Fitness: 3×5 across
Add 2.5-5 lbs to last exposure. Should be starting to feel heavy.
Compare to 11/7/12. (e.6/12)
For time:
Row 600 m
40 Burpees or Squat Thrusts
20 Ring Rows or 10 Strict Pull Ups (no band kipping)
Performance: Heavy 5
Work up to a top set of 5 reps, adding 5-10 lbs to last week. Starting to get heavy now but remember you still have 3 exposures left, leave some weight on the table.
Compare to 11/3/12. (e.3/6)
For time:
Row 600 m
40 HR Burpees
20 Kipping Pull Ups
Happy Birthday, David!
CFSBK would like to wish our Capitán the happiest of birthdays. Three cheers for DO!
Scheduling Note
No 11am Active Recovery today or 12pm Competition Class tomorrow.
Today At CFSBK: Meet The Farmers!
Book Club/Movie Club Meeting Tonight!
The BC and the MC are planning on heading to UA Court Street 12 (106 Court St., Brooklyn, NY, 11201) for the 6:50pm screening of “Cloud Atlas” tonight. Afterwards folks will head over to a local bar for discussion. To get more info on joining up, email andrew.migdail(AT)
In 3 words or less, tell us how you would describe David.
David Osorio Underneath the Hoodie by Margie Lempert
“Starting CrossFit South Brooklyn” A CrossFit Journal Preview
What Motivates Us? Karma Tube
Emo Pixie Manbeast
Hahahaha ha, cute
Happy birthday David! Jeremy's three are too good to follow.
Calm, deliberate, superheavysludgemusiclover.
I really cannot top Jeremy's, so I will just use my three words to say FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS JEFE
Jeremy FTW.
Happy birthday David!
Goofy old soul. Happy birfday, David. Enjoy it!
Wow, Jeremy used three nouns. Interesting approach… he's like a poet over there! 🙂
Caring, thoughtful, striving.
Happy Birthday David!!
Those were actually Kelly Starrett's words
heavy 5 on the squat: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5, 205×3) 225, 240
2×16' erg pieces, #1 = 3448m (2:19/500), #2 = 3492m (2:17/500)
Short Colombian Hipster
Kelly: Feel better, worse or same?
David: Same.
Kelly: …There you go. Sometimes we make change, sometimes we don't.
Make up post from yesterday:
Row 2500 m
Press 3×5 @ 57 (up 2.5 from the week before)
WOD (was awful)
14# wall ball
16 kg kb
Low Bar Back Squat 3.5 @ 93 (up 5 from week before….creeping toward my goal of 100 for this cycle!) also a PR
WOD: in 8:16 with part regular burpees, part modified burpees, and part the worm… and ring rows.
Quote of the day goes to McDowell, when asked advice for how to conquer the 40 burpees:
"Just do one at a time. Until you get to 40"
Happy Birthday, DO!
Does anyone know anything about crossfit gyms in Paris or Brussels? I swear this is not a humblebrag, I just need to know whether I'll be able to drop into a class without speaking the language. I mean obviously if they don't understand me I'll just start yelling in English, but a second problem is that I also can't convert kilos to pounds, because I'm an American, goddamnit.
Felt heavy and slow but went up
Felt awfully slow on 3-5. Probably make a smaller jump next week or move to 4 reps. Thanks bunches to Melo for the spot. I would certainly have stopped at 4 if she wasn't there. A good spotter knows the difference between struggle and failure and lets you work through struggle. Melissa was that for me today.
Pull Ups
My strict pull ups have gone to shit
Crushed a Bandeja Paisa at Bogota post workout. If you have no idea what I'm speaking about you should ask somebody. I'm happy to inform you in person.
JJ – I checked out Reebok Crossfit Louvre when I was in Paris over the summer out of curiosity. I didn't actually do "ze WOD" but all of the coaches were cool and spoke English. They are very open to drop ins. We traded shirts with them so there may be a CFSBK tee on the wall.
Set of 5 at 280 – felt a little slow so I may go to a 5lb jump next week
WOD – 4:59
Squats 3×5 @ 240
I felt great on the row and kept a 1:35 pace until the last 70m or so. Burpees were exhausting, and then by the time I got to the pullups I couldn't do a single one and had to do ring rows. Argh.
run around block, hip mobs, partner jump-overs.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2)
-today's work felt the best my squats have felt in a long time. feel like i had more speed than usual, no hip pain and no shifting forward. went a little too low on one or two but i knew it right away and corrected for the next rep.
-those hand-release burpees make a world of difference for me. probably should have stuck with regular burpees to play it safer for my shoulder. when I release my hands, I have a hard time staying organized and not snaking up.
Squatted with the infamous Joel W and Cliff…Great job today gents!
Worked up to a set of 305×5. Was semi heavy but happy considering I tested a 20rm High bar squat yesterday.
then the frustrating part of losing to this guy, Rickke by 2 seconds in the wod…ARGH!
5:05 rx'd (hand release push ups)
#need Nick's legs for all rowing workouts
Thanks Jay-R!
125×5 – heavy, but I think I can tack some more on next week.
@Fox – I looked up what a Bandeja Paisa is… That looks like the Colombian version of what Rochesterians fondly call a Garbage Plate.
@Krishna Always awesome to see a random Nick Tahou's reference!
WOD w/ Mr. Katz:
9:11 of suck.
Happy b'day David! hope you had a great day…
Thank you everyone!!
I'm having a Great birthday with Sam (it's also her birthday)
I feel anxious that I didn't get my squats in :/
I have a shirt that says emo pixie manbeast.. I'll wear it soon
Congratulations to Jennifer S, the winner of the meat raffle (!!) held by Herondale Farm today in their visit to the gym. She won a 15-lb bag of grass-fed meat – a $150 value.
Thanks to everyone who came to chat with Herondale and Sol Flower today. I was quietly worried that nobody would want to talk to them, but I was dead wrong.The interest from new members and appreciation from existing members was overwhelming. Herondale also sold an entire pork belly to a grateful gym member, along with tons of bacon, ground beef and sausages. Both Herondale and Sol signed up new members on the spot, and they loved finally meeting many of their existing CSA program members.
We hatched some exiting plans for a CSA potluck (pending management approval, of course) this winter, and Herondale promised to bring along another cooler of meat to sell by the piece at that event.
Next week, I'll write a big post on registration for the upcoming January-April meat cycle and the June-Nov vegetable cycle.
Thanks again to David O. for ongoing sponsorship and support of this wonderful program, and to Margie for creating it and nurturing it from scratch.
Tenacious Dooooooom-Head.
Seriously, never met anyone else who regularly listens to Dopesmoker all the way through..
Worked up to 5 @ 230, +5 from last week and feeling really good.
WOD: 6:39 RX. The hand release burpees didn't actually feel harder than regular ones to me, which was pleasantly surprising.
Gonna make up today's wod tomorrow in Texas.
See y'all in a week. Happy birthday DO
Three Words to describe DO= kind, dedicated, herschel?
I think DO's Wu-Tang name sums it all up: Intellectual Assassin. In all honesty I can't do three words because Emo Pixie Manbeast is simply perfect. You are: fun weird good-hearted smart – the best of all things that matter. Happiest of birthdays!
happy belated david, i'm off schedule over here!
also @maxwell, i'm part of an organization that is trying to get "dopesmoker" recognized as a unit of time.
e.g. "doing that Murph while hungover took me an entire dopesmoker" or "how many tacos do you think you could eat in 24 dopesmokers?"
@Todd I totally love the idea of Dopesmoker as a unit of time! But this is where I'm curious. Which one? There's regular and then the new remastered Dopesmoker, then the record Jerusalem. Hmm.. this is exciting..
Hooray for coffee!