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How Clean Is Your Bathroom?
Coach Glassman (creator of CrossFit) talks about what be believes are the most important characteristics of a successful affiliate. What do you think?
Schedule Changes
Effective January 1 we’ll be adding 5 more Group Class hours per week. Our evening schedule will go to a half hour start and we’ll be adding a 1pm class on Saturdays. Get Stoked.
Monday through Thursday
6am, 7am, 8am, 12pm
4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
More information on to come.
Competition Weekend
Lots of testing going on this weekend for CFSBK’s athletes!
Saturday: Hoboken Winter Challenge
12 of CFSBK’s competative CrossFitters will be heading to Hoboken for the Winter Challenge. We’ve participated in this event the last few years and are gearing up for a great showing this Saturday.
Sunday: CrossFit Total
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their 8 week cycle this Sunday at 1:00pm. Over 20 lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by and cheer on the lifters.
6 Tips For a CrossFit Newbie
Kevin James 70lbs Weight Loss
5 Steps To Find The Perfect CrossFit Gym
Kristen Clever Lifting at the USAW American Open
I have to go to the dirty Jerz tomorrow, so I came in today and Luca was in the house! Thank goodness, because in the second round of the WOD he had to remind me that I couldn't go straight to front squats without doing double unders first. If Sarah J hadn't been doing DT at the same time, I'm sure she would have been laughing her ass off, since she had to tell me a couple of weeks ago that I couldn't skip the pushups in Cindy. 😛
I finished tomorrow's WOD in 14:51, just under the 15 minute cap. A lot of this was staring at the pullup bar. I'm happy with my choice of FSQ weight (73#) but maybe I should have cut the pullup volume in half. I feel like I'm supposed to feel after a Crush Week workout though, not like yesterday where I went too light.
DT will be mine, this will be.. interesting.
Quickly wanted to note that the OH SO AMAZING Noah Barth is coming with me Thursday to Far Rockaways to muck and gut houses! He will be on my team, anyone else able to come? We would all be together, I already called dibs on Team Leader Tara. Yes. That's how much I'm out there. If anyone can come please note here on the blog or FB message me or email me at julie.barnard "at" and will give Tara the heads up.
Register with NY Cares: http://
@JR I finally lost a football bet to Migdail.
100 burpees in a skins Jersey. I should know better than to bet on the regular season. Anyhow I will be honoring said bet after hoboken, in open gym.
D.T Rx'd 13:16. Jerks Unbroken, Hang Power cleans not so much. Loved this workout.
Bigger blog post coming tomorrow, but for now: The meat/chicken CSA signup deadline for January is December 15.
The next share will be four months: Jan-April. If you like, however, you can sign up for 4, 8 or 12 months – all at once.
To see the details of the program, go here.
Here's how to sign up:
1. RETURNING MEAT/CSA Members: All you have to do is email the farm at and say "I want to re-up." They'll take it from there.
2. New Members: Fill out the PDF at the link above and email it to the farm.
3. New Members: Take a paper sign-up form out of the plastic sleeve on the CSA info board, which is located right above the front desk in the gym. Fill it out and fax it to the farm.
QUESTIONS? Email me. WANT TO SPLIT A SHARE WITH SOMEONE? Email me. mignyc at gmail dot com.
The farm is looking for 60 members next year – let's make it happen!
Bigger blog post coming tomorrow, but for now: The meat/chicken CSA signup deadline for January is December 15.
The next share will be four months: Jan-April. If you like, however, you can sign up for 4, 8 or 12 months – all at once.
To see the details of the program, go here.
Here's how to sign up:
1. RETURNING MEAT/CSA Members: All you have to do is email the farm at and say "I want to re-up." They'll take it from there.
2. New Members: Fill out the PDF at the link above and email it to the farm.
3. New Members: Take a paper sign-up form out of the plastic sleeve on the CSA info board, which is located right above the front desk in the gym. Fill it out and fax it to the farm.
QUESTIONS? Email me. WANT TO SPLIT A SHARE WITH SOMEONE? Email me. mignyc at gmail dot com.
The farm is looking for 60 members next year – let's make it happen!
DH3…skins jersey? in that case I'm sure we can find you an "appropriate" location in the area to be hitting the ground while wearing that thing…#bittersweet
our bathroom is SO clean
JAVA and PYTHON DEVELOPERS NEEDED! Large educational software dev company looking for developers at multiple levels – we're hiring aggressively. interested? hit me up.
mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
@DH3 far cry from a pie in the face. Football is so tragic for me this year. 8 losses in a row. better than that, yes, they were 3-1. combined winning margin of 4 points. In other words, the eagles are 4 points away from being winless this year.
If Andy Reid is still there next year, I will boycott.
Have a good sore going from the squats the other day. I am starting to see some progress from mobility work.
Tough week for getting into the gym, I am in holiday party hell.
Trying to post a nice post about this, but it keeps getting eaten.
The next cycle for the meat CSA is Jan-April. Signup deadline is Dec 15.
15lbs/month plan: $600 if you pay in full, $650 if payment plan
10lbs/month plan: $500 if you pay in full, $460 if payment plan
Returning members: You can re-up by emailing info (at) herondalefarm dot com.
New members: Go to herondalefarm dot com and hit the CSA link. Download the PDF, fill it out, and return it to the farm via email.
EMAIL ME with questions or if you want to split a share with someone: mignyc at gmail dot com.
i really want to submit a comment about the upcoming Dec 15 deadline to sign up for the Meat CSA, but so far the blog has eaten two comments in a row. Pretty frustrating.
Mish mash of a post…
Makeup from yesterday – Mariann was an awesome partner for DT. I'm pretty much in awe of all Rx levels on any WOD and hope to be able to pull off at least one, someday, but particularly, seriously can't fathom ever doing 105# for this WOD. I did 55# and while I didn't feel as wasted afterward as I expected to, I don't think I could've put more weight on because even typing today is hard. Forearms are wrecked.
Migdail and Chris, I say begrudgingly that you guys played a good game last night. Gmen were a mess.
And last but certainly not least, Kristin H. is AWESOME as a Pilates instructor. I took her noon basic tower class at Core Pilates NYC and sister kicks as much butt teaching as she does killing it in the box.
thanks for releasing my comments, MGMT.
everyone else, sorry for the spam.
4:30pm on Weekdays & 1pm on Saturdays… BOOM!
@MGMT any chance that on rest days you could start posting what the next day's wod will be?
Seconding what Luca said.
LBBS (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 255×5) 275! 285Fx2
I'll take the 5# PR but I think I have the 285. Wasn't there mentally the first attempt and was too tired for the second. Soon!
20' erg piece x 2
#1 = 4297m, 2:19/500
#2 = 4352m, 2:17/500
Enthusiastically thirding Luca.
@dh3. Um, didn't you make another rather large wager last night during the game that ups the burpee count by several? Dozen. Just asking… Oh, and you definitely owe an additional five burpees for that little side bet that I think involved a successful third down conversion (?). Gotta keep you honest. Cheers! And smiley face emoticon.
Waiting for my time on the mic on Beer Sessions to talk about our event on the 15th and enthusiastically disagree with knowing next day WOD's on rest days. I personally like the surprise. Most of the time YAY. Sometimes an Ahh for fucks sakes. All good in the end.
5 rds: 5 x FSQ @ #75, 10 Green Band Pull Ups, 40 Single Unders = 9:42.
Again, pushed myself to go 10 pounds heavier than I had originally thought, and again am really glad that I did….thanks to Josh for second-ing that decision. My shoulders are killing me. Can. not. wait. to rest tomorrow.
Officially signed up for Titsday Power Meet so I don't have to hide from Jeremy anymore. I have the receipt in my inbox to prove it. Thinking about printing it out and wearing it on a t shirt.
crush week delivers.
feel like I'm getting crushed at work as well right now, so coming in and laughing my a$$ off with J-Bails, Fox, BDubs, and the rest of our crew in A/R was probably the best thing I could've done today. thanks, as always, for the mobility and the giggles. you guys rule.
7PM with MeLo/Josh:
DT @ 75#
Time = 11:32
After chatting with Bails and Paddock last night about their weights, and then warming up my reps… I quickly realized that 75 was the way to go. 80 or 85 would've slowed me down a pretty good bit more. This was straight grip for me. Flew through all DL's unbroken, and they were the rest portion of this. HPC's were generally broken up into two sets, I think 3 on the last round. Really felt the drive through my hips and getting my elbows up quickly with this lighter weight. I have huge bruises on my left shoulder and collarbone though…
Always put down the bar before my last HPC before Push Jerks, which were generally split up into 2 sets. I muscled through the last 6 in one go because I couldn't fathom picking the bar back up again if I put it down.
My hands split open in three places… I think towards the middle of round 4. painful and unfun for the rest of the workout. clearly needed to chalk between each round. I was happy not to tear during Fran on Sunday. not sure if I'm doing something wrong with the bar here — def had my hook grip going.
interested in what's to come later in the week!
@artis there was no other wager aside for a 5 to 1 fg wager with migdail. I have to do 105 burpees.
Big shout out to Fox tonite. Sat down and coached me through Fran tonite. THanks to Josh as well for the encouragement on the workout as well.
Fran is def the most brutal crossfit workout Ive ever done. It took me a full hour to cool down. Shaye and Barbara thx for the agua/ice.
4:57 PR by 4 seconds.
@migdail. Was i dreaming when that bet was made? Dh3 is giving me doubts.
Clocked in two 12-hour days at work already this week. I was going to blow a gasket if I didn't make it in today. I needed a little (major) workout relief.
First time doing DT with MeLo/Josh at 8pm tonight. Five rounds at 73# and finished at 10:08.
73# was more on the medium side of medium/heavy. Probably could've bumped it up to 83#, but my wrists have been a little sensitive lately (thanks for the wrist wraps, MeLo! Made a huge difference).
Great job to everyone in the 8pm class. And a special shout out to Jaime (sp?) — DT is a brutal workout for anyone's first CF group class and she killed it! Well done.
Awesome lifts! Congrats on 275, big numbers.
DT 12:22 Rx'd
Serious crush week WOD. Grip is always a problem for me. I feel like I paced out the first 3 rounds quite well, but things got really nasty in the last two. (finished first 3 in about 7min?) Thanks to Jake and MeLo for staying on me. I'm mad I didn't string those push jerks better, it was so hard to drop under the bar and breathe and whatever by the end. Happy with it for my first go-around.
Next time – I'm going to do more like a push jerk, instead of push presses. Maybe drop better for my cleans too.
I did some LBBS work too: 220×10 (Before DT)
I completely spaced on doing the 2×5 that proceeded this. (Which I didn't realize until Jeremy asked me about it.) I think I was stressing that I would run out of time and just mentally skipped over it. The 10 felt good. We're still moving.
I did tomorrow's wod at 5pm class – 13:41 @115# FSQs – 4 of my CTB sets unbroken. I was planning on 135# for the FSQ but it wasn't happening when I was warming up. Went to AR after was a great cooldown.
Did DT at 105 in 13:40. Lower back was the limiting factor.
DT (as Rx) in 9:37. 3 min PR! Jeremy really helped by telling me to stand up and take a few calm breaths, when I was taking breaks. Seems really obvious, but I can get into hyperventilation mode sometimes…
I like how Furious Pete divides it into breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Here's my favorite gluttony video:
I love the main guy on it. "All of the vegetables, none of em!" "If a cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want IN!"
Goooooo FOX!!!