New T-Shirts and Hoodies are now in stock!
Hoboken Winter Challenge Tomorrow
Below are the three workouts announced for the CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge. Team SBK will be sending 13 athletes to compete this weekend. What is everyone’s strategy and thoughts on the events?
Event 1:
A progressive Bear complex Ladder with Bars loaded from 75 to 295. Athletes will perform 1 bear complex every 45 seconds. A bear complex consists of completing the following without dropping the bar:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Overhead Press
Back Squat
Overhead Press
Continue until failure
Event 2:
5 Minute Amrap:
100 Double Unders
20 Ball Slams (35/25)
Max Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
Event 3:
In 10 Minutes:
Row 1000 Meters
60 Kettlbell Swings (2 pood/1.5 Pood)
Max Burpees in remaining time
SFX Youth Sports is now open for spring baseball registration!
We already have hundreds of kids signed up. This league just continues to grow, which is a testament to how great the experience has been for the kids, and their parents.
We have tee ball beginning at 4 years old, and the upper leagues are great. (I cannot believe how much I get into these spring and early Summer Saturday games!)
This year, I’ll be coaching two teams again, but am also running the tee ball, pee wee, and pony divisions. The following link has all of the details around the programs, age cutoffs, and details to register your children.
David recently mentioned his experience with kids birthdays, and we all know how important it is for children to be active, have fun, and of course, learn all of the intangibles that go along with a team experience. We value these virtues greatly. SFX is a non-profit, 100% volunteer organization. We are ALWAYS looking for assistant and head coaches! (At times we have to turn away kids, because, as strange as this may sound, we can’t get enough volunteers from within the group of parents to step up.)
Shawn S. broke the CFSBK seal this year and coached soccer with me. He was a fantastic coach, and the 6 kids that were on our soccer team really benefitted from his care and coaching. I’d love to see more like-minded folks from this community, so filled with volunteers, and folks dedicated to fitness and sport, get involved.
See you at the ballgames!
Announcing The Ranch Big Bob Winter Challenge CrossFit Games
CrossFit Cribs: CrossFit Malibu Tour
We Tried This: Strong vs Skinny TIME
Three Critical Elements to Sustain Motivation Scientific American
The End Of Everything
Did you sign up for the meat CSA yet?
See yesterday's blog post for info and details. The deadline is Dec 15.
Save me one of them 'lectric Wizard ones…large please.
can someone post sat wod?
6am with Nick. Company holiday party last night resulted in too much drink and too little sleep. Felt quite fuzzy this morning. Saturday's workout Rx: 4 rounds + 20. Moved surprisingly well throughout the workout.
Without giving too much away – 6 rounds + 23 DU.
Last time we did this was about a year and a half ago and I had 5 + 25 DU.
i want a cfsbk sweatshirt! do we have to buy online or bring cash to the gym? how much are they? thanks!
Anyone lose a men's wedding band at the gym? Just came across one in the office, it may have been here a while.
dave byrd lost his a while ago, unclear if in the gym.
(just pinged him)
Give me that shirt and hoody!
Fun morning at CF CenterMass in Worcester. The class had a lot of stuff crammed in – between mobility work and warmup (row, PVC OH squats, push-ups, pull-ups) plus weighed box jumps before even getting to lifting and the WOD, and finishing with a 6-minute plank cash out, timing felt a little tight. However, PR'd my back squat with a 115×3 set and felt like I could've gone even heavier, so that was cool.
Great coaching, supportive and friendly Crossfitters, and a legit free Paleo breakfast to boot from one of their talented members – stuffed baked apples with homemade "caramel" (dates & coconutty goodness) sauce = visit them if you're in Worcester.
*Weighted box jumps. Misspelling = ironic considering my wholehearted support of Jen's genius grammar love blog.
if you need to find someone to SPLIT a CSA share with, email me. i got peeps!
mignyc at gmail dot com
oh hey… just hanging out in my new hoody…
The lettering on the new tees is purple, which is obviously more awesome.
Tom Glavine et al,
We are (kind of) philosophically opposed to posting the WODs a day ahead of time. You shouldn't pick and choose! If you play along, however, or if you've done Foundations with us and listened to the programming lecture in class 6, you'll note that we follow this basic template. I hope this can help you to best plan your CFSBK days.
Monday – Pull + WOD/AW
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Squat + WOD/AW
Thursday – Upper Body Mvmt + WOD/AW
Friday – Rest
Sat – Squat + WOD/AW
Sunday – Longer WOD
We program for a 5 day workout week with 2 rest days. For someone looking to become better exclusively at CF or simply increase their general strength and conditioning, 5 days is (eventually, at least) ideal. For someone who competes in another sport you would need to train only enough push progress in said sport, which will likely mean 2-3 days of Crossfit. Within that I'd make at least one day a squat day and then choose either a pull day (Mon) and/or an upper body strength day (Th, or Fri rest day). Two squat days can also benefit most people. While our goal in programming is to achieve overall balance through the week and also the 6 week cycle, it should be stated that the WOD/AW that follows the lifting portion of each day is designed to complement and balance the strength work so each day remains a full body, multi-joint training day. You can obviously perform curls on any of the aforementioned days, even rest days.
Hope this helps.
*AW = Accessory Work
*Longer = 15 min or longer
Boz – donezo
I would still really like to see the WODs posted ahead of time. Not because I would skip a WOD if I thought it looked particularly evil (hey, I came in yesterday, didn't I?), but because sometimes it does affect *when* I'd want to come in for that WOD.
My schedule can be unpredictable because, bleh, clients. So, sometimes I'm faced with the question of — do I want to do Wednesday's workout on Tuesday or Wednesday? This is where it would help to know what the WOD was on Tuesday. All other things being equal, I'd probably pick Tuesday instead of Wednesday, simply because my client could schedule a Wednesday morning meeting at the last minute and at least if I come in on Tuesday, I know I'll get my WOD in. But, sometimes all other things are not equal. Let's say that my shoulders were really sore on Tuesday morning because of whatever the WOD was on Sunday. If I look on the blog and see that the WOD includes pullups, I'll probably wait and try my damnedest to juggle my schedule so that I can come in on Wednesday, so as to have an extra day of rest before I jump into that. But if the WOD is, say, NFT Romanian deadlifts, I'll come in on Tuesday.
I realize most people don't have as unpredictable a schedule as I do — but I just wanted to throw another reason for wanting to know what the WOD is besides bailing on the ones that look unpleasant 🙂
I'm in the same boat as stella.
i'd love to consistently hit every wod, at the same time of day, every week, but that's not on the cards.
if you don't want people picking and choosing wods, why post them at all? make it a mystery and they'll only find out if and when they show up. but if posting saturday's wod on saturday doesn't cause people not to show (and as we all know, people definitely show up on saturday) why would posting one of friday's two possible wods cause people not to show on friday?
i just like to know what i'm getting into before i arrive at the gym
I have 4 tix to tonites NETS game at 730 vs Golden State.
If you are interested email
I personally don't mind waiting till the morning of to find out what the WOD is. I can see it as being an issue for someone training outside of CFSBK routines, but I think Fox's post took care of that eventuality.
Just to get clear: are folks simply saying they'd like to know Wednesday's WOD posted on Tuesday and Saturday's on Friday?
The new hoodies are really deelish. Super cozy, total Jedi Knight deep hood, fitted AND long enough for my stupid tinker toy body which is always difficult. I love it.
CrashB lifts with Cloyde and Charmel, really had a good time. My workouts have been super sporadic so am making myself take some time off from Sandy recovery to get back into the groove. Too many days and I finally hit the wall. Oof. I hate feeling so out of whack so hoping things get back to "normal" with the quickness.
Noah B went out to me yesterday and said it all kind of perfectly this morning:
AMRAJ of the Day (as many reps as Julie) 5 hours
Rip up floors
Haul debris
It was so rad to have him along, I've made some really wonderful connections doing all this muck and gut but rolling in, and being able to decompress, with a pal was truly aces. Thank you again NB!!
I won't use swears this time, but to throw my hat in I don't care when WOD's are posted. Typically I never look anyway as I'm going to come in no matter what – I think Crush and Back Off are the only two that aren't fairly programmed.
"Just to get clear: are folks simply saying they'd like to know Wednesday's WOD posted on Tuesday and Saturday's on Friday?"
Who designed the BK bridge as skull in the skull and crossbones? Huge hat tip.
I've got to come up with a good goal to hit and then reward myself with that thing.
Sometimes I stay up till midnight and then click refresh refresh refresh refresh until the new WOD is posted. Instant poll–who else is a big dork like me? Go.
Chris, I've got you beat. I have it set up to email me whenever a new wod is posted
+1 Luca. I use IFTTT (if this, then that) to automate it:
@Chris – I definitely am. Even when I was away from CFSBK for a couple months I would check it on my way home from work (after midnight) to see if the workout was something I could scale to do in my apartment. Dorkiness abounds.
@Chris- Also guilty! Thanks Coach Fox for the info- very helpful.
5 dorks and counting….
Ps. We have an fgb 2013 team here. 5 dorks and counting…