Noah B Breakin Bricks
As some of you know I’ve been studying and teaching Kung-fu for several years. My school’s 45th annual demonstration is coming up on Sunday, November 18th from 1-3PM. The show’s a lot of fun and features include women, men, and children showing fighting, weapons, chi kung, forms, self-defense, breaking, iron body, ground fighting, animal styles and more. If you’re interested advance tickets are $12 for Adults and $8 for Children. You can stop by and watch a class anytime and pick up a ticket or shoot me an email at noahbarth(AT) and I’d be happy to bring you one at the gym. Hope a couple of you can make it.
Scheduling Note
There is No A/R and Comp Class this weekend due to David being out of town for his birthday. Sorry!
Photoboth Pictures Up
Pictures from the awesome photobooth that Asta and Dan set up at the 5th Anniversary Party are now up on Facebook. Check out volumes one, two and three. You don’t need FB to be able to view these awesome pictures!! Thanks guys!
PR City:
- Check out Coach Margie pulling a Deadlift PR of 270 at Ford’s Gym in Wisconsin. Go Margie!! “C’Mon.. Pick it up!. C’mon.. C’Mon.. C’MONNN”
- Kate D took the gym’s top female score with a 9:25 “Helen”
- Whitney E tied for third female scrore with a 155lb Overhead Squat
- Dan R bumped himself up to 3rd place for the men with a 6:31 “Jackie”
- Avi S PR’d with a 508 Deadlift
- Andrew M ate 16 tacos at the party. Way to go, Andrew!
Have you PR’d anything this past month?
Small update. The site is
Today in Manila:
DIY DROMS, 400m jog, then DU drills and warmup
Burgener warm up and drills
Then 15 min to work up to a heavy single Clean and Jerk:
95×1 125×1 145×1 165xF,1 175×1
(This ties my individual clean and rack jerk PRs, making progress. Also the clean felt super easy, wanted to try cleaning 185 again but no time…)
Then 15min Partner Ladder AMRAP (Alternating 1/1-2/2-3/3-4/4…etc)
Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95#
We made it through 10 rounds exactly, this was a good one.
Awwww, no AR again? Me sad. π
I PRed on consecutive double unders this week (12). I will never be Mike Mishik, but for a klutz like me, it felt GOOD.
155×5 squat, WOD in 7:15. Nope, no not-for-time Romanian deadlifts this week, friends!
i left a brown-and-black leopard-print reusable bag at the gym last night, probably in the front couch area but perhaps also hanging to the fractional weight rack next to the platforms. if anyone finds it (it has soap, a cosmetics case, and some other purchases inside) can yo uPLEASE put it on a shelf in the coat room?
Made up yesterday's WOD
Press – 125 x 5 x 2, 10 on the rep-out This felt pretty good, will probably go up 5 next week on it.
Metcon – 199 reps
Wall Balls – 85 total
KBS (32kg, Russian) 114 total
Congratulations Margie, all the way do Wisconsin! miss you if you are reading this! discount doublecheck!
The farmers from Herondale Farm will be in the house at CFSBK tomorrow morning starting at 9 AM. They'll be able to answer questions about the program, how to cook specific cuts, and even sign you up for the NEXT CSA CYCLE, which begins in JANUARY.
6am with Jess. Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 245×3, 265×5. I'm pretty sure 265 is a new 5RM for low bar back squats. And I'm confident I'll get 275 next week. Rocked forward on my toes a bit on the second rep of the work set. Otherwise everything felt solid. Metcon in 6:31 by the wall clock or 6:21 if you want to credit me 10 seconds for the technical malfunction I experienced at the start of the WOD.
PRs this past month: Helen, Fight Gone Bad and 6K row, though I've only done one 6K row, so by definition it was a PR.
Congrats to all the PRs!
Yesterday I witnessed Marian hold an elbow plank for 7 mins and 19 freaking secs. Probably not her PR since it look like she stopped because she got bored. At one point I think she was playing Words for Friends on her phone.
Simply epic.
6am solo strength cycle.
Squat: 315lb x 2 x 3
BTN Press: 105lb x 5 x 3
Weighted Chinups: 65lb x 5 x 3
I'm doing lower volume squats on day 3 on Jeremy's orders. It feels good to get over the mental hurdle of the weight I'll be squatting on Monday and almost feels like a recovery day. BTN presses are feeling pretty good – got some good tips from Fox. My shoulders feel absolutely smoked from the strength cycle this week so I'm really looking forward to a couple days of rest.
I saw Marians elbow plank yesterday and it was quite a sight to behold. 7min19sec!!! Truly awesome! If there's no plank leader board, I think we need to fix that.
Make up post for yesterday's presses at the 8pm class.
DROMs, lap around the block to "warm up," and then:
3 rounds [8 DB thrusters @ 30lbs, 10 ring rows]
Pressed with Chris:
[45×5, 75×5, 90×4] 100x(3×5)
Happy with the pacing so far this cycle. Would be happy to hit 115 for three sets by the end. Thanks to MeLo and Jess for making sure I kept my elbows in front of the bar.
WOD = 161 reps, pretty evenly split. 24kg American swings and 20lb ball to a 10ft target. 1:20 plank (shoulders were brutalized!), then DU practice with my speed rope. What a nerdy early birthday present, right?
PRs and accomplishments in the last month or so include a PRs on my 10K run and 6k row. New highs on my hang clean, push jerk, thruster, and back squat, though I haven't lifted them heavy enough to really call them PRs. Also tackled my first Rx girl (Helen) a couple of weeks ago.
Previously I communicated that the meat CSA farmers were coming to visit CFSBK tomorrow; I just got a call from Sol Flower Farm, our vegetable CSA folks, and they are coming too!
You will be able to sign up for next year's June-Nov vegetable share tomorrow, as well as the next meat share, which begins in January. Bring your check book, or stop by and pick up a flyer to order later at your convenience.
And if you have a box or freezer bag from this year, please return it to the gym before this coming Wednesday, which is the final delivery day of the year (chicken share ONLY will be delivered that day.)
Congrats PRs! That's awesome.
Happy Friday and Happy Birthday (early?) David!
To celebrate all of the awesomeness, here's one of my favorite clips from Zach Galifinakis' Live at the Purple Onion. He's being interviewed as his "twin" brother Seth:
Especially love 6:40 when he gets his voice disguised.
i don't think i've PR'd anything in at least a year π
I found the perfect gift for the tiny crossfitter in your life! A dumbell rattle: http://
Had to share!
Havent posted in a while. Fox noticed the other day that I lived on 3rd street in apt 3. This 3 thing
keeps following me around.
Assassins Creed + parkour=
thanks avi and jeremy.
@Michele, we can still sign up for new share without attending, right? I will be herding kittens on the soccer field. can I reach out to them directly, as in the past, or through you, or whatever? thanks.
JR – Correct.
You do NOT need to be in the gym on Saturday to sign up for the CSA program. You will have ample opportunity.
PRd the low bar back squats, 140lb 3×5 working my way up through the cycle to greater heights. Well, PR for the past 10 years that is. Lifetime PRs might be harder to come by.
PRs in the Snatch (170lb – 1rm), Clean and Jerk (242 – 1rm), HBBSq (299 – 5rm), and tied a LBBSq PR (365 – 1rm)
Plotting to break PRs in a powerlifting total in December (Sq/BP/DL)
NO PR's but I did just save a hamster in a ball rolling down the street in Park Slope.
Freakishly worn out today and warmed up with 7am then 2×16 (again) errrrrg. I'm consistently pulling the same /500 split and it's driving me nuts. Goal for next week is to get big sleep and see about working on those numbers of mine.
I drove to CrossFit circle in VA today but got there 45 minutes early, fell asleep in the car and then I woke up 20 minutes after class had started. Had to drive back to return in time for dinner with sams family
DO – early for class, early for dinner PR π
Oliver Sacks was a powerlifter. Who knew.
"In 1962, he took a residency at UCLA, where he became a regular at Muscle Beach and set a California state weightlifting record with a 600-pound power lift: βI was known as Dr. Squat,β he says, βwhich rather pleased me.β And he continued to motorbike, riding solo and loaded with amphetamines as far as the Grand Canyon, stopping only for gas. One day, a patient paralyzed from the neck down and blind from neuromyelitis optica heard Sacks was a biker, and asked to come along for a ride; with the help of weightlifting friends, he abducted her from the hospital, strapped her against his own torso, and rode up and down Topanga Canyon."
I pr-Ed at karaoke. Sober, loud, dancing "welcome to the jungle".
I started using speed ropes that are way to long for me and I got double unders. It's a mystery. When I shortened the rope I lost them.
My front squat jumped like 50 pounds from the meek attempts I made in class.
I'm most proud of getting kipping pull ups! All I want to do is PULL UPS.
I have to get some more stuff taken care of before the "window of newbism" that I heard about starts closing.