Work on your handstand today, whether that means trying to kick up for the first time or going for the leaderboard on max length unassisted handstand
8-10 Rounds NFT of:
10 Russian KB Swings
5-10 Push-Ups
Capped at 15 minutes. Go Heavy on the Kettlebell Swings
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Hoboken Results
Congratulations to Team SBK who had a great showing at the CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge. Special shout outs to Coach Josh who came in 2nd place (after a tie breaker “Fran Off”), Coach Melo who came in 3rd, Mike M placing 5th and Coach Lady Fox coming in 6th. Thanks to everyone who came out and represented! Full results will be posted once they’re available online
Strength Cycle Total Today
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their 8 week cycle today starting at 1:00pm. Over 20 lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by and cheer on the lifters. Get ready for some massive PRs!
George Carlin talks about experience, his career and aging on the View
Awesome showing, nice work.
I assume that Josh won the Fran off to get second. He didn't lose the Fran off to drop to second right?
I think ellie and mcdowell should crop this photo and make it their christmas card.
@sarahlarosa agreed. With the tagline "merry christmas….b*tch."
Whee, back off week! Fun to work with Kelly and Jane on handstands. I feel like I'm THISCLOSE to being able to kick up into one against the wall without a spotter.
KB swings with a heavy-a$$ bell. One unintended side effect of swinging the 28kg bell is that doing pushups feels easy afterward. I felt like the KB was heavier than pushing my own body weight! Also, Kelly with the 2pood bell = BEAST.
Good luck Totalers! I'll be there, can't wait to see it.
PS, I love how Migdail's "serious face" is still kind of a smile.
just to clear it up I was tied for 1st place.. and lost the tie breaker =/
DIY pull-ups: 3 sets to failure (8,7,6) 2 min rest in between.
Handstand were fun. Maybe I'll start playing around with these after class…
WOD for 10 rounds with 40kg KB and 8 push-ups.
CRASH-B row workout:
2 x 20'/5' @ 16SPM @ 5224m/5111m @ 156/150 HR
That's a lot of time on the erg. Ugh.
Congratulations to all the Hoboken & Strength Cycle people! Sorry I couldn't be there today; I was busy serving beer to people watching football.
I did this workout in my apartment this morning. 8 rounds with 10 push-ups. Considering I didn't get home from work until 5:30 & got up at 9 to do this before I had to work brunch, I was just happy I was able to anything at all.
I kind of wish I had been in class, though, because watching me attempt to do handstands would have been hilarious for everyone else.
As requested, posting about today's total. Not my first total, but it was my first strength cycle, and first total with everybody watching. Most recent total before today was the day after Thanksgiving last year, so almost a year ago. Hit PRs in all three lifts that day, 350 BS, 185 Press, 430 DL, 965 Total, that had stuck since then. Today:
BS – 365, 385, 405F. Went down too fast on the 405 attempt, got stuck in the hole. Think that now that I've taken that weight down once I'd be more comfortable and could hit it with another attempt. Still happy with a 35# PR.
Press – 185, 195, 200F. Wanted 200 bad, just wasn't there, I'll take my 195.
DL – 445, 465, 475F. 475 didn't even come off the floor. Was pretty smoked by this point.
Total – 1045. I'll happily take 35# on my BS and DL and 10# on my press, 80# on my total any day.
Thanks to everyone who took their Sunday afternoon to come out and watch us.
Big thanks to Jeremy for the past 9 weeks. He knows his lifts, knows how and when to push you, and knows what to say when you feel like you don't have another rep left but still owe one. Strength cycle works, and I'd recommend it to anybody.
Congrats to the CFSBK team at Hoboken, you guys killed it! Congrats to strength cyclers too, bummed I couldn't make it in to spectate this time.
Rolled into open gym tonight for some snatch practice and an unplanned date with Fran…
Maybe expended a little too much energy dropping in weight to drill form after some misses on the snatch, and then going back up for some more heavy attempts.
Excuses aside, Fran was a pain today. Although I had THOUGHT that I got 6:48 when we did Ladder Fran, it was actually 6:57, so my 6:54 today actually beat it by a few seconds. Not gonna complain about that, especially considering that the way I felt for the 30 minutes afterward was enough to tell me that I absolutely could not have gone much harder.
Thinking of trying to go extra hard on something like this (in the 5-minute domain) every 2 weeks or so to see if I can make some gains in that area. Elizabeth or Grace pre-Christmas, anyone?
Eggnog is so good. My first real bottle in 15+ years. It's better than crossfit! 🙂
Open gym was fun. I'm getting weaker, which sucks. It could be for several reasons: jet lag, skipping a week of work outs, running more, and/or diet. Sitting here now I'm blaming diet which really pisses me off. For the last month I fought through the partner guilt and for the most part did away with paleo with a protein bias. Staying gluten free though, I've been replacing my egg/meat breakfasts with oats/yogurt. Lunch and dinner pretty much paleo but way more vegetables and much less meat. My snacks have been anything holiday friendly instead of protein, and I love eating again. I actually don't love meat. If I have any chance of ever rxing wods is my only option a steady diet of protein(and hating life)? I think I know the answer.
I have been in Jeremy Fishers Strength for over a year. When I started I weighed 126lbs and my first Total was 302.5lbs. Last night I weighed 135lbs and my total was 400. I have traps and quads and all sorts of things I never had last year. I will always lift as heavy as I can and I thank everyone at CFSB for making it so much fun.