Fitness: 3-4 Warm-Up sets then 1×5 Work Sets
5lbs heavier than last week
Performance: Work up to a heavy Triple
Post loads to comments.
DL e5/6 compare 3RM to 8.27.12
As Many Rounds as Possible In 6 Minutes of:
15 Burpees
35 Double Unders
If you don’t have double unders, perform :30 of double under attempts.
Post rounds to comments.
CFSBK Baby Army Muster and Picnic
CFSBK parents! You’re awesome! Your kids are cute! We should hang out more often. Come join us for a CFSBK Baby Army Muster and Picnic on Saturday, October 13th at 1:15pm. Let’s all get to know each other better and watch our cute little ones roll/toddle/run around on gym mats. And, of course, plot baby army world domination.
Babies and children, parents and parents-to-be, friends and pets welcome. We’ll have some fresh fruit for everyone, and you’re welcome to bring some snacks to share if you like.
RSVP to organizer extraordinaire Erica N at erica.nofi(AT)
The Brooklyn Community Projects Series
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
Renewal grant to support creation & expansion of 3-5 CSAs, 15 partnerships between emergency food providers & community gardens, & 8 community-based farmers markets. All activities address the need for fresh, affordable produce in low-income communities.
Grant Amount: $25,000
Monday Trivia Questions
1. Where is the Sea of Tranquility located?
2. This region was a kingdom of Czechoslovakia until the 15th century, when it passed to Hungary and then to the Hapsburgs. It became the core of the new state of Czechoslovakia in 1918. Today the name can refer to certain artistic intellectuals.
3. How many whole numbers between 100 and 400 contain the digit 2? … not how many 2’s are there…
4. What is the basic, general difference between libel and slander?
5. This American actress of the silent film era starred in sensational, highly publicized films such as Cleopatra (1917) and Salome (1918). Who was she?
As always, no researching allowed. If you know the answers post to comments, even if someone else already answered and you didn’t read it yet! Lets see who the CFSBK smarties are.
Up late working, a stab at some answers:
1. the moon
2. bohemia
3. (we are) 138?
4. ?
5. ?
libel is written whereas slander is spoken. Things you post at 4 AM when you are a lawyer that just got home from work.
1. the Moon
2. Bohemia
3. 138
4. libel is written; slander is spoken
Everyone else has 1, 2, and 4 correct, dunno about 3 (it's 5:50 in the morning. Not squared away). 5 is Sarah Bernhardt (sp).
5. Theda Bara?
Yesterday's Total was a lot of fun.
Before I post my results, I'd like to thank Jeremy for his consistently excellent coaching and support. Also, a big thanks go out to Joy who took photos of everyone's lift. Thanks, Joy! I'm trying to upload them now to the CFSBK Flikr account.
Squat: 380 (PR)
Press: 150 (down 15 lbs from last total)
Deadlift: 425 (PR)
TOTAL: 955
Happy with the squat and DL and feel that I'm inching towards 1000. The collapsed press is a concern and something to work on in the coming months.
Great Total yesterday, loads of fun and there were some really epic lifts including at least 5 verrrrry, very long presses. Thanks to all the peeps who came out and cheered…
To continue my log history, I'll post my final numbers from my first total on October 13, 2010:
Squat: 275
Press: 135
Deadlift: 315
Total: 725
Yesterday I did:
365/385/405F (10 pound PR)
170/180/- (10 pound PR)
385/405/- (5 pound PR)
Total: 970
My goals for the year are a 405 squat, bodyweight press and a 1,000 total. Yesterday I almost had the squat, but it showed me I am within reach– 405 seemed like a dream in March, but now I can definitely see myself doing it.
I'm only about 6-7 pounds off the BW press. I intend to "meet it in the middle" very soon. I don't really know how I've made so much progress on my press this year. It was never all that bad, but keeps going up.
The deadlift has really become my goat. I made good progress this last cycle and when I pulled 385×3 a couple weeks ago and I really thought this lift would see a big gain. Not so much. I've been wanting to try the sumo, mainly because of the reduced stress on the lower back, so I'm going to see how that goes.
I'll be skipping the next Total in order to compete in a Powerlifting meet December 1st.
Thanks to Jeremy for his cues, advice, tips, support and great coaching!
On NPR this am, a piece about crossfit and kids:
Impressive numbers on the totals!
This morning worked up to 345 on the DL – hamstrings were super tight from squatting Saturday and back was rounding out so I just called it there
WOD – 4 rounds + 4 burpees. Had some trouble organizing the DUs and stringing them together for some reason
The photos Joy kindly took have been posted to the CFSBK Flikr site
5. Theda Bara
Congratulations to all the Totaler's yesterday! Truly in awe of all of you.
Congrats all you Total beasts!
Speaking of trivia, I don't know what it says about our pub quiz team that we had a perfect score in the round about whores last night…
And speaking of deadlifts, 205×3. Not bad for having run 18 miles in Central Park (including those god damned Harlem hills THREE TIMES) yesterday morning. WOD, 3 rounds + 2 burpees, switched to knee burpees in the second round to keep this a metcon instead of staring at the ground while waiting for my arms to recharge.
I think Jeremy should do a Total comparison someday to see which Total had the most poundage. Yesterday's seems to have been a monster!
Squat: 380 (pr)
Overhead Press: 140 (pr)
Deadlift: 425 (pr)
Total: 945 (pr)
Bodyweight: 196
Yesterdays total was a long time coming and a lot of fun. I was nervous at the beginning because I was worried about being too aggressive and hurting my back again. So I was conservative with my numbers. 380 felt pretty good and I think I could have went higher but its a 75# improvement from before I hurt my back I'll take it. Press is the press, I failed on my 2nd attempt which was 145, should have went to 140 then 145 but again a 15# improvement on it, with minimal shoulder pain. A miracle if there ever was one. The deadlift was the thing that really scared me, it's the one thing where I know for sure my back isn't back to 100%. I started really low just to get a feel and only planned on making 2 attempts but since 405 on the second felt fine I got greedy and went for 425. A 40# improvement is nothing to sneeze at while not really pushing it in training. Still a lot of room to grow but all in all a welcomed return to the realm of moderately strong people.
Much thanks to Jeremy for coaching me through this first six months of my return, I'm pretty sure that without him I would have either hurt myself again or got frustrated and stopped lifting. If you've ever thought to your self "self, I want to be stronger" then run, don't walk to sign up for the next strength cycle it's more than worth it. Manliness quotient will go from Jason Schwartzman to Grizzly Adams.
Now it's time to make the second step of the return and face group classes. To say that I'm concerned about doing primarily conditioning work after such a long lay off is an understatement. I'm getting ready to renew my prescription for my inhaler, it's gonna be ugly. Now I just have to think of a new theme to post as. It's either 90s black movie characters, comic book heroes, or background Simpsons characters. We will see.
Much fun hanging out with everyone after the cycle yesterday and super thanks to Joy for taking the pictures. Gonna go look to see if you caught my one good angle.
Background Simpsons Charters!!!
6am with Nick and McDowell.
Deadlifts: 135×5, 225×5, 285×3, 335×3, 365×3. The last set was plus 10# from 8/27/12 and felt easier. Probably could-have/should-have done 375×3.
3 rounds + 10 burpees on the metcon. Double unders felt great today. First two sets were unbroken and the third was split 25/10. The second set of burpees was eye-opening: wtf-just-happened-to-my-arm-strength.
1. ?
2. Bohemia
3. 199
4. Libel is written. Slander is spoken.
5. ?
And I hate geography and history. For the record….
1. The Moon
2. Bohemia
3. 157
4. written vs spoken
5. Mary Pickford?
Worked out today with Matt… hit a heavy triple 265. Coming off of my last training run for ragnar that I ran yesterday my legs were not happy with it. I think if I was more rested 270 might have happened.
the 3 rounds and 4 burpees was brutal not only after the DLing but my run.
I might come in tomorrow since I am not coming in wed – sunday because of ragnar.
congrats to everyone on the great totals and PRS! Cloyde weighs more than me. The universe is out of alignment!
Spent my jetlagged day watching all my strength peeps totalling.
Was really nice to see everyone on their maximal lifts – definitely a lot of triumphs. Cloyde's lifts were some of the cleanest of the day, his form looked great throughout.
Came back after beirkraft fun w/strength to get some work done. Hit the overhead squats I missed this week – worked up to 160# Noah noted I was a bit shallow, so 155# is my new PR. (30# since dec '11)
My shoulders are still feeling tweaky from the snatch work at CFSF, so I think I should lay off this week. Did headstand->handstand work during the total, got in some ring dips 3×5 w/red band. Finished up with Annie, as I felt I needed to do something to get my heart rate up.
Feeling massively jetlagged today. Very sleepy in class.
Also on the second day of a month long challenge to be super good. Paleo+dairy, no sugar, no alcohol. Looking forward to cleaning up my eating and resetting as we head into this fall.
Log from 8 AM with McDowell:
DL: 285×5, mixed grip. I worked on my hook grip during warmups. I'm still dauntingly far away from my PRs from 3-4 years ago, but I'm making good progress since getting back into CF.
3 rds and change on the metcon. I flew through the first round unbroken and then ran out of gas :/
I did a little MU/ring practice before class. I still (barely) have strict transitions, but they're tough.
Thanks to all of the peeps who came out to support the Total yesterday. I did pretty well, but got a bit crazy on my final squat attempt and may have taken a year off my life trying for a 545 bsq. I can't recommend Jeremy's strength cycle enough, you will discover strength you did not know you had.
Squat: 515 (PR)
Press: 220 (PR)
Deadlift: 480 (PR)
Nooner with Fox today. So beautiful out!
DL: 75×5, 105×5, 125×3, 145×1… 150×5.
HEAVY, and doable. Never lifted 150 before so will be interesting to test a 1 RM after this! It's been good to hit Monday consistently.
WOD: 2 rounds + 15 burpees. All burpees from knees. out of practice with DU's so they were slow to stack up.
Body is a combo of beat up and revitalized, coming off dance performances this weekend and a day of surfing yesterday! Always fun to keep changing it up and see how many random physical activities I can pack into one week.
Thanks to all who came out to see the show this weekend. The support is very much appreciated!
So did anyone get #3 right?
3. Consider the count of numbers that do not contain the numeral '2':
Not 2xx and not x2x and not xx2.
The total count of numbers between 100 and 400: 300
2/3rd of them are not 2xx: 200
9/10th of the remaining are not x2x: 180
9/10th of the remaining are not xx2: 162
So 162 do not have a '2', meaning 138 contain at least a '2'
By equation:
300 – (300 * 2/3 * 9/10 *9/10) = 300 – 162 = 138
hey coaches/folks, any ideas for softer, faster feet? That's one thing that I've never had. I tend to plant heavily and shift weight for power, but never any finesse. When I first started boxing, I used to plod around like I was stabbed in both legs. Not a lot has changed.
Agility ladder drills? any ideas? would that be rope work? even box jumps? I need some ballet feet. Need to get the cement off of them.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Question: This American actress of the silent film era starred in sensational, highly publicized films such as Cleopatra (1917) and Salome (1918). Who was she?
THEDA BARA 1890?-1955
Question: What is the basic, general difference between libel and slander?
Question: How many whole numbers between 100 and 400 contain the digit 2? … not how many 2's are there…
Question: This region was a kingdom of Czechoslovakia until the 15th century, when it passed to Hungary and then to the Hapsburgs. It became the core of the new state of Czechoslovakia in 1918. Today the name can refer to certain artistic intellectuals. Which regio
Question: Where is the Sea of Tranquility located?
Ken, thank you for posting as K2H2. You made my f***ing day.
Oof, tough day. I blame the ghost of the Deadlift-Burpee WOD I had to do on Thursday for haunting me today. I also knew I was in trouble when the warmup started feeling like a workout.
135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 275×2, 305×2,F, 300xF, 275×3
Tried to beat the last triple, and MAYBE could have squeezed out that last 305 rep but I could tell I was compromising form already. After that I just couldn't get it together, dropped back to 275 to get some quality reps in.
Was aiming for 4 rounds, first set of DU's went unbroken so I thought I had it in the bag, then I lost steam and coordination. Ended up at 3.5 rounds plus 13 DU's.
Rest, reset, back in action Wednesday.
DIY pull-up dev week 2 exp 2: 5×5. Going to lay off the kipping for a while – they tend to bother my shoulder.
Deadlift: warmed up to 265x1x5. Tried using the weight belt for the first time with this lift and loved it. Such a great mental cue to fill up your belly with air and lock your torso in. This work set was definitely slower than last week. Maybe only +5# next time. +10# could be possible. Will wait and see how I feel next week. Generally very happy with the progress made on the DL this exposure! Added 10# each exposure so far.
Wod: 2.5 rnds plus 24 DUs. Felt good about this. Could have gone a little harder since it was only 6 mins.
400M cool down run.
Knees were feeling beat up from a "nice" 4 mile beach run this weekend, so light power versions of the lifts tonight
P Snatch
P Clean & Jerk (1+2)
Thanks to Jess for the eyes on the BSQ sets. It was feeling heavy but last 2 exposures felt good.
Glad to be back in a group class after a weekend away. I've failed to post all of my workouts lately and in the interest of not boring you, I'll just post today's.
5pm class with the bossman.
Warmup-3 Rounds NFT:
-20 KB swings, 20kg unbroken
-8 Ring rows
-20 hollow rocks
(95×5, 135×5, 185×3)
225×3, 245×3, 265×3, 275×3
-275 was a challenge and I definitely lost positioning. D.O. kindly told me that I started to round and when I asked during which rep, he answered "progressively". As I was starting to pull, I could really feel how f'ing heavy it was and I think I just wanted to get the lifts over with quickly so I definitely rushed through them. I also feel like I just have a hard time pulling multiple reps with the DL. Singles feel so much better.
2 rounds plus 15 burpees.
-ok so I was finishing the 15th rep as time was called so I guess I only got 14 done. kept to strict burpees though.
-no rounds of double unders were unbroken. tripped up at least twice each round. not like me.
8a with McDowell
3 rounds +2 burps
Any advice on getting feet lighter and timing better on double unders? I jump high and use a lot of energy to get them.