Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last weeks Push Presses.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 2 rep set on the Push Press
Try and beat last week’s heavy 2.
Post loads to comments.
PP e5/6
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time complete the following:
150 Kettlebell Swings
300 Double Unders
Work can be broken up any way desired but the idea is for both partners to share the work equally.
Post time, rx and partner to comments.
In the midst of a gym renovation at a community centre which serves a local slum here in Ahmedabad. You always have to lift without shoes because of the culture, and no weight dumping is allowed because the floors are made of easily breakable stone. Certainly adds a challenge on heavy lifts! -Christopher
Also, check out their DIY Barbell
Check out Jake Z’s Band Tonight!
Please come out for a great night of music on Thursday, Jan 31st! Here’s what’s happening: My buddy and old bandmate, JP, is driving up from Virginia with his excellent new band, My Radio. They are gonna play a set at 8PM (I’ll be playing with them), and then at 9PM, they are gonna back me up as I play a set of original tunes. For those that haven’t been, Rockwood Music Hall (196 Allen St. in the LES) is a great place to listen to music. Super intimate, with great sound. I’m really excited for this show. Most of the tunes I’ll be playing I have never played live before. Hope you can make it out. Oh, and the best part, it’s free! But, I’m sure the guys would appreciate a fiver in the tip jar to help pay for gas and some cheap beer in NYC.
A few CFSBKers will be going, email oldmanzuck(at) for more info
Registration For The 2013 CrossFit Open
Registration is now live. Whether you are the Fittest on Earth or it’s your first time competing in CrossFit, welcome to the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open!
The Open will put competitors through five workouts over five weeks, starting March 6 and ending April 7.
The first workout will be released at 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, March 6. To be in the running for Regional or Masters Competition, you must register, complete the first workout, and submit your score by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday, March 10.
If you registered for the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Open, CrossFit for Hope, or the Online Judges Course, DO NOT create a new account. Use last year’s username and password, and you’ll be led through the Open registration process. This way last year’s results will be linked to this year’s. You’ll be able to compare times, lifts, and benchmarks. Send any questions to
It’s on! Get registered and ramp up the training. Fewer than five weeks remain until the first workout is announced.
How to Register:
How to Register as an Athlete
Sign up today and register for team CrossFit South Brooklyn!!!
Registration for the Open is live!
Push Press
Shoulders were a little burnt out from the thrusters yesterday, but tried 200 anyway and only got 1. Need to work on dialing it back when I'm not 100%
WOD – 9:03 partnered with Andrew M – all DU unbroken – felt pretty good.
Wonder Twinz in the house!
KH and I worked up to 98# on the push press. Glad we both went for it — weren't sure how it was going to go, but we both nailed it.
WOD 11:09, KH did full volume and I did 1/2 double under attempts, because she is the Coordinated Twin and I am the Klutzy Twin. Doubles came in twos and threes for me, pretty consistently — no strings of 10 like I occasionally get, but also very few times that I hit only one or none.
6am with Jess. Push press: 45×5, 95×5, 145×3, 175×2, 195×2, 210×2. The first rep at 210 floated up magically with little effort. The second was just ok. Definitely could have done a bit more, but I've missed the last two push press exposures.
CRASH-B rowing: 3 rounds of 8 x :20/:10 with 5min rest between rounds: 994m, 1012m, 995m. Pace during the rowing portion hovered around 1:32-1:35. The last round was tough.
It's funny I'm sitting here in jury duty next to our very own David O!
Feeling near constant guilt about the terrible positions I've been trying to sleep in while waiting for my name to be called at jury duty. Especially after watching Kelly's seminar yesterday.
Jury duty does not support elite fitness
Luckily Keith has read the entire dune series
Team CFSBK is already 16 strong for the open!
David and crew,
Dont forget, part 2 of the Kstar seminar is today–live at NOON EST.
Yesterday was actually better than I expected. I stayed up (losing sleep points) to watch the whole thing which finished at 1am.
Im gonna try and watch as much as I can today at work but may have to catch the rebroadcast. The 80 dollars to buy it is probably more than worth it.
Anyhow, here is the link.
@David–last nights seminar really got me thinking about my default positions which are terrible. I sometimes feel like its a losing battle because its 33 yrs of bad habits that need to be corrected. Im writing this as I sit on a small couch for students back slumped leaning against the wall. I focus on lining up and pulling my shoulders back, but can only hold for a couple minutes at a time before I reset to default.
Forgot the link, but highly recommended viewing for everyone
Thanks for the shout out! I know of a few CFSBK'ers allready coming. I'm really looking forward to this show. My band from Virginia has been sounding great!
– JZ3
First part was on blood chemistry and guest was Jim Keane from Wellness FX who says it should be available in all 50 states by end of the 1st qtr this year.
Kstar is back to talking about movement again
I forgot to post this yesterday, but I started using a hook grip (from the mwod video below) instead of having my thumbs over the bar on pullups a couple of months ago and Kpus don't bother my shoulder anymore, my hands don't tear at all and you can control everything a lot better when doing kpu, strict pullups, t2b, etc. I think mgmt may have posted this a while back.
I signed up for the Crossfit Oen this morning using CFSB as the Affiliate. Do I also make that my Team?
Rainy morning 6AM with Jess.
Push Press – 70 #. yay! think have figured out wrist position, now need to work on being aggressive.
Stacy was an excellent partner for the press and WOD (Thanks Stacy) and my DU attempts are showing marked improvement.
5 DUs in a row!!
13 total this AM. This time last week I had no DUs at all, so this is progress. have a long way to go.
Emily, was that you yelling "YES!" on DU's this morning? Such a great moment!
Jill Miller is on again now doing some pretty cool stuff…
I would LOVE if CFSBK had some videos like this
David on the telestrator…I know he likes playing around with video equipment.
ugh. my push presses were ugly, ugly, ugly.
so i have a question… should i stay at this weight next week for the sixth round in the cycle, or go down a couple of pounds to work on the movement?
Shortened Strength Class…
I got in before class did some AR, my squats a little rowing and called it…. Nice to not have a 2 hour marathon like usual…
Paused Squats: 250x3x3
The waves on the program called for this to be lighter than last week so it felt more explosive. 3 sets instead of 2 though.
Row: Tabata row, 6 rounds. 3 minutes and out. Not sure how far I rowed though. Home before 8!
I forgot to mention how I was in the most crappy of moods today, all day. However, as has happened so many times in the last couple of years, I felt great after squatting. Squatting has a way of just knocking the bad attitude right out of you.
Made up yesterday:
3 Rounds
3 Wall Walks
10 GHD Sit-Ups
Power Clean, Hang Clean, 2 Front Squats
Worked up to 70 kilos for 3 sets
3 Rounds of:
15 Thruster 95lbs
15 Pull-Ups
5:35 as Rx'd
I did the first two rounds unbroken, then 6-5-4 on the thrusters and 12-3 on the pull-ups in round 3. That really fucked me up. It took me about 25 minutes to feel semi-normal again. I haven't felt that bad since the last time I did Fran. Thanks to Fox for keeping me moving o this workout. I still feel pretty not good.
Matt, you're all set. sign up for the affiliate and the team.
Joel, we actually have that in the iPad. It's an app called "Coaches Eye" Well worth the 5 bucks
HA! "I still feel pretty not good". I like that.
ok i'm signed up for this thang!
push presses today at 6:30 with fox & josh: worked up to 55#, my shoulders feel like awful things on these overhead lifts so shoulder mobility/strengthening is in my near future.
CRASH-B rowing fun
500-1000-1500-1000-500 1:1 rest at race pace 2:07/500m
that was brutal, i'm really surprised/happy my 1000's were even, the 1500m felt pretty awful.
10 minutes of cool down rowing.
then did some shoulder AR from the video yesterday, i'm a fan. thanks melissa for watching the video with me so i could remember what the movements were.
Push presses went something like this:
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 145×2
I was going to try for 150 but Fran really fucked me up.
Partner WOD with Chris:
9:06 @ 1.5 pood
We did all KB’s first (5 rounds each of 15) and then all DU’s (5 rounds each of 30)
All KB unbroken. Other than stumbling on my very first DU of the first round, all unbroken.
Chris is a beast (a gentle loving beast but a beast nonetheless). It was awesome doing this workout with him.
Couple days of posts here.
Wednesday's 6:30 with Noah and McDowell.
Front squats with Ben:
45×5, 135×4, 165×3, 195x5x3
Felt heavy but very manageable, and without the depth issues. As always, elbows up is something to keep in mind. Great cue from Noah about being deliberate on the descent and not just plopping down to the bottom position.
Flat Fran: 6:42 Rx'ed. The 7 minute cap was really weighing on me. Had terrible pre-WOD jitters (like the last time I did Fran), but I managed exactly 90 seconds faster than my first Fran time from last Crush Week. Thrusters were 12/3; 8/6/1; 6/5/4. Pull-ups in 9/6; 5/5/5; 5/5/5. Great energy and support from the rest of the class.
Push presses today with Nuge and DMak (excellent bar partners, both of them) after a challenging warm-up of reverse lunges, hollow rocks, and ring rows.
45×5, 95×4, 135×2, 145x5x3
Surprised myself with how these held up, both with the five pound increase and after last night. Excited to finish the cycle strong next week.
WOD with Nuge in 10:24. Went after this chipper style. Knocked out the KB swings in sets of 15 with the 28kg bell. Then sets of 20-40 DUs until we hit 300. Think Nuge did a little more than half of them. Tied a PR of 39 straight.
LB Squat singles
20 H2H swings 24kg
10 Rev Lunges ea
10 GHD Sit Ups
DIY chins: 25#x5x3
Strict Press: 117#x5x3. Strict as opposed to push here to give my wrist a break. Had to grind out the last rep but got it. Will try +2# next week and hope for the best.
WOD: split it up 5 round per person, DUs first then KB swings (32kg, eye level): 8:47. But for two stumbles in the fourth and fifth round, DUs were all UB.
Late post for Strength "Homecoming":
Squats 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 230x5x3
Press 45×5 65×5 95×3 110×5,4,4
Chins 20×5,5,6
Glad to keep the squats moving still, but this is where my power output just dies on the press. Last set was actually better than the second but the fifth rep just got stuck at like 90 degrees and I couldn't get it moving again. Long one today, came home and ate about 1400 calories.
Oh and I signed up for the Open. Starting 3 days after the Strength Cycle Total.