Fitness: Spend 15 Minutes working on the complex:
1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
Focus on a solid spinal set up, a good rack position, and proper footwork. Add weight to last week’s top set if appropriate.
Performance: Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy 3 rep Power Clean.
Try and add weight to last week’s top set.
Post loads to comments.
PC e3/6
As Many Rounds As Possible in 6 Minutes of:
30 Double Unders
10 Ground to Overhead @70% of today’s heaviest Power Clean
Post Rounds and Rx to comments.
Fight Gone Bad Team Portraits: Part 3
Double Down
Kate Brash, Michael Green, David Fung, Courtney Hart, Mobina Hashmi
Chris Paschke, Gina Gatto, Asta Fivgas, Aileen Hanna, Daniel Fitzpatrick
Fight Gone Breaking Bad
Jose Jimenez, Whitney Hubbard, Getzy Edelman, Traci John, Todd Cavallo
Suns Out Buns Out
John Chiaravalloti, Julian Vinocur, Dan Halioua, Judith Geis, Barbara Kryszko
South Brooklyn Seahorses
Daniel Glaser, Adam Scher, Lauren Borducci, Laura McElherne, Branden Renert
Make Like Champion!
Charlotte Kaiser (and Linus), Carlos Guerra, Jeremy Fisher, Shawna S, David Turnbull
Greg Allen, Nick Peterson (and Linus), Martha Southgate, Jessica Bailey, Dominic Rovano
iCore Crunchers
Ben Whitney, Zubin Tiku, Josi Stone, Stephanie Paddock, Joshua Martinez
Starting Strength Certified
Congratulations to Coaches David and Jess on passing their practical and written portions of Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Seminar Exam. The practical portion of the seminar requires the coach to demonstrate competency on the platform both as a lifter and coach using the methods and progressions outlined in Starting Strength. The written portion of the test is an essay exam which requires a sound understanding of the theoretical concepts as well as critical thinking applied to case studies.
“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” -Bruce Lee
What are your thoughts on this quote?
This is for Fox. Lü Xiaojun puts up 204 kg during the London Olympics using the squat jerk.
Congrats to Jess and David on the strength cert, and thanks to David and all of CFSBK for a super great time last Saturday night! Tomorrow's my birthday, but with the election stealing the show, I'm pre-celebrating tonight at Pacific Standard from 6.30 pm on, so please come by and join me. There will be cake, if that entices anyone. Last but not least, any suggestions on a box in Seattle? Visiting family for a week, and although I usually default to bad habits, you never know, I might hit a PR and behave a little since I will be older, and perhaps the wiser.
Fun 8 AM class. God, I'm really enjoying being slothful a little too much. I am so not looking forward to going back to work on Wednesday.
88 on the cleans…still a frustratingly low number. It's bloody annoying that I know exactly what I am doing wrong (pulling too far from my body, going too wide on the squat, moving elbows too slowly, having a death grip on the bar), and yet I somehow still can't make myself do it right. I guess I need to pick one of these things at a time to deal with.
WOD with 15 DU attempts/round, ground to OH at 63#, 3 ground to OH shy of 3 rounds. Fun and more of a gasser than I thought it would be!
And now, I would like to throw down an informal challenge for anyone who wants to accept it: PALEO TILL THANKSGIVING. I've been letting marathon training be an excuse for more cheating than is good for me lately. So…who's with me?
Obviously Linus likes being a Raging Bull better than Making Like Champion. Oh well.
Stella, I'm in. Also, where did you get your awesome dress?
AND, how could I forget, CONGRATS David and Jess! Awesome.
Thanks Charlotte! I got it from ModCloth, but they don't sell it any more.
And yes, CONGRATS David and Jess!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Worked up to 205# for a triple. Same as last week. Attempted and missed at 215. Legs had no pop today, probably from the CRASH-B lifting yesterday. 2 rounds + 4 OH on the metcon at 135#. Thought for sure I'd get 3 rounds on this one. Just couldn't find a rhythm on the ground to overheads.
woooo hooo! congrats to David and Jess! 🙂
Worked up to 210 on the cleans, which is where it started getting a little wonky on the last rep and called it at that. Pulls were fine but I started to split out sideways on the catch.
Best clean is 215 or 220 so a PR is definitely in sight for this cycle
3 rounds even on the WOD @ 145 It was really hard to get a rhythm on the ground to overheads – not sure if it was the DU or what.
Saw this comment on another site….
"If you “train” more than you do your sport then you’re probably confusing the reasons you train. Which is OK; “training” can be a sport. Crossfit is a sport in my mind, and I respect those athletes because they train with meaning and intensity and then (mostly) leave that in the gym. But there’s some dissonance between thinking you’re training for a sport and then never actually doing the sport you’re training for." — will gadd
@Barbara Check out Crossfit Belltown in Seattle. My buddy Mimi goes there and loves it.
Congratulations Jess and David! Hooray!
Fantastic party on Saturday! An amazing job putting it together, the gym looked so so great, and its always fun to see people dressed in street clothes – Stella loved your dress to pieces. The whole night was a favourite moment but part of a conversation on the phone the next day kind of brings it all together. Ahem:
Me: Dude, what time did you leave? I totally missed you!
Buddy: Dude, totally did an Irish Goodbye. Went to find you before slipping out but saw you being overhead pressed. Didn't want to interrupt.
Me: Dude, they just did it! For once I did not cause The Trubs. It was.. awesome.
Buddy: Seriously?!? Amazing.
Good times.
Morning strength cycle class with coach Jeremy.
Squat: 305lb x 5 x 3
Press: 140lb x 5 x 3 *FAIL*
Deadlift: 360lb x 5 x 1
I was slow to warm up on the squats today but every set felt better than the last. Feeling pretty solid right now. I felt really good about my first set on the press, then had a disastrous wobbly second set, and a battle on the third set where I couldn't get the last rep. I think it was more of a mental defeat than a physical one – I'll get it next week. Deadlifts were uneventful.
Sounds like the party was a lot of fun! Sorry we weren't there. Had tickets to opening nets game!
@k2h2 I hear you on the sport thing. if crossfit is your sport, then competitions is the same pursuit as for anything else. If not, chase the sport that you like.
On the goals, it's hard for me to imagine anyone accomplishing much of anything, or nearly as much as they could, if they didn't have goals. Bruce Lee is right. If you achieve EVERY goal, you are setting your sights too low. If you achieve none, the opposite.
Goals are so important. A vision, a goal, and a plan to achieve it. If you don't get there, you're probably better than where you started, and failing, in the proper perspective, is an important ingredient in getting better.
I am competing in my first squash tournament. I have two goals, one is just to compete in every tournament this year. That I will achieve. The second is to advance at least one round. We'll see. If I don't, I'll be glad that I competed, but I will definitely look back. What did I do wrong, what were my weaknesses? How can I improve? What are my new goals? work on a couple of shots?
Goal setting should be a constant.
Kudos, Jess and David!
DH3, you look confused.
Jeremy refuses to miss a day of work even if the gym is closed so we were able to get in a little strength work in the secret, private strength class yesterday…
Recovery squat: 225x3x3
Bench: 115×4, 135×4, 160×2, 185×2, 195×1, 207×1, then 6 singles at 217.5
Next week is the last week of the program and I test the bench.
here is the link to the full article – now that I took the time to read it.
Without goals in life, where are you headed? It doesnt answer the why question, just the what question of life.
Great to know we are working with a bunch of smart coaches… way to go David and Jess
Can anyone recommend a box in Austin? I'll be spending a week down there with in-laws and I will definitely need to get some WODs in to escape / blow off steam. Thanks!
Congrats David and Jess on passing Starting Strength.
I must say after 9 hours of sleep last night, I feel pretty good today. That sleep thing is VASTLY underrated.
And @courtney….shhh!
BK: Dave W's place, they were the 1st CrossFit Affiliate.
DJ: Not sure about Austin. CrossFit Central has been around forever and spits our high quality athletes. That being said I've never seen their day to day.
Crossfit Central spit at our high quality athletes? Why would we go to a box that spits at our high quality athletes. They should either spit at none of us, or all of us.
holy sh*t. i was dorking out and watching pat sherwood's tour of his home gym and BAM! there's some CFSBK love on his wall:
it's first shown i think at 1:35. and he's got a really cool autographed jumping box with chris spealer's doodles on it 🙂
there was talk saturday about a CFSBK football team. is it too late to get involved?
I think goals are meant to be achieved. That's why we set short AND long term goals for success.
Yesterdays QOD – My fav part is a tie: Dancing with the wife, and handing SBK NFS hoodies to M&M. Great party all around, until I took a punch to the face.
No time for anything else, prob press and clean tomorrow.
I played hooky today and hit the Nooner with Coach Bruiser.
Worked up to 185×3 on the clean but I'm struggling with these. I'm still having trouble with the catch position and Fox said I was lacking aggressiveness. A few sporadic reps felt pretty good.
WOD 2 rounds plus 27 DUs @ 135. I was hoping to get into the 3rd set of overheads but stumbled through the 3rd set of DUs trying to rush.
Thanks David for the party, that was very generous. I only made the last hour but it was a fun hour. I brought a friend who looked around once and said "I'm joining."
Congrats to Jess and David.
Also need to publicly throw in my congrats to Jess and David on the SS. It's a long weekend of both practical and lecture, a ton to absorb, and a rigorous test to pass (that apparently has gotten harder as of late). I'm especially proud of the Mrs who I watched spend many (many, many) hours going over notes, re-reading sections in the Rip books, and toiling over her answers to the essay exam. To pass this test and possess the knowledge and ability to apply the info in it means that they care a whole lot about their profession, but you already knew that.
Guys, that test was hella hard and I'm so stoked to have passed! I spent a lot of time on it and still could have done better. It was pretty surreal to be on the phone with Mark Rippetoe for 35 minutes. At his choosing we went through every question and he told me where I nailed the answer and where I "fucked up". His words but completely spot on. 😉 He is definitely committed to making sure that folks who take and pass this test know what they're talking about. I have to give huge thanks to David, Fox, Jeremy and Margie for having already imparted a lot of their knowledge on me and making the seminar and test just a tad easier. I'm proud to be a coach at CFSBK with such fine coaches all around me. We've definitely got a good thing going. (ASIDE: And we know how to party! The 5 year anniversary party was amazing. Thank you David for treating us and our members to such an awesome thing. We will tell stories of that night for years to come!)
Today's workout:
500m row to warmup
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 150×2)
-these felt quick and overall ok. Fox noted that I was collapsing down so I tried to not get so low. still working hard to find the proper foot positioning for me so that I can shove my knees out hard.
Power Cleans:
(63×5, 83×3, 103×3)
113×3, 118x3x3
-I did a much better job of making the power clean a more fluid motion and not stopping at the hang. But, every 3rd rep of each set I started splitting. Instead of committing to landing a touch lower by body naturally wants to split. Decided to stick at 118 to work on this but I kept doing it. Blah.
WOD: 6 min AMRAP
30 du's
10 c&J at 83 (70% of today)
-3 rounds plus 20 du's.
Thought I'd do a little better but I kept tripping up on my rope. I'm starting to not love my speed rope and may need to adjust the length.
Overall, I'm a lucky girl. I had a great weekend celebrating with some amazing people. I had so many small conversations with a lot of people but I feel like there were so many of you that I didn't even get a chance to talk to. Either way, I hope you realize that I love you all. Thank you CFSBK for being so amazing.
Front Squat
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×1)
Power Clean
50×3 (kilos)
90x3x3 (198lbs)
Did a video review at 198, heres the first rep:
Then did the WOD at 115lbs which is well below 70%. I'm awful at high rep clean and jerks. I gas really quickly and the shoulder to overhead part always feels 3 times as hard as the clean. So to try and preserve the stimulus I scaled down the weight. Got 2 Rounds + 10 Double Unders
Power Cleans: 95×5, 115×3, 135×3, 155×3, 150x2x3 – was sloppy on the first set so I stuck with this weight and it felt good on the second set. Did them slow and deliberate.
DU and Ground to over head WOD @ 95 – 3 rounds exact. Doubles all unbroken. Going overhead is not my strong suit.