3 Rounds For Time of:
Run 400m
12 Deadlifts
8 Hang Power Cleans
4 Push Presses
Choose one of the following options for load.
A: 155/105
B: 135/95
C: 115/75
D: 95/65
E: 75/45
Post time and Rx to comments.
What a class at CFSBK looked like 5 years ago
CFSBK is 5 Years Old!
Time certainly flys when you’re having fun. Come celebrate our gym and community on Saturday, November 3rd as we host a little shindig to commemorate us turining 5. We’ll have food, drinks and lots of fun planned for you guys as well as a retrospect into the history of our gym and plans for the future.
MEAT CSA MEMBERS! Give the farm your feedback – take the online survey!
If you are a member of the Herondale Farm meat CSA, we’re asking for your feedback and input via a quick online survey. This survey will help the farm and Michele K. (the coordinator of the program for the gym) get your thoughts on how the program works for you, and how it could be improved. The next meat CSA cycle will begin in January – sign-up begins next week!
The survey is for meat CSA members (not chicken-only folks) at this time.
If you have questions, or have trouble with the link, email Michele K. at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
The Secret Power of Time KarmaTube
NYC Street Workout Goes Global WNYC
Bronx Freestyle Calisthenics Tournament
The Grand Canyon As Seen From Space
Check out CFSBK’s CSA mentioned in Brooklyn Based’s Unusual CSA Clubs Post
The Secret Power of Time KarmaTube
NYC Street Workout Goes Global WNYC
Bronx Freestyle Calisthenics Tournament
The Grand Canyon As Seen From Space
Grand Canyon FTW. Called it.
WOD was a tough one – didn't realize how fried my grip was til I started biking home and had to use the brakes
11:36 @ 155lbs
Push Presses were the toughest part (I may have jerked 1 or 2 in the last round)
Fun workout today with my 7am crew. 12:32 at 75#. Was able to do the first round completely unbroken and then with rests between the different movements after that. I came in second in the class right behind Dan L, which prompted DO to tell me I went too light with the weight, and I agree. I think I could've done 85#, but I had the feeling that 95# was waaaaay too much for me. My 1RM on a clean is only 103# so that seemed insane.
Where oh where was Julie Barnard?!?
What a pleasure it's been to watch David and crew evolve and thrive. I was not here from the first day, but I was in the basement of the lyceum when there was a rack or two, a small amount of weights, and everything was stored in the back closet. David coming back in the middle of the night because of rain leaks, etc.
congratulations. a fantastic success story.
I'm very ashamed to have missed my promise of attending 7am class but hopefully will be forgiven when I announce that I PR'd on sleep last night. Due to not verifying my alarm was set, it wasn't, I managed a whole TEN HOURS, straight. Going in at noon today, KH (so badass this morning!) I promise 7am tomorrow is on, alarm is set. Ten hours… I haven't had that in.. 8 years, since moving to NY ::happy dances::
6am with D.O. WOD in 11:54 @ 155#. I helpfully demonstrated the value of a hook grip on the last set of hang cleans as I attempted to pull without having my hook on and watched the bar stay motionless as my body jumped upward. Serious forearm workout.
Yay Ragnar tonight, finally!
Send us good vibes, sbk'ers! And you can prob follow our journey via obnoxious twitter posts between Joe Williams, myself and Keith Walters (@astafivgas, @josephcwilliams, @commandoism) – #ragnaradk #skullandborg
Came in to do some light recovery squats and test my bench:
Squat: 45×10, 95×10, 135×10, 185×5, 225x3x2
Felt good.
Bench: 225(PR), 235F, 235F, 230F
225 was so fast Michele thought it was a warm-up, so I ditched my plan and attempted 235. Couldn't maintain a good bar path and then shot my WOD so I then missed 230. At least I finally got 2 plates.
Happy Birthday CFSBK and congratulations to David for creating such a wonderful environment to workout, learn about yourself and grow within.
Happy Anniversary SBK.
Without waxing poetic too much, lets just say I love this place and all of you in it.
As part of my breaking of the fast last night, after having a bogota dinner with steak kale and some cabbage i decided that the meal needed dessert.
What happened next was gluttony. A pint of Ben & Jerry's "Everything but the Kitchen sink" polished off in no more than 10minutes.
I dedicate the pint to SBK, even if it wasnt paleo
13:39 with 63#. Not 75 like I wrote on the board. Came home and redid the math. Need to wrk on faster elbows with hang PC… and my math skillz
I had disaster meal today – refined carbs, sugar, too much coffee the whole deal. I feel sick. Please, someone, reassure me that I will feel better after today's ass-kicking WOD.
you'll feel atrociously worse, then better and flooded with relief.
michele nailed it.
I thought the secret power pf time vid was cool on a few levels.
If you happen to be in need of some dumb movie fun I can not recommend highly enough "Tucker and Dale Against Evil".
Noon with Lady Fox. I really enjoyed this workout, anything with power cleans and push press makes me happy for some reason and paired with running? Good times. Started out too light at 42#, LF saw me run to grab 5# more and she offered to put them on my bar so I could run, 47# felt great overhead, definitely just the right bit of challenge. Last set I had to put the bar down after the first pushpress, catch breath, then was able to bang out the last three with sounds that would have made Stella proud on the last one. Jess gave great feedback and said I could probably do another 5# next time so 52# I'm coming for ya! Finished, KH ready for creepy?, 12:32. I was super worried due to being back down to 114# that some strength may have gone bye bye but happily.. non. YAY!
Happy anniversary SBK!
Go Ragnarians, GO!
Rob! Two plates. That RULES.
I'll be in tomorrow — I had to go to the dirty Jerz this morning, so I ran yesterday (which I usually do on Thursdays) so that I can squat tomorrow. Can't wait for my date with Jules and KH 🙂
I seem to be making a habit of this, but once again, live from Noor's laptop, it's Samir.
Great 6PM with Josh.
Partnered with Julian. WOD @115: 11:50
First set: all unbroken
Second set: deads and cleans unbroken, push presses 2-2
Third set: deads unbroken, cleans 6-2, push presses 2-1-1
Awesome WOD .
6PM with Josh, fun one.
Lots of warmup and prep:
Run around the block with 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 jumping jacks.
16 Front Squats with bar
8 Pushup to Downward Dog
8 Landing Practice
OH and clean warmups.
WOD with Glen – 3RFT @115#
12 Deadlifts
8 Cleans
4 Push Press
9:20 – Was going to attempt 135# but I started push jerking after a couple reps in the warmup so I dropped to 115# for the workout which turned this into a long, grippy burner. Pushed the runs more than I would have otherwise, did all 3 sets unbroken.
7 minute cool-down row (slowly adding time to these, since my brain still doesn't understand rowing more than a few minutes at a time).
Very fun time at the gym today, came in with lots of energy (I am realizing I'm an afternoon workout person after all).
Partnered with Marcos and was a bit leery about doing the WOD at 155# which seeemed just heavy enough for my deadlifts to possibly get a little sloppy and to get nice and overextended on the push presses as I got tired. 155 felt pretty heavy during warmups, but I decided to try it and keep the option of stripping the 10's in my back pocket.
Finished RX in 11:22 and felt damn good doing it, was able to keep it all unbroken while putting the bar down at the 11th DL and 7th clean each time so that the final rep would flow into the next movement. Marcos' standard grade A encouragement helped a ton as well.
Pretty surprised by my time, tip of the hat to Fox, I think it was the short shorts.
I woke up today and said, "today is a rest day". Alas, the prospect of going home and sitting in my tiny box of an apt prompted me to suck it up and come in. I was feeling mentally and physically exhausted. I felt sluggish throughout the entire WOD.
Im glad i did it though, sometimes its good to push ur mind and body, be uncomfortable. I am resting for the next couple of days however.
After a month or more of almost no exercise (except for one Tough Mudder), coming back this week has been hellish. Weights are startlingly heavy, times are humbling. And then there's the DOMS. But it's great to be back, and great to see everyone's smiling face before and after the WOD (and grimacing face during).
Today: 13:06 at 115, rowing instead of running due to nagging ankle injury.
Earlier this summer, I might have attempted this at 135. Today, 115 was plenty.
Looking forward to being back in shape.
fun 7 pm with Mel and Lady Fox !!!!
13:03 @ 65, weight was super light (except for the last round of cleans) and SHOCKING – but I still hate running….. I know… big surprise….Was a little taken aback that the push presses weren't my speed bump, but the cleans were.
pretty sure im going to spoon my foam roller tonight like whoa
First 6am – great way to start the day, although haven't mastered pre-WOD fueling.
Had to row instead of run, every step hurts – thank you marathon-running.
Hit 14:50 with 85# on third WOD post-foundations. Push presses were surprisingly liberating.
7PM with Jess and Melo
WOD at 115 – 14:40
Deadlifts and pressing was easy and unbroken. Had to break up the power cleans to sets of 4s. 2nd and 3rd round of running was at a snail's pace but my cardio is getting better.
This was a fun WOD.
Happy Anniversary SBK!
Good luck to all the runners at Ragnar!