Five rounds, each for time, of:
135 pound Power clean, 5 reps
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
135 pound Jerk, 5 reps
20 Pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds
There is a 25 minute cap on this workout. Scale the weight on the barbell and volume on the pull-ups to complete all or most of the workout in the allotted time.
We will only be holding one group class at 9am today due to the holiday. Come on down and work up a hero’s appetite!
Post time of each round to comments.
compare to 5.21.12
U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael “Hammer” Bordelon, 37, of Morgan City, Louisiana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), based out of Fort Lewis, Washington, died on May 10, 2005, from injuries sustained when a car bomb exploded near him in Mosul, Iraq on April 23, 2005.
He is survived by his wife Mila; children Mike Jr., Jacob, and Johanna; mother Dolores; and sister Doreen Scioneaux.
New Equipment
We’ve picked up a few new toys for the gym. Get Stoked
- 2 New Burgener and Rippetoe Barbells to replace the two older bars that went out of comission recently
- 2 new 15lb training bars to replace 2 of the older warped training bars we had
- An 80lb Kettlebell
- An 88lb Kettlebell
What are the top 3 things you’re thankful for in your life right now?
Socialization is the Disability Elite FTS
Most, Most, Most: Safety vs. Intensity CrossFit
3 things I am most thankful for: Crystal, Willa, and coming back to everything I love in NYC (including CFSBK)!
Final Crossfit MNL workout today, going to miss everyone here (thanks Coaches Tanner, Miggy, JV, Inigo, and the rest of the crew… see you guys in the spring?) but excited to get back to Brooklyn.
EMOTM for 10 minutes, Complex of:
Squat Clean
Hang Clean
Push Jerk
5×135, 4×140, 1×155
Then 5×3 push press
95×3, 115×3, 125x3x3
Then the WOD
Wall Ball (20#)
Toes to Bar
I definitely didn't have 45 HSPU in me after that shoulder assault, scaled to using a 35lb plate under my head and still had to resort to singles and kipped reps to get these done. Wall balls and T2B were easy by comparison. Finished in 12:38.
I am thankful for:
1. The wonderful people in my life. Friends, family, co-workers, and clients.
2. My career, and the simple fact that I get to do something that I believe in every day.
3. The fact that in June of 2010, I had the good sense to walk through the door of CFSBK. Even though I always saw big dudes dragging tires down the street and I was kind of scared of y'all. It was truly a life changing event and I can't imagine my day to day without you guys.
I mean, I'm mostly Paleo and all but I'mma wreck some stuffing later, yo. Let's do the Hammer!
I am thankful that my dad is mostly recovered from his leg infection. There were a few days where we didn't know whether he was going to keep his leg, so it's good to see him moving around (albeit with a cane).
I am thankful for my own good health. Every time I see my parents, it makes me conscious of how good it is to have found this way of eating and living (though, like KH, I am going to first make and then destroy some stuffing today!).
I'm thankful for CFSBK, as a major contributor to my good health and also as the awesome little tribe we are.
I am thankful for my family, my boyfriend, Urban Meyer, bacon, and all of the new friends I've made at CFSBK. Seriously, was the best decision I ever made.
I'm thankful for: small organic farmers and communities that support them.
The Internet, Al gore, and the travel channel. Eating duck fetus and coagulated blood ain't no thang, nor is it a chicken wing.
Todd and Willa! I love my beautiful, fuzzy Queen of Sheba!
I'm feeling so thankful I can't stop there. I'm thankful for joining cfsbk and overcoming my exercising lone wolf syndrome.
I'm grateful for the usual things (family, friends, a warm and safe abode, and of course the gym) but specifically I'm increasingly grateful for growing older and finally being disabused of some of my most stubborn youthful convictions.
This WOD is totally my jam, but I'm working. I'll have to make up for it Friday.
I'm thankful for having an awesome community/place to work out at SBK! Also, I'm thankful for how lucky most of us were in not getting hit too hard by the storm – let's remember the folks who weren't so fortunate.
Easy question – I am thankful for my two sons, who never cease to impress me with their wit, spirit, and most importantly, the bond they have with one another. More delicious than any earthly pleasure.
I'm thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful that I get to work and play with a bunch of hooligans that I thoroughly enjoy, each and every day. And I am thankful that after 11+ years of ups and downs and all arounds, I'm in a marriage that is stronger than ever and am married to a woman who understands me and who I love.
We're fortunate to be able to celebrate a holiday like today and I guess I'm also thankful to be reminded of how fortunate I am.
Peace out.
Family and friends are the core of what I am grateful about. World events continue to make me think every day about how lucky I am. I'm particularly grateful that I still have a brain and body that I can use to help people less fortunate than myself.
I am also very grateful for my new CFSBk community that reminds me not to accept the limits of age.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I get to eat my son's homemade cheesecake! And, hang out with my family and two granddaughters!
There are so many things to be thankful for but just a few are my family, friends new and old, 7am mötley crüe, the coaches for finding ways to keep me moving pre/post all the hospital adventures, my little Rita. I wish for all and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving.
Note: I am not thankful for pajama jeans
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them" – John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I am grateful that Julie encouraged me (ok made me) try banded pull ups this morning! Also grateful for cfsb, my amazing pup tommy, and pulled pork.
Happy thanksgiving everyone!
I am grateful for the gift of choice. Every day I get to wake up and choose who and how to be and what I want to create in the world. It's actually pretty wonderful.
I'm grateful for incredibly supportive and loving parents, a kind family, generous heart-warming friends, and the various FUN communities in my life, including CFSBK!
I'm grateful for all the teachers and coaches that have shared their wisdom, for the myriad of relationships I've experienced, and for the hard-working and hilarious group of people I've gotten to work with at lululemon every single day for the past 4 years.
I'm grateful for my health… and my body and mind and all the crazy stuff that goes on in there on a daily basis 🙂
Much love and thanks to all of you!
Turkey Trot this AM in the hometown. 5 miles in just under 37:59. Really happy, considering CF was my only training. Took 446th of over 3100 entered.
Thankful for this place–the past six months have brought new friends, a much needed balance, and more importantly a renewed outlook on the types of
things I'm capable of.
And there are the friends and family and my
boyfriend who got me through a very crazy year, who were understanding of my prolonged absences from their radars when work and school got in the way, and who offered their ears and advice when I needed it.
Last, my job. It causes me the most stress of anything, but nothing beats working with those
kids everyday, and thinking about the great things they're going to do after they leave.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and yours!
Coach Josh-you're an animal man…but next jerk that 295 too!
Late to post this but did WOD from yesterday : 4 rounds (15 du attempts)