Congratulations to Jacinto B who placed 4th at this weekends Norcal Masters CrossFit competition in California. Jacinto is 73 and competed in the 60+ division.
Welcome Izzie and Gais
CFSBK would like to welcome 2 of our newest members to the scene, Izzie F and Gais T. While we don’t usually have a blog post acknowledging a new member, Izzie and Gais are a somewhat unique case. Izzie is our first visually impaired athlete to graduate the Foundations course (he describes his level of sight as looking through a coffee straw in the dark) and Gais is his friend and CrossFit partner in crime. Izzie is using CrossFit to improve his game in a sport called Goal Ball and so far has been an impressive mover and learner. If you notice them in the gym take a moment to introduce yourself and show them some SBK love.
Kids Learn While You Lift
We are offering an Open Play session from 8:30-11:30 on Saturday and Sunday mornings through January (and possibly longer). The parent’s don’t need to sign up ahead of time, they can just swing by and drop off their kids for however long they need to during that time period. The cost is $15/hour or if they are dropping off more than one child, then they get a 10% discount on all kids. See full details here. This coincides perfectly with the 9 and 10am weekend classes at CFSBK. Perhaps a perfect solution for parents who want to drop off the kids at BRF while they workout at CrossFit.
10x Clapping Freestanding Handstand Push-Ups
Hacks Pack Take On Big Bob CrossFit Games
The Importance of Sleep 70s Big
Welcome Izzy! I saw you in action last night and it was awesome. Gais and you are quite a pair.
Incidentally, that Youtube link for goalball is wrong when it says that that is the only team sport for visually challenged/blind athletes. Cricket is one more, complete with a World Cup and all.
Welcome Izzie and Gais!
I basically had McDowell as my personal trainer this morning at 7 AM (which I now realize is because most people were smart enough to come yesterday at noon so they could get their 9-hours-of-sleep point today). 105# on speed deadlifts, 4:12 on the WOD (1/2 double under attempts as usual, though I managed 11 in a row to start).
It was kind of awesome to be done the WOD at 7:40, so I had plenty of time to cool down on the erg and then do some "ouch stretch" (I don't know who I heard that from, but it describes the couch stretch quite nicely).
Welcome Izzy and Gais!!!!
I haven't blog posted in a hot second.
Make up from yesterday: Wod in 4:09 kind of rx'd. Wall balls were great, mostly all unbroken (holla if you're taller) double unders are seriuosly improving, however I still have a problem stringing them together. No problem going single-double-single-double, and so that's what I did.
Deadlift, fit-nasty 3×3 @ 125.
i want to build robots!
6am. CRASH-B rowing: 4 x 500m with 2min rest: 1:39.6, 1:38.6, 1:37.5, 1:36.7. All of the intervals felt good. Went a little bit faster than planned (1:40/500m), but this definitely wasn't an all-out effort.
Yesterday: CRASH-B rowing: 4 x 1500m with 3min rest: 5:17.1, 5:24.3, 5:30.6, 5:31.1. First interval was too fast and I paid for it. Did this workout in a cold gym (not SBK) and I felt like the cold really sapped my strength. Oh, and note to self: do not eat bacon immediately before a set of long rowing intervals.
Quick plug for the Brooklyn Robot Foundry . . . . Dave VanEsselstyn is a old friend of mine, a great teacher (he has a graduate degree in Technology and Education) and an all around wonderful person. I think this hook-up with CFSBK is a great idea and I am kicking myself for not coming up with it and suggesting it to MGMT. Glad someone is on the ball ..
I would encourage all interested parties to give a go. [That said, "Never trust robots . . . you may think that they are your friends . . . but they will only kill you in the end."]
I have a question:
We're halfway through the LFPB challenge. Is it normal that I'm STILL hungry all the time? I just downed a big bacon cheeseburger (no bun of course) and a not-insubstantial side salad, and by "just" I mean an hour ago, and I still want to rip off my arm and eat it.
Also, those clapping HSPUs are ridonk.
Stella, I would still be hungry after that meal. One burger, no bun, and some salad isn't a lot of calories. I finally realized (after Margie had been telling me for over a year) that I need to eat more starch to really feel my best. Maybe try adding a 1/2 a sweet potato or some TOSTONES (my personal fave)? Or at least make the burger a double.
KMo nailed it.
Hey all,
Thanks so much for your warm welcoming! I really appreciate the gesture. Its awesome to train at south brooklyn. And yeah, that clip is incorrect. There's also something called beep baseball which is also designed for the visually impaired. Nevertheless, goalball is still the best sport around :]
I hope to hear many of you soon!
From a client of mine, Kelli Grant:
Hi, everybody! A colleague of mine is working on an article about treadmill desks and other alternative desks, and she's looking for anecdotes (success and horror stories). Coach Fox suggested I ask here — anybody willing to chat? She's reachable at jennifer.weiczner(at)
Before class:
High snatch pulls
176 3×2
198 3×2
210 3×2
Front squat
Shoulder is still funky so I subbed 20 abmat situps for t2b. Did the 5 rounds straight through, 5 minutes or something. In all honestly i should have taken today off. I got 3.5 hrs sleep last nite and was feeling terrible. It would have been a more productive day tomorrow at the gym if i had, especially on the FS.
Got in this afternoon for yesterday's workout:
warm-up: foam roll, plank, stretches, handstand jumps from downdog to heat up
3 rounds: 10 push-ups, 20 second hollow hold with leg extensions
DL: band work @45%
9 sets of 2 reps every 30 seconds
90# , red band
WOD: doubles and wall ball with 14# and 9' target
40 DU
20 WB
30 DU
15 WB
20 DU
10 WB
TIME: 4:10
new DU PR!! did the first set unbroken, which means 40 is my new PR. previously 28, so happy with this jump. pretty sure it's because I wasn't thinking about it too hard… and the green rope with black handles is my magic rope. goal to get to 50 before end of the LFPB challenge.
wall balls continue to suck a good amount.
Welcome Izzie and Gais, great to have you with us!!
@Shaye – Holla!
FSQ: 105x5x3 — getting heavy
Partner WOD with Deesha (sp?), 20# on slamball, 20'' box: 11:03
Welcome Izzie and Gais!
Welcome to Izzie and Gais!
First day at SBK in quite some time. Spent last week out sick for a few days, and was out at CF GC for a few brutal workouts.
Tuesday was a Regionals workout from 2011.
21-15-9, deadlifts (225) and box jumps (30"): 7:56
Friday was a nasty chipper:
100 double unders; 30 thrusters with two kettlebells (20 kg), 800m run, 30 thrusters, 100 double unders: 18:18
Saturday was accessory work: 45 sec work, 15 seconds rest for three rounds NFR of:
push-up, sit-up, KB swings (24kg), hanging tuck hold, renegade rows, rope climbs, GHD hip extensions
Sunday was another rough one from the mainsite:
5 RFT: 10 wall climbs (scaled to 7-7-5-5-5), 10 T2B (scaled to K2E), 20 box jumps (24"): 21+ minutes
Today was Monday's workout. Went light on the DLs today: 255x3x3.
Monday's WOD in 3:32, including a DU PR of 36 straight. Did 21/9 for the round of thirty, and then the 20 unbroken. Good day with the rope. Like Whit, want 50 before too long.
3 Rounds of
16 OH Walking lunges with a BB
8 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
Speed Deadlifts @ 45%
165+Blue x9x2 every :30
3×12 Shrugs with KBs.
I wasn't fired up for the WOD yet so I did this as a little inbetween
For Time:
40 Doubles
20 Wall Balls 20lb/10'
30 DU
15 WB
20 DU
10 WB
Gasser, tried to do all the WB unbroken which I did except two reps I dropped without intending to.
Afterwards Josh said he was going to set a 20 minute clock to do some Snatch Balances so I jumped in. Was planning on doing these for Comp Class anyway so I did that and worked up to 176×1
Three sets, not for time, of:
Double-Unders x 5/45 – 26/24 – 50
Toes to Bar x 15 – 15 – 15
Box Jump x 10 (24") – 10 (24") – 10 (30")
(quick cycling, hips open with feet on the box – practice cycling this standard)
Five sets of:
Snatch x 1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Rest as needed
Work only as heavy as perfect mechanics and good speed will allow. Build over the course of the 5 sets from approximately 70-90%.
(45xComplex, 115×3, 135×2, 155×1)
165 – 175 – 185x X.1 – 195x 1.X – 195x X.1
+ Treat each Lift as a brand new Rep. Don’t dwell on why you failed your last lift, cause guess what will happen.. the exact same thing.
+ Only focus on the positive, focus on what you need to do in order to successfully make the lift.
+ Today I needed to focus on two things:
– Pull the bar back and up in the 1st pull
– Be more patient with the heavier weights, wait until I finish the pull before I retreat under it.
Four sets of:
Snatch x 5 reps as quickly as possible
Rest 2 minutes
Each set must be UNDER 20 seconds. Start light, and build a little each set . . . but don’t let the time exceed 20 seconds.
120# @ 13 sec
135# @ 12 sec
155# @ 14 sec
175# @ 30+ sec
+ All sets were Power Snatches, Unbroken, touch and go
+ Felt stronger here then I did with part B..
– I was happy I was able to do 175# UB, TnG, and as PS.. but wish I could have kept in under control. The 3rd and 4th rep got away from me a bit so took some time to organize
For times:
25 Pull-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
20 Pull-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
15 Pull-Ups
:31 UB – :26 UB – :20 UB
– I didn’t do butterfly kip.. but not to far off with my time
– Still need to work butterfly (suck it stupid butterflies!)
E.xtra with my OG partner DAVID OSORIO
Against a 20min clock
Build up to heavy single Snatch Balance – has to be clean and crisp
115×2 – 135×1 – 155×1.X.1 – 170×1.X.1 – 185×1 – 200×1 – (Fail)210
– I think this will help with my catch position and also not getting stuck under the weight
– If I made the rep but didn't like something about it, I had to redo it
+ Couldn't let DO get a heavier weight then me, he was closer then I would like
Huge thank you to the VIVO shoe fairy from yesterday morning! My feet are quite happy to have the great new kicks.
yesterdays workout at 630
DL: (75×5, 95×5, 135×4,185×3) 205x3x3
5:26? on the wod – 20lb/10' – DU's unbroken, but wallball always slows me way down
some chinups after: 7×3, 25# x3x3
Signed up for a 1/2 Marathon and want to finish sub 1:40. So I have started running sprints as part of my training tuesday nights. Anyone who wants to join me at redhook park to run 8X400 with a SLOW jog lap in between each 400 is more than welcome.
Interesting workout:
my paces were from 1:37 to 1:27 depending on rest. good work out.
then hit comp class with fox and worked on some cleans.