Performance: 65-70% x5x2 followed by a rep out capped at 10 reps.
You should be able to make all 10 reps without any issues today. Choose a start % weight that will allow you to add about 15-30lbs over the next 6 weeks.
Fitness: 3×5 across
Choose a load that allows you to add potentially 15-30 lbs over the next 6 weeks. Consider starting at 65-70% of a1RM. Today should feel ‘easy’.
Post loads to comments.
Press e1/6
Partner WOD:
In teams of 2 complete 10 total rounds for time of:
10 Box Jumps 30/24/20
10 Kipping Pull Ups or 10 Ring Rows
5-10 Push Ups
*Partners alternate rounds
Post partner, time and Rx to comments.
Great Stress Reducer.. playtime!
Check out this video of CLOUD ATLAS Demystified by BOOKD. This video includes our very own Samir Chopra as part of the panel who were interviewed. Check it out Book Clubers!
Fight Gone Belated is this Sunday at 1pm! We’ve got three teams competing, all are welcome to come spectate! On a related note, donations are still trickling in and the gym total is not at $33,346 raised for The Brooklyn Community Foundation!
Déjà vu
The lost and found is full again and it’s time to clear it out. Please go through it as we will be donation all the remaining clothes to charity and giving away orphaned water bottles at the end of the week. Check out This picture to see the clothing in the bin and This picture to see the water bottles.
Do you have a favorite quote or moment from, The Big Lebowski?
We’ll be screening TBL and Raising Arizona at CFSBK on Nov. 17th! Free White Russians all night!
Amid Glares, Female Weight Lifters Compete NYT
Why don’t we DEADLIFT more? CoachWinchester
Expanding CrossFit NYC Free CrossFit Journal
"Hell I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon, with nail polish"
"No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of. "
"Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax… "
any quote from Jesus Quintana. Decorum prevents me from posting them, but they are all, awesome. One of my favorite characters in any movie. He's classic.
Made it back into action last night with a sleeve on. Felt really, really good to move around. Looking forward to getting in there this weekend!
Any spots left in the Fight Gone Belated?
"Obviously, you're not a golfer…"
"I'm just gonna go find an ATM."
Ok this is not 'Nam, this is bowling; there are rules.
Yes JR, I too am in the Jesus camp. Too much editing to actually offer a quote from that perv so.. how about A VISUAL?! Please to enjoy the following. Delete the space after http please
http ://
JR, surprising quote my favorite quote is obviously this section:
The Dude: Jesus, man, can you change the station?
Cab Driver: F you man! You don't like my fucking music, get your own f'ing cab!
The Dude: I've had a…
Cab Driver: I pull over and kick your ass out, man!
The Dude: – had a rough night, and I hate the fucking Eagles, man
NYTimes article on women and pull-ups
Hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here!
As you can see from the above post, I was editing the f bombs, but alas I stink at censoring myself.
Sorry people.
@DH3, I hate the eagles right now too. I'd rather shave with a broken bottle than watch them right now.
LINUS! I die of cuteness overload.
I just love that he's totally mini-Nick, but with Charlotte's hair.
That's my leather-ish jacket laying there! I didn't even know I lost it. I'm not going to be at the gym until Saturday…can someone put it aside for me so it doesn't go to charity?
Dude…you're being very Undude.
I am big fan, hard to pick.
Did you know the date on the check that the Dude writes for $0.69 in the opening scene is September 11, 1991 – exactly 10 years before the 9/11 attacks?
Also, apparently the sequel I mentioned in active recovery on Tuesday was a hoax. It seemed like a hoax at first but I eventually bought it. My bust.
The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
Walter: You mean… beyond pacifism?
The Dude: This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head. Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
Good one, DH3. The Eagles are the worst.
NYT article makes it sound like women just can't do pull-ups. I'd say we offer some pretty good evidence to the contrary.
I have only seen The Big Lebowski once (not nearly enough) and Raising Arizona twice, and I am sad we will be missing movie night–will already be in CA for t'giving.
Yay Linus on the blog! First time since 2009: http :// (take the space out in front of http)
@Stella it's funny that you think he is a mini-Nick. The world is quite divided on this. Nick's own family sees zero Peterson. I see Nick in L's smile.
Great 6am with DO. Liking all the mobility work.
Press: 75x5x2, 75×10. This was good, although I didn't do dead stops. Will try that at 80 next week.
Partner WOD with the badass Candace: 14:36 Rx'd. Should have taken less time off the bar on the pullups and done longer sets–did the first 3 rounds at 5/3/2, and then just got sick of that and went 7/3 and 8/2 in the last 2 rounds. Pushups were unbroken until round 3, then 5/3/1 for rounds 3&4, 4/3/3 for round 5. I liked this.
Also having discovered the monthly archives I looked up my last FGB time in 2009: 227, That got you third place in those days. We've all come very far!
Need to catch up on my posts:
Did today's workout on Tuesday with Fox:
Press: (45x5x2, 55×5) 65x5x2, 65×10
-felt good and fast. Will add 5# next week.
Partner WOD:
-used a 20" box and all jumps unbroken. Only the first round of pullups unbroken. Did the first 2 sets of pushups from the floor then elevated the last 3 rounds because I started snaking up and I could feel my shoulder not being happy.
Yesterday's workout:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2)
170x5x2, 170×10
-i can't say that this felt easy. I'm consistently having a problem with shifting forward onto my toes as I stand. I also can't seem to find the correct stance so my feet are always shifting as well.
5e. DB Snatch + Lunge (30, 35, 40, 45#)
10 Toes 2 bar
-those snatches got heavy and grip was definitely an issue. Thought I was going to drop the 45-er on my head when my left hand didn't want to seem to hang on to the dumbbell.
-T2B are difficult, tried to minimize the swing between each one but they were definitely not completely strict.
-only got 4 rounds in before work time.
Today's workout–made up Sunday's WOD:
5 Rounds of: Bench press 5 reps, then 2:00 max du's.
1) 85×5, 135 du's
2) 95×5, 115 du's
3) 105×5, 125 du's
4) 115×5, 100 du's
5) 120×5, 76 du's.
-I PR'd my du's during the first round and got 100 unbroken! Right after I tripped up D.O. gently informed me that 101 was tops on the leaderboard for ladies. I'm coming after you Kate D…if I can ever feel my calves again. 😉 I'm still not recovered from FGB.
Not surprisingly, I've never seen TBL.
I found that Pullup article pretty interesting, if you discard some of the general misconception/begginer's nomenclature type stuff.
I'd like to see exactly what the exercises they did to strengthen their biceps/lats were. No mention at all of any work to improve the ability to stabilize the midline/brace the abdominal wall.
Further perplexing is the studies population- 17 "normal weight women?" What the hell does that mean? Like many exercise or diet studies, this seems to be a study with a lot of "noise" to it- too many outside variables that could aid or diminish the results.
That said, I think with a better program (maybe Fox's Mystical Pullup Program perhaps) the success rate could have been much closer to 50%. What I think it really shows is that pullups are hard, so don't be discouraged if its a long battle before your first.
"The Dude abides." That is all.
I pretty much second Noah's post. I would add that my lats are STILL feel like bundles of angry venomous snake heads.
Press (Tuesday)
130x5x2, 130×10
A bit slow due to bench Monday.
WOD w/Jess
Everything unbroken except for a few missteps on the box. We finished in about 10:30
So so sore…
Press: 55#x5x2, then 55#x10
WOD: 16:15 with Claire – it was her first group class ever! She did great and her form was looking good, especially rocking some 20" box jumps. I did 24" jumps, ring rows, and 5 strict push ups each round.
Row 1500m @ 18s/m working on catch position
Power Snatch
Worked up to 60kilos. Troubleshooting my start position and first pull. Made some nice progress today but still shifting forward slightly off the deck. Also was making sure the bar started above midfoot and not slightly forward ala rippetoe.
This was heavier than expected.
10 Box Jumps 24"
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
1:00 Rest
Everything unbroken. Had to work a lil in rounds 4 and 5 to not break up the pull-ups and push-ups
cool down 500m row at 18 s/m
I'll check and get back to you Whit
"It's not fair, she gave up her toe.."
"Not fair? Who's the fuckin nihilist?!"
Noon class w/ Lady Fox
Press 90#, rep out =10
Maybe should have gone a little heavier, but left room for growth
WoD w/ Danny
Felt good.
PR'd my sleep last night at 10.5 hours
Pretty sure the shaker with DH3 written several times on it belongs to…. DH3
@jr thats harsh.
@noah barth yes, id imagine that would be mine. But there are impostor dh's. Mainly dh1 & dh2 and the one they call dh40tacos.
I really wish I could of made this… but my shoulder is thankful that I did not go.
I am still having pain in my shoulder and yes it has gone away a lot since Saturday its still there so I need to keep resting it.
After I check to see if my insurance will cover it I will try to see Fiddler about it.
Noah, Fox — Hamilton Nolan at Gawker is with you, although he's a little bit funnier about it.
God, I miss I of the Tiger.
The Dude when hes in the tub and the nihilists come in…"ahhh, nice marmot"
presses tonight at 55lbs: 2×5 then 10. the last few were sloooow.
partnered with laurel for the workout. 24" box, 10 kipping pull ups, and 8 push ups. ugh, those push ups were tough. i need to consistently work on them, or they disappear and make me sad. we finished in 13:59 (i was surely slowing us down with my sluggish push ups). it was fun working with laurel, who has great push ups and beautiful pull ups.
yesterday's wod: squatted 110 2×5 then 10. did 4 rounds of accessory work before running out of time. used a 25lb dumbbell, 5 strict toes to bar attempts and 5 pull ups per round.
everything feels grindy this week.
70x2x5, x10
Felt ok. Haven't done press in awhile. Rowed a14' piece.
2×5@135. 1×10@135
Did the partner workout with Grant in 9:53. It is really great doing a partner WOD. Makes you go harder and its nice to have someone to root on. good shit.
Pressed 2 days ago with my own pragramming (135# 8-1 and strict pullups 1-8) so kept today to 115×10 and did 135×5 for one set, felt good…Alex you manhandled that 135# rep out
Partner wod with Rickke: 8:26 at 30"
Miss killing it with my buddy!
Deadlift w chains up to a max, then 2 drop sets (reduce 15%) of 5-7.
then 175x5x2
Squat: 150 3×3
RPE 7.5
"Phone's ringing, Dude."
"Thank you, Donnie"
Press at 107.5x3x5. Been slowly working this up DIY before class, so this was not quite "easy." Plan is to take small jumps (2.5# or less) and see how far I can go.
"Do you see what happens, Larry!? This is what happens, Larry!"
Partner WOD with Oleg at 30" and kipping pull-ups. 14:33. I strung 10 kipping pull-ups together twice! Very happy with this.
"Caucasian, Gary"
Haven't been to a Thursday night class (or pressed) in FOREVER! Good times with the ladies this evening at 7PM — MeLo and Lady Fox make a great team.
Press: 22×5, 32×5, 37×5, work… 42x3x5
Partner WOD with Aileen: time 14:11
20" box, kipping pull-ups, and half volume push-ups from feet.
-Pull-ups I started out with 5 or 4 consec in the first couple rounds, then breaking up the rest into a couple smaller sets. In the last three rounds it really went to sh*t. Tried to keep it to three in a row, but kept failing on the third (read: wasting precious energy). Next time, know my limits and stick to small makeable chunks to chip away at it.
-got a really solid tear right in the middle of my right palm. feels amazing in the shower.
-It was honestly only after the WOD was over that I realized I had just done 50 pull-ups. Definitely never done that before. Doing Helen a few weeks ago was the most volume I've ever put in one workout (36), so this was definitely a step up. Will feel it tmw.
"Nobody f*cks with the Jesus."
Pressing with Malcolm and Rickke.
100x2x5, 100×10
Partner WOD with Malcolm who burned through it. We finished in 11:56 using a 24" box. I did 8 strict chin-ups. They broke down in the third round. I love partner WODs.