Fitness: 3×3
Switch to heavy triples this week. Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Performance: 9×2 Dynamic Effort 45% (plus bands) x 2 reps every 30 seconds for 4 minutes
Take 2-3 quick warm up sets to get to work weight (45%) then add bands. Focus on moving the bar fast, and being aggressive at the hips and quads with a tight finish position, no soft knees or hips. Dead start, no touch and go.
1RM Chart
250-325 Red Band
325-400 Blue Band
400+ Green Band
Post loads to comments.
DL e3/6
For Time:
40 Double Unders
20 Wall Ball 20lbs,10′, 14lbs,9′
30 Double Unders
15 Wall Ball
20 Double Unders
10 Wall Ball
Post time and Rx to comments.
Potluck Pictures are up on the Flickr Page!
Happy MLK Day! CFSBK is on our normal schedule, come on down for a group class.
Kelly Starrett Coming to CFSBK
KStar is coming back to CFSBK for his CrossFit Movement & Mobility Training Course. MANY of you guys have already prepurchased Kelly’s upcoming book “Becoming a Supple Leopard” which will be released late February. If you’re serious about movement and mobility, apply the methods in the book and then meet Kelly in person to deepen your understanding of the material.
The Crossfit Movement and Mobility trainer course is a hands on, movement theory based workshop where coaches and athletes will be exposed to the principles of Kelly Starrett’s Movement and Mobility Method of resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing athletic performance.
Performance is what drives the human animal, but the human animal can be brought to an abrupt halt by dysfunctional movement patters and underlying restrictions in mobility. Oftentimes, the factors that impede performance are invisible to not only the untrained eye, but also the majority of athletes and coaches. This course exposes attendees to a Starrett’s systematic approach to make the invisible visible. This course illuminates common movement errors that can cause injury and rob you of speed, power, endurance, and strength. Whether you are a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply someone wanting to live healthy and free from restrictions, this course will teach you how to maintain your body and harness your genetic potential.
Learn How To:
- Prevent and rehabilitate common athletic injuries
- Overhaul your movement habits and efficiently your body’s most effective physiology
- Quickly identify, diagnose, and fix inefficient movement patterns
- Problem solve for pain and dysfunction
- Fix poor mechanics that rob power, bleed force, and dump torque
- Unlock reservoirs of athletic capacity you didn’t know you had
- Identify and fix poor movement patterns in children
- Develop strategies that restore function to your joints and tissues
- Develop effective individual and group mobility programming
Push Up and Knee Push-Up Elbow Mechanics MWOD
Partner Foot Triceps Smash MWOD
Open and Closed Torque Systems And the MWod Leopard Test
6AM w/McDowell
Overall good workout
110 DL, 5+ from last week, tried my hardest to keep good form
Double unders continue to elude me
For anyone interested, I'd like to share this which came through a friend from the MovNat group:
If anyone's around tomorrow in NYC, come hang out at "Beers & Boulders!" Benefits Team Rubicon. Free Beer, Rock Climbing day passes, Korean eats + cool swag ($70 bucks of stuff for $10! woo hoo!)
RSVP at:
Strength Cycle Day 5:
Squat: 295x5x3. Depth and bounce. Still moving. Doing a better job of staying back on my heels, still letting my chest come forward on some reps.
Press: 115x5x3. Reps 4 and 5 of each set started to feel a little sticky, but they moved.
Deadlift: 340×5. Reps 1 through 3 not a breeze, but the moved. Jeremy told me if the first three move, you have 5. 5 was grindy, and I need to work on my grip, but it got there. (BTW, does it bother anybody else that Chrome's spell check says that deadlift isn't a word?)
looking forward to watching the pushup mechanic vid (with sound!) when I get home. def something I need to work on. my hands are way too far forward.
First weighted deadlift in seven months. Felt much better than I thought it would. Elevated heels makes a big difference for me right now with some ankle mobility things that developed after my quad injury. Funny things: I notice I walk really funny when carrying weights around, most of my pain is in my ankle, followed gracilis, followed sartorius, but mr. rectus femoris rarely hurts, Im not sure he fires at all. It will be interesting when I get to my first farmers walk, and more interesting to get out and knock a few soccer balls into the net. 165# Deadlifts. WOD kicked my butt. Seriously thought I was going to spew from "go."
Love you guys and stuff.
Large Nooner with the Foxes and Arturo.
Speedy run around the block to get back inside asap. 3 rounds of 10 push ups, 15 squats, 20 hollow rocks. I thought about vertical forearms on the push ups after watching Froening and Bailey in the Kstar video.
Dynamic DLs at 165, blue band. These felt pretty speedy once I got loosened up.
3 x 1500 meter Crash B rows with 3 minute rests: 5:44.0, 5:47.9, 5:51.6. I would have liked to keep these tighter but struggled on that last one, probably from not eating beforehand. I don't feel as crushed as usual, so I'm either getting used to these rows or didn't push hard enough. Big 2k race test on Saturday.
Finished with a cool down row then 20 minutes of mobility to pick up the bonus pernt. I really like noon classes after lazy holiday mornings.
Anybody want some comped tickets to the Metropolitan Opera tonight 730 show? I'll be at the gym 630p or email me
Calling all (male) lifters,
I just got the Nike Romaleos 2 VOLT in the mail today, but as excited as I was… they're a half size to big! So if anyone was looking to lift weights in style and you have a 12.5 foot then email me.
Looking to return them soon if no one reaches out to me.. but if you want to try them on, as the lovely lady at the front desk.
Big noon class today – worked at 155 + BB on the sumo DL. Felt really solid and fast
WOD – 2:51 – Really happy with that time, broke once on the 2nd set of DU due to loss of concentration. Wall-balls were uncharacteristically consistent.
Day 2 of strength in exile, made up Sunday this morning since the gym wasn't open here.
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 210x3x5
Bench 45×5 95×5 115×4 145×3 165x3x5
Clean 45xdrills 95×3 145x3x3
Benching on a squishy padded bench sucks. Everything else felt great.
Huge and fun noon class!…Arturo, the Lady, and I handled it nicely if I do say so myself.
all kgs
Power Snatch
BTK Hang Clean
Split Jerk
Todd and anyone else…David has a post somewhere that elaborates but…
Sets are noted as such:
Load x Reps x Sets
Percentage x Reps x Sets
or in the case of ME sets
Load x Reps, Load x Reps, Load x Reps, etc…
So your lifting in exile would actually have been, I think.
Squat 210x5x3
Bench 165x5x3
Clean 45x3x3
As you posted it looks like you performed 5 sets of 3 reps on each exercise.
Yes, I'm being a stickler. Sorry.
easy way to remember is when there is a quantity (weight or %) provided it goes "QRS" like the alphabet. Quantity, Reps, Sets. When no quantity is provided, you flip them.
Why is it so complicated this way? One of life's greatest mysteries…
I'm posting this from the Front Desk!!! FTW!!!
Deads – 135x2x9 with the red band. went well
WOD in 3:20 Rxed. I was pacing myself, did not stop but did not floor it, thinking I was going to be gassed but I had some left in the tank. Felt good. First 40 double unbroken, next 30 I stumbled once at 5, last 20 unbroken. All wallballs unbroken.
Deadlifts: 265x3x3
Accessory WOD: 4:40 (lots of f**kups on the DUs, two no-reps on wall-balls messed this up).
4:30 class with DO and many more. Felt woozy after getting the flu shot today but everything seemed to go ok.
dl 185x3x3, felt fine. Some day I would like pull at least as much as I can squat…
WOD in 4:??50??. First time using the 20lb ball, clumsy, awkward, I thought I heard David say "at least one of those didn't count" but maybe that was my internal monologue. Whoever said it, it was true.
Came in early to see how my shoulder was coming along and do some Oly training. I still cannot snatch without without pain (def getting better though), so I decided to work on my cleans.
Power Clean and Push press:
242# 1×2 (failed the PP on the first rep, got the second. PR push press im pretty sure)
Power Clean
253# 1×5. (I failed pretty hard on the push presses on the first two attempts. Stopped trying after that. I am not happy with my speed with these. They all went up but, meh, im no Pyyros Dimas).
Banded DLs@225
WOD-2:26. DUs were fast today. Would not have minded if this WOD was doubled in all the reps. Ready for some longer modality WODs with the open coming up.
*now using the "correct" notation system of QxRxS.
DIY dips 30# 5×3
Sumo Deadlift 275# 3×3. Took a 20# jump here cause last weeks 255# was 5×3. Still moving good. 315# 3×3 seems possible by the end of the cycle. That would be cool. Need to focus on pushing knees out and rotating knees out on the sump pull. Did not do that this time and my left knee did not like it.
WOD Rx'd @ 3:36. Breaks were due to technique fails as opposed to lack of gas.
And the saga continues, Sigg left at the gym – kind of a graphite copper matte colour, SBK sticker on the bottom. Will grab, I hope, tomorrow. A little cold and 12 hours at work means this monkey is going to bed instead of DL's. whomp whomp
Deadlift: 155x3x3
WOD (1/2 volume and counting attempts on DU's): 4:37+the time it takes me to do 5 wall balls. I accidentally only did 5 reps on the last set of wall balls. I realized it and did the last 5 after a little rest.
Then, chin-ups: 1 rep OTM for 10 minutes. Hoping to start mixing in some doubles on the chins and single pull-ups, but I didn't have it in me today.
@Fox, thanks, and now I remember Noah trying to explain this in foundations and me not getting why it was so complicated!
I'll now have to note this date as the Dawn of the Age of Christian Enlightenment (pun intended) in my training logs so I know that everything before was backwards when I look back.
Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Hang Clean + Clean
Loading per minute:
1&2 = 70% (225)
3&4 = 75% (235)
5&6 = 80% (250)
7&8 = 85% (270) 1.X – 1.1
9&10 = 90% (280) 1.X – X.1
– Pulls were out in-front today
– Some of my catch positions were soft
– Morning strength… boooooooo
Five sets of:
Front Squat + Jerk
Rest as needed
(45×3, 95×2, 135×1, 165×1, 195×1)
215 x 1.1
230 x 1.X
250 x 1.1
260 x 1.1
270 x 1.X
– I missed the lift @ 230 cause I rolled my right wrist forward
– Although I missed the last Jerk, it was a good fail. I failed in a good position, the dip was vertical and control, I got good extension, dropped under the bar fast with my arms locked out.. I just felt like the bar was burying me down
For time:
15 Ground to Overhead @ 135lbs
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters @ 135lbs
20 Burpees Over the Barbell
15 Overhead Squats @ 135lbs
10 Muscle-Ups
Time Cap – 10 Minutes (tally number of reps achieved at that point if you have not finished)
DNF – 102 Reps! @ 9:30ish
Break down
G2OH (Power Snatch):
10 – 5
10 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
6 – 5 – 4
very slooow
10 – 5
3 – 2 – 2……….. 3
– When I woke up I got excited and looked forward to train today.. then energy level quickly drained. I need to figure out my eating pattern. This can not continue..
– I gave up mentally before I even started the workout..
– Kept failing after my 7th Muscle up (9:30ish) finished the workout finally at 12:52?
Five sets of:
Super Strict Muscle Ups w/ false grip X 4
Rest as Needed
The CrossFit Open is around the corner.. get your shit together
Skipped DL and went straight to the "Hell" workout on the erg:
10 x 500m/1': 147.3, 147.2, 147.3, 147.5, 147.5, 147.4, 147.4, 147.8, 147.8, 146.0
Pretty happy with the consistency, although I struggled to keep the numbers down a bit on pieces 8 and 9.
An intimate 8:30 class with Noah. worked banded sumo deads @ 200lb, 2 reps every 30 sec x 9. The most difficult part was the band set up – speed and position felt good. Finished the wod (which was right up my alley) in 2:36 with no trip-ups or breaks. I guess I could have transitioned faster between movements but I can't think of how I could have gone much faster.