CFSBKers Around The World!
Todd and Crystal in the Philippines at CrossFit MNL
“Just hangin’ around with the small 7AM crew. (Crystal wanted me to note that she is NOT standing on the box, it was merely a jumping off point!)”
Courtney H in Nicaragua
“My handstand isn´t as good as Melo´s or Marcos´s or many other folks, but this is on top of Cerro Negro in Leon, which we hiked (an hour) and then boarded down. Thank god for squats, because otherwise I wouldn´t have made it to the top. :)”
Krishnan V at Bryce Canyon
“Here’s a Photo of me hiking at Bryce Canyon, not too long afer hiking through a river at Angel’s Landing hike in Zion National Park. So awesome!”
Potential Evening Schedule Change
We’re considering modifying our evening class schedule in order to provide more group classes for our members to choose from. This will add an additional 4 classes per week as well distributing the same PM population into 5 classes as opposed to our current 4. Please let us know what you think, especially if you currently attend 5pm or 8pm classes.
Skills Class: The Kipping Pull-Up
David will be running a Kipping Pull-up workshop on Sunday, December 1st at 1:30pm
Kipping pull-up require a significant amount of integrity in the shoulder girdle and as such this class requires a buy in of 1+ Strict Pull-Up (women) or 3 Strict Pull-Ups (men). The class will be a $15 drop-in and space is limited to 8 participants. Email David(AT) to sign up, make sure to mention your max number of dead hang pull-up and issues you’ve had learning/perfecting the kip so he can better prepare to get you swinging smoothly.
22 Year Old Totals 2,166lbs Unequipped
The Danger Of Being A Woman 70’s Big
Cold Showers Really Are Good For You PositiveMed
16 Facts You Didn’t Know About Sleep
I think the scheduling change would work very well for me. As a working stiff that sometimes gets caught at the office, that extra half an hour would provide some welcome flexibility and mean that I would miss less classes.
I vote in favor of the new schedule. I would love to get to an earlier (4:30) class if I wrap up work early and adding in an extra class would be a great thing as the community gets larger.
Yes to half-hour scheduling! I can never get out of work in time for a 6 PM, but sometimes 6:30 would be possible.
I don't often come to evening classes but I think the half hour start time is a great idea!
Cindy made me really sore. Can't lift my arms overhead.
I WOULD LOVE classes on the 1/2 hr. I really struggle to make 6pm and hate running in 5 mins late and disrupting warm ups. I look and feel like a jerk when this happens but waiting around the gym for 55 mins to go to 7 feels equally ridiculous.
Having a 6:30 class means that if I can't get out of work until 5:30 and the trains are being foolish I can still make it with time to change and not feel like I should just not go because I would have to wait until 7.
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
I, too, am sore from Cindy. I also finally got my knee checked out and it looks like I have IT Band Syndrome which has caused the bursa on the outside of my knee (between the bone and IT band) to get all ANGRY and inflamed when running distances over 3 miles. Ironically, the doctor told me I should be weightlifting. I explained I was weightlifting. He said to weightlift more. OKIE DOKIE.
6am CRASH-B rowing workout:
2 x 16'/5' @ 16SPM @ 4086m/4024m @ 150/150 HR
Still feeling the aftershocks of Sunday's earthquake Cindy. Arms are a bit stiff. Focused on form, bending at the hip first at the start of the return and generating a nice smooth stroke at the start of the pull. Maintaining the 16SPM rate was no problem today.
additional evening classes? brilliant.
6pm class last night: worked up to three reps at 120 on the cleans. one rep was solid, one was ok, and one was terrible. i'm a little out of practice on these and have some weird habits i need to "clean" up (like hopping forward and catching it low).
used a 20lb dumbbell for the sit ups, and 20kg on the kb swings. for the hand stand push ups i did a combination of kipping and slow negatives. very sore some cindy and in need of a lengthy massage.
back to the motherland tonight, where we'll be reunited with our sweet old garage gym. happy thanksgiving everyone!
Love the schedule
Double posted by mistake last night. Here is Todd's post that got deleted:
Final week here, can't wait to get back!
400m run, 5min down-and-back lunges and animal walks
Burgener warmup and power clean technique drills
EMOTM for 12 minutes
2 power cleans
2 jumping muscle ups
Cleans went 75×2 85×2 95×2 105×2 115×2 125×2 135×2 145×2 155×2 165xF,F 155×2 165×2
Wasn't hitting my kipping muscle ups cleanly in warm-ups so scaled down to jumping rather than struggling through bad form on 24 of them. I set the rings high enough where i was still pulling significantly into the transition.
Then Crystal initiated the box into a South Brooklyn Favorite for cashout, 8 rounds each (alternating) of tabata planks and hollow holds. Made it through. Almost died.
Looks like I'll be the first voice of dissension as I much prefer the on-the-hour scheduling. Purely selfish–just works better for me.
yeah that's an awesome new schedule ๐
MGMT- i'll pick up my pie pan on saturday. i'd do it before then but i'm in new orleans. sorry!
here's the paleo pumpkin pie recipe i used for anyone interested. enjoy!
i'm conflicted about this new scheduling option. i don't know that it would lessen the size of the 6 & 7 or 6:30 and 7:30 classes, and i guess i just never want to be starting class any later than i have to.
i can occasionally make 6pm now or otherwise 7, and i'd imagine that i'd be able to occasionally make 6:30 or have to wait for 7:30.
as a nerd i suppose i'd like to see some graph and chart projections on what this change might look like. just kidding, kind of.
maybe i just fear change.
Terrific pun, Ellie.
Lisa, thank you for sharing that pie recipe. It was delish.
Indifferent about the class schedule – we all will make it work either way – but thank you for asking us.
I generally go to the 7pm or 8pm class. If the schedule changes, I will probably go to the 7:30pm most days with some 6:30pm or 8:30pm classes mixed in. Other 8pm-ers, do you think you would do the same thing (i.e., go to the 7:30pm class instead of 8pm)? Is the 7:30pm class going to end up being packed? That would be my only (selfish) concern.
Purely selfish reasoning, but I prefer classes on the hour. But, I totally understand that if it works better for the community, I will make it work better for me.
I'm also anti, 6 pm class works well for me. I would have more time for pre-class mobility work, but I'd probably just stay at work longer.
The only issue I see is that om Tuesday some people like to roll straight from 5pm class to AR. This of course is easily fixed.
I like on the hour, but the benefit of more classes (and hopefully slightly smaller class sizes) outweighs it.
Headed to 5pm tonight. Who knows, maybe I'll roll it straight into AR, what a great idea.
Wow. I like the change, but it will turn me into the guy who is always jumping into class 5 minutes late. Currently I can get to the gym at about 5:35 which means this will save me 30 minutes on the other side, but mean less stretching and more last minute jump ins.
What does it say about me that I like a change that makes me into more of a jerk?
totally unrelated: is there a co-op member out there, trained in child care, who is willing and able to do my shift this Friday 1pm-3:45? email me if you can. thanks! mrs.jmstone at gmail.
@Malcom, I was going to say to Asta, it's better to look like a jerk than to feel ridiculous! ๐
you know what they say, David, mo money, mo problems! I'd rather be wildly successful with capacity issues than empty.
Fully support the switch to :30 start–seems like it would be much easier to make it home from work in time.
7:30 class this morning at CrossFit Great Lakes in Cleveland. Interesting strength workout:
Bear Complex: 5 sets of 7 reps unbroken
-power clean
-front squat
-push press
-back squat
-push press
Not being able to set the bar down during a set made this a surprisingly tough endurance workout. Got up to 90#, but 2xPP each cycle started limiting. Accessory work on pull-ups and handstands after.
As usual JR is right on the money. I just want more classes, whether they start at 4:00, or 4:30. Anything to try and spread out the attendance is MORE than welcome.
Malcolm, I bequeath you with my chronic "jerk-dom" if the schedule changes!
The time has come to run a distance longer than 400 meters. There's a relay style race in central park on December 9th. The race consists of four legs of varying distances. They are 3.4mi, 5mi, 6.1mi, and 1.7mi respectively. The race can be run in teams of two or four people. Anybody interested?
Here's a link to the race site with a space after the https
https ://
I haven't actually set foot in CFSBK in awhile (mostly due to scheduling), so it seemed like a good time to join the discussion. Have you guys ever considered 10am classes?
I know my schedule is unusual, but I work too late to attend the morning classes, but I'm at work during the evening ones. And I know that's what the noon classes are for, but those aren't always a feasible option. (I usually have class at 1 or 2 in midtown.)
Maybe I'm the only one with this problem, haha, but I figured I'd throw it out while you were talking about scheduling.
Justin, do tell more about CF Great Lakes — how did you find the coaching? My in-laws live in the Cleve so it would be nice to be able to visit a good box out there.
Love the new scheduling idea – I just have to tell myself that nothing has changed and I should be there on time!
Noon CRASHB lifts! I really like doing these for some reason.. Chinese Rows are kind of turning into my favourite thing.
As long as 7am isn't tinkered with ya'll have fun with on the half evening classes! In all honesty it weirdly makes me a bit uncomfortable for some reason, I guess I like on the hour, but.. what JR said!
The 8:00 PM class works well for me, but I'll adjust to either 7:30 or 8:30 if it's better for the group. Thanks for asking for input before making the change.
Sumo Deads
Worked up to 485 for a relatively easy single. Solidifies that I'll pull sumo at the meet. I needed this to go well and it did.
Dips (for my weak as sh*t triceps)
As someone who struggles to get to PM classes on time (and sometimes even 8pm isn't late enough) I would LOVE classes on the Half Hour.
I would also love classes on the half hour in the AM as well. Not necessarily to add an additional class (although I'm sure there would be some takers for a 5:30 AM class…) but a 6:30 AM class gives us a little extra sleep and (in theory) enough time to make it to work by 9AM.
I know that management will take a lot into consideration before making any changes, but I have to applaud you twice. First, for putting this out to your members who it will affect the most. And second, for not compromising the length of class to offer more options. I've been to a few gyms that have shortened class length (45 minutes) to cram in additional classes, shortening or eliminating a warm up all together. So thank you!
Hey Stella–CFGL is a smaller box but still decently equipped. Coaching was a little on the light side. No organized group warm-up or stretching; everyone was kinda doing their own thing. During the WOD I was offered a few helpful (and justified) pointers on technique, but I also noticed what looked like chronic bad habits on a couple motions from some of the regulars. I'm glad I was already familiar with the motions, if not the sequence. Then again, maybe I'm just spoiled by the crazy attention to detail we get at CFSBK! All in all not a bad experience for a drop-in. I'm planning on trying again tomorrow, will let you now how it goes.
All for classes on the half hour. Not sure if this is one of the options being considered, but I would also go to a 9pm class if it was offered.
I like the 6 PM class but bet i'll like the 630 PM class just as much. thanks for asking, DO.
Another YES vote for the schedule change, since currently I'm either leaving the office kind of early to make 6 or killing time before coming at 7.
I also like Rachael's idea of a possible later AM class for those of us that have late night work obligations but would like to come in "early" on occasion.
And thanks for the repost David!
Iโd love it if the AM classes started at the bottom of the hour too.
I think I'm into the new evening schedule. Worth a try, at least. Agreed on the Tuesday note re: Active Recovery, as it's great to roll from one to the other.
Came in for Monday's work. Just got off the plane this afternoon so a little sleepy, undernourished, and slightly nauseous from a cab ride in traffic.
Ran to gym: 1.7 miles. Felt like I was flying, though I think it was about 16 minutes. Really enjoying the brisk temperatures for this.
Power Cleans: work up to heavy single
drills @ 33# and 53#
work: 83×2, 93×1, 103×1, 113×1-FAIL, 113×1-FAIL, 103×1 a few more times…
-I hit 108# last week for 2, so figured I'd try to just jump it up to 113. I had the first one up to my chin so definitely could've just gotten under it, but I didn't. Same as it's been this whole progression, my top three are: pop the hips, speed to squat, and fast elbows.
-I think I freak myself out a bit when it gets heavier and when I'm not 110% sure I'll make it, my body is just like NOPE throw that shit down instead of just getting after it. I'll hit it next week!
4 rounds
8 weighted sit-ups (20#)
8 DB press each side (20#)
12 KB swings (16kg)
-as I demonstrated to MeLo, the disparity in strength between my left and ride sides is ridiculous. I'm gonna start doing one isolated exercise for my left side each time I come in and see what happens.
I like the 5 on Tuesday, but I'll prolly like the 5:30 on Tuesday as well, being the easy-going, accommodating and good-looking guy that I am…
175x5x2 quads still a little shaky from Cindy on Sunday
7 Burpees/14 lunges/ 21 Double unders AMRAP in 7 minutes 3+7 Burpees
125x5x3, baby!!!
7 burpees w/ knee push-ups
14 lunges
42 single unders
5 rounds even.
Nooooo please not classes on the half hour in the mornings! I love 7 AM just the way it is!
(though I'll drag my ass in for a 6:30 if that ends up happening)
made up Cindy today, totally against the rules but Jeremy let it slide!
15 rounds plus pull ups and 9 push ups. Arghhh push ups! No surprise that push ups were the limtng factor.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
I plan on keeping the AMs as they are for now (on the hour). I think I'll have a mutiny from the coaching staff if we start a 5:30am class or a mutiny from the early birds if we start at 6:30a
Looks like a pretty positive response overall. Still have lots of scheduling logistics to work out with coaches and their schedules before any changes can take place. I'm looking at mid December would be the earliest a shift would come. More details to follow
Just wanted to put in my vote (late) that I really agree with Rachael: I'd LOVE to see a 10AM class, or really anything between 8AM and noon. I work most days from early afternoon to late at night, and so the noon class is too late and I sleep in more often than I'd like and miss the 8AM due to having work late the night before. Anything in that three hour chunk would be AWESOME and give me so much more sleep and more chances to come to CFSBK!
Thanks for listening to all our feedback I know there are so many people to try and please not to mention coaching staff needs!