Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from your previous exposure.
Performance: Heavy 5
Work up to a top set of 5 reps, adding weight to last week. Remember you still have 4 exposures of this left, leave some weight on the table.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Not For Time of:
8 Romainian Deadlifts
8 Dumbbell Bench Presses OR 8 Strict Ring Dips
8 Weighted Sit-Ups
Go a little heavier on the RDL and Sit-ups than you went last week.
Party Tonight!
CFSBK is celebrating our 5 year anniversary tonight and you’re invited. The party starts at 9 and will wrap up at 2am. There will be an open bar, Taco cart and DJ in house so bring your dancing shoes and come ready to scale up your Saturday night. All are welcome.
Please no kids, bikes or dogs. If you’re riding your bike please find somewhere outside the gym to lock it up.
We’ll also be collecting supplies for those in need. Please bring 1 item to the party so that we can organize a donation effort for those who have suffered from Sandy.
Things to bring (in order of most needed)
– Non-Perishable food
– Medical/first aid supplies
– Clothing (ONLY BRING ONE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING) Not a trash bag full of last seasons fashions. Clothes are not a high priority right now, please bring food abd first aid above all else.
Press Release:
New York, NY – With the NYC Marathon now cancelled, a group of runners and volunteers are now shifting their focus to helping the huge effort of recovery that lies ahead. “We have trained for a marathon and we intend to put one on. But instead of a foot race, we want a marathon of service,” said Jaclynn Larington. “We continue to draw on the spirit of endurance to turn this day into real action.”
NYC Marathon Of Relief Effort 2012 ( is about turning a day that was devoted to a race into an all-day volunteer opportunity. Runners and non-runners who wish to volunteer on Marathon Sunday should email
The NYCMore2012 website will be a repository of the latest information on how we can provide the most immediate relief to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Runners and non-runners will have access to shelters, supply drop-off sites and volunteer opportunities where they are needed the most. The site will also be a central communication outlet for the various organizations that are sending their messages from a variety of sources, and as we’ve already seen, is sometimes outdated by the time it’s received.
- We are spreading the message to all of New York and the world that we are taking action to provide relief and to educate folks on how they can do the same
- The website will spread up-to-date, timely information
- NYC MORE 2012 is coordinating a day of hands-on volunteer work and drop-off points for food and supplies which will be immediately transported to the locations that need them most
Red Hook Recovers
A Fat Mustachioed Orphan Finds A Home NYT
If I could hug CFSBK today, I would.
Happy five years in South Brooklyn. Here's to many, many more.
Hurray for CFSBK!! The quality of my life has been improved in so many ways by being a member for the past four years. It is hard to imagine life without it.
By-the-by, for those that weren't with us then, that picture is of David and Fox at our wedding party, in a drunken pistol contest, where David was taking sips from the drink in his hand while doing his pistols.
Happy anniversary CFSBK! Even being a member for a relatively short time, I feel like I have made great physical and mental gains. Thanks for everything and here is to many more successful years.
LBBS: 210x3x5. Smooth. Really focusing on getting full depth.
Accessory: (only got to 4 rounds)
ring dips: broke into mini sets of 4
sit-ups, 35, 45, 55, 55
RDL: 115, 140, 145, 155
LBBS: 3×5 145#
Accessory: 65# rdl, 25# sit-ups, ring dips only got through 4 rounds.
Great to be back!
Well, this isn't how I thought I was going to begin my new life as a former distance runner, but there you go. Came in to squat since I have 26.2 less things to do tomorrow.
Squats 150, got 4 rounds of the accessory WOD in before Active Recovery got started. Best situps 35 lbs, best RDLs 85 (could have gone considerably heavier but 10 AM was pretty chaotic so I took whatever bar I could get), best bench 35.
You are all on notice: MAMA WANTS SOME WINE TONIGHT.
If you're bringing clothing – ONLY BRING ONE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING Not a trash bag full of last seasons fashions. We won't have room.
BCF says people really need blankets and non perishable foods more than anything
congrats on 5 years in biz!! Miss you guys.
Squats partnered with Carlos and Luca.
220x2x5, 220×10 (I did repout set as I had missed Wednesday's lifting).
Thanks for the kind words! Great surprise to see RW posting today! Thanks, buddy!! I'll not make the same mistakes I made at your 5 year…
Back Squat
(45x10x2, 135x5x2, 185×3, 205×2, 225×1)
This exposure and last I did one extra set so that I could "own" that weight mentally. Today's first set went up well enough, not easy but not soul crushing. That second set was a slow, life affirming grind for reps 2-5. Won't be able to do 2 full sets moving forward on intensity day. Planning on 240 for next week.
Ring Dips
Didn't have time to do the other stuff from today's NFT
Need to go home and eat/change before coming back to set up.
Congrats on a five years that have had a wonderful trajectory and have made such an impression on so many lives, mine included. I wish I could be there with you in person and not just in spirit.
Reminder- that clothes are not in huge demand right now- moreso non-perishable foods, batteries, first aide supplies, etc.
Holy Cats, Robb Wolf!
Happy 5th! I'm pissed that I have a thing tonight and can't make most of the party. I'll try to catch the end when everyone is good and boozy.
Long session today: A/R, 2×16 minute rows, Crash B lifts: 4×30 Chinese rows, squats, RDLs. Tired. Soreness coming.
Congrats to David and all the crew. it's been an interesting adventure these lat few years. I definitely better for it. Sorry to miss the party but I will be working. I'm sure Stella won't mind drinking my share of the wine.
Acc Work – beer, wine, ice run.
Recovery – Piña coladas and steak a la Bogota, and party tonight!
I can't imagine life without SBK and all that comes with it. Congrats to all of us, especially, DOs. I'm proud to call you my Capitan.
8am with MeLo.
Squatted with Chris A. after a mobility warm up.
[45×5, 115×5, 165×4, 195×3] 230x(3×5)
Wanted to get one more small jump in. Happy with how these felt — they ranged from excellent on quite a few to a slight struggle. PR tie for a 5 today.
RDLs at 145, situps at 15/25/35/45, DB bench at 50/55/60/65×6, then went and tried a few strict ring dips to test where I'm at with those.
Going to miss you guys tonight–I'm so thankful for all I've learned and the exceptional people I've met the past six months.
Taco truck can't stay too late, come early and eat hard !
can't come tonight, gotta work 🙁 take a lot of pictures, please! cheers!
David, Chris, Jess, Josh, Melissa, Noah, McDowell, Laurel, Jeremy, Nick, and all cfsbk members, you have a good thing going on! Congrats on 5 years!
Congrats on the big 5, DO and crew! Still bummed we can't be there tonight! Party hard and get wild!
Chair to the face for the win…yikes.
Felt crappy, but to be expected as I had done the rowing workout Friday.
Im looking forward to this getting better next week.
Rowed the 2×16' god that felt long. Legs were toast.