Fitness: 3 Warm-Up sets then 5×5 Across
Performance: 3 Warm-Up Sets then 5-3-1-1-1
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conjugate e4/6
Watch Nicole Carroll OHS her body weight for 15 reps
For Time:
Row 1000m
We want you to really dive into the deep end on this 1K piece. Your coach will discuss pacing strategy, but this is a short effort and we want you to leave nothing on the table.
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Overhead Squatting Safely
We’re only a couple weeks away from this event and Team SBK is in dire need of someone to step up. If you’re interested, email astafivgas(AT)
C.R.A.S.H-B’s Return!
Is the erg your friend, or your enemy? Either way, compete at the world’s biggest indoor rowing competition, CRASH-Bs, in late February, and make the erg your bitch – or at least your frenemy. Coach Nick is going to train athletes from now through CRASH-Bs using a program modeled on his training for the Olympic Team. Participants will learn proper technique and race prep strategies, and improve their stamina. If you’re interested, join Nick for a brief meeting this Sunday at 1:15 to learn more. RSVP to nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] org.
The Brooklyn Community Projects Series
“Green Guerillas“
Two part grant: $20K operating grant (renewal) to support Harvest for Neighborhoods Campaign serving 90 gardens and $20K for the Brooklyn Community Garden Fund, a new program created to help garden groups improve their gardens and engage more people.
Grant Amount:
$40,000Neighborhoods Served: Boroughwide
Population Served: Children, Youth, Adults
Ages Served: All Ages
Training With A Hangover Starting Strength
Tips on Rowing a 1000m Race
pretty cool BCP project! That's awesome. I love the Bill Starr article! entertaining.
LTE's, curls, squash. going to try to get my deadlifts and presses in tonight either before or after playing again.
KH was a BEAST this morning! Triple digits, amazing! (not to mention a sub-4 1K) Seeing her hit 100 inspired me to try again at 88 after failing my first attempt.
73×5, 78×3, 83, 88F, 88.
4:07 on the row. Damn you Josh for hiding the clock at the 200m mark!
I'm just happy that I was squatting and rowing, and NOT sitting in a car on its way to New Jersey this morning.
All I'm saying about this morning, as the rest was an awkward disaster due to shoulder issues, is… CHARMEL! Thanks so much buddy, Le Erg is my doom and you definitely pulled me through faster, especially at the 500 and 200. Sweet jam.. legs are aspic city. You rule.
Oh I lied. KH you my girl, high fives for killing it this morning!
6am with Josh.
I don't think I've ever done overhead squats outside of a WOD. Nice to work on them. 145×5, 155×3, 175×1, 185×1, 195×1 (F). Had the entire 6am class watching my 195 attempt and I just didn't lock down my core before I got the bar overhead. Attempted the squat anyway and there was no way it was going up. 185 was a little wobbly too, but I'll take it as a PR. Need to focus on a tight core.
1k row in 3:11.3. I was shooting for sub-3:20. A bit surprised to hit the 500m split in 1:33 and feeling good. Great atmosphere of encouragement this morning.
I hereby award Julie Barnard First Prize for Best Use of the Word "Aspic" Outside of a Crossword Puzzle.
Please come run Ragnar with us, i'm fun! I promise! So is everyone else! Help your fellow CFSBK'ers out. 🙂
As you all know, we had a last minute injury and Yoshi needs someone to take his spot. Get in touch!
Nice Wednesday Morning Class with Josh & McDowell.
1st off: KH is a TFBA with her OHS today. That was ridiculous.
Overhead squat is my major goat. It emphasizes all my weakness and is generally uncomfortable. I wanted to do the 5×5 but my mobility issues prevent me from a good sound OHS. I guess i really need to make this a priority, as its been a goat since i started crossfit. Im going to make this my goal for the next 6mos, to work on things that will help this lift. Flexibility, mobility, flexibility, mobility etc.
Row: 3:15:02
In addition to overhead squatting a pretty good lookin' 100# this morning (a PR) and rowing a 1K in 3:57.3 (a PR), I just heard Afternoon Delight playing on the radio while on line at the bank. Yup, it's gonna be an awesome day.
I second Peter on the atmosphere of encouragement comment. 7 am rocked that out, too.
KH killed it, killed it, killed it this am.
DH3, thanks for the get awesome story – that was gold.
Um, I think Ms KH needs to sign herself up for CRASH-Bs. Just sayin'.
6pm with Noah and Fox.
pre-WU of shoulder lax ball and yelling at the rowers from 5pm, then a lap around the block.
DROMs, then:
[16 reverse lunges, 10 push-ups, :20 plank]x3
OHS with Nuge and Samir. First time outside of two WODs tackling this lift. Very awkward stuff, but makes me want to practice it and the necessary mobility a bit more.
[45×5, 75×5, 95×5] 105×3 (wrist issue on rep 4), 95×5, 105×5
Modified sets across after the fail at 105. Knew I had those reps in me, and the last set felt very strong.
Watched anxiously as heats A and B crushed their 1ks. (Congrats on the PR, Samir!).
Finished in 3:10.6. Let out a huge angry/relieved roar afterwards. 8.9 second PR over my last test in April (thanks, CrossFit!), but was agonizing to get so close to 3:10 and not break it.
BIG THANK YOU to Fox, Noah, Jess, Samir, and everyone yelling in my ear towards the end.
Bring on CRASH-Bs!
Thumb is officially broken (cracked distal phalange!) so I'm still trying to figure out what movements I can and can't do. Gave the OH squats a try but didn't push the weights.
45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 105×5, 115×3. Meant to do 5 on that set, but lost focus.
1000m in 3:39. Not a PR but I feel okay considering how deconditioned I am. I'm excited for some dedicated rowing training.
Yo, this be Samir, writing from Noor's account.
6PM OHS'ing with Rob and Ryan. Nice work fellas.
105x5x2, 110x5x1
2 second PR on the 1K row! Woo-hoo! 3:37.4.
Many thanks to Rob, Ryan, Matt and everyone else for all the egging on. The last 200 actually felt better than I ever have at that stage – somehow, I convinced myself it wouldn't last that long. I pulled deep and long, with eyes closed. It worked.
5pm class with Fox.
OHS: 115×5, 135×3, 145×2 (1 wasn't deep enough), tried for 155 twice but couldn't get it overhead.
Row: 3:55 – great coaching from Marcos on the row and OHS.
then I tried some of the loaded carries from the link the other day: waiters walk w/20#db – 130m x each arm, farmers walk w/45#dbs – 130m, bear hug bag w/weighted vest 130m x 4
chin ups: 10,7,6
6PM Class w/ Noah and Fox.
Nice PRs Ryan and Samir!
OHS is still one of my biggest problem movements, but I have to stop blaming shoulder mobility now and just work, work, work on it. Wanted to see what a heavy single was so I did performance:
95×5, 110×3, 125xF, 125×1, 135xF
So 125, exactly what I was aiming for, that first one went down cause I stayed in the hole too long, second one actually felt great. Knew I was pushing it going for that last one and couldn't keep the arms up.
Hit 3:34.8 on the row which is also a PR for me since I haven't done too many all-out efforts at 1K (last one was the "easy" start to that 1k Grace at 3:52). Now I have something to beat next time.
Quick lap around the block to soothe my burning quads and arms after cheering on the other two heats.
7pm class.
Overhead squats:
(45×5, 65×5) 85×5, 95×3, 105×1, 115×1, 125×1
-I know we don't hit this lift often but I believe this is a 15# PR. Hardest part of the movement is getting it up overhead though really the hardest part is how much it hurts my wrists. Kinda glad we don't train these often.
1K row:
-wanted sub 4 but just couldn't pull harder. I'm awful at gaming my rowing 'sprints'.
7PM with McDowell, Noah, and Fox.
145 on the OHS with Mike and PR. Muscle memory started to kick in with each rep. Felt pretty good.
3:45 on the Chariot of Pain. Thanks Joe for the extra push.
Enjoyed the Gangnam Style warm up with Melo and Jess B. Señor Halioua got me hooked.
6 o'clock with Noah and Fox. It was real.
Overhead squats I attempted once before in class with a PVC/empty 33lb bar and I remember them feeling weird/unnatural. Tonight I worked cautiously up to 42lbs. Woohoo!
The row was by no means easy, but not that bad. I gave myself many excuses throughout the day to miss tonight. So I'm very happy I didn't let it scare me away. I won't be dreading its future appearances. Got it done in 4:22 which im happy about only because i never gave up.
I always want a cool down but feel like I'm just being an "exercise freak" if it isn't prescribed. I did a nice easy mile and felt my arms and legs loosening up as I went. Happy to have read the recent post. I also started rolling before bed and don't feel as much of the achey-ness that has kept me awake tossing and turning.
only 2nd time doing OHS…42# cool by me. row was hard, but I was assured by Asta that ERG lung is a normal occurrence and I was definitely not dying. 4:18 for time.
in other news, did anyone spot my icky dirty lunch tupperware? It's a pyrex thingie with a lid. I think I managed to leave it there…*doh* and thanks!
definitely saw your Tupperware. whether it will survive the Righteous Cleansing Ethos of El Osorio is another story.
Thanks Michele!!
DO! That's my lunchy stuff! Please don't toss it 😀 I can pick it up Friday morning!
8PM with Noah and McDowell (who I should have made clear my weights). Set a PR at #155 on the overhead squat, which is just below bodyweight right now. Then rowed 3:34 flat for the 1K row. I stink at rowing, so I was happy with this. I think it's a PR. Cool down was picking myself up off the floor.
My day was a hot mess – I turned to a colleague around 9 am, and prophesized "low-grade suckage…" and my prediction came to life… In spades. Except for one thing:
JO$H! He has been helping me 1:1 get my squat together, and this was our 3rd session. It has been so informative and my confidence has really improved a lot with his help. Between his adjustments, and the accessory work pointers (e.g., banded good-mornings, ghd machine, funny looking NC-17 moves w/bands), plus a ton of mobility work, I feel like a new person under the bar. Of course, the trick will be to string it all together, and be consistent down the line.
But in a fog of annoying, but not life-threatening daily doings, this session made those petty problems fade away for just long enough. So, a public thanks to Josh to accompany my more private "thank you," and a big thank you to all of you who make coming in a lot of fun, and leaving, sort of bittersweet.
DIY Pull-up Dev: 5×5 strict. 3×3-5 kipping.
OHS: warmed up to 110x3x5. As the sets went on I started to get more organized. The last set went up real easy. Would like to see more of this. Requires a lot more concentration and focus on technique than the other lifts. Perhaps even more so than the OLY lifts, because it is slower.
1k row: 3:20.7 Hurtsville, but happy with the time.
OHS: warmed up to 75x3x5. I needed to keep arm pits out more when bar above head.
1k row: 3:41. My head was a bobble for the last 200 m. I need to focus more on pulling harder than going faster.