Welcome to 2013! CFSBK will not be running AM classes (6a,7a,8a) today but we’re back on schedule at 12pm and then we’ve switched to our new Monday-Thursday Evening schdedule of: 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30pm
There is no Comp Class or Active Recovery Tonight
See you tonight!
CrossFit Crow Hill is opening up! Check out their grand opening party this Saturday
2013 Look, Feel and Perform Better Challenge Starts Today!
Time to tighten the screws! The LFPB Challenge starts today, you and over 90 CFSBKers will spend the next 6 weeks refining the habits that will help initiate positive habits for the rest of the year. Remember, you guys need to complete the following 3 steps:
1. Pay your $20 buy in at the front desk white board
2. Fill out the online form with your “before” pictures. These are also great shots to review not only after the challenge, but at the end of 2013.
3. Perform the Capacity test posted yesterday.
New Waivers
Every year we re-up our membership waivers and in 2013, we’re going paperless! Please take a few minutes to fill out our new online waiver. We’re going to be bugging you guys about this until everyone’s done it so just do us a favor and fill it out today
Click here to fill it out
New Trampled Snow Art from Simon Beck
Happy New Year, all. Does anyone have experience with exertion headaches? I did a pretty heavy 10-rep squat set on Saturday, and it caused a terrible headache in the back of my skull and also upper neck. There were a few possible causes in addition to the reps: 1) I was pretty dehydrated (actually had to drink some saltwater to get things back in balance); 2) I had the beginnings of a cold, so maybe my sinuses were clogged.
Since then I've had two flareups, in situations of elevated heart rate. An aerobic run, on the other hand, didn't bother me.
I read this and it scared me a little: https://www.apexllc.org/articles/exertion-headaches/
What should I be doing? A week off anything besides low-level aerobic activity? Chiropractic? Massage? How serious is this, and how common?
I've had a few of these too — headache at base of skull right after exertion. Coaches told me to put ice on neck and it went away pretty quickly. Also suggested that I jump on the erg and cool down vs. going from extreme exertion to nothing — said that sometimes that can cause it. Hope you feel better!
Is AR still at 6pm, or has it shifted as well?
Was wondering the same thing about AR and Comp Class. Have they moved to 6:30 and 7:30 respectively?
Sumo deadlifts (205×2, with a lot of noise — it's so good to have my voice back!) and capacity test today. So glad I took DO's advice and did it today instead of yesterday (although Jeremy says I'm an idiot for not doing it yesterday so I could make my baseline artificially low :)). 16 kg, 2 rounds + 2 burpees, and man, I am feeling DESTROYED.
Number one goal for 2013 is a 200# squat, dammit.
Hahahahaaaaha, David you're a fool, I love it.
Just finished my first workout of 2013- run 50 meters and jump in the freezing ocean. Good to see some CFSBK brethren out there too.
Happy New Year!
MGMT — are we having Rest Day Dinners this year? Because if we're not having official ones, I am still totally having an unofficial one!
Yes to RDD I'll post the dates tomorrow.
Yes to A/R and Comp at 6:30/7:30 but just FYI there is neither of these classes tonight.
I get the same headaches if I do really high rep double unders, it's happened to me about 3 times in the last few years. It's a total pain in the ass but will pass in a few days to about a week. Any time your heart rate goes up you'll feel it, but it should get progressively better. rest and a cold compress will help. Some people are more sensitive to getting these than others. In the future, if you feel it coming on just stop immediately and you'll be fine, as I did with the flight simulator a couple weeks ago.
Feel better
what is a rest day dinner? i mean, i know what a rest day is. i also know what dinner is. but… what happens when the two are combined?
Anyone else have problems uploading pics for the challenge? Can't upload pics and it won't allow me to submit without them. Can I email info/pics instead?
Just checked the host site and it looks like I ran out of storage space. Let me upgrade it now, try again in like 30 minutes.
Sorry for the inconvenience
I've started a dynamic (will auto-track and score for you) Google for for the LFPBC challenge. Take a look at http://bit.ly/LFAPB-Challenge_CFSBK. Tracks cumulative score as well.
Feel free to use it. If you see errors in my formulas, etc., please let me know as well. Remember as you look through it that only the text in blue is for user input — everything else is calculated.Thanks.
okay should work now. thanks D
Rest Day Dinners = every Friday night during the challenge, one SBK member volunteers to host a dinner for other SBK'ers who are participating in the challenge. It's usually potluck style and of course the dishes are Paleo. I really enjoyed getting to know other SBK'ers this way last year and if you're feeling deprived of your cupcakes or beer, you're surrounded with others who can commiserate (and who won't eat a cupcake in front of you!).
Caffiene might help with the headaches too. Not suggesting you're having withdrawals, but it might encourage vasoconstriction and reduce the headache.
Or take a migraine medication that contains caffiene.
stella! i love that idea! awesome.
Ariel – re: your question the other day. Olives, if you like them, might be a good option too.
Sam–I had a TERRIBLE exertion headache two years ago after a long squat set (20 reps I think). From what I read then, the combination of the heavy barbell on your back/neck and the long effort of a 10+ rep set are a particularly bad combination for some folks. The article you linked to lines up pretty well to my experience: a really rough first few hours, then a long lingering dull ache. It was bad enough for me that I missed work the day after. I kept getting milder headaches for at least a few weeks, especially when holding my breath lifting, and I have been timid about long squat sets ever since, though did fine with the 10s last cycle. I did see a doctor then who had nothing helpful to add, and now I just try to back off if there's a faint headache-y pressure feeling mid-set. Hope that helps and that you feel better soon.
i think olives are horrible but thank you. if only they weren't so gross.
Day 1: 5 Points today
No Grains ✓
No Sugar ✓
Sleep 7H ✓
Hydrate 75oz ✓
=3 Points
Bonus Points
Fish Oil ✓
9H Sleep ✓
=2 Points
Also- Olives are totally gross
I too used to think olives were horrible, but I've since discovered that what I don't like are those awful slimy black canned ones that cheap pizza places put on their pies, and olives that have an extremely strong flavor. But I've learned to love some of the higher-quality ones — I wish I knew my olive varieties well enough to say what they are (I just know them when I see them!).
Did tomorrows lifting at 630 class
(45×5 95×4 135×3) 155×5, 165×5, 175×5
I had failed on the 5th rep at 175 2 weeks ago and felt like I had at least few more in me today
Capacity test 3:57.8 on the 1000m and 1 rd / 10 burpees / 5 Kbs at 20kg
How can anyone hate olives?!
Hey, so… tomorrow is the first Wednesday of the month. Any word on when the first CSA pickup is? Michele?
Agreed KH – I love olives.
As I mentioned yesterday, I spent all day drinking mimosas, so not exactly within the challenge guidelines. (I don't think. I'm assuming fruit juice isn't allowed?) Got the water & no grains, though.
Rest day dinners sound fabulous, but I always work on Friday nights.
Melon — I had the same question. I went back through my old CSA emails — it's next Wednesday (1/9) according to those, but can Mig or a coach please confirm?
Thanks all for the headache advice!
Thanks, Stella!