK but the 3rd reps weren't wobbly and slow.
Started to press, but my shoulder was clicking and feeling weird, so I switched to dumbbells.
DB Bells: 55x8x3
Chins: 7, 6, 5 scattered through-out workout.
I then did a partner work-out with Michele: Sand-bag getups while partners does 20 KB swings…
I got 6, 5, 5 on the sandbag get-ups. Used a 20KG bell. Over-all not great on the back, but a nice workout and good evening at the gym.
Just did some A/R today since I was feeling really sore from Fran.
– Foam Roll T-Spine & Lats
– Hip bridge on Foam Roller to open hips
– Foam Roll Quads/Adductors
– LAX Upper back and Deltoid
– Some ground based freestyle mobility
– Couch Stretch with Band distraction
– Ankle Distraction
– Wrist Distraction
– "Stick" Tibialis Anterior
I felt like a supple leopard by the time I was done
Also I made a huge google Doc that tracks all my lifts, skills, benchmarks etc and filled it in with three log books worth of benchmarks. It was very satisfying.
Open Gym tonight, as I'll be out in Garden City acting as head scorer at their in-house throwdown tomorrow. (Hooray, spreadsheets!)
Tomorrow's warmup after some DROMs. Then first LBBS exposure in two weeks with Matt:
45×5, 135×4, 185×3, 225×2, 255x5x3
Last rep of the last set was very tough. Got some great tips from Josh. We'll see how next week goes with fresher legs.
Then the surprise WOD. 92 reps. Tried this before I joined CF last year and got 63 reps. Thrilled with the result.
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
(based off of 360#)
* Set 1 β 70% (255#)
* Set 2 β 80% (295#)
* Set 3 β 90% (325#)
* Set 4 β 95% (345#)
* Set 5 β 100+% (362.5#) FAILED
Rest as needed
Take 15-20 minutes to build to a heavy Snatch
Let feel dictate the load for your lifting today β if you feel fast and your mechanics are good, keep building. If not, stay lighter and work on speed and mechanics.
115 – 145 – 165 – 185x X.1 – 205x X.1 – 220 X.1
Missed 337.5# a bunch of times. Then tried 336# but still nothing
βLilβ Laurenβ
Three rounds for time of:
225lb Ground to Overhead x 5 reps
225lb Deadlift x 10 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 15 reps
Break down
G2O: slow singles
DLs: all unbroken
HSPU: broken up but feeling stronger
(I had to pass on this part, It was late)
Three sets of:
Weighted Hip Extension x 6-8 reps @ 4022
Rest as needed
Supine Ring Row x 10-12 reps @ 2111
(get as horizontal as possible β feet on a box if you can)
Rest as needed