21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Thrusters, 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 9.10.11 or 7.27.11
Weird POV Squats with Coach Nick
Congrats to Coach C Fox
Good meet for me today. Went 9/9 for PRs in all three lifts.
Squat: 352/368.5/385
Bench: 231/242/253
Deadlift: 473/506/518
Total: 1,156
Thanks to Jess and Jeremy for the support, they helped make it a great day.
Benchmark by Dan Betz
I’ve been a member of CFSBK for 2 years now and I’ve always been frustrated with the lame WOD-tracking apps out there. I know it’s come up a few times in the comments on the blog so some of you definitely feel my pain. Workout journals, the gym whiteboard, and the gym leaderboard are all great ways to track your progress and compete with your fellow CFSBKers, but I wanted a more personalized way to compete with a focused group of my friends. Since I couldn’t find one, I built one with a couple of my friends.
“Benchmark” today’s Fran and see how everyone else at the gym did!
Kipping Pull-Up Series CrossFit
2012 CrossFit Games – Men’s Final: Fran, Heat 1, 2 & 3
2012 CrossFit Games – Women’s Final: Fran, Heat 1, 2 & 3
Human Turkish Get Up
HOLY SMOKES! Only 6 tickets remain for Homebrew to the Rescue. 10 of New York City's finest homebrewers take over CrossFit South Brooklyn for a one-of-a-kind charity event to support organizations doing real, on-the-ground work for victims of Sandy.
You can get tipsy, stuff your gut and help New Yorkers who need it most? It's a win-win for everyone. Today, let your liver do the heavy lifting.
Tickets will not be sold at the door so get yours now stat!
http:// homebrewtotherescue.eventbrite.com/
Congrats on the meet, Fox!
I'm pretty happy to report that I PR'd my deadlift yesterday (220.) It has been stuck for a long time; I was finally able to break through after just seven weeks on a new program. Honestly I think I could've actually pulled 5-10 more, which feels pretty awesome.
Fran- 4:45 @ 75#
First attempt at Fran and she kicked my ass. Took 10-15 for me to pull my ass off the shitheap and recover. Yowza.
Lesson learned is when you go out Saturday night and find your self awake Sunday after only 5 hours of sleep, do NOT jump up and do a super intense 9am workout.
Yesterday pulled a last minute audible and switched from squats to AR. Hour's worth of KB work at home that night. Great choice.
My first Fran, too! 5:22 with 43# thrusters and 15-9-6 thin green band pullups. I think I should have gone to 53# on the thrusters, but I'm glad I didn't try a blue band on the pullups, especially since I did the kip workshop yesterday.
Awesome to watch Carlos Rx this.
Fox, 100% awesome.
Was daydreaming yesterday about doing a TGU using one of my kids (I am too weak/they are too big), and then here is this excellent and silly vid; loved the From Here to Eternity take on the subject.
Fran @ 75#: 6:26. First time doing Fran and I'm happy with the time, but should have gone heavier. Next time…
Hey Giants fans! Did you get a ticket to the homebrew event? I'm only mentioning this again as something STELLAR has come in to auction off that night. And no, it's not a pair of green socks. Giants are blue, right? KIDDING!
Seriously, this is big. BIG. No joke. As in I had to be carried a block out of shock at the level of awesome because my legs stopped working.
Over out and except for Fran at 10am with Coach Noah. Swinging tools has apparently messed my shoulder up to where it kind of doesn't want to work but still smooshed through. Partnered with Jay, woo! Good Sunday times.
Chris Fox, I watched those videos, put some weight on the bar next time. That's what I want every squat I ever do to look like.
First time trying "fran," used my patented 4-3-1-1…–1, 2-1-1….-1, 1-1-..-1 rep scheme on banded pull ups with 65lb thrusters. I don't think I got the intended stimulus what with all the waiting for pullups; should have gone with ring rows.
Question: very impressed watching my partner bang out 15-9-6 strict pull ups today. After 10 months at cfsb, my upper body strength is seriously lagging core, legs, etc because I've been making an effort to hit classes focusing on squat, clean, dead lift,… Should I try to get more variety in the classes I take, or do people focus on push ups and pull ups outside of class in order to improve?
I just watched the Nick video and I now feel I've seen something that only Charlotte should see…
Partnered with Shaye during the 12pm class with Noah. Second time doing Fran, but couldn't find my previous stats. But I know I did ring rows. My goal today was to finish under 8, and I came in at 7:40. Pretty happy about that. I did banded pull ups and everything felt pretty good for the most part. Really glad I had a plan and stuck to it. I think it made all the difference in the end.
And, Fox…that was amazing!! Congrats!
woah painful fran today. 6:37, 65#
"enjoyed" post-Fran laying about in pain with Malcolm and Shawn.
CURSES! My stupid Sigg is lost and alone at SBK again! Coaches, will be picked up later today or Tuesday. Sorry. (brushed graphite/copper colour – sbk sticker on the bottom)
12pm with Noah.
Only other Fran experience to this point was the Pyramid Fran we did a few months back with the 5/10/15/10/5. That was 11+ minutes of blue band strict pull-up torture and 85lb thrusters.
Crushed to have my pull-ups today break down with three to go. (Sorry for the expletive, y'all.) My sub-8 goal slipped through my fingers because of it, and Matt passed me, but still very pleased with the result. 8:12 Rx, a vast improvement over four months ago.
9am with D.O. Fran Rx: 4:55. Not a PR, but close. I've gone balls-to-the-wall on previous Fran exposures and flamed out at the end (being reduced to sets of 1). Today I had much more even pacing.
I was planning on doing Fran at 65, but D.O. talked me up to 85, which took me 9:08.
Fun Fran. 6:30 rx which was a PR by around :18 seconds. Thrusters were waaay better than in the past but pull ups slowed me down a bit. A couple were on the bubble and generously counted towards the total.
Thanks to Jon for keeping me moving. It really helped.
Dan I'm going to try that app!
Fran at 75lbs. Did it in 5:44 with first and last sets of pullups unbroken. Guess this means I have to do it at 85 next time.
Fox is the best! congrats that's amazing!!!
Best start to crush week EVER! Last time I did Fran, which granted was almost a year ago at the beginning of my cf journey, I did #43lbs, with the thick black band, and was 9:30. Today, #53, green band pullups, in 8:14. Almost did the 43, but at the last minute made a game time decision and am so incredibly happy that I did. J. Stopka was my partner, she was awesome and also totally killed it today. Really pumped for crush week – will be the first time since I started at CFSBK that I'm not out of town for work related travel during it and I'm so excited to do all the workouts.
Also I feel kind of dirty for having watched that video of Nick.
Comp class at noon with the man, the myth, the legend DO….
Snatch work. Worked up to 70kilos from a tall snatch position.
Fran 4:22, 40 second pr from last summer. Happy with this.
Comp class killed it today!
Comp class was great. It was nice to have Rickke, Miskik and Lady Fox in attendance! I've missed working out with you kids.
Fran: 8:19
thrusters: 21ub, 7+8, 9ub
pullups: 3s and 2s mostly, with a few singles
Ok, so I haven't done this before. I don't know if I have just artfully avoided doing it. We had done a ladder version of this in September and Fox has Dq'd me based on the fact that I was taking forever and my hands were so badly torn.
So I was terrified to do this. I really thought I wasn't going to be able to make it through. Even half way through the 15 pullups I wasn't sure it was happening. I think I muttered to Marian (who was counting for me) "I can't do this." But I got surrounded by my awesome comp teammates, McDowell talking me through the last set of pullups.. and I finished. Even better, I finished with a very minimal hand tear. (First time that has ever happened before. I had taken DO's advice to break up the pullups by 3s at the very start.)
It's been quite awhile since I started CrossFit, but I still get surprised at what I'm able to do, especially with the support of good people around me. Thanks guys.
My first Sunday comp class in maybe a year?
Warmup–3 Rounds NFT:
-Calories on the Erg: 30/25/20
-6 Handstand kickups, alternating legs.
Snatch Deadlift/Pull
-worked up to 115x3x3, need to build speed as the barbell clears my knees.
Tall Snatch:
-worked up to 85x1x3
-this makes me smile considering in the spring of 2010 I could not snatch 83…and nearly cried during one workout when I just couldn't do it.
5:28 RX'd (PR by 1:10!)
-really didn't think that I was going to PR this today…especially since my hands were fried from all of the snatch work and because I easily weigh more now then the last time I did this.
-21 thrusters unbroken, 21 pullups in 8, 6, 5, 2 (I think)
-15 thrusters in 8,7; pullups in 5's I think
-9 thrusters unbroken, pullups in 3's and 2's
HUGE thanks to Mishik who kept me on target. I definitely would have taken more rest and set the barbell down more if not for him.
Lots of fun at comp class! Super proud of Marian and Sarah for hitting Fran hard rx'd! Also thanks to Ellie, Marian and Mishik for bringing my forearms back to life. Good crew and I'd really like to make more time for this class…
Awesome job, Fox! And good job all Franners… I bailed on it today. Had a bit too heavy of a conditioning workout at muay thai yesterday and was going to rest completely, but after breaking into some Vietnamese "weasel coffee" I felt the urge so I came in for open gym.
Rolling, stretching, DROMS, and Burgener warmup
95×5 135×3 155×2 175×1 185×1 190xF,1 195xF, F
Thats a PR and one I've been on the cusp of for a while, so happy to hit it today. Still having some problems with my catch, having trouble letting go of the hook grip fast enough it seems, so after that drilled tall cleans (full squat) at 135# EMOTM for 10 minutes.
Then some OHS to test out the feel of the new shoes
45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×4,F
And finally, was drilling some pull ups and feeling really good pulling to mid chest, so tried some bar muscle ups and got a couple!
I really want to test Fran so I might do it solo later this week, depending on what the rest of the workouts look like.
Went out to Rockaway today to volunteer. Spent the day moving someone out of their damaged home, tearing up floors, etc. It was intense. There were almost a dozen of us just working on one house… and there are so many other families/houses affected. Rockaway could definitely use some strong, fit, and fun people to help out there!
OG tonight
Ran to gym: 1.7 miles.
45×5, 65×5, 95×5, 115x3x5
Then FRAN:
Thrusters at 42#. Kipping pullups. Everything 21-15-9.
Time: 6:47
Pretty happy with this, esp. considering the context below. First time doin' it without any bands on the pullups. Kept the weight light since I chose to squat beforehand and my bod was already pretty worked from volunteering.
Here's the history of my Fran-ing, after a lil research on the blog:
Feb 8 2012
DB Fran: 15# DB's, kipping pullups green band (the thinner one). 21-15-9 on all.
Time = 5:24
Dec 13 2010
Did thrusters at 43#, pull-ups were kipping with blue band.
Time: 8:11
OG- Worked up to a couple of snatches at 85% (198lbs). Felt really funky. Balance was off, everything a bit off. I wound up almost power snatching these, landing forward on every one. Something must be sorted out…
4 Rounds for time of 500Meter row and 100Double unders-This was nice and hard.
65 Dips-for vanity's sake.
Nice f-ing work, fox!
Fran- 6:34 rx'd.
tomorrow nite: Go Skins!!!
Awesome numbers Fox.