Spend 15 Minutes working on Power Clean Technique
4 Rounds NFT of:
16 Overhead Lunges
16 Push-Ups
16 Hollow Rocks
Josh Warms Up Before The Snatch Event
Great job to Whitney E, Coach Josh and Coach Fox on their performances this weekend at the Beast of The East!
Massage at CFSBK!
Inka has been part of the SBK community for nearly two years. As an athlete, bodyworker, and regular to CrossFit workouts, she understands first hand repetitive movement patterns and the stress they can put on the body. This familiarity allowed her to learn a wide variety of treatment techniques to help prevent overuse injuries. She strongly believes that the mind and the body are connected and that regular exercise and bodywork is a key component to maintaining one’s health.
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.
- 30 minute sessions: $60
- package of 2: $100
AbandonedPorn (Not Porn..)
David I want to thank you for everything you did for me this past weekend.IAM very appreciative
Thank you my friend,Jacinto
Scrangph cycle week 2, day 1 with coach Jeremy.
Squart: 280lb x 5 x 3
Press: 130lb x 5 x 3
Deadlift: 335lb x 5 x 1
Squarts were a real battle today compared to Friday when they felt downright easy. Battling a sick 2 year old for the past 72 hours with very little sleep may have something to do with that. Presses felt pretty good – Jeremy seems to always have the right cue to fix my busted form. This time it was 'abs tight' so I didn't hyperextend my stupid back. Deadlifts were alright.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Warmed up with the class and the broke off for a CRASH-B row workout. Got some rowing technique tips from Nick, and then:
1×14' @ 16SPM @ 1:53.7 @ 3701m @ 156 HR
(5min rest)
1×14' @ 16SPM @ 1:57.0 @ 3589m @ 156 HR
Focused a lot on form: not gripping the handle too tight and getting heals down first. Upper hammies are a bit sore, but otherwise the rows felt good.
Supple Leopard Pub Quiz: Update! The magic was on last night and out of 25+ teams, skipped away with 5th place. Things started out with yet another couple of "WTF Quiz Master is doing it again?!?!" rounds of mind boggling questions then we hit the goldmine with 90's movies and never looked back. Aces job team! Note: There will be no quizzing next Sunday the 21st, we are back on the 28th.
SBK yesterday for a CrashB clinic with Nick and a few minutes on the ERG. It felt weird/good after being out for the past week-ish and am looking forward to integrating back in.
Congratulations to Fox Whitney Josh and Jacinto for all your BOTE amazingness!
CSA MEMBERS! Here is the schedule for this year's FINAL DELIVERIES.
VEGETABLE csa – delivery every Wednesday through Nov 7, which is your final pickup.
EGG csa – delivery every Wednesday until NOV 7, which is your final pickup.
MEAT csa – one final delivery Wed Nov 7.
CHICKEN csa – one final delivery Wed Nov 14.
SIGN UPS for January's meat CSA cycle will begin THIS WEEK. More info soon.
You're welcome Jacinto!
It was a great event! Some real Meat Robots out there!!
The abandonedporn website is so cool IMO.
The underwater jesus statue on page 4 is pretty epic
Came in last night as I couldn't workout Friday or Saturday while away….
255×5, 275×5, 295×5, 315×2, 335×1, 295×5, 255×5
It's been 8 days since I squatted which for me is like a year or something. I felt it out as I went with the idea of trying to accumulate some volume (4-5 ramping sets of 5) while touching on some higher intensity work. 335 felt very solid and fast and I almost did a double, but I felt my hamstring grab a bit (top of hammy where I strained it) so I left it at a single. The heavier weight definitely bites during the stretch-reflex out of the hole. The work sets before and after felt totally fine. 295 wasn't easy, but not horrible.
Bench: (week 2, workout 4 of the 5 week Steel program)
115×4, 137.5×4, 160x4x2, 172.5x3x2, 185x2x3, 195x2x2, 172.5×4, 137.5×12
Felt solid and fine throughout. Still pretty easy. I'm enjoying this, but it is a lot of sets!
Worked up to 200 on the cleans, then dropped down to 165 to work on pulling under the weight a bit more. Feeling a lot better after a couple of days of rest.
Some of those pictures took my breath away. Isn't it funny how brokedown buildings are sometimes more beautiful than sparkly intact ones? Reminds me of beautiful abandoned barns in rural PA.
Cleans up to 85# then my clean started to get dirty. So sad I missed yesterday's wod, that could've been super helpful.
that is one cool porn site, can't stop hitting 'next'!
That must have been Mr. Fox that accidentally posted under my name. Anything that talks about good porn sites is definitely from him. 😉
holy underwater jesus. also, things covered in moss = always amazing.
I'm ba-a-ack. Hello 7am. Thanks for having me.
Hey all,
Just wanted to say I can't recommend Inka enough. Totally ironed out a bunch of my bumps, and was even a champ when I was a total a-hole and came to her after a workout all sweaty and gross. (Don't be that guy.) The girl rocks.
Congrats Beasts!
Bump on Noah's words re: Inka. Great hands and anatomy knowledge that identified a muscle issue I was having on/off for the past 2 years. Highly recommended, just leave a time slot for me 😉
Weightlifting meet was fun this weekend, as was watching the Beasts compete (meat robots, indeed). Fun to watch Whitney E and Josh M hit their WODs hard. I'll let them post their own experiences but I was particularly proud of Josh who placed impressively and worked through good positions, representing SBK well.
As for myself, PRs on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk at 77kg and 110kg respectively. Of course I wanted more but that's what the next meet is for. Thanks publicly to the wifey for the support and cues, they helped a lot.
Came in to squat low bar squat to set some meet goals for December. Felt awkward at the bottom at first but better as I went. Worked up to a single at 365 which ties my previous pr to last years meet. Thanks to McD for the spots and encouragement, and to J for the eye and the ass shot.
5pm class tonight.
extended droms then 3 rounds of about :30 each of:
-overhead squats
Complex of: 1 Hang Power Clean, 1 Below the knee Power Clean, 1 Power Clean
63, 83, 103, 113, 123, 133
-at 133 I only did the hang power clean though. I stall and start to overthink the lift once I get lower than midhang.
8e leg overhead reverse lunges @ 45#
16 pushups
16 hollow rocks
-lunges had a rest during the leg switch
-pushups were broken up in at least 3 sets each round. I know this is lame but I'm working hard to make these clean. Still letting my hips lag behind though as DO pointed out.
-hollows all unbroken
It was a lot of fun to be a spectator at the Beast of the East! Super proud of the hubby (and his sweet trophy) as well as Josh, Whitney and Jacinto! They worked HARD through 6 tough wods. Definitely got me a little fired up for the next competition. 2 months till Hoboken!
worked up to 155 on the cleans. High hang worked a lot better that the "go down below the knee and then come up" version. 165 was previous power clean PR (high hang). Could have got there (or more) but did not have time.
4 rounds of the accessory work with, 45 – 55 plate OH lunges, 8-10 ring push ups and unbroken hollow rocks. That 55# plate stared to get pretty heavy…