For Max Load:
Press 5-5-5
Push Press 3-3-3
Push Jerk 1-1-1
Try add weight every set. Don’t miss reps.
If any of today’s movements are new to you, stay conservative with weight and execute 36 perfect reps.
Post best Press, Push Press and Push Jerk to comments.
What do you see when walking into CFSBK? Frozen Meat and Heavy $#!T
Happy Birthday, Dr. Jason Fiddler!!
Got some issues with your tissues? Check out the in house Chiropracter and ART practitioner to get yourself straigtened (literally) out!.
Fight Gone Bad Update!
Yesterday CFSBK passed our initial goal of 10K for the Brooklyn Community Foundations! Great work everyone!! However with 16 days left until the event we KNOW we can do better. We’ve had some outstanding showings by members of our community yet some of you guys have yet to really kick off your fundraising efforts. Remember, the point of Fight Gone Bad is not to just get a cool T-shirt and do a hard workout. The point of FGB is to make an effort to help others in need and give back to the community you live in. Below are the top 5 teams and the individuals who have made it to the 300 Club. Lets not let the vocal few carry us, guys! It literally only takes a few minutes to write an email and make a difference.
Top 5 Teams:
1. The Porkchop Express: $2,315
2. DROMulans: $1,010
3. Make Like Champion!: $1,072
4. Buns Of Steel: $672
5. 1.21 GIGAWODS: $665
The $300 Club:
1. Kristen Hoesl: $1,145
2. David Turnbull: $722
3. Emily Ashton: $610
4. David Osorio: $550
5. Christian Reiss: $450
6. Lauren Borducci: $410
7. Mike Mishik: $365
8. Sarah Marquez: $305
Volunteers Needed!
We need 5 Volunteers for Fight Gone Bad to help register people, play music, keep the gym in order and a variety of other odds and ends. If you won’t be competing and would like to help out please email David(AT) ASAP. Free Volunteer FGB shirts included!
It’s like you guys hate your stuff!
We appreciate our members trying to break free from the shackles of their material possessions and live more minimalist lifestyles. We do! Really! But why not donate your valuables to someone in need instead of leaving them at the gym for us to clean up. Here are your waterbottles (more have been added since this photo), watches and keys. The latter two are in the office, the water bottles are on the coffee table. Also, standard procedure for log books left out is that they get filed in the member logs bin below the sign in table and David steals your pen.
Today is the last day of our 6 week cycle. Share opinions/results on the last 6 weeks of programming to comments. Crush Week starts Saturday!
Gary Taubes is picking a fight. Again. “What Should We Eat and Why?” CrossFit Journal
Classic from the vault: Eva T Does “Nate”
Check us out on Well+Good NYC with “Your Guide To CrossFit Gyms” and “Why CrossFit Is Seducing More Women”
6am with D.O.
Press: 95×5, 135×5, 145×5, 150×5
Push Press: 155×3, 165×3, 175×3, 180×2 (F)
Push Jerk: 185×1, 195×1, 205×1, 215×1
Pretty sure I could have gone higher in the jerk if I had started higher. 215 went up without difficulty.
Last cycle was good. PRs in the deadlift, low bar back squat and overhead squat. Noticing a distinct lack of bicep curls in the programming.
Loved this WOD, even though I was stinking it up on the jerks. Best 63/83/93…I can obviously do more on the jerk whenever I figure out how to get under the bar. (Story of my CrossFit life.)
Julie, I am sorry to report that you missed a truly operatic scream out of me on my last press rep. To the Foundations class that was going on at the same time, I hope I didn't scare any of you too badly.
Oh! I almost forgot to say that PUB QUIZ IS BACK.
Supple Leopard lay low for a while after we were unceremoniously knocked out of the playoffs, and we skipped last week because everyone was watching the Eagles game (yes, the EAGLES game). But we'll be back in force this Sunday and we would love to see some new faces. If 6 or fewer people show up, we'll all play as Supple Leopard; with 7 or more, we'll split into 2 teams. (Please do not worry about being person #7! We can totally do a team of 3 and a team of 4 if that's how it happens.)
The 'fo:
What: pub quiz! Test your knowledge of pretty much everything except classical music. (No, I'm not bitter.)
Where: Pacific Standard, 82 4th Avenue at St. Mark's in Brooklyn.
When: Sunday, quiz starts at 8, but we typically arrive around 7:30 to secure tables.
7am with DO. Had an amazing time partnering with Stella and we stayed together in weight until the end.
Best Press: 63#x5
Best Push Press: 83#x3
Best Jerk: 103#x1
Best High Pitched Operatic Girlie Scream: Stella
Stella I am seriously sorry about missing your screams, you know how I love them, but I slept through my alarm again and had ELEVEN HOURS OF TOTAL UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP. For all who have missed my 7am "Good morning my name is Julie and I had 2-hours of sleep last night" fairly consistent answer to the a.m. question for about a year.. this is a huge deal. CRASHB is bringing the big zzz's. I seriously feel like I'm jumping out of my skin, is that what actual sleep does? Amazing.
Holy humid noon class with Lady Fox and special appearances by The Stones – very cool to see them. Anyway, I was actually sliding during the burpees. Gross. Partnered with the excellent Clarissa and built up to 62# – on the 2nd split shoulders just.. stopped as if they were blocked. Absolutely the weirdest feeling. Instead of pushing through racked immediately and iced.
See youz 7amers tomorrow!!!
Stella I am seriously sorry about missing your screams, you know how I love them, but I slept through my alarm again and had ELEVEN HOURS OF TOTAL UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP. For all who have missed my 7am "Good morning my name is Julie and I had 2-hours of sleep last night" fairly consistent answer to the a.m. question for about a year.. this is a huge deal. CRASHB is bringing the big zzz's. I seriously feel like I'm jumping out of my skin, is that what actual sleep does? Amazing.
Holy humid noon class with Lady Fox and special appearances by The Stones – very cool to see them. Anyway, I was actually sliding during the burpees. Gross. Partnered with the excellent Clarissa and built up to 62# – on the 2nd split shoulders just.. stopped as if they were blocked. Absolutely the weirdest feeling. Instead of pushing through racked immediately and iced.
See youz 7amers tomorrow!!!
I swear the WOD just got easier before my very eyes!!!
Yeah, we morning guinea pigs proved that you cannot accomplish 4 sets of everything, plus warmups, plus DROMs, in an hour. Enjoy the benefit of our guinea-piggishness, evening peepulz.
The 6 a.m.ers are the true guinea pigs. There was a change in programming this morning after the 6 a.m. class.
Press: 95×5, 105×5, 115×5
Push Press: 135×3, 155×3, 165×3
Push Jerk: 185×1, 195F
Called it after the missed 195. Mentally started to check out and couldn't organize as well as I needed to for that weight. Did a 135x3x3 for practice then called it. The second rep on 165 felt like magic. Fox told me to be more upright and it was like the weight was being pulled to the ceiling by CrossFit angels. On the third rep I tried too hard to replicate that and over-extended a bit. 185 was fine I guess. Was hoping to hit 205 today but alas..
Yes, I owe a debt of gratitude to the 6am'ers over the years for their contributions to programming adjustments 🙂
This was a good WOD for me, mostly because I have no business working out and need some time off. As in one day max. My lower back is not happy at all. David told me about something called "rest", and that it was…good. So as per Davids prescription, I shall…"rest"
I definitely could have jerked more (insert joke here)….but i felt pretty good all around. Shoulders are still really sore from the Gerry/Jerry/Jeri can carries.
5PM with Josh, might need a memory refresh from Samir or Yitzy on the numbers.
45×5, 65×4, 95×3, 105×5, 110×5, 115×5
(Last rep or 2 felt tough on all of these… such a sharp drop-off in power output on these movements)
Push Press
125×5, 135×5, 145×3,F
(135 actually felt better than 125 so I went for the 10 jump, but ran out of gas early)
Push Jerk
165xF, 165×1, 175xF, 175×1
(Failures here were a combo of technique and being exhausted, but I knew I had the 175 so I went for it once more and got it cleanly)
Intense lifting today, great efforts all around!
5 pm with Josh. It was sweaty.
I had the urge to go for a run this morning. It was awesome, and then I had to push jerk and I didn't get the 93 lbs up that I had gotten 2 weeks ago. Is it related? Would I rather run more and lift lesser amounts? Is there a god?
So I didn't write anything down. I'm about to guesstimate on some weights.
Press:33#, 43#, 53# felt heavy and nothing felt right: set up, head movements, arms, the return of the bar to the chest. Blaaaaah
Push press: 63# 68# 73# these started feeling better
Push jerk: 78# 88# 93 FffffffAaaaaaIkiiiiiLlllllllll.
Noah was to the right of me. I kept looking over and thinking how well the brown leather lifting belt looked with his maroon plaid shorts. For realz.
I think that this cycle has been great – really like the conjugate stuff and the extra emphasis on midline stability. The only thing I'd say is that 6 weeks felt a little long, but that may be just me because I was coming in a little deconditioned.
In terms of results, I had small to moderate PRs in my Front Squat, OHS, Push Press and Push Jerk. I think I would have had Back Squat and DL too, but was kind of sick for a couple of days surrounding the 1RM days. Very unexpected since I hadn't really trained much for the last 6-7 months going into this cycle.
Crystal- I'm style first, substance second, sizzle a distant third.
Today hit 140/185/205 with a fail at 225 that I just punked out on. I got more than enough drive (bar was at eye level or higher) but just didn't commit and get down.
Still, I think all of those are PRs. and this cycle has been a pretty succesful one. After a nice little layoff I feel back at a level I'm at least comfortable with, and hit a number of PRs.
Didn't love conjugate stuff, only because I think I respond better to more volume- I need to "groove" my lifts a bit and feel like they are my old best friends as opposed to old buddies who I see every now and again and attempt to party as hard as I can. Wow, thats a pretty extended parable, and eerily applicable to my real life.
As much as I love to grumble, 20 hollow rocks today was cake- 6 weeks ago it was torture.
Snatch and C&J went the way of shit today. Not a lot of rest, a stacked morning from 6-1, little food, and a grumpy attitude may have helped that. After a few evening clients I front squatted and took it all out on a new 3RM that I hit for 3×3 at 110kgs. Then got home and crushed some chicken and broccoli rabe with loads of garlic, chili flake, olive oil, and romano cheese. That and 2 Nor-Cal Mojitos made a man happy.
Comments about this cycle….
I loved it. HIt a 25# PR in the backsquat, a PR in the deadlift, and overall really enjoyed all the strength work and NFT workouts.
Thoughts on the cycle: Fitness (as opposed to performance) is working very well for me. On the linear progression program I have been able to add 10# on each exposure for both DL and LBBS (except for the last DL exposure, where I was not able to keep back position). So, considering that the slow and steady progression is working well for me, I liked but did not love the conjugate squats. But on the other hand, I got some great exposure to OHS and FSQ, which I really liked.
Tonight was a lot of fun.
Strict press: 100×5, 105×5 110×5. (I think this matches a PR. 115 could might have been in reach)
Push Press: 135×3, 145×2(F), 140×3. I think the fail was due to technique because the set at 140 moved really well.
Push Jerk: 155×1, 165×1, 180×1. Was hoping to get up to body weight on this (190), but pretty happy with 180. If I could get better at diving under the bar, I would be a LOT better at this movement.
Press: 85X5
Push Press: 125X3
Push Jerk: 150X1
Wanted to split jerk so badly. So so badly. Almost forgot how much of an awesome grind strict presses are <3
3 tacos!
Press: 105×5, 110×5, 115×4 (fail on 5th rep)
Push Press: 125×3, 135×3, 145×3
Push Jerk: 155xF, 155×1, 165×1
Todd and Yitzy put up some awesome numbers.