As Many Rounds As Possible In 20 minutes of:
12 Push Press 115/75#
25 Russian KB Swings 72/53#
12 Box Jumps 30/24″
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Today’s Schedule
We’ll be running the Christmas WOD at 9:30am today. Give yourself the gift of fitness and come on down for some merry mayhem. Today’s class is CrossFit Group only, no other lifting or WODs will be permitted.
“Invisible Fran” on Deception Island, Antartica CrossFit
Merry Christmas to all!!
Thanks for a great last few days of great wods @ a great box wiith great people, Looking fwd to dropping in when im in town next.
Christmas Day WOD at Shoreline CrossFit in Branford CT
10 rounds for time of:
5 Clean and Jerks @ 115
6 Squat Thrusts
7 KBS – Ran out of 1.5 pood so I went 2 pood
100m run
30s rest
19:44 total including the rest – rounds were between 1:15 and 1:40 or so
Merry Christmas to all the CFSBKers!
Did the WOD here at Crossfit Cape Cod
50 strict pullups (banded for me)
100 pushups
Run 5k
Finally home after a very long ride from Virgina. Hope everyone had a happy holiday with friends and family. Excited to get back to work tomorrow!