As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes Of:
400m Run
75 Double Unders or 35 attempts
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Ring Skill Work
Spend 15 minutes working on getting upside-down on the rings. If you’re feeling good then progress to skin-the-cats and front levers. Perform a total of no more than 20 reps.
Congratulations to Matt K, Sarah LR and Ron AKA “Team Mushroom Princess” on their 5th place finish at CrossFit Virtuosity’s Halloween Throwdown!
“Sandy” Scheduling Update!!
Sunday night: Open Gym is on as usual
Monday: 6, 7 and 8am classes as well as Foundations are Cancelled. We’ll play noon by ear depending on how tomorrow morning looks.
Fight Gone Belated Today!
Good luck to the three teams competing in the “Belated” version of Fight Gone Bad 2012. The event will start at 1:00pm and we’ll be running each team one at a time. Good luck guys!
Come for the Book Club, Stay For the Pub Quiz!
Pub Quiz and the Book Club meeting have been cancelled!
Today at 5:00pm the CFSBK Book Club will be meeting at Pacific Standard to discuss this month’s book, “Cloud Atlas”. This book is getting a ton of press with the movie coming out so the discussion should be quite lively. All are welcome to attend. Contact Peggy at pjeanlouis1(AT) for more information
Afterwards at 8:00pm the CFSBK Pub Quiz Team will be competing in Pacific Standards weekly Pub Quiz. Are you a person who knows stuff and likes drinking beer? You’re perfect! Contact Stella at stellavision(AT) if you’ve got any questions
The Fight For Mike CrossFit
Abandoned Porn (Still Not Porn, Still Awesome)
I'm feeling a bit philosophical this morning.
As some of you know, my dad was hospitalized last week with a serious leg infection. (Early on there was talk that he might lose his leg; fortunately that no longer seems to be the case.) It started with a simple trip and fall that, in a healthy, active person, probably would have healed within a couple of days. But, since my dad has been In poor health — diabetic, obese, heart problems — for years, it turned into a bad infection compounded by the fact that he didn't see a doctor soon enough when his leg started to worsen.
I'm in Philly visiting my parents this weekend, and I have been struck by the difference between what age 69 and 73 (my dad and my mom, respectively) look like on my parents, and what 73 looks like on someone like Jacinto. I don't need to tell you which one I want to be when I grow up. I've been having difficult conversations with my parents about assisted living this weekend (because my mom is also diabetic, severely arthritic, and overweight, and not capable of taking care of Dad if he has limited mobility when all this is over). I'd never have to do anything like that if Jacinto were my dad. I'd just be saying "good luck at the Games!"
I am so grateful to have found CrossFit and Paleo at this point in my life, well before I can do the amount of damage to my body that my folks have done to theirs. This weekend has been an object lesson in "don't let your health go."
Beautifully written Stella. I couldn't agree with you more and I hope your dad recovers as quickly as possible. I miss seeing you – I hope you can make trivia tonight!
I turned my day off to sight see into a nice little work out. I opted out of the horse ride up the "smallest active volcano in the world," Taal volcano, into a scorching little trot. We rested with a fresh coconut and Todd hit golf balls into the most surreal looking green lake. I jokingly asked our tour guide whom was wearing flip flops to race me down. When we came to the descent he said "let's race" and took off. I won, and my victory earned us a dip in the middle of Taal lake.
In total I was told it was about 4k. I have no idea the altitude. I do know it was 90F and lacking in any type of protection from the sun. I am close to being as red as a lobster.
Stella, I hope your Dad recovers quickly.
6K row with the Crash B team at 8am.
Fun times.
Stella, that was really well written and verbalizes a lot of what I have been feeling recently in regards to my mom. She is 67 and is in the process of battling a myriad of health issues. High blood pressure,diabetes, and cancer. I'm stuck between being the silent son, and the one that wants to see her make more healthy choices. When she came to fight gone bad last week she said she was tired from the walk from the house which was only 10-12 blocks. Im looking for a way to help and have found that asking her to go on short walks has helped. While that only works because of our proximity, it's made me feel a bit better.
Hope your dad feels better.
Thanks for the good wishes, all. This will be a long recovery for him, and I'm hoping it scares him straight for at least a little bit.
NO PUB QUIZ tonight — Pacific Standard has canceled it because of the storm.
I see that all the time in the hospital, and I see it reflected in the health problems my mom has.
I went up to Jacinto when he came to the gym and totally said, "You're an inspiration. I want to be like you when I am you age." I think I weirded him out a little.
Sidebar: I may have bruises on the side of my head from running with a pumpkin on my shoulder.
incase you didn't see the edit above:
"Sandy" Scheduling Update!!
Sunday night: Open Gym is on as usual
Monday: 6, 7 and 8am classes as well as Foundations are Cancelled. We'll play noon by ear depending on how tomorrow morning looks.
3 Rounds of:
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Kettlebell Swings
Bench Press
(45×10, 95x5x2, 115×5, 135×3)
I punked out of the WOD today, hadn't eaten yet and was feeling very un-dude. Did some curlz for the girlz and called it a day. I guess I should go get some groceries or something
Lovely Fight Gone Belated this afternoon. "No plan survives contact with the enemy". My rep scheme fell apart after the first rotation of the second round. Still I'm pretty stoked that I bested my score from last year by 33 points with a total of 331. And my rounds were much more consistent this year than last year's fly-and-die strategy. Need to remember for next time that box jumps really suck the wind out of me.
Congratulations Gowanus Clean Up Crew, Better Late Than Never, and Avi's Calves on a great Fight Gone Belated!
yes Stella, well said. I struggle with this whenever I visit my family. all are diabetic, overweight and they often choose to make fun of me for working out and trying to eat healthy. sadly, I'd rather avoid conversations with them about health and fitness because they have such a skewed perspective. I know it's not right but sometimes I feel like I don't get to see my family enough and I don't want to spend the time that I do get to see them fighting. Speaking of, can't wait for the holidays! 😉
Today's 11am class:
-did 4 rounds exactly for the wod. Didn't focus on redlining, just wanted to keep moving. probably could have gone faster on each run.
Holy cow was that Giants game intense! Good times!
Yeah, Stella your post also resonated with me. Thank you for being so open hearted and candid. It's excruciatingly painful for me to watch my mom and dad hurt themselves day in and day out with a horrible diet and not enough exercise. I think that's why I love CFSBK so much. It's a rare and beautiful thing (I think) for people to encourage the best in each other in a heartfelt way. Everyone I've met at the box seems to know the link somehow between encouraging excellence in others and asking it of themselves.
Did this WOD outside in Chicago in 30 some degree weather, funny how your ear drums start to hurt.
Increased time to 17 minutes and hit 4 rounds + 400 m.