Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add about 5lbs from the previous exposure. Bar speed should still be consistent and quick.
Performance: 2×5 followed by a rep out capped at 10
If you barely made your 10 last week or really struggled with it, consider hitting the same weight this week
Post loads to comments
LBBSQ e2/6
As Many Rounds As Possible In 8 Minutes
16 Dumbbell Split Cleans (alternate legs)
10 Kipping Pull Ups
Sub 10 Ring Rows or 5 Pull-Ups if you don’t have Kipping Pull-Ups
Watch this video on Split Lifts
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Happy Halloween from CFSBK!
The veg CSA delivery is pushed to TOMORROW due to complications from the storm.
Anyone who is severely inconvenienced by this (can’t pick up tomorrow) please call michele at: 347-645-4524.
Volunteer To Help After The Storm
Our friends at the Brooklyn Community Foundation are compiling different opportunities to volunteer and help out after the storm. This is a great opportunity to get out and help those around you!
See the list here.
Coaches McDowell and Noah will be trying out for this competition next year, please wish them luck
That competition is great. Period.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Squats at 225×5, 225×5 and 225×10. The rep out was tough but doable. 3 rounds + 6 cleans (40# dumbbels) on the popeye-forearm-burner-metcon. Jumping my left foot forward on the cleans felt solid. Jumping my right foot forward was seriously awkward.
Love those 80s aerobic workout outfits.
I would pay some serious money to see Josh and McDowell put those outfits on. In fact, I think it should be a fundraising dare for FGB next year.
Squats at 135, made my 10 with no issues. WOD, not so much. My forearms were fried! Also I really need to practice kipping with a band more (read: at all) before I try it in a WOD. Not that I was in danger of hurting myself, but I just couldn't make it happen. 2 rounds + cleans + 2 pullups, 25# dumbbells.
PS, is it bad that when I first heard talk about the marathon possibly not taking place, my reaction was, "YES! I MIGHT HAVE AN OUT!"
Stella, what's the word? I have no idea how they're going to make it happen, logistically, at this point…
And no. That is not bad. I feel you.
@Courtney and @Stella, there's been a little back and forth on it being on. At first marathon people said it was on, Bloomberg said not so fast, it's my city. At this point, I am hearing that they are reviewing the route, and that it's likely to be game on. Good luck if you do it.
My heart goes out to the Breezy folks. Our first responders, our firemen and policemen, are safe, but have had their homes destroyed. These people are the salt of the earth. What a tragedy.
AM strength cycle with coach Jeremy.
Squat: 295lb x 5 x 3
Press: 135lb x 5 x 3
Deadlift: 350lb x 5 x 1
Squats felt good. I was pretty stir crazy and itching to squat all week. Maybe all that rest and thinking about squatting paid off. I think I turned a corner with presses today and finally felt like I locked down my rib cage and squeezed my butt into a proper position. Deadlifts were fine.
Yeah, I've been following it closely. There's so much for the race organizers to deal with — not only whether the course is clear, but how runners are going to get to Staten Island given the very likely scenario that subways are still out, how the thousands of volunteers are going to get to where THEY need to be, and even the marathon expo where everyone is supposed to pick up their race bibs. (The expo takes place in the Javits Center, which is in a flood zone.)
I'm feeling pretty chill about the whole thing because I've already run five marathons, so if I can't do #6, who cares? But I do hope that it can still happen for the sake of the many first-timers who've trained so hard for it (not to mention people from all over the world who've made vacation plans around running the race!).
@JR, thanks for the good luck wishes. It's absolutely nuts – unfortunately, NYRR is damned if they do and damned if they don't. The logistical nightmare of coordinating the expo – let alone clearing and preparing the route, in addition to the fact that runners and spectators won't even be able to navigate around the city, with the subways in the condition they're in – is enough of a cluster. I received a volunteer request email from Jack Rabbit to work at the expo because brands can't even get their staff into town to work…@Stella, not sure if you did, too. I would agree that it sucks especially badly for those who are first-timers, or are traveling from out-of-town or internationally.
One thing I'm sure of is that I'm really, really glad that I'm not Mary Wittenberg or a NYRR staffer. I feel for those poor people. The amount of vitriol on the NYRR FB page, directed at NYRR and at others posting, is just ridiculous right now, and really, pretty sad.
Whenever the race does happen, Sunday or otherwise, it'll feel very differently than it would have pre-Sandy. Either way, it will be uplifting and inspiring, even if it is a little heartbreaking for many.
The dancing pumpkin vogue's!!! Love!
Also – will they be doing the aerobics championship as a team or individuals.
Great to be back in the gym – was going seriously stir-crazy
Squats at 235 – felt very sold, good speed, but I did get a little lightheaded at the end
WOD – 4 rounds + 8 PU @ 45lbs Seriously thought I was going to fall off the bar trying to finish that last round of PU
wait a second… does that mean they get to meet Alan Thicke!? SO JEALOUS.
The veg CSA delivery is pushed to TOMORROW.
David, could you put this in bold in today's blog post so more people see it?
Anyone who is severely inconvenienced by this (can't pick up tomorrow) please call me: 347-645-4524.
Thank you o Captain my Captain!
Squat 235x5x3
Wod 4 rounds even at 40#
Brendon, if you need a place to kill time you are welcome at my house for infinite burgers, beer, and holloween treats, but be warned it is full of kids, cats, and a giant dog. The coaches know how to reach me.
I miss you guys ;(
Is the anniversary party still on?
Was in for yesterday's noon class with Jeremy and Noah–bravo to them for making a class that pushed 50 people seem much smaller.
Worked with Ben and Luca on the cleans. Did the fitness complex at 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, and 155. 155 is a 10lb PR and improvement from last week. Was much more violent with the hips, and 155 went up surprisingly easy.
Followed that up with 2×16' on the erg. 1:59.4 and 2:04.5 averages respectively.
Made in for a pleasantly small 8am with Josh this AM.
[45×5, 115×5, 165×4, 185×3, 205×2] 225x(3×5)
Squats still feeling wonky since Ragnar, probably because I've just had a lack of exposure. Was at 230 before Ragnar, and those felt good, so hoping that my body is just readjusting to the movement.
Went way too heavy on the DBs for the WOD. 2 rds + 13 cleans @ 45lbs. Grip was totally fried.
this is next-level women "can't" do pull-ups:
LBBS 205x3x5
WOD 3rnd plus 16 cleans @ 40#.
Hello, forearms!
Did the Squats at 265#
3 + a few reps on the WOD
90# 3×5 – doing fitness these next couple cycles as I want to keep accelerating my weights.
Fun WOD! 20# (definitely went too light on the DB could've gone up to 25#)
Banded Pull Ups – was one pull up away from 5 rounds.. grrrr
Great to be back in the gym – thanks Josh and McDowell for a great class this morning. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the party on Saturday!
Squat: 265x5x2, 10
Row: 1/16 @ 16sr @ 2:25/500m @ 3300 @ 140hr
Squats were not an issue but rowing afterwards was. I dont know if it was the squats, not being in the gym or what but I had nothing on the row. Decided to cut down to one interval. Went home to clean up the yard for time. then off the work where it's not fun.
Great time tonight; perfect way to deal with some of the Sandy-related and not-Sandy-related trubs. Community matters.
Partnered w/Dave Fung on the platform tonight. Cannot spell "Fung" without "Fun."
And based on what was coming out of Noah's iPhone tonight, he is gonna kill it in next year's competition.
Haha Tom, that was me secretly getting in your head so I can crush you at next year's CFSBK Aerobics Comp.
Squats at 225#- did my first set at 235 due to bad bar math and was hating myself for drinking these last 3 days away, then realized there was too much weight on the bar. Next set was ok, and repout went smooth. Fun partnering with Noah B. and Sarah LR (aka Noah C.)
5 rounds on the WOD with 1 45# DB (big class, not enough DBs) Really hated the lopsided split cleans, so weird and wonky. Dana kept me going though, and didn't laugh too much when I kept getting my feet mixed up.
Took the 6pm class
(45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3)
195x5x2, 195×10
Going to attempt to add 10lbs each week. We'll see, I've got at least another 2-3 exposures of 10lb jumps.. might not make it to 235×10…
A very slow, very paced out 2 rounds + 16/5
I really never got into my groove with this and my hands hurt the whole time. I hated it!! But it was a good forearm blaster.
@ Noah A., game on!
I will wear less, and shake it more.
6pm class.
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×2)
-decided to drop back in weight and go with the linear progression of fitness programming to rework my squat. Did 5# more than on Monday but today felt much better. Still trying to find the proper foot positioning and avoid coming forward on my squat. I know what I've got to do, it's just hard to fix dammit.
3 rounds plus 6 split cleans @ 25#
-our class was smaller so we got to use 2 db's for the 16 split cleans. went conservative with the weight and definitely glad I did. Like DO said this was uncomfortable throughout. Hands/wrists hurt from holding the dumbbell, shoulders hurt from the crashing of db's and forearms got fried. Oh, and I 'gently' set a db on a toe or two so that didn't feel great either.
Good class though and glad to be back in a group setting after Sandy! Had the last of my blatant cheats tonight and am about to kick things into a new gear tomorrow. New month, new goals!