Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 1-5lbs from last week.
Performance: 2×5 Across Followed by a Rep Out Capped at 10
Certainly should get 5+ but may not make 10. Leave a rep in the tank.
Some folks started their press cycle too heavy. If you missed reps, you’re blowing it!
Post loads to comments.
5 Alternating rounds for reps of:
:40 Wall Ball Shots
:20 Rest
:40 Kettlebell Swings
:20 Rest
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Portraits Gone Belated: Part 6
Avi’s Calves
Avi Soroka, Peter Mattis, Sarah Jacobson, Susan Caplan, Peter Gee
Better Late Than Never
Michael Jacobson, Felipe Cruz, Bekka Palmer, Rob Nugent, Jonathan Schleifer
Gowanus Clean Up Crew
Grant Werle, Yitzy Shapiro, Whitney Eden, Charles Lan
There, That’s it! Now you know everyone!
CFSBK and Sandy
Big thanks to Justin L for hooking CFSBK up with OCCUPY SANDY to get all the donations we collected over to folks in need. Also- for those who didn’t hear at the party, funds raised from Fight Gone Bad this year will be used to help The Brooklyn Recovery Fund sponsored by the Brooklyn Community Foundation.
We’d also like to thank all our members who have donated time and resources for post Sandy recovery efforts.
Saturday At CFSBK: Meet The Farmers!
Book Club/Movie Club Upate
The BC and the MC are planning on heading to UA Court Street 12 (106 Court St., Brooklyn, NY, 11201) for the 6:50pm screening of “Cloud Atlas” on Saturday night. Afterwards folks will head over to a local bar for discussion. To get more info on joining up, email andrew.migdail(AT)
The Deadlifting Great Great Grandma CrossFit Community
The AM class at Crossfit Manila were guinea pigs for two of the WODS for the local box throwdown this weekend:
8 Min Cap
30 Burpee Box Jumps, 24"
40 Situps
50 Hand Release Pushups
60 Ground to Overhead with 45# Plate
70 Air Squats
I went for 10 minutes and still only got halfway through the G2Os. Might have gotten further if I had known they'd let us go past the cap but I went all out the last minute and had nothing left in the tank to continue for 8-10… This was a brutal slog and I don't know how any mortal human could have finished, although one of the coaches did it in 7 yesterday.
2 Min Rest, then:
10 Min Cap
30 KB Swings (I used 16kg since they didn't have a 20kg and I was dead)
1 Mile Run
30 KB Swings
This was almost easy by comparison due to the light KB, though running a mile outside in humid 90 degree weather is not fun. I think I actually went over the limit by 15 seconds or so but I'm fine with that.
loads of mobility, squash, squats, presses. Trying to loosen up my shoulders a bit. Not sure what muscles I feel getting tight, but they run up either side of the groin on the inside. just very tight after ever time I do all this lunging and fast changes in direction. Can anyone tell me what muscle that is? It almost feels like it heads up into the stomach, but it's below the psoas. is that a hip flexor? thanks
Q: What's the most efficient way to shatter all of the windows and wine glasses in a one-mile radius?
A: Program a press rep-out on a day that I am coming.
I didn't do the first two exposures so I stuck with 55 and got 10 (with the 10th rep as loud as the above implies). WOD, 14# ball to 9' target, 1 pood KB, 180 reps. I think I could have gotten a couple more wall balls in there.
There's also an evil little surprise after the WOD. I'm not going to reveal what it was, only that Luca won at 7 AM.
PS — MGMT, so sorry, I was supposed to pick up my CSA special order that I missed last night and completely forgot. It's in the freezer — I am coming in to squat tomorrow morning so if I can't get my husband to pick it up tonight, could I please get it then? I'd come tonight but I have choir practice 🙁
6am with D.O. Press: 135×5, 135×5, 135×10. Last week I found the press out at 130 tough. This week the rep out was easy. Definitely could have done more. Metcon with a 20# ball and 28KG kettlebell. 92 reps on the wallballs and 94 on the kettlebell for a total of 186. I'm pretty sure D.O. short changed us with only 30 secs on the 4th rounds of kettlebells. Or maybe I just stopped early. The 6am ladies demolished the boys on the surprise cash out exercise.
Mgmt, I left both of my water bottles on the coffee table by the couches (translucent bottle with red top and an opaque gray bottle with red top). I'll pick them up tomorrow morning.
7am for Press and then CRASHB errrrrg 2×16. Haven't done my math yet so that's kind of it. Oh! Speaking of math, I do not recommend wearing David's shoes if you want to keep your brain on point – they contain too much power so nothing works right especially the brain. Thanks again DO for the loan! Was fun to try the Reeboks, have been curious. PS: Thanks for the She-Ra Stella! Aces.
NYCMORE and JackRabbit are partnering to organize buses to get 500 volunteers our to some of the harder to reach places hit by last week's storm that are still struggling to recover (Rockaways, etc). Info and registration link here:
Meet up time is 7:30am at JackRabbit in Park Slope, departure time later that afternoon is 5pm. Just gotta bring yourself, warm clothes, and a lunch.
Oops sorry, should have also mentioned that the volunteer clean up thing is happening on Sunday.
@JR – sounds like the adductors. Yes, hip flexors.
great night in the gym last night! so great to be back. saw Noor and her growing belly, heard from Vincent about his new baby girl, got to check out Fox's shiner from last weekend, saw a ton of other friends. You all are the best!
I haven't had time to spend out volunteering with the Sandy clean up but I really appreciate hearing about all the efforts of those in our community who are. Thank you for doing that great work! And thanks for the amazon registry link, JB! Even easier way to donate than dropping stuff off now that I am out of gas w/ the car.
Inspired by yesterday's article and discussion – here is my self-made standing desk. Still needs some work and if I end up liking it I'll probably get and adjustable one
oops – terrible spelling on that post!
Plank hold for max time was not on the blog post.
I tweaked my wrist on a bad clean on Monday but with a brace was able to press today anyway–not quite normally but without pain.
Press: (45×5, 65×5, 75×5) 85×5, 85×5, 85×8
16' on the erg, ave 2:17/500
yesterday's squats: (45x5x2, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 210×5, 210×5, 210×10)
@ariel kw you're welcome for the amazon link! It was, and is, the most brilliant hack to their bridal registry. Missed rides to go out on location to do volunteer work so sorted a ton of soft donations. Well done citizens, good clean sturdy warm clothes were given. Really excellent.
Only made time for the pressing today since I didn't arrange my schedule with any real thought.
(45x5x2, 65×5, 85×3, 95×2, 105×1)
The first set was all static starts and then I had to transition to dynamic starts on sets 2 and 3. Hoping for 115 next week. We'll see, had to grind out the last reps on sets two and three a little.
I was too tired to write about my wo from yesterday. I went in the afternoon class and didn't have to do the crazy stuff that Todd did.
I somehow front squatted 115. Yippee!
Then this: 5 rft
12 clean/push press (45)
Run 200m (outside) uuggghh
8 squat snatch (45) very wobbly and toe heavy, they got a little better
My time was 16:50. Withouth a white board and/or knowing exactly what to do I ended up running more and possibly skipping some weights?
In school I was never a good note taker. I would listen and think that everything made sense and then last minute studying would reveal I knew nothing. Crossfit has made me realize I haven't changed, but it might not be too late to try?
XO, dazed and confused
Press 35x5x3, a 17% improvement over last week (Haha thanks for that perspective, MeLo!)
WOD with 20kg KB and 14# wall ball at ~9' target, maybe a little less. Didn't count reps.
I have so much fun on Thursday nights with Jess Fox, MeLo, and T 🙂
I left a reusable brown-and-black bag filled with new purchases in the gym tonight. . Management: if you find, please place in the office or in the coat room on a shelf for me? Pretty please?
Contents included:
– neutrogena soap
– new cosmetic travel bag
– feminine uh supplies
– other stuff, don't even remember
Thanks in advance.
45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 90x5x2, 95×5
Slowly getting there with the shoulder.
Acc WOD 162 reps
2:41 on the plank
(45X5, 65X5, 75X5, 80X5, 80X5, 80X10)
159 (14# med ball, #53 KB)
Intense little metcon. Presses went really well. Can't wait to find my new 1RM!
Something about Thursday nights that I really like. I guess it's being able to take 6pm class then coach 7&8 with MeLo.
2 mIn row at 20s/m
Then 3 rnft of 10 ring rows and 8 DB thrusters at 25#.
(45×5, 55×5, 65×3)
Work: 75x5x2, 75×9
-every press was from a static start except the last 4 of my repout. I probably could have gotten 10 but I kinda wussed out. This is my last week at 5# jumps. Will go to 2.5 or less for next week.
Kb swings, American swings at 20 kg: 20, 20, 15, 15, 15
Wallball, 14# to 10ft target: 16, 11, 10, 10, 9
-I know the kb #'s are right but the wallball might be off my a rep or two. That was really hard and I thought at least twice during it that I might have to stop to vomit. Thankfully I didn't. Always fun to partner with Ellie. She rocks.
Plank cashout: 1:00 then got up to coach 7pm class. Yep, that's also a wuss-out.