Working in invtervals of :20 work/:10 Rest, complete the following work:
100 Kipping Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats
-If you havent got kipping pull-ups, or they’re not developed well enough to complete 100 in a reasonable time, scale to 50 Kipping Pull-Ups, 35 Strict Pull-Ups or 50 Ring Rows.
– Push-Ups can be scaled to 75 or 50, depending on capacity.
Post total time and Rx to comments.
Sarah LR Deadlifts 285
Happy Birthday, Coach Noah!
Want to learn more about Noah? Check out his Underneath The Hoodie article
The 1 to 1 BCF Board Challenge!
We have blasted through our goal of $10,000 (currently over 12K) and I am personally humbled by the oupouring of support. So what do we do now? Plow forward like it’s your last set of burpees! To that end, I have a really exciting news flash. Earlier this week I met with Alex Villari, the VP of External Affairs at BCF, who is also a member of CFSB. Alex has gotten the board of directors of Brooklyn Community Foundation to agree to put in $1.00 of their OWN personal money for every dollar that we raise from now until the date of the event. They have capped this challenge at $15,000 but Alex tells me that their Board Chair is open to putting more of his own money into the pot if we exceed this new goal. If we raise $5,000 additional dollars, they will put in $5,000 of their own personal money. If we raise $10,000, they will put in $10,000 of their own personal money. If we raise another $15,000, they will put $15,000 of their own personal money in. So every contribution that we can collect goes twice as far!
This makes every dollar you raise 2x as impactful!! Remember, only a few minutes 2x a week can raise a ton of money, and now even more.
The CFSBK 300 Club
1. Kristin Hoesl $1,305 (The Porkchop Express)
2. David Turnbull $722 (Make Like Champion)
3. Emily Ashton $610 (The Porkchop Express)
4. Tom Shpetner $ 591 (17 Minutes In Heaven)
5. David Osorio $575 (DROMulans )
6. Lauren Borducci $500 (South Brooklyn Seahorses)
7. Christian Reiss $450 (The Porkchop Express)
7. Jay Riengold $450 (DROMulans )
8. Mike Mishik $415 (Buns Of Steel)
9. Peter Mattis $350 (Avi’s Calves)
10. Janelle Rooks $310 (Buns Of Steel)
11. Sarah Marquez $305 (17 Minutes In Heaven)
The Brooklyn Community Foundation Series:
Self Help Community Services Inc
Happy birthday Noah!
8am with D.O. 21:10 Rx. Pull-ups took 7 min, push-ups 6 min, sit-ups 5 min and squats 3 min. I've done regular (non-Tabata) Angie before in sub-19, but that was with feet anchored on the sit-ups which is quite a bit faster for me. Lovely start to crush week.
Just as an FYI they will be naming a destroyer after Michael Murphy today in the nyc harbor.
Hi Everybody
Squats: 315x3x5
Row: RD#1 2837, 2:25, 120hr
RD#2 2905, 2:20, 130hr
I haven't been in the gym all week. Haven't really felt that great. Decided to get some heavy squats in and do some Crash B training. Figured some heavy triples might wake the body up. After not squatting for over 2 weeks these felt heavy as hell. Thank God it was only triples. Did my first exposure of the rowing, wasn't as bad as I initially expected but it still sucked. Took a while to get my stroke rate under control and to then get a consistent effort on the pull.Second round was better. We should improve as the exposures go along. Was contemplating doing 1/2 Angie but I was spent after everything. No dice.
For those that don't get the reference:
Yea crush week! Angie, annnnn gie……
35 strict pull ups with a blue band. Deadly. My foot in the band was having a seizure during the rest time! So freaky.
75 push ups. At around half way mark I scaled to knees. Deadly
100 sit ups. Easy until the last 3
100 squats. I had one to go after 10 second rest. Bahhhh. I thought these were nothing until I took my first step. Wobbles.
I wonder if it would be easier sans tabata? My pull ups suffered as a result of trying to work straight through the first couple of 20 sec slots.
11AM class with Josh and McDowell. That. Was. Brutal. It's an hour later and I am just now feeling normal again after laying on the floor staring at the ceiling with some strategically placed ice packs.
My problems today:
1. I have been working on my butterfly KPUs, and while they are faster than my regular KPUs, I think they are still much less efficient. Thus my decision to start the first few rounds with 3-5 butterflies to speed things up was a very bad idea. I think it contributed greatly to my early burnout here.
2. When we did Lynne I was hitting 20+ reps for each of the pull up rounds. "Easy" I thought to myself, "I'll get through these in 6-7 rounds!" NO! A tabata rest interval is nothing like a real rest between sets. I was feeling beat up by the 3rd round, Josh no-repped me at least 5 times, and then I had to no-rep myself at least once for every one of the next 5 rounds until i found a decent pacing rhythm.
Which brings me to:
3. Pacing. Pacing, pacing, pacing. You'd think after going out too fast and burning out on the pull-ups, I'd have learned my lesson, but no. First push-up round I blasted out 15 easy. I thought I'd try to keep up a 10+ per round pace, I should have started at 10 and slowed down from there, as I was reduced to 3's and 4's pretty quickly, and the last 20 were a grind of singles and doubles with a stretch and breath between. Sit-ups were fine, squats felt almost like rest until i pushed it a little too hard through the last 2 intervals just to get to the end.
23:23 rx'ed.
Can't wait to see what's on tap for the rest of the week. Now back to laying down.
Angie in 25:20 Rx today, my experience was very similar to Todd's- Tried to butterfly, quickly broke down, etc. Still fun, although very sloggy. Surprising situps and squats felt best- the midline stabilization bias this cycle paying off!
Got an early bday present watching my buddy Dan Bushansky, who did Foundations with me a while back, hit beautiful textbook air squats throughout the workout. He's worked hard on mobility and come a long way, and little things like that are what make coaching so gratifying. Good work Dan!
Dan Bushansky FTW!
10:05am class with McD and J-Mart (sorry I was late guys!)
hip mobs, run around block and movement review.
Tabata Angie:
-did 75 pullups and pushups and 100 situps, squats. Started tearing about 50 pullups in and it just made it harder to get back on the bar. tried using various grips to not fully tear which worked for the most part. I think I've only done regular Angie once and it took me over 30 minutes rx'd. I don't think I ever really want to do that again. It kinda hurts to just lift my arm straight overhead right now. Just saying, it might make it hard if I ever had to throw a ball at a dunk tank.
The sequence of today:
1. 8-mile run
2. Active Recovery
3. Four slices of heritage-pig bacon (I got my husband a bacon-of-the-month club membership for his birthday, which makes me either the nicest or the smartest wife ever — I'm going for smartest, because I get to eat some of the bacon)
4. Paleo Special at Bierkraft (big-ass baked sweet potato topped with pulled brisket, guacamole, and more bacon)
This might just be the best Saturday ever.
26:33 rxd. I tried to game it and still broke down. Could already feel the DOMS. Not a good sign for oncoming Crush week when the 1st workout tears uo your biuceps, lats, triceps, chest, and quads.
Tomorrow looking fwd to some deadlifting that will crush my hamstrings
Hey Everyone, in case you didnt see this
$50 for $100 at City Sports*15120275176_k*city sports_m*e_d*US-RTC-New-York_g*city-sports-1
Get your Minimus', Nano's, or innov8s.
Only 1 per customer but im sure you can get a friend to get one if you want to 'stock up'
Just don't buy any size 10.5's
Ill post this again tomorrow/
This one suuuuucked.
I've been doing Angie in around 20 minutes lately. This took me 28:21. I really felt like the rest just didn't help me.
Pullups, normally my money-maker flailed today. The 20 second work set just didn't give me enough time to get in the groove. I'd spend 3-4 seconds getting my hands settled, bang some out, then have to drop off the bar. The tabata wasn't my friend here.
Pushups also took forever. Normally this is where all my time is spent, and today was no different save for much more time! I usually start breaking down to 5s and 3s after 20 or so, but where as normally I'd just start grinding out 3s with a two breath break I got stuck in the rest period. I'd get 4 maybe on my next, but I could have more efficiently worked straight through.
Situps were similar to regular Angie, as were squats.
I am a sad panda. A sad panda with a set of nasty rips.
Did this wod on Friday at open gym in 25:10