As Many Rounds As Possible In 20 Minutes Of:
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
compare to 5.6.12
Thanks to all who came out to CFSBK’s Double Feature Movie Night Last Night!
Next Book Club Book
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky!
High school freshman Charlie has a reputation for being a freak. He is socially awkward, cries easily, and his only friend just killed himself. Things turn around for Charlie when he meets seniors Sam and Patrick, who take him under their wing. They introduce him to their diverse, free-thinking, and sometimes wild group of friends. It is through these kids that Charlie is able to learn about friendship, love, and feeling safe, until a repressed secret from his past begins to emerge, threatening to destroy everything.
Let’s plan to meet on December 16 @5pm at Pacific Standard for our last book of 2012!
To get on the Book Club email list, please contact Peggy, pjeanlouis1 AT
The Importance Of What We Do Starting Strength
Mike Zoda, 21 Years Old, 156lbs Snatches 205 CrossFit
How To Pick Up A Girl At The Gym
Another hiking / trail running WOD with Crystal up another active volcano. This time we got to swim in the crater lake though!
Miles hiked up and down Mt. Pinatubo: 7
Number of massages thus far on this trip: 7
Number of donuts eaten today: 7
Perfect balance? Achieved.
CINDY Rx'd @ 12 rounds plus 5 pull-ups.
Push-ups were the limiting factor here. Started out with pull-ups unbroken, then broke into sets of 2 or 3. First few rounds of push-ups unbroken, then 5-3-2 or 3-3-2-2. Squats mostly unbroken. I seem to be able to do lots of shorts sets of kipping pull-ups pretty well. It is the longer sets where things start to break / slow down. On positive note, grip did not seem to become an issue on the pull-ups today.
13 rounds + pullups, thin green band, knee pushups in all but the first round. WOW, I did not expect my strict pushups to die that quickly!
A few years ago a choir I was in did an old American folk song, "Cindy," which I think of every time CrossFitters talk about Cindy. The lyrics are kind of appropriate, so here it is:
You ought to see my Cindy
She lives a-way down South
She is so sweet the honeybees
Swarm around her mouth
I wish I was an apple
A-hangin' from a tree
And every time my Cindy passed
She'd take a bite of me
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Oh, get along home, Cindy, Cindy
I'll marry you someday!
She told me that she loved me
She called me sugar-plum
She threw her arms around me
And I thought my time had come
When Cindy got religion
She shouted all around
She got so full of glory
She knocked that preacher down!
There are some more verses, but you get the idea 🙂
9am with Coach Fox. Cindy Rx: 18 rounds + 11 squats. Better than my last effort which was 17 rounds. Didn't meet my stretch goal of 20 rounds. Like everyone else, push-ups were the limiting factor. Next time I might try breaking them up into sets of 5 from the start.
My i-phone has gone missing, maybe someone it grabbed by mistake? If you find out that you did so please call Jess and tell her so.
Squat: 275 x5,5,10
Row: 1 @ 17min @ 2:20/500 @144 @ 3420m
Made up yesterdays squats. Since I've been sore the last few days, I originally intended to just squat. So I went with 275#, the rep-out went a little better than I expected so I rowed. Just couldn't maintain my stroke rate or split time. Couldn't focus at all for some reason. Figured I'd just call it after 1 interval. *Le Sigh*
YES! I really like Cindy, Barbara is my other fave, and had a sweet increase from last time which was 10 rounds/thick green band and now: 14 rounds +5 alternating between thin green/thin blue bands. Squats I can do forever, love them, stupid pushups were my kryptonite.
Good times.
OH! Movie night was super great but we have to do The Big Lebowski again as Melo fell asleep in her pink chair, White Russian held close.
Strength Cycle. 2 weeks out from meet…
Squat: The usual warm-up and then 360×1, 370×1, 380×1
Very solid reps. 380 was much better and faster than last week's 370. 175KG confirmed being a safe 2nd attempt at this point. I skipped the paused squats and will do them later in the week. It will be nice to do those fresh for a change.
Bench (Paused with queues): 210×1, 215×1, 220×1 (PR for a paused bench)
These were harder than I expected– it's been awhile. I had trouble keeping a straight bar path and found myself looping. Luckily I have an old habit of descending very slowly so it's easy for me to descend very slow and in control so I hope to have a short count on the pause. 210 is definitely a safe opener. Jeremy said I should go 220 for the 2nd attempt.
Deadlift: 355×1, 365×1, 375×1 and 315x3x2
Solid and easy overall. Concentrating on pulling the bar against my legs. Feeling good about repeating my setup.
That was the last Squat workout of the 5-week Paul Carter cycle. Overall, it was a lot of fun and nice change of pace. I really feel like I own the mid-300's on my squat and it helped increase my confidence getting under a heavy bar 3 times every workout. I have one more real DL workout which I plan on doing on Friday. A little close to the meet, but it's not that heavy.
Now, I just have to figure out how I'm going to make weight. I'm 7 pounds over with 13 days to go. Definitely not my plan!
Found my phone!
Haven't done Cindy in something like 2 years so I wasn't sure what to expect
22 rounds + 5 Push-ups
Really happy with this – old PR was 21 rounds even from 3 years ago.
9am with Fox.
12 rounds plus the pull-ups and 6 push-ups.
Tried Cindy out at my old gym just before joining CF back in March/April because it seemed like one of the more "accessible" WODs. Got barely 10 rounds, with lots of knee push-ups and ring rows. Lots of progress since then. Push-ups getting better, but were the first to go today. Pull-ups held up and motored through the squats.
Back Squats
45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 205×3, 225×2, 235×1
Everything felt great until 245 where I had some abdominal bracing issues. Couldn't seem to get tight and set as I wanted. Weight went up though, onward we go.
Power Cleans
135×5, 165×3, 185×2, 205×1, 215×1
225F, 225F, 225F
205×1, 215×1, 225x1x2
I kept catching 225 on my shoulders and then bailing on it. Pulled the weight back to regain confidence and worked back up. The key was to pull faster off the floor and not wuss out when the barbell landed on my shoulders.
video here:
16 Rounds + 5 Pull-ups, 5 Push-Ups
This is my lowest Cindy score of all time. I didn't go hard enough on this, I thought I'd keep a steady pace and that I'd get somewhere around 18 rounds. I also made the mistake of not looking at the clock at all until about the 16 minute mark. Usually I go hard the first 5 minutes, steady for 10 and then hard the last 5. Next time..
Decided to front squat today instead of back squat because of the new tattoo.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×3)
170×1, 177.5×1 (meant to hit 180 but misloaded the bar), 190×1, 202.5×1
-good stuff. Nearly passed out at 177.5 and glad Fox was there to help me rack. Had to take several breathers between my next rep. 202.5 is a 17.5# PR from when I front squatted last in September. There's more there too.
Maybe Cindy tomorrow?
I promised myself I'd do pushups @ least 5x a week… I reneged on that promise and was crushed on the pushups as a consequence. Boo me. Also, popped my right quad somewhere along the line and ended up doing the last 3 sets of squats mostly with my left leg and just using the right for balance. Green band. A lot of time spent on my knees.
11 rounds + 5 pullups + 6 pushups
Love Cindy. I'll get her next time.