Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 2.5-5 lbs to last exposure.
Performance: 2×5 Across Followed by a rep out capped at 10
Certainly should get 5+ but may not make 10.
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ Wednesday e 5/6
As Many Rounds As Possible In 7 minutes of:
7 Burpees
14 Lunges (alternate legs)
21 Double Unders
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Christian R Deadlifts 495×5 from dead starts. FTW!
Holiday Schedule
We hope everyone at CFSBK is gearing up to see friends and family for Thanksgiving. Below is our schedule for this week. There will be a special Thanksgiving day WOD at 9am which will probably go over the hour a little. Come in and work up a caveman’s appetite before the big meal. Maybe you’ll eat the entire Turkey this year? Also note that there are no AM classes on Friday.
Wednesday 11/21: Normal schedule
Thursday 11/22 (Thanksgiving): Special 9am CrossFit Group Class only
Friday 11/23: No 6am, 7am, 8am Group Classes. 12pm onwards is normal schedule.
- Congratulations to “The Professor”, Samir Chopra on the release of his new book, “Brave New Pitch: The Evolution of Modern Cricket”
- Ellie JM Ran a 6:42 Mile and did 109 Double Unders unbroken!
- Coach Melo Cleaned 160lbs and Front Squatted 205lbs
- Coach Josh Cleaned 295lbs and did “30 Muscle Ups For Time” in 7:07
- Jayme L got 14 rounds and 2 Pull-ups as Rx’d in “Cindy”
- Coach Lady Fox Front Squatted 202.5lbs
- Dan L finished “Cindy” with 22 rounds plus 5 pull-ups and 5 push-ups
- DH3 ate 18 Tacos in 24 hours
- Stella Z got 12 Double Unders unbroken
- Zuben got a 150lb hang power clean
How do we know about all this awesomeness?! They wrote it on the boards!!! The next time you do something awesome put it on the accomplishments board. Your successes, however large or small build the whole gym up.
7 Ways To Make Yourself More Coachable CrossFit Invictus
CrossFit Costa Mesa Split Jerks. Max M works up to 400lbs
Woah…Christian, that's badass!
Make that 13 double unders! Small victories 🙂
150×9 on the rep out, again with a bullshit rep in the middle that I didn't count. No matter how much I tell myself to go low, when the weight gets heavy my panic reflex kicks in and I don't get deep enough. Any advice on how to be more Zen about this is most welcome.
Thanks Steph P for being a kickass lifting partner. I probably wouldn't have gone for rep 9 if you hadn't told me to.
WOD, 4 rounds + 2 burpees, knee burpees (upper body is still feeling it from Cindy!!!) and 15 DU attempts/round. The first couple of rounds were a disaster with double unders. Then I stopped thinking about it and all of a sudden I could string them together. The streak of 13 happened in the last round, which was a pleasant surprise!
That photo is awesom Christian.
Yesterday's work: of 15,9,6 Power cleans and HSPU was "fun". I've always been someone motivated by "failures" over successes. So when I dnf'd a workout involving HSPU i was happy to some extent. I think DNF's can really help focus on key elements. I find that with crossfit, like many other things im interested in, I can get overwhelmed with how much their is to improve on. Mobility, strength, balance etc etc. So I try to do a little of each to hopefully get better at each. I Think a more focused approach to one element might be more rewarding for me.
My goal for the next 2 months is to make hspu as much of a "strength as possible"
255 on the squats – got 10 on the repout. Still feel like I have at least 10lbs I can add there without a problem
6 rounds + 9 lunges on the WOD
went to last night's 6pm for LBBS
45×5, 65x5x2 (2nd round when josh pointed out i was high bar-ing my low bar, thanks josh!) 75×5, 85×5, 90x5x3, 75×10 (for fun because i had time) this is my first prolonged exposure to LBBS since i started so i'm aiming for 100+ this cycle and then from there the stars.
crash-rowing: 2x 16'/5' 1) 2:26/16/144/3267 2) 2:28/16/144/3243
happy thanksgiving everyone! i'm hoping the special thanksgiving WOD is something doable/modifiable from home so i can sweat before stuffing my face!
Last night's 7pm
LBBS @ 230x3x5. Josh suggested that I hit 230 again in the next exposure because the last set was not quite full depth. So, once again @ 230 with perfect form is the goal for next time. This is starting to feel really heavy, btw.
WOD @ 4 rounds plus 5 burpies. Actually strung a set of 21 DUs together, which was nice as DUs have been difficult for me lately.
Question for MGMT / the crowd:
Can anyone recommend a (relatively) affordable and reliable way to measure body fat %? I know you can buy scales which say that are able to take such a measurement, but I hear they are not too accurate. I also know that calipers are an option, but the downside there is they seem difficult to use. Just wondering if anyone has had good / bad experiences with this. Thanks all!
Calipers are not hard to use *if* you have a buddy/SO you can reliably use to do the measurements for you. Anyone can be taught to do the measurements on another person – ideally the same "other person" most of the time.
Nice Christian!
10am at Great Lakes in CLE again today; turns out I completely misread the holiday schedule and missed all the normal classes this morning. Fortunately, Patrick, the coach, was still there doing his own workout and awesomely offered to let me stick around and get moving. Turned into a private session on power snatch technique (new movement for me), followed by a quick WOD:
7 rounds for time of: 3 power snatch / 250m row
Was able to work comfortably at 65#. Definitely think I could move more weight, but not until I get more proficient with the movement. All-in-all a much better experience than yesterday's class.
There are some impressive accomplishments up there, well done.
I eat 18 tacos on the way to the taco stand.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I actually have one of those thingies. I can bring it to the gym if you wanna try it….
-Whitney E.
B Dub for the win.
MGMT: re: Thanksgiving WOD. The actual WOD itself will take over an hour… ?
6am with Josh. Squats at 265×5, 265×5 and 265×8. The 7th rep was a bit squirrelly causing me to chicken out on reps 9 and 10 which I clearly had in me. 5 rounds + 7 burpees on the metcon. Burpees and double-unders both felt great, but left me gasping for air.
Thanks very much for the offer, but no need to bring it in. Seems like these contraptions are accurate enough so that you can at least see whether the % is moving up or down over time – which is really all I care about.
7am BSQ's and a quickie 1×16 CrashB row today, had to jam. Everything felt really aces all around.
I still firmly believe that Filthy 50 is on deck for tomorrow, even though Coach Josh said no due to the amount of people expected to show. I hopefully asked for Barbara to everyone's dismay, c'mon – I looove her!, and was shot down on that too. I am highly suspicious and will remain so until I see that board tomorrow morning.
One of the best things I have read on lifting this year.
Squat: 285, 5,5,10
Wod: 3 rounds (singles)
Squats went pretty ok, I was more fatigued than issues with the weight. Gonna have to adjust my breathing for the rep outs. Decided since I hadn't done regular wod in a while I'd give it a try. I hadn't used a jump rope in forever I didn't even remember what size to use, didn't even bother trying doubles. I was tired as hell during this thing sheesh. For those interested muscledriverusa is having a 20% off sale. If you choose their 2011 lifting shoes you get a total of 45% off. Code is mdusa.
excellent post, michele! thanks for sharing!
squats went a little something like this:
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×3… I was going to go to 230 but felt twingy in the left hammie so,
215x5x2, 215×9
WOD – I was two doubles short of five rounds. Pissed me the hell off, just couldn't jump!
Fantastic working with Nathen, he pushed super hard on the WOD and had one of the best finishes I've seen!
Thanks for the picture! I think the long arms help a lot with DL, as well as support from fellow strength cyclers and Coach Jeremy.
5pm with Noah.
Hip openers before diving into the squats with Ben, who is a model for calm under the bar.
[45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2] 250(3×5)
These felt the best of any of the last four exposures. These felt like they had some speed behind them, instead of feeling slow and being told they were moving alright. One cue from Noah to get the hips back.
WOD, with John F watching, for 4 rounds, burpees, lunges, and 4 doubles. Exceeded expectations, particular after the first round, when my doubles were awful.
Running a Turkey Trot at home on LI tomorrow. Looking to go sub 40:00 for the 5 miles.