In teams of 2 complete the following work:
1200m Row (Alternate at 600m)
120 Wall Ball Shots (alternate every 12)
120 Burpees (alternate every 12)
1 Mile Run (Run together)
Each work station will also be coupled with a very special “rest” station where your partner will need to maintain a position until you finish the work.
Post partner, time and Rx to comments.
Not your typical “CrossFit Pain Face” from Jude
Ask any of the 43 people who were members of the meat CSA this year, and they’ll tell you that the value and selection offered in this program is unmatched. You simply cannot buy grass-fed meat at retail at this price and quality anywhere in New York. And with monthly delivery direct to the gym, the convenience is unmatched.
The next share will be four months: Jan-April. If you like, however, you can sign up for 4, 8 or 12 months – all at once.
The Farm is offering two mixed meat (beef, pork and lamb) options:
- 15lbs/month plan: $600 if you pay in full, $650 on monthly payment plan
- 10lbs/month plan: $460 if you pay in full, $500 on monthly payment plan
Full plan details and lots of info about Herondale Farm is here.
Here’s how to sign up:
1. Returning members: You can re-up by emailing to info@herondalefarm dot com. They’ll take it from there.
2. New members: Download this PDF, fill it out, and return it to the farm via email.
QUESTIONS? Email me. WANT TO SPLIT A SHARE WITH SOMEONE? Email me. mignyc at gmail dot com.
The farm is looking for 60 members in 2013 – let’s make it happen!
Tough Titsday Spots Still Available!
There are still a few slots left for the third ever “Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet” at CFSBK. If you’re on the fence about signing up, consider this your push! To learn more about the event, click here.
TTDIII Roster:
Janelle Rooks
Cassie Xu
Worm Widman
Laura McElherne
Bethany Erskine
Mobina Hashmi
Jenna Jerman
Julie Barnard
Katie Mohrhauser
Hayley Gerkin
Jess Bailey
Lauren Borducci
Whitney Hubbard
Jen Stopka
Sarah La Rosa
Courtney Hart
Jude Geis
Marian Lai
Radhika Vaz
Shaye Lefkowitz
Do you blog or contribute to any other websites? If so link them up in the comments with a description!
For Athletes, Risks From Ibuprofen Use NYT
I’m Truly Sorry For This, But You’re About To Hear All About The Last Marathon I Ran
Workout Routine Broken Down For Coworker
Such a well programmed WOD. I did this with Big Nick. Felt great throughout the entire thing. We finished in 32 mins.
Wow. That's the last time I eat a hefty plate of Pad Thai 90 minutes before a crush week WOD. Thanks to Bardia for holding the fort.
I blog for Slate's Brow Beat blog
@Scott – using an arduino board to build a motorized camera dolly. Love the work you guys are doing at ITP.
Super fun 6pm with Melo and Josh. Lots of characters in our class which is just how I like it.
Partnered with Justin who was great. Did it in 35:40, was aiming for under 35 so happy I hit my goal. If it wasnt for that damn running……thanks to Justin for pushing me on the last lap I really needed it,
6PM with Melo and Josh. When I saw the WOD posted today, I was excited/relieved because nothing really involved grip. My hands are torn from DT, so I was looking to avoid further unnecessary pain and destruction.
WELLLLLL you know… instead of "rest" we got a fun little set of extra curricular activities, including a dead hang. oh well!
It was Whitney squared tonight, as I got to partner up with Ms. Eden! We finished in 32:26. I felt really peppy on the burpees. Not so much on wall balls. Got my dance party on with the OH hold so I wouldn't think so much about how my hands/grip hurt. The mile was refreshing; sprinted it out with the boys to finish. That's an amazing statement for me, seeing as running a mile *without* 20 minutes of work in front of it even 6 months ago would've been extremely painstaking.
I was excited about this WOD all day. Partnered with Janelle – whoop!
Plank was by far the worst part. I had to stop twice, which was embarrassing, but kind of par for the course in my life as of late. Wall balls at 12#, 8' were too easy (I know, I already regret saying that). Did squat thrusts, but only so I wouldn't kill Janelle. 25# plate on OH hold. Took the run nice and easy.
Post WOD, I channeled my inner Whitney Hubbard and ran ALL OVER Park Slope, picking up the essentials: green curry and bourbon.
Loving all these comments!!!
I got sick after the birthday party, feeling really crappy still, spent the day napping and whining. Was hoping to be back after it today but carrying my laundry home today resulted in me having to lay down for like 15 minutes :/
Glad people liked this WOD, was fun seeing the AM classes go through it. Ended up being a bit longer than I was anticipating.
Partnered with Sara(h?) on this super fun/horrible WOD. Made it through the plank unbroken, and the row was fine. Used a 14# medicine ball to 10' (or occasionally to 9', if I'm being totally honest). Started to despair right around the 3rd dead hang. Then I couldn't figure out how to do the burpees without hitting my face on the bumper we had to jump up on, so I stuck to squat thrusts. 35# plate on the overhead hold. And then the run was totally lovely and refreshing! And I used to hate running! I think we finished in 35:30. Feeling very crushed, in the best way.
It's no secret: I love partner WODs. This one was kinda evil but still awesome. My partner was the ass-kicking Ryan, who was a huge help all the way. The burpees were the toughest, but we broke them up nicely. The run started off slowly but we finished strong with a bit of a burst at the end.
Time: 34: 40 (I think – Ryan will correct me if I'm off)
6pm w Melo & Josh. first time doing a proper partner WOD since joining in august and this turned out to be quite the introduction! gotta say everything moved faster than expected–the
torture"rest" holds really kept everything focused and moving. partnered with the indomitable Shaye who was a total trooper and kept me from slacking between rounds on the wb & burpees (thanks!!). calves cramped like crazy on the first lap of the run, but by the third lap i felt like i could go another mile. crossed the line in 34:50 and totally happy about it. can't say i've ever felt that way running, let alone after a crush week WOD!