Fitness: 4 Warm-Up Sets then your final 3×5 LBBSQ exposure.
If you cleared every rep and squatted heavier 5’s than ever before consider this a successful cycle! Hold on to these numbers as you’ll be working off of them soon.
Performance: 4 Warm-Up Sets then: 1-1-1-1-1
Time to go for a new heavy single and see where you’re at. Take as much time as you need to get these done. Experiencing a failed lift would be appropriate today but you shouldn’t fail more than 1x. Know thyself.
Use spotters!
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds Not For Time of:
Palloff Press x15 each side
Split Squats x8 each
Use a Thick Blue Bumper to elevate your back Foot. Load with dumbbells held at a hang or a barbell in a front rack.
Caption Contest! What does this picture make you think of?
Godspeed You! Ragnarians
Posi vibes sent to our two Ragnar Relay teams, Skull and Borgs 1 & 2. Right now you’re running your butts off and we’re checking the computer. You win! Please keep us updated with your progress!
Fight Gone Bad Report:$5,820 Raised!
Team SBK is killing it! We’re inching closer to $6,000 raised and over halfway to our goal of $10,000. Check out our top 5 fundraisers:
1.Kristen Hoesl: (The Pork Chop Express) $733
2. Christian Reiss: (The Pork Chop Express) $400
3: Emily Ashton: (The Pork Chop Express) $385
4. Jay Reingold: (The DROMulans) $350
5: Mike Mishik: (Buns Of Steel) $305
5: Sarah Marquez: (17 Minutes In Heaven) $305
To see all the details, check out the team dashboard
Ideas for Teams:
Keep the group email chain flowing! If things are a little quiet then the captain should step in and shake things up. Here are some things to talk about. Be Weird!
- Let everyone know when you’ve raised some $ for the team.
- Strategise uniforms
- Plan a trick play to win the big game
- Decide who’s starting at each station
- Plan a meet-up at Open Gym, do 1:00 Pressure tests for each movement to get baseline numbers and figure out scaling options
- Upload pictures to the team page. Who can provide the best emblem?
- Practice team communication and strategy with a bank heist
MEAT CSA MEMBERS! Take the online survey:
New CFSBK Strength Cycle with Coach Jeremy dates available!
It's 2am and Jay has just left for the start of his third leg for Team 2. About 10 more hours of running left through the hilliest part of the course, but the weather has been much better than expected, as have the running times!
Show your love on Facebook, Twotter, and via text as we battle sore legs and bears towards the finish.
Way to go Ragnarians!
I have a ticket to Maker Faire in Queens this weekend which I won't be able to use. If anyone is interested, I'll bring it to the gym this morning.
I am now a LOW bar back squat believer. Hit a 345# PR, and felt great. Thanks to Nick for pushing me to go for a 25 PR.
Congrats Rangnarians, you're probably downing celebratory pizza and beers at the finish line right now!
Noon class with Josh and MacDowell
Hit 10 reps in every set for tabata KB swings (20kg) and situps… did we maybe only do 5 rounds of each?
Wasn't aiming too high today but was feeling good throughout warmups, and thanks to my breakthrough with Fox earlier in the week, some good cues from David, and motivation and a watchful eye from Sarah, I hit a 20# PR at 255#.
Workout looked like no big deal on paper (screen? whiteboard?) but sure felt pretty significant, especially doing those split squats with 40# DBs. There's something weird about my balance on one side (which side I can't recall now) but I do enjoy unilateral squatting movements when we do them. Any reason we don't do many pistols at CFSB?
Couldn't bring myself to do a cooldown row after rowing for 3 days straight, so I jogged around the block to loosen up the legs. Now to eat. A lot.
Sending cheers to the Ragnarians! Telepathically… cause I can do that…
Fun class this morning with Mel!! <3
95# on the low bar 3×5. I stupidly came to open gym last night and did the low bar 1×10 from wednesday… so had that not happened, probably could have gone up 10 pounds, but was still hurting from that and the 5×250 row+10 chinup wod I did – what a effing burner
shout out to Marcos and Joe who were kicking Angie's ass last night at open gym… in total awe of their athleticism.. (p.s. Angie the wod, not the person… that would be bad)
DIY Press: 97.5x3x5. Plus 2.5# next time.
LBBS 215x3x5 (PR).
DIY cool down: V-sit 3×10.
Great energy in the gym today with all the 1RMing.
I love Active Recovery so much.
I know I complain and make faces and whine. That's because I'm broken and old and sometimes pain is inevitable.
But really, Active Recovery is astounding. I usually hobble in, but stride out, feeling like I just got a new body.
If you have never come to A/R, I challenge you to show up this month and try it. Saturdays at 11 or Tuesdays at 6.
Thanks to David O and Fox for providing this great practice.
No one has entered the caption contest?
Okay, here it goes….
"Story Hour at Camp Rippetoe."
No one has entered the caption contest?
Okay, here it goes….
"Story Hour at Camp Rippetoe."
Went for 20lbs over last week on my 3×5's, but failed a rep and had to take 10lbs off. After that things went well though. Definitely a challenging weight for me but it went up! PB today: #205 for 3×5.
Also started rowing workouts with Nick today. Got some much needed tips. Rowed 6543 meters total, at 3449 & 3094. So that's my starting point. Excited to see where I end up in February!
"This one time, when I was squatting…"
Fun to lift amidst all the heavy squatting energy going on today. Planned on light power doubles but C&J felt good so hit a PR Power Clean + Power Jerk at 100kgx1x3 and a HBBSq PR at 105x5x1. Bullshitted too long before the 2nd set, did 3 reps and racked it so will redo this weight on Monday. High barring just under my best sets across weights from previous low bar cycles so I feel pretty good about that. Looking forward to setting PRs at the WL meet in 2 weeks and then crushing PRs at the PL meet in December. I think I get to compete in the "old, light guy" category this year so should set a few world records!
When/Why/How to wear a weightlifting belt article coming at you soon. I saw a few things on the floor that made me realize we need to learn up.
Big 12pm class with McD and J-Mart.
-lap around the block
-6 rounds each of tabata situps and kb swings. hit 11 each round on the situps and 12 each round on the kb swings at 20kg.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2)
195×1, 215×1, 235×1, 255xf
-wasn't sure how this would be going in since I've had such a hard time with squats. today felt good. I've realized (perhaps from the Starting strength seminar) that I need to turn my toes out more. I struggled with 165 last week so it was nice to feel confident under the bar. Went way low on 235 but it was light enough that I could still stand it up. Went low on 255 but couldn't stand it up. This would have matched my PR from July. Again, I'm just happy that today felt good, and that I didn't have any hip pain!
Accessory work–3RNFT:
8e leg split squats, with 17.5#, 30#, and 30# db's
15 pallof presses
-those split squats are hella hard!
Yup. What MIG said. Though I'm as sore as if I actually squatted today.
265# back squat. 5# pr from July.
Pretty damn happy about it, considering that I haven't been super serious about focusing on my squat. I'm still chasing that 275- watch out December.
Sorry for scaring everyone with the yell…
Back squatting saturday – stuck to sets across. Partnered with Matt (who looked very strong in his sets with tons of room to grow!)
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3, 185×2, 215×1
Work: 230x5x3 (the 15th rep was a fight). Thanks to McDowell and Matt for watching my depth and form.
Accessory WOD: Split squats with 25lb DBS. Jeez, these felt hard.
Eased into today's workout.
Back Squat
(45x5x2, 135×5, 185×3) 205x5x3
Played around with the technique I learned at the seminar. More weight goes up, but it's a bit crunchy on the back.
3 Rounds NFT
Split Squats with 50lb Dumbbells in Front Rack Position
Palloff Press with Blue thin band
Lots of shoulder distraction work
Caption:.. I realized that "Caption Contest" and "what does this picture make you think of" are two different things and probably kind of confusing.. anyway it makes me think of the tribe within a tribe jeremy has built!
And thanks for the kind words about AR!! If you've never been to a class it's like woodstock with a lacross ball!
Yes, folks, active recovery is all about nudity, drug use, rock and roll, rain, and mud, all with a lacrosse ball. Far out. Sign up. (I should talk; I haven't done it in a while.)
Worked up to 285 on the LBBS, 10 pounds under a PR I set a long time ago. I haven't done singles for max effort on squats in a long time and it showed. Even though my doubles and triples are heavier I just don't quite have the same max effort right now.
I consoled myself with putting my butterfly kip revelation into practice and destroyed my previous PR for max kipping pull-ups. 44! Got 37 smooth as silk, then had to briefly hang on the bar and restart the last 7.
big 8 a.m. class
despite having missed all the LBBS exposures this cycle and squatting all of twice maybe in the last two months, I decided to do the singles, just to see where I'm at these days.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2) 255, 265, 275F, 275F
265 was quick enough that 275 should have come up, but I struggled for a while before giving up which didn't leave much left to try again. But soon!